Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Aerial Attacks and Civilian Casualties


Aerial Attacks and Civilian Casualties

Seemingly, President Karzai does not seem to change his position regarding his demands before signing the BSA. He strongly resists against the signature of security pact with the US this time asking for stoppage of operations, house seeking and resumption of peace talks with Taliban are another demands of president Karzai in order to make him sign the pact. These series of demands on one hand has confused the United States and on the other hand stoke hesitation of International Security Assistant Force (ISAF) whether to develop plan to stay after the 2014 or withdraw completely.

As far as it can be deducted from statements of President Karzai, he thinks that night time raids bring about civilian casualties. No doubt, nothing can justify the death of innocent women and children. The Afghan, US and other security forces should take care of the lives of Afghan civilians who have largest share of the suffering in comparison to citizens of any other country in the world. Talking with any Kabul residents it becomes clear that majority of them have lost a family member or a relative during last few decades. So, now the thing that Afghans need the most is an environment that can feel their moments and forget all about painful past.

But the continuance of civilian casualties can set the alarm of instability and violence ringing. Often the aerial attacks of foreign security forces have led to civilian casualties because insurgents have used civilians as human shield or attacks made on account of inaccurate information. Some of such unauthentic information has brought about unfortunate consequences. During years of foreign military engagement, hundreds of civilians, including women and children, have been killed as result of night raid and aerial attacks.  Such unfortunate deaths indeed strengthen the front of Taliban insurgency. Those who lose their family members or relatives in foreign operations, Taliban can easily hunt them and use their emotion against the presence of foreign security forces. There are tens of video clips that circulate in social networks which are shot merely to instigate anti-West and anti-American, in particular, hatred. Burned bodies of children and death bodies of women which can spark the sympathy of anyone with least humanitarian feelings. Then there are audios taped calling the current anti-insurgency war of the United States as Crusade War or the war of all Christians against all Muslims. These clips also show the survivals of attacks bursting in tears that is hard to watch but not confess to their intolerable sufferings.

Later on, during their death ceremony, general radical religious scholars exploit the feelings of civilians, stoking anti-western hatred saying that they should be revenged. Just recently, I watched one in which the relative of a murdered civilians was painfully shouting and people around were chanting slogan against West.

Meanwhile, the government is also under pressure. Tribal heads coming from the restive areas complain to President Karzai about the ground and aerial operations. In some of death ceremonies of people killed as mistakes of the foreign security forces, Mr. President himself has taken part and promised to people that he would put the issue with allies seriously and also investigate such cases thoroughly. Due to same reason, sometimes the bilateral relation headed down and he criticized the US and NATO with strongest term.

So, despite all such harms that civilian casualties to peace and instability, does it look wise to stop the military operations completely?  I think the answer is negative due to below reasons.

As I counted the vices of civilians casualties but we should put a glimpse to figures of civilians casualties released by United Nations and other credential resources. Annually, thousands of people are killed in the country but for the two thirds of entire civilian losses Taliban are responsible. Civilians are killed as they fall prey on roadside bombings or die in suicide bombings. Almost daily there are reports that talk about several civilians who lose lives in roadside bombs or suicide bombing that Taliban claim responsibility for. According to documents available, foreign security forces are responsible for around one seventh of total civilians loses. Meanwhile, I do not have any figure but the night hunting has played a key role breaking back of Taliban insurgents. Aerial attacks have proved to be very effective in hunting down key figures whose death could create disruption within the establishment. Perhaps, if the NATO forces have not carried out the night aerial attacks, we could have found Taliban far stronger.

Secondly, aerial attacks are called for when Afghan or foreign security forces have stuck in ambushes. If militants realize that there would be not air strikes, they can deal huge losses to foreign and Afghan security forces who already suffer badly----based on the Pentagon reports, 100 Afghan security forces are killed weekly! Hence, the persistence of Mr. President Karzai that aerial attacks should be stopped on further complicates the situation. I can claim with certainty that ending the aerial strikes will make insurgent much courageous in taking a much more aggressive stance. Such a change maybe end to death civilians as result of aerial operations but will increase tremendously as result of rise of insurgents’ activities. The final figure of civilian loss will be higher, the thing which I do not think appease President Karzai.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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