Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Trump Talks Tough on DPRK, Iran in Debut UN Address

Trump Talks Tough on DPRK, Iran in Debut UN Address

September 21, 2017

UNITED NATIONS - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday pressured the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) to give up its nuclear weapons program and signaled a possible...

Xi, Trump Talk Upcoming China Visit, Korean Peninsula over Phone

Xi, Trump Talk Upcoming China Visit, Korean Peninsula over Phone

September 20, 2017

BEIJING - Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump discussed Trump’s visit to China later this year and the Korean Peninsula situation over phone...

Failure to Curb Web Terrorism Contributes to Security Loopholes in Britain

Failure to Curb Web Terrorism Contributes to Security Loopholes in Britain

September 20, 2017

LONDON - Britain has suffered five terrorist attacks over the past six months. As British police are investigating into the latest terrorist explosion at a subway station in west London...

favoraQatari Emir Patronizes Opening of U.S.-Islamic World Forum

favoraQatari Emir Patronizes Opening of U.S.-Islamic World Forum

September 19, 2017

DOHA - The Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani patronized the opening of the U.S.-Islamic World Forum in New York on Sunday, QNA has reported. The two-day event will explore...

As N. Korea Threat Looms, Trump to Address World Leaders at U.N.

As N. Korea Threat Looms, Trump to Address World Leaders at U.N.

September 19, 2017

UNITED NATIONS - North Korea's nuclear threat looms large this week over the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations in New York, where diplomats are eager to hear U.S...

Russia, Turkey, Iran to Send 1,500 Military Police to De-Escalation Zone in Idlibe

Russia, Turkey, Iran to Send 1,500 Military Police to De-Escalation Zone in Idlibe

September 17, 2017

ASTANA - Russia, Turkey and Iran which held the latest round of peace talks on Syria on Thursday and Friday have agreed to each contribute 500 military police to be...

Trump Calls for End to Defense Spending Cut

Trump Calls for End to Defense Spending Cut

September 17, 2017

WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump Friday called for an end to mandatory budget cuts that have brought down defense spending. I am calling on Congress to end the defense...

New UN General Assembly President Lays out Promises and Priorities

New UN General Assembly President Lays out Promises and Priorities

September 14, 2017

UNITED NATIONS - The 72nd session of the UN General Assembly -- the world organization’s all 193-member body -- opened on Tuesday with a promise from its new top official to make...

S. Korea Says Trilateral Summit with U.S., Japan in New York under Discussion

S. Korea Says Trilateral Summit with U.S.,  Japan in New York under Discussion

September 14, 2017

SEOUL - South Korea’s presidential Blue House said Wednesday that the country was discussing with the United States and Japan to hold the trilateral summit meeting in New York...

UN Security Council Oks New Sanctions on DPRK, Targeting Oil, Textiles

UN Security Council Oks New Sanctions on DPRK, Targeting Oil, Textiles

September 13, 2017

UNITED NATIONS - Citing threats to not only Northeast Asia but the whole world, members of the UN Security Council on Monday ratcheted up, yet again, sanctions on the Democratic People's...

British Crucial Brexit Bill Passes First Parliament Hurdle as Opposition Warns Division

British Crucial Brexit Bill Passes First Parliament Hurdle as Opposition Warns Division

September 13, 2017

LONDON - British Prime Minister Theresa May's crucial bill to pave the way for Britain's exit from the European Union (EU) cleared its major hurdle in the House of Commons in the early...

US Calls for Monday Vote on New North Korea Sanctions

US Calls for Monday Vote on New North Korea Sanctions

September 12, 2017

UNITED NATIONS — The United States called for a vote Monday on new U.N. sanctions against North Korea, though exactly what measures would be in the resolution remained a mystery...

Int’l Military Exercises Rapid Trident-2017 Kick Off in Western Ukraine

Int’l Military Exercises Rapid Trident-2017 Kick Off in Western Ukraine

September 12, 2017

KIEV - International military exercises code-named Rapid Trident-2017 were officially opened on Monday in Ukraine's western Lviv region, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said...

Trump Speaks to Qatar’s Amir on Maintaining Unity Against Terrorism

Trump Speaks to Qatar’s Amir on Maintaining Unity Against Terrorism

September 10, 2017

WASHINGTON - The White House said Friday that U.S. President Donald Trump had spoken with Amir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar by phone regarding the importance of maintaining unity...

US Calls for Vote on Draft UNSC Resolution on DPRK

US Calls for Vote on Draft UNSC Resolution on DPRK

September 10, 2017

UNITED NATIONS - The United States has called for a UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting to vote on a draft resolution to impose additional sanctions on the Democratic People's Republic...

Nuclear Threat, Humanitarian Crisis, Climate Change World’s Worst Crises: UN Chief

Nuclear Threat, Humanitarian Crisis, Climate Change World’s Worst Crises: UN Chief

September 07, 2017

UNITED NATIONS - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was moved on Tuesday to condemn the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) recent nuclear test, sectarianism in Myanmar and...

