Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Rise of Islamists in Syria


Rise of Islamists in Syria

In the latest report, amnesty International said that torture, flogging and summary killings are rife in secret prisons run by Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), the group which controls the large area in the northern part of the country. In the 18-page briefing, Rule of fear: ISIS abuses in detention in northern Syria, Amnesty International identifies seven detention facilities that ISIS uses in al-Raqqa and Aleppo. Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s Director for the Middle East and North Africa has said that those abducted and detained by ISIS include children as young as eight years old who are held together with adults in the same cruel and inhuman conditions.

ISIS is highly popular in severe human rights violation. In areas under its control, it has applied highly strict laws branded as Islamic. Based on report released on international media, the group bears huge similarity to Emarat-e-Islami of Afghan Taliban which still pose threat to global peace and security. the Amnesty International called on the international community to take concrete steps to block the flow of arms and other support to ISIS and other armed groups implicated in committing war crimes and others serious human rights violation. Mr. Luther said, “The Turkish government, in particular, should prevent its territory being used by ISIS to bring in arms and recruits to Syria”.  He added, “Gulf States that have voiced support for the armed groups fighting against the Syrian government should take action to prevent arms flow, equipment or other support reaching ISIS… As well, Gulf states that have voiced support for the armed groups fighting against the Syrian government should take action to prevent arms flows, equipment or other support reaching ISIS in view of its appalling human rights record.”

Long time ago, I wrote article that one day Syrians will regret uprising against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. Two years ago, they marched into streets asking for economic reforms and democracy. But soon after they not tasted the luscious taste of democracy and economic reforms, but changed the country from once a strong nation in the Arab world into war-torn country. Different groups and warlords have popped up in every corner of the country. Country is torn into pieces and each part is controlled by different Jihadi groups who apply their own laws. As the finding of Amnesty International show that in some courts of ISIS, hearings do not last more than few minutes. Capital punishments, including executions, are issued for culprits. These Jihadi groups have no objective other than enforcing their own interpretation of Islamic Shariah Law.

Based on interview made with those who previously were in the prison under the control of ISIS prisons told that people were flogged on account of committing Zina or sex out of marriage. According to all Islamic jurisprudence, four just people should see the actual action of sexual intercourse that also all should tell the same thing when called by judge for witness. Seemingly, numbers of people were flogged and tortured for committing Zina without any concrete and authentic document.

From some prospective, some of these radical groups are far worse than the Taliban of Afghanistan. Despite closing down doors of schools towards women, they never used them as sexual tools for soldiers. But often Syrian women and girls are encouraged to help combatants through satisfying their sexual desire. Certainly, hundreds of thousands of soldiers fighting in the front of President Assad not entirely consists of Allawite – a sect that Jihadists are against. Visible part of them is Muslims from different sects. Meanwhile Jihad continues against the regime. According to their views, all those who support the government are infidels and murdering them is their religious obligation and Allah Almighty will reward them.

The free Syrian Army which was deemed as true representative of Syrian people has lost its previous status. In various fronts Jihadists have challenged their dominance. Radical groups which are linked to al-Qaeda networks largely supported by gulf countries are turning into powerful armed groups against the government. They are vicious, possessing better military equipment and on occasions carried out spectacular attacks on government facilities. Despite Syria’s well-equipped air might that government frequently target the front of oppositions, meanwhile the casualties of security forces are far larger than the rebellions. It shows that there must be far stronger hands behind Jihadi groups. They receive training, weapons and also non-lethal support from networks and countries around the world merely to oust President Assad. Otherwise, it looks really awkward to accept that untrained militants stand against well-equipped security establishment.

However, it is too late, there has been some movement towards peaceful efforts. After the acceptance of Syrian government to destroy all its chemical weapons and their facilities, the West, particularly, the United States has put away the military option. I hope one day the regional countries also reach to same conclusion that military option cannot solve the problem. They should understand that even the collapse of Assad regime would not solve the problem rather will further complicate the situation. Each of these countries has its own Jihad groups in Syria. What if tomorrow Assad goes away, will present rivals come together and develop a national government. The answer is negative.

First of all, communities which supported the government will be punished by these groups. Secondly, even now despite need for close cooperation to oust the regime, they have turned weapons against each other. If the government collapses, these groups will continue war against one another as happened in Afghanistan.

Hence, all involved countries that are pouring weapon and money into Syria will further complicate the situation in the region. Growth of Islamist groups will affect not only Syria but the entire region. I hope Arab-league notices this point and joins the US and Russia to find a peaceful solution to problem.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmail.com

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