Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Evolution and Revolution in Socio-political Scenario


Evolution and Revolution in Socio-political Scenario

Politics had never been so much important as it is now in 21st century. The people of Third World countries due to their deprived positions are mostly indulged in political demonstrations and discussions and there have been multi-dimensional talks about evolution and revolution as pattern of social and political changes. There have been emphases by different thinkers on different opinions regarding role and importance of evolution and revolution. Few suggest pursuing a revolution so as to change the human society completely and bring about immediate changes, while others believe that evolution should be pursued and there should be gradual changes so as to change human societies. Though both have been their human society it seems that evolution, not revolution is better to pursued in today’s socio-political scenario as it would be better and more logical pattern of change.

As quoted by Ernst Jünger, “Seen politically, systems follow one another, each consuming the previous one. They live on ever-bequeathed and ever-disappointed hope, which never entirely fades. Its spark is all that survives, as it eats its way along the blasting fuse. For this spark, history is merely an occasion, never a goal.” 

It is really the only evolution, as resolution, in political scenario. The most powerful platform of the socio-political scenario that has to be considered is the objective conditions of a particular society. The socio-economic and socio-psychological behaviors of the public matter the most. The values that have been the utmost components of the psychology of the whole society and the sectarian creed and the nationalism phenomenon ruling around, combine together to build up the objective conditions that make us think of the political scenario.

As a natural phenomenon and universal fact, evolution has occurred and still occurring in all facets of the universe; from tiny particles to universal gigantic milky ways. Since, it has been proved scientifically that evolution gets in process in every aspect and the heavy conceptual time. Philosophy also supports the habitual phenomenon of time that influences all social contexts. As the time passes, necessarily, the evolution takes place and the changes, may they be minor or major, remain in an infinite process that adds in the infinity of universal expansion and can never be determined. Therefore, evolution is the only panaceas for today’s political scenario.

Understanding the causes and effects of different phenomena, their relations with other phenomena and understanding the similarities and differences with past, present and between these phenomena has always been successful attitudes. Observing the subject separately and ignoring the relation with other phenomena is a wrong attitude of understanding things. Observing things separately and at the same time never forgetting the connection of the specific to general is a scientific attitude and in order to understand the patterns of social and political changes it is really important to adopt this type of scientific attitude and try to find out the truth.

When, even every aspect of life and its abstract surroundings are in obedience of the evolution then we have to consider the revolution as an abstract and romantic hypothesis. Even revolution faces the evolution because evolution implies to every phenomenon and the movement is just attached to the changes occurring by the time difference. Thus to deny the universal truth is to close eyes constantly. 

In the political scenario, we have to discuss the only universal fact of evolution and its all social laws imply true in politics, too. Obviously, the statement reflects the political theory that has been observed all over the world in different human societies. The major revolutions of the world that have occurred as bright stars on historical sky as French Revolution, Socialist Revolution, Islamic Revolution and even civil war revolutions of America and South Africa, all are accepted widely but the truth behind these great scenes is evolution inside revolution. It can never be accepted that revolutions took no time and they were sudden. Truth is when we say that the evolutions of decades and even a dozen of decades have structured the revolution and how awful is when people do not realize the importance of the mighty evolution that has given birth to so many elephantine revolutions. In short, evolution inside revolution gives birth to revolution and the evolution would never stop.

John Holt, in the Teach Your own: The John Holt Book of Homeschooling says, “Real social change is a process that takes place over time, usually quite a long time. At a given moment in history, 99 percent of a society may think and act one way on a certain matter, and only 1 percent think and act very differently. In time, that 1 percent may become 2 percent, then 5 percent, then 10, 20, 30 percent, until finally it becomes the dominant majority, and social change has taken place.” 

By the universal facts and natural laws, it is strongly and supportively said and accepted that yes, evolution not revolution is possible in today’s political and socio-economic setup and the case is true with every country in the world because evolution is natural, gets birth through time and is present throughout the human societies. On the other hand it is more peaceful way of bringing about changes in human society. But revolution, as it involves complete change of a system overnight therefore it is bound to be horrible and involves bloodshed. There have been many incidents wherein thousands of people have been killed with the slogan of revolution; as mentioned by Mao Tse-tung, “A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.” 

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com

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