Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Violence Against Women is Nationwide


Violence Against Women is Nationwide

Monday, November 25, was the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women. The cyberspace of Facebook was flooded with comments and shared thoughts regarding violence against Afghan women. To realize the condition of women in Afghanistan, it is good to review some of the comments posted on people’s Timelines.

Posting a photo of a woman being stoned, a girl writes, “Lady, your position is beneath those stones in our country! You are born sinful. Being born with feminine body is your first sin. When you become nine years old and don’t wake up early in the morning to pray, you sin. When you refuse putting on scarf, you sin. As a teenager or a young woman, if you want to go outside, to laugh loudly, to walk with your friends, to study and to fall in love… they are all sins for not having a masculine body. Then someone comes and your father gives your hand to him, to refuse this marriage will be sin. You get into married life and want to have the same rights as your spouse…. When you do not comply with your husband’s commands, it is a sin. When you cannot endure this domination and wish to get a separation in order to live a peaceful life and you chase your own ambition, once again it is you who sin and you have to feel shame. You live with humiliation and endure harsh words….”

Another girl writes, “After practicing democracy for a decade, we still organize the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women in the laments of the women who fall victim to violence.” She adds, “Most of this violence is perpetrated by those who, on the surface, seem nice ordinary folk, who should be beyond violence. While writing these lines, I remember a video of a father who was given a Kalashnikov by the Taliban and following their fatwa, while these of so-called human – males, targeted her daughter. The girl, who he had brought up since infancy, was now in pool of blood. Undoubtedly, first of all we have to polish hearts and minds in this society so that nothing would adversely affect the love of father for his young daughter, the love of a husband and wife and the love of one human being for others. Our struggle will have be carried on till the day hearts and minds are altered by love for each other”

Finally, Fatima writes, “The trees have been turned into gallows for women now. According to reports, two women have been hanged on trees. In this society, trees, nature, and even the earth cooperate to eliminate women. A tree is the sign of greenery. We should sit under trees, enjoy the whiz of leafs and listen to the song of life and breathe a sigh of relief. But now we see the corpse of women on trees. Curse on those who watch these events and do nothing to prevent them.”

The condition of Afghan women has been reflected clearly in these comments. Of course, women suffer from gruesome violence indoors and outdoors. They undergo inhuman mental and physical torture; however, mostly the actions are done with impunity.

It is not only in Afghanistan, but also all over the world. In countries that boast of democracy and shed crocodile tear for women, the rights of women are violated by modern method. For instance, her charms and attractions are used as advertising gimmicks; she is employed in factories, institutions, offices, etc. either for attracting more customers; and everywhere women are being paid less than men for the same job. In addition, it was tremendously shocking for me to hear that in one of the highly democratic countries, they have invented mechanical women for business which are intended to attract the sexual desire of men. Isn’t it a great insult and flagrant violation of women’s rights? They behave as if women are only a tool to satisfy the carnal desire of man. Women are not commercial objects. If a woman is used this way, her dignity and respect are trampled upon. This is the status of woman in western countries.

In some of the religious countries, amongst the extremist group, women are insulted another way. For instance, based on the fatwa of Islamic extremists, women are sent to Syria to satiate the lust of militant groups. This is also highly shocking news. Women’s rights are violated and they are treated as tools. This is the behavior of religious extremists against women.

In both Islamic and non-Islamic countries, honour-killing is a well documented phenomenon. For instance, if robotic women are invented for satiating the carnal desire of men, it affects women also. On the one hand they lose their human gender worth, and on the other hand they face a smaller scope of finding access to a life-partner. The second effect is the same as that resulting from legalizing homosexuality in Europe. Generally, women’s rights are on the tip of every one’s tongue, however, in practice she is disrespected and her right is violated on one way or another.

It is an undeniable fact that women have undergone cruel treatment throughout the human history. In primitive societies they were considered inferior to men. For instance, they were sold in groups as slaves, given as debt, buried alive, arrested to be revenged, etc. Women have slaved indoors twenty four hours a day and treated as pariahs. She was not allowed to step outside or to speak with a man without the permission of her husband. Moreover, even her birth embittered the life for her father and he turned black with rage by the news of his daughter’s birth.

Let us pray for the day when our women will experience the same rights and position as men, not only in Afghanistan but all over the world. Especially in Afghanistan, the rights of women should not be only preached about but also actually practiced.

Hujjatullah Zia is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com .

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