Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Insensitivity towards Violence against Women


Insensitivity towards Violence against Women

The horrific amputation of Setara a 30 year old from Western Herat, the province which was once a host of great ancient civilization and home for great philosophers and poets once again reminded us of worrisome condition of women across the country. Reportedly, her drug addict husband was continuously asking Setara for money in order to pay for his drugs. And last Friday he came and asked Setara to give him her jewelries but she avoided. The angry husband then started bombarding her weak body and soft face with punches and kicks up to knocking her down. But that also did not suffice to calm him down simply because she did not comply with his order.

Than he took the knife, without feeling least empathy and without keeping in mind that she was the person who supported him during years of troublesome life and she was his companion and the mother of his children, cut her nose, ears and lips amidst deafening shrieks that could spark sympathy of any one with least feelings. A photo of her which is found in social media made many shed tears in and outside of the country. If such incident had taken place somewhere in eastern province, it looked somehow realizable because Taliban enjoy deep influence and spread such anti-women mentality. Because of the principle philosophy of Taliban is based on reducing women to second rate citizens whose right can be defined only and only on account of having a husband or close blood relatives. Defining woman irrespective of relation with a man or as independent human created by Allah Almighty has no meaning in span of Taliban’s political philosophy.

But Setara was amputated in the most peaceful province of the country where Taliban cannot exert least influence due to its different demographic condition. On other hand, government has full authority and tens of NGOs are active in the field of women’s rights. But still the province has the highest rate of violent cases against women.

However, the severity of violence against women that also in a peaceful province where indeed the level of girls and boys going to school or higher education institutions is relatively satisfactory needs thorough social and psychological analysis but no doubt it has brought severe consequences for the country. That also considering the level of reaction of common civilians. The protests which was organized by women rights activists were not more than hundred at the center of the city where for small issue hundreds of people easily come together. In other words, people were so silent and with their silence they help in regeneration of violence. People should have marched into streets and shouted their anger against victimization of an innocent woman who stood merely for the future of her children. Afghan women have always given sacrifices for their husbands. She could have handed her jewelries if she felt that her husband is going to do something important for the sake of the entire family. But she knew that only thing husband will do is paying for drugs for which the addict need a sustainable financial resource.

The photo of Setara whose beautiful and soft face is covered with blood and no one indeed can recognize her; squeezes everybody’s heart in pain. The impacts of such barbaric case does not remain limited inside the broader will strengthen the evil concept from all Afghans that shaped by media, constantly focusing on war and violence. Indeed, such barbarity is not only shame for husband but for entire Afghan nation. Herat citizens should have marched into streets and voiced their sympathy with Setara and hundreds of other women in the province who live under constant maltreatment.

However, the government should take serious steps to bring the culprits into justice but the violence may go underground and continue taking victims. Therefore, the mentality of the people should be changed. Unless people reach into understanding that women have an independent character whose job is to relieve her husband grievances or giving birth to baby, they will continue treating them as second rate citizens.

If the common people continue to believe that a cliché woman is the symbol of dignity and virtue, then no woman dares going out and taking part in social, economic and political issues. There is no need of Taliban or other like-minded groups. The society will itself act as Emarat-e-Islami and “stone to death the women in the desert court”. The silence of people not only in Herat but also around the country shows that people deep down accept that they can punish their female relatives if women act against their wishes.

Therefore, for embracing women rights and other democratic values, the society should be changed. People should not hate a woman who works outside and vice versa appreciate an Afghan cliché model.

For such a change, the international community should support those, particularly youngsters, who believe in modern values. Their very belief makes them committed to fight for with not much expectation from people or organizations to support them. Unfortunately, what the involved countries have done was pouring cash to pockets of those who enjoy communal influence and support. Part of these influential leaders actually does not believe in human rights no matter how much money they receive. If today they reach to a conclusion that their pretension of believing democracy and modern values do not bear any benefit, they will just give up and become the role model of fundamentalists.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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