Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

The President’s Generosity to Taliban


The President’s  Generosity to Taliban

According to 1TV reports, at least 536 Taliban militants have been released on presidential decrees during the past 15 months. The report adds that at least 224 Taliban militants including Pakistani nationals, who were arrested in connection to suicide attacks, were released on presidential decrees and on request of the Afghan high peace council. It is said that a number of high level Taliban leaders including close aides of the Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar were also among the released groups. Reportedly, the militants were apparently released to help accelerate the Afghan peace talks with the Taliban group, however majority of those who were released by Afghan government, have returned back to battle field to fight Afghan and coalition security forces.

Currently, Afghan civilians are suffering seriously from insecurity and lose their lives in daily explosions and suicide bombings carried out by Taliban insurgents across the country. The recent heavy assaults and bombings leading to further deaths and injuries of Afghan civilians and police have compounded the concern of Afghan people.

The recent anti-Islamic practices of Taliban militants namely planting explosives inside Holy Qur’an, the Sacred Book of Muslim, and the abysmal report disclosed their sexual harassment proved that their radical stereotypes lack moral code and religious values. In other words, they do not value the Islamic guidelines in their practices at all. Moreover, the daily anti-religious and amoral acts such as murdering innocent people including women and children further reveal their sinister faces masked in Islamic values. So, Taliban are not playing only with the life of Afghan people but also with their Islamic beliefs. Of course, now it is the Muslims’ Books and beliefs which are victimized in the altar of radical mindsets of the Islamic extremists. To be more exact, the Muslims’ Sacred Books and beliefs are as insignificant as their lives for the Taliban.

The main claim to fame of President Karzai which is releasing Taliban prisoners plants suspicion in one’s mind. Karzai is acting the same as kings. On the one hand, Taliban militants are murdering Afghan people and on the other hand Karzai is freeing them from the jails. He ignores the life-threatening acts of them.

It is believed that there is no need to toss a coin whether the Taliban’s released groups will be affected by President’s generosity or not. This fact is easily reflected through their deadly actions. To our officials’ chagrin, the Taliban militants have compounded their acts of terror. Seemingly, their prisoners’ release is counterproductive and whets their appetite for further killings.

This jigsaw is really puzzling for me which is being cut by the Taliban and fit by the President. The more this game continues the more confusing it becomes. Moreover, the negative aftermaths will be suffered by Afghan civilians.

Considering the extraordinary generosity of President Karzai, his resistance against signing Bilateral Security Agreement also flashes through one’s mind. This is a moral support to Taliban insurgents and paves the way for the further insurgency. Karzai’s refusal to sign the security pact has put him in collision course with Afghan people and also with many high-ranking officials. President wants US troops not to carry out air strike on Afghan soil so as to stop civilians’ casualties. However, he remains silent over casualties taking place by Taliban. The two paradoxical attitudes add to people’s suspicion and mistrust. Therefore, it is a great cause for concern.

The war-torn country of Afghanistan is mired in economic constraints and totally dependent on foreign financial supports. So, this problem can be mitigated through foreign aids. If US troops withdraw Afghanistan, poverty and insecurity will be the first challenges which will appear in no time.

It is beyond doubt that the withdrawal of foreign forces will be in the political interests of Taliban. As a result, Taliban asked the Afghan president to turn a delay in signing a long-term security deal with the United States into outright rejection, in an unusually polite statement directed at a leader the insurgents have repeatedly denounced as a US puppet.

To take a retrospective look at Taliban’s regime, they ruled Afghanistan entirely by dictatorship. Afghan people still wince at the tragic memory of Taliban’s regime and their bloody war. In other words, Taliban militants murdered thousands of innocent Muslims without feeling a tinge of guilt. The ghost of Taliban’s nightmare still haunts the hearts and minds of Afghan people. Their unconscionable acts, heinous crime and attitudes towards men, women and children were against Islamic and public morals. It is too hard to assuage the anguish of Afghans’ bereavement received at the time of Taliban’s regime. They lost their close members of their families which still keep their wounds bleeding. Their mind-boggling cruelties and bloodshed are really revolting. History will condemn such acts.

The term Taliban is the grim reminder of unimaginable cruelties for Afghan men and women. Their atrocious acts of inhumanity will chill you to the bone. They were deep in flogging suspicious males and females and amputating them for religious reasons, torturing and killing them in the worst possible way.

I would like to conclude my articles by the beautiful poems of an Afghan woman, Meena, which reflects some of the pains and sufferings of Afghan people: “I am the woman who has awoken. I’ve arisen and become a tempest through the ashes of my burnt children. I’ve arisen from the rivulets of my brother’s blood. My nation’s wrath has empowered me. My ruined and burnt villages fill me with hatred against enemy…. I’ve seen barefoot, wandering and homeless children. I’ve seen henna-handed brides with mourning clothes. I’ve seen giant wall of the prisons swallow freedom in their ravenous stomach…. I have learned the song of freedom in the last breathes, in the waves of blood and in victory….”

Hujjatullah Zia is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com

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