Russia does not Accept DPRK’s Nuclear Status: Putin

Russia does not Accept DPRK’s Nuclear Status: Putin

September 07, 2017

VLADIVOSTOK, Russia - Russia does not recognize the nuclear status of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), as its missile program threatens the security in Northeast Asia...

facilDPRK Declares Successful Test of H-Bomb to be Carried by ICBM

facilDPRK Declares Successful Test of H-Bomb to be Carried by ICBM

September 04, 2017

PYONGYANG - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Sunday successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb capable of being carried by an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)...

EU Repeal Bill Best Way to Avoid Brexit ‘Cliff Edge’” May

EU Repeal Bill Best Way to Avoid Brexit ‘Cliff Edge’” May

September 04, 2017

LONDON – British Prime Minister Theresa May warned lawmakers that Britain could be faced with a Brexit "cliff edge" if they failed to back her EU repeal bill, as reports suggested...

French Foreign, Defense Ministers in Baghdad to Support Iraq in War Against IS

French Foreign, Defense Ministers in Baghdad to Support Iraq in War Against IS

August 27, 2017

BAGHDAD - The French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and Defense Minister Florence Parly on Saturday arrived in the Iraqi capital Baghdad to hold talks with Iraqi leaders and show...

N. Korea Tests Short-Range Missiles as South Korea, U.S. Conduct Drills

N. Korea Tests Short-Range Missiles as South Korea, U.S. Conduct Drills

August 27, 2017

SEOUL/WASHINGTON - North Korea fired several short-range missiles into the sea off its east coast early on Saturday, South Korea and the U.S. military said, as the two allies conducted...

Britain to Unveil Proposals to Solve Post-Brexit Cross-Border Legal Disputes

Britain to Unveil Proposals to Solve Post-Brexit Cross-Border Legal Disputes

August 23, 2017

LONDON - The British government will on Tuesday unveil proposals for solving cross-border legal disputes after Britain leaves the European Union. The Department for Exiting the...

Pan-EU Cooperation Crucial in Anti-Terror Fight, but not so Easy

Pan-EU Cooperation Crucial in Anti-Terror Fight, but not so Easy

August 23, 2017

PARIS - Two gruesome terrorist attacks that hit Spain last week confirm the transnational nature of the jihadist threat facing Europe, and highlight the need for more intensive...

Korean Peninsula Issue Needs Political Solution: Russian FM

Korean Peninsula Issue Needs Political Solution: Russian FM

August 17, 2017

MOSCOW - Economic pressure on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is not an alternative to a political solution to the Korean Peninsula issue, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei...

Criticism, Praise Poured on Britain’s 1st Position Paper on Brexit

Criticism, Praise Poured on Britain’s 1st Position Paper on Brexit

August 17, 2017

LONDON - Opposition politicians in Britain on Tuesday criticised government proposals for an interim trading deal with the European Union (EU), but business leaders welcomed the...

Merkel Emphasizes German Prosperity, Security at Rally

Merkel Emphasizes  German Prosperity, Security at Rally

August 13, 2017

BERLIN - German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the final phase of her election campaign Saturday with a focus on her record, emphasizing the economic growth and prosperity achieved...

“Military Option” Possible in Venezuela: Trump

“Military Option” Possible in  Venezuela: Trump

August 13, 2017

WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he would not rule out a “military option” in Venezuela, a claim seemingly contradictory to the view of his top national...

N.Korea Warns of Nuclear War; Trump Says U.S. is ‘Locked and Loaded’

N.Korea Warns of Nuclear War; Trump Says U.S. is ‘Locked and Loaded’

August 12, 2017

BEDMINSTER, N.J./BEIJING - U.S. President Donald Trump issued a new threat to North Korea on Friday, saying the U.S. military was “locked and loaded” as Pyongyang accused...

Russian FM Warns of Risk of Military Confrontation between DPRK, U.S.

Russian FM Warns of Risk of Military Confrontation between DPRK, U.S.

August 12, 2017

MOSCOW - The risk of a military conflict between the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is very high, but Russia hopes common sense will prevail...

Trump Touts Nuke Strength as Tillerson Urges Calm on N.Korea

Trump Touts Nuke Strength as  Tillerson Urges Calm on N.Korea

August 10, 2017

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump declared the U.S. nuclear arsenal “far stronger and more powerful than ever before,” even as his top diplomat was working to...

Uk Brexit 026-thumb.jpg

Uk Brexit 026-thumb.jpg

August 10, 2017

LONDON - Britain’s exit from the European Union will be the country’s biggest calamity since World War Two, the former chief of staff to Brexit minister David Davis said...

International Community Stresses Peaceful Solution to Korean Nuclear Issue

International Community Stresses  Peaceful Solution to Korean Nuclear Issue

August 09, 2017

BEIJING/MANILA - Following the adoption of a new UN Security Council resolution targeting Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs, major players involved in the Korean...

France’s Macron to Host ‘Big 3’ Euro Zone Leaders for Talks

France’s Macron to Host ‘Big 3’ Euro Zone Leaders for Talks

August 09, 2017

PARIