Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Immediate Action Needed!


Immediate Action Needed!

Perceptions and feelings of people in Afghanistan are very volatile and this volatility is on its peak for many months now. The country depicts the exact picture of a war-torn and demolished country where people can never silence the alarming bells of danger. Last 12 years of democracy, peace, restoration and partial security have not much affected this wildly thumping and erroneous nerve of people. All these started a couple of years before when international security forces announced their exit from the country after 2014 and this shocking announcement brought many things on halt, and I doubt, even the sane thinking of people.

The picture of fears of return of Taliban, the warlords, bloodshed, racial clashes, poverty and painful immigration of Afghans to different countries of the world at once became alive, and its intensity was felt even more badly as this pain was not felt for almost a decade. Rumors started spreading briskly and wherever they reached; deprived the people of peace of mind and their fate on the future and stability of their country and their own businesses and lives. Investors stopped their long-term plans, good brains of the country started looking for minor opportunities to leave the country, businesses started shrinking and those who could, started shifting their businesses and families to other countries of the world.

All these were happening but it was not much visible to the common public because the pace was comparatively slow and some years were remaining and people had hope that the scenario might change. And it changed; when the United States announced that it will not completely withdraw its forces and some of her forces will remain behind so that the country might not again fall into the wrong hands. It was a great moment of relief and things started getting better. But for this, they needed a legal documentation that should give a good reason for their stay and here started the story of much-debated BSA (the Bilateral Security Agreement) between the governments of Afghanistan and the US that would decide upon the authorities and other terms of stay of American forces after 2014.

Many rounds of talks were held and it slowly and gradually started getting its shape. Nevertheless, it was not a simple document as it had to decide the fate of Afghanistan and of course, of its future generations that had to grow up and be fully ready to take the control of their country in a peaceful environment. This year’s ‘Loya Jirga’ was meant for the same purpose and having a look at the demands of people, this traditional gathering approved the agreement and was sent for the final consent of the President but he refused to put his signature on it. It was shocking to all; how would he do this when it is the call of heart of almost every sensible Afghan who wants a stable government in the country and who doesn't want to see this country fall again into the evil hands that know nothing but revenge and anarchy.

This stalemate is still there and all the eyes are beamed towards it. Businessmen are waiting; if this agreement is signed, they would immediately take their next step of bringing expansion in their business. Foreign donor agencies and NGOs are waiting so that they should be able to start new humanitarian and welfare projects in the air of future certainty. Investors are waiting so that they should invest their money only if this peaceful setup is going to prevail for his long-term investment activities and gains. This condition of waiting is very dangerous; it looks as if the country has stopped moving as its eyes are keenly focused on a single point and it is not able to move forward. The economic activities have frozen and common man is suffering the most of these. Already worse condition of unemployment has just got worst and it may remain the same until this piece of paper is not signed. It looks as if all the organs of the country are waiting if the heart will start thumping again or not. This paper and this mere signature will always be remembered in our history.

Newspapers and media are much busy in covering this news and yet it looks if this only issue has not been covered completely. The scholars, intellectuals, writers, journalists and many other are busy in pressurizing the President for his signature but this is not a child’s game. If the signature is not done, there are also present strong reasons behind that and mere sentimentalism is not going to conceal those realities. Afghan government insists that the military operations should be carried out by Afghan forces while American forces should assist them in these operations. In this regard, the concerns of Afghan government seem to be justified because the operations of foreign troops inside Afghan soil were not always flawless.

Many neutral and innocent civilians were killed or injured, many innocent people were arrested and then badly tortured in the following interrogations, many houses were demolished and so many other criminal acts were committed. All these not only greatly enraged the public against these forces but Afghan government also came under harsh criticism, both internally and externally. These uncontrollable acts of foreign forces were termed as violation of the sovereignty of the country and President Karzai repeatedly condemned such acts and many times, the relations between Afghan government and governments of Allied Forces sharply declined as well.

Another demand is to make sure the security inside the country as without peaceful conditions, upcoming presidential elections might fall into risk. Government insists that American government should work to eliminate the true origins of terrorism and bring pressure on their foreign supporters so that they should stop sending Taliban into Afghanistan from neighboring soils and the general conditions of law and order should improve in the country. This would then make sure that meaningful elections should be held where people would be able to come to polling stations for voting.

Like the handover of some important prisons of country to the Afghan forces, it looks that American forces don’t trust the ability and skills of Afghan security forces and thus not willing to carry out the military operations with their cooperation. But this fact must be taken from another angle. If Afghan forces are not capable of doing military operations against the terrorists, then they should be given further training and they should be equipped with better arms so that they should be able to control the security of the country on their own and the country should not always depend on foreign forces.

Whatever may be the reasons from both the sides, every passing second is very crucial to Afghanistan and its masses. Rumors are spreading, hearts are fluctuating between hope and despair, and the life of whole economy waits for the fate of this agreement. It would be very hopeless if the time goes out and things run out of control. There are many sensible brains in the government and we are confident that they have abilities to work out a plan that should bring an end to this stalemate. Government needs to initiate a fresh round of dialogues with the American authorities so that an agreement should be made in the least possible time. Such an agreement will not only wipe away all the doubts and fears but also give a firm confidence to all; investors, businessmen, foreign aid agencies and many more. But more importantly; it will make people more hopeful and confident about the future of the country.  

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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