Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Tensions between Kabul and Washington Lead to Mistrust


Tensions between Kabul and Washington Lead to Mistrust

The tensions between US and Karzai’s government are escalating with each passing day. Recently, both sides miss no chance to disclose the secret of each other in the cold war. There are many ifs and buts over the issue of Bilateral Security Agreement, negotiation over peace process, and the issue of Taliban. Antagonism, mistrust and inconsistency persist. New York Times released that Afghan presidential palace struggles to build a friendly relation with Taliban holding a confidential talk which has later been confirmed by President Spokesperson.

Dysfunction reigns in Kabul. American aid dollars have disappeared. Terrorism suspects may be released from Afghan prisons. And President Karzai has refused to sign an agreement for a residual force beyond 2014, and instead has been contacting the Taliban about peace talks that have yet to materialize.

President Karzai, in his latest remarks, has revealed a complete breakdown of trust between Kabul and Washington after he admitted that he has not spoken with US president Barack Obama during the past seven months. Moreover, he criticized the way the US aid was spent in Afghanistan and said the money paid to security firms created militias which caused lawlessness, corruption and highway robbery. He said, “They then began systematically waging psychological warfare on our people, encouraging our money to go out of our country. What they did was create pockets of wealth and a vast countryside of deprivation and anger.”

Recently, US Senate armed forces committee chief, urged Afghan future president to sign the security pact showing great interest in this regard. He said that America is no more in need of present president, putting his trust in future president.

In addition, James B. Cunningham, the American ambassador to Afghanistan, said in Kabul last week, what makes the United States’ stance toward Mr. Karzai different now “is that he is coming to the end of his presidency, and we have some very important milestones for the international community and for Afghanistan coming up in the next couple of months.”

Exchanging harsh tone between US officials and current government led to a deep mistrust and the remaining little patience has ebbed in recent weeks. For instance, President Karzai accuses America of torturing innocent Afghan in Bagram Detention Center, blames US forces for civilians’ deaths, night raids and air strike and likened the United States to a “colonial power.” After all, he accused Americans of having hand in the famous attack of Lebanese restaurant. These are also considered the reasons behind stalling to sign the security pact between Kabul and Washington.

But US officials say that President Karzai struggles to redeem himself after releasing Taliban militants from Bagram prison. The Bagram prisoners were marked dangerous by US officials and were caught red-handed killing Afghan police, civilians and US soldiers. Mr. Graham, an American high-ranking official, was especially incensed by the latest plan to release 37 suspected Taliban detainees over the strenuous objections of American military commanders who say they have American and Afghan blood on their hands. Mr. Graham said in an interview that he would have “an easy time” cutting off aid if those prisoners were released. Doesn’t Karzai know that the released militants go back into action?

A simple person like me – who walks on the street – knows this bitter fact and the death of Mulavi Abdul Rahman, who was released earlier from Bagram prison, in a recent fight in Ghorband between Afghan and US soldiers on one side and Taliban militants on the other side left no doubt for people. What was President Karzai’s response about this disclosure?

Once again the finger was pointed at US soldiers for the death of non-combatants. Being questioned if Bagram released militants re-join the insurgent groups, he replied that Bagram had become a production line turning out Taliban denouncing American troops for detaining and humiliating innocent Afghans. In addition, reportedly he has established negotiation with the Taliban. But isn’t it too late for Karzai’s government to negotiate with the militants?

Within a decade, Taliban turned down sitting on the table of negotiation, despite the persisting struggle of Afghan government. They called Karzai a puppet president considering his government illegal. So as to establish the government of God on the earth, according to themselves, they started with Afghanistan. Terrorist acts were launched resulting to the deaths of Afghan police, innocent civilians and foreign troops. So, no tendency was shown towards peace negotiation and the Afghan peace-makers were assassinated by warmongers. Now, won’t be there a political plot behind peace talk from militants?

The terrorist attacks which have been multiplied in recent days indicate a great duplicity. If negotiation is held with Taliban, it will not be more than a political game. After all, when Taliban show a green light, just for self-interests, Afghan government easily falls for it accepting all their conditions with closed eye. In case if peace talk is going on between the Taliban and Afghan presidential palace, why they do not stop killing Afghan police and civilians?

The last decade which was experienced bitterly under terrorist acts and suicide bombings, which led to the death of hundreds of people and assassination of politicians, should have been a great eye-opener for Afghan government. They only enjoy the priorities and generous acts offered by government, however, soon bite the hands that feed them as they did continuously.

According to popular beliefs, signing Bilateral Security Agreement, which allows the presence of US forces to stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014, is advantageous for Afghanistan, but releasing Taliban militants, who are deeply involved in acts of terror and murder, will destabilize the country and victimize people. Hence, it is hoped that the presidential palace will consider the wants of Afghan nation and this tension will be over.

Hujjatullah Zia is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com.

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