Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Taliban Continue Blasphemy


Taliban Continue  Blasphemy

Their sinister faces are behind a religious façade. The religious beliefs and moral values which are hallmark to Taliban are too sacrosanct to be criticized. Their sanctimonious behaviors and a veneer of virtue are beguiling enough for the credulous Islamic believers. They wear the solemn face of the clergy and religious leaders. Whoever violates their laws, will hardly ever survive death. They claim to be the savior of Islamic societies and to guide them the right path!

Currently, such claims are ironic for the people because they are in direct opposition to their actions and practices. During the dark days of their regime, Afghan people suffered a hellish life. The Taliban hardliners tyrannized them in the worst possible way such as exerting intolerable tortures on them, barring women from their basic rights, especially from going to school, stoning them to death and shedding the blood of innocent civilians without rhyme or reason.

It is too hard to assuage the anguish of Afghans’ bereavement received at the time of Taliban’s regime. They lost their close members of their families which still keep their wounds bleeding. Their mind-boggling cruelties and bloodshed are really revolting. They blackened the history of our country through their inhuman actions. 

In spite of what they preach, they practice the most inhuman, immoral and anti-religious actions. They pretend to revive the religious laws; however, they themselves are deeply involved in worst types of crime and corruption. They have not only supported religion but maligned it and their wrong practices made many people feel disgusted with religion.

Recently, the militancy and deadly acts of terror are happening repeatedly across the country. The instability is on rise. Almost every day, our people lose their lives. There should be taken effective measure to control the situation.

According to a recent report, a member of Taliban group has been arrested after placing explosives inside Holy Qur’an in Ghor province. The report quotes a high-ranking police officer in Ghor province that the man placed explosive devices inside the Holy Qur’an and some other religious books skillfully planning to target the government officials in that province. The police officer went into detail that the man was arrested by National Security Staff finding explosive devices, two pistols and 115 bullets with him.

It is second time that Taliban militants are planting explosives inside Holy Qur’an, the Sacred Book of Muslim, to target people or our National Police this way. On Eid Day, explosives were planted inside the Sacred Book in Logar province which led to the death of Arsala Jamal, governor of Logar province. This is an index of the insurgents’ moral decline and immoral acts. Such a blatant insult to Muslims’ beliefs and virulent terrorist acts are beyond belief and are intolerable.

To take a retrospective look at Taliban’s regime, they ruled Afghanistan entirely by dictatorship. Afghan people still wince at the tragic memory of Taliban’s regime and their bloody war. In other words, Taliban militants murdered thousands of innocent Muslims without feeling a tinge of guilt. The ghost of Taliban’s nightmare still haunts the hearts and minds of Afghan people. Their unconscionable acts, heinous crime and attitudes towards men, women and children were against Islamic sharia and public morals. History will condemn such acts.

In my point of view, their actions display the acne of immorality and inhumanity. Naturally one’s beliefs will be reflected through one’s actions and practices. Considering this fact, the more Taliban insurgents do immoral acts, such as shedding the blood of people in the mosques and churches, planting explosives inside Holy Books, beheading the defenseless people, slaughtering the travelers etc. the more their soul will be satisfied. In other words, if one practices immoral acts repeatedly, then s/he will be addicted to the same evils and their metamorphosed conscience will be mollified through doing the same actions. Hence, Taliban are the bloodthirsty creatures that will feel calm through shedding human’s blood and however the actions be carried out in cruel and immoral ways they will be satiated better.

The blasphemous acts of Taliban are highly hurtful. They must stop playing with the beliefs and Holy Books not only of Muslim Ummah but also of any other religions. If they continue such sacrilegious practices, it is an obligation for Muslim world to launch demonstration against their crime.

It is a matter of great surprise for me that why if non-Muslims do a blasphemy to Islamic beliefs or religion, all Muslim worlds will launch demonstrations and will even resort to vandalism, however, if the same actions are done by Taliban-led insurgents, people turn blind eyes to the issue!

Nobody should fall for the bogus claims and veneers of the Taliban militants. Nowadays, Taliban are jeopardizing the Islamic societies more than any other groups. They are extremely perilous to our beliefs, religion and society. In other words, Taliban are destroying Islam from inside and doing their best to stop the heart of Islamic countries from beating. I can say with full surety that Taliban insurgents are as dangerous to our society as a cancer in one’s body. If we liken the society to a human body, Taliban-led insurgents are exactly the virus causing infections and illness to the minds and beliefs of people. Hence, this cancer should be eliminated from the geographical parts of the country through a thorough surgery. Or the virus should be rooted out so as not to jeopardize the physical, mental or religious health of our people.

It is beyond doubt that mercy to Taliban insurgents is equal to cruelty to the terrorist victims. In other words, if Taliban do not get punished for their deadly acts of terror and if their leaders in prison be released, they find more encouragement to continue their lethal acts and murder innocent people. Of course, on emerging from prison they will re-join their groups again to organize attack on people and government authorities.

Hujjatullah Zia is the newly emerging writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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