Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

War for Terror


War for Terror

This year would be remembered in world politics because of two similar events. One was the failure of US and its allies to carry out their attack on Syria and inking of deal between Assad’s government and UN and second was the deal reached in Geneva between Iran and Western powers. The war on terror that started 12 years ago was totally unaware of any such thing and it believed and practiced full and limited scale military operations, political intervention and conspiracies and very latest of it, the drone attacks which are still going on and adding more to the hate against their operators in different countries of the world.

Without considering the secret and heinous motives of this war on terror, the evident reason was to curb terrorism and finish the increasing influence of terrorists in different parts of the world but ground realities show that this war has not only become a subject for the worst failure but has given birth to so many other complicated problems that the situation seems to be totally out of the control of world powers.

But before going into all the details of impacts of this war-on-terror, let us go back to the time when 9-11 attacks were not launched. At that time, common public was not much aware but governments and their spying agencies had reports that due to the interference of West in world politics, there were certain people or groups that reared hatred against these countries and aimed to carry out attacks against them, wherever possible. Terrorists were those individuals or groups that were against these Western powers and believed in armed resistance to harm their interests. With the tragic incident of World Trade Center, it no more remained a secret and a full scale war was launched against the terrorists. Where were these terrorists at that time? In Afghanistan: in form of Al-Qaeda militants and in some other parts of the world not so clearly known and not considered much active and dangerous. Good thing was that; they were not publicly known and they did not have the public support that they have now.

Then this war on terror was launched and today we see that this war has successfully contributed in increasing terrorists and terror groups in different parts of the world. Two of its prime victims, Afghanistan and Iraq, are in worst condition than they were before this so-called war. The only good thing happened was the removal of governments of Saddam Hussein and Taliban but the rest shows even more frightening picture. In more than a decade, thousands of civilians and members of security forces lost their lives in Afghanistan while hundreds of American and NATO soldiers were also killed but we see that threat, presence and activeness of Taliban have increased over time. Now we see that those who lost their loved ones either lifted up the weapon or started supporting the Anti-West powers financially or morally.

In Iraq, American forces left the country with extremely violent sectarian divide which still claims the lives of hundreds of Iraqis each month and so many military groups have emerged that the good cannot be differed from the bad. Like Afghanistan, Iraqis also lost the lives of hundreds and thousands of their loved ones and the condition of security was far better in the regime of Saddam Hussein when freedom of speech was not granted but people had safe and secure towns and cities to live in which has now become a dream to the Iraqis.

And this fire did not remain limited to these two countries as well but also engulfed many countries of the world. Pakistan became another country where the violence, sectarian clashes, terrorist groups and their activities increased from zero to a condition that its government and strong military seems to be helpless and is beseeching the terror groups for negotiations. FATA or tribally administered tribal areas of Pakistan were never under the good control of their government but the area never had any well-organized armed groups that could have challenged the writ of government in the area but now, including TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan), there are numerous militant groups that are strong enough to pose serious threats not only to their own country but also to the other countries of the region. In last ten years, country witnessed the increasing trend of suicide attacks, sectarian violence, bomb blasts, military operations and others that cost the lives of more than 50000 Pakistanis, including the large number of its military personnel.

The Arab spring is also taken to be closely related with this war on terror that affected the stability and security of many Arab countries in Middle East. Government of Qaddafi was overthrown in Libya and the resultant government has not gained much stability till now. People removed Hosni Mubarak from power in Egypt and the following events of the ousting of government of Muhammad Morsi claimed the lives of hundreds of Egyptians and the situation is still not under control.

The conflict in Syria is the most dangerous of all and its impacts will create unprecedented and unexpected problems in future. Syrian war not only divided the regional countries into Sunni and Shia blocks but also provided suitable conditions for sectarian extremists to grow and increase their influence in Syria and other countries of the region. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and some other Arab countries helped rebels to bring an end to the Shia government of Bashar Al-Assad while Iran sent its military help to save the only Shia government of the region. This war has also claimed the lives of more than one hundred and ten thousand lives, in which majority includes of innocent Syrians with hundreds of children and women. On the other hand, political experts fear that increasing influence of sectarian hardliners fighting against Assad’s forces might pose danger to the interests of Western nations if they came into power and this problem may become even more difficult than that of the Assad regime.

These were the losses that people and countries of this region had to bear but if we observe its direct influence on US and its allies, the condition doesn't seem to be much different. Many surveys showed that popularity of western powers has greatly decreased among the people of the area while hatred has considerably risen against them. Similarly, the moral support of public for the military groups has increased in these years and their direct victims have chosen the way of participating in this resistance personally. O the other hand, billions of dollars of American and European taxpayers has been burnt down in this war which in return, badly affected the economies of these countries.

After a decade of bloodshed, we find that hundreds and thousands of lives have been lost, trillions of dollars spent, many cities and towns demolished and terrorists that were few in number, have grown and multiplied like mushrooms in different regions of the world and there seems to be no solution to this problem.

At last, it has been realized that this war was a complete failure and in fact it was not a war against terror but a war for breeding terror. The respectable way of retreat is to completely omit the possibility of use of anymore military power and strongly believe in the power of negotiations and mutual coexistence. The above two events have given good results and this remains the only practical strategy to bring a respectable end to this war.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook. He can be reached at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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