Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The Normative Backbone for the Advancement and Prosperity of the Republic of Uzbekistan


The Normative Backbone for the Advancement and Prosperity of the Republic of Uzbekistan

December 8 - Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a national holiday that is widely celebrated in all parts of Uzbekistan.

In particular, an official meeting took place on December 6 in Tashkent dedicated to the 21st anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The event was attended by state and public figures, representatives of science, culture and arts and the public of the capital city, as well as embassies of countries and representative offices of international organizations, accredited in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov delivered the keynote speech at this official ceremony.

The head of the state noted that the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a legal guarantor of building a democratic state and civil society in our country, of securing civil rights and freedoms, the development of the Motherland and bolstering the wellbeing of the people.

The realization of norms of the Constitution is brightly manifest in the peace and harmony reigning in our country, the results of the reforms undertaken that fill our life with new substance, in the positive changes in the consciousness and thinking of people, in the life of every family and every human being.

Noting this historic date, every citizen realizes even deeper the significance of the Basic Law for all spheres of our life – for the consolidation of the national statehood, the steadfast development of socio-economic areas, the elevation of life standards of population, the growth in the standing of our country in the world community.

President of Uzbekistan noted that today the international community has also recognized the «Uzbek model» of development, which fully meets the requirements of the Constitution.

«Uzbek model» of transition to a socially oriented market economy based on five principles - the priority of economics over politics, the state is the main reformer, the rule of law in all spheres of society, holding a strong social policy, evolutionary and gradual transition towards a market economy.

I.Karimov reviewed the progress, achieved in the country in the socio- economic sphere during the years of Independence, particularly in the areas of health, education, culture, sports, etc.

During the 22 years of Independence, Uzbekistan's economy grew by 4,1 times.

Despite the ongoing global economic crisis, GDP growth in Uzbekistan in the period 2008-2013 amounted to 8 %. It is expected that in 2014 the figure will be 8,1%.

Another important peculiarity of celebrating the Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan is in the fact that priority aspects in the further development of the society are defined on this day that reflect the gracious aspirations of uzbek people, in accordance with which the title of the new year is announced.

On the initiative of President Islam Karimov, the year 2013 was announced as the Year of Wellbeing and Prosperity.

Basing on the national program of the Year of Wellbeing and Prosperity, the government improved regulatory framework to bolster the development of civil society, ensure peace and tranquility in the country and welfare of the people.

The government initiated comprehensive measures to improve the quality of life and living conditions, develop housing and infrastructure, improve utility services in communities, ensure stable socio-spiritual atmosphere. Particular attention was paid to women’s civic engagement, health of the mother and child.

The efforts aimed at further improvement of the homeland, ensuring peaceful and prosperous life of our nation are consistently continued.

President Islam Karimov offered to announce Year 2014 in Uzbekistan as the «Year of the Health of the Child».

Under the State program «Year of the Health of the Child», comprehensive measures will be implemented in the territory of all regions of the country.

In this regard, Islam Karimov said, that the coming year will focus particular attention on the issues of providing maternal and child health, strengthening of the family, promoting motherhood, creating favorable conditions for the education of children as well as their physical, intellectual and moral development .

Mohammad Hamid is a freelance columnist. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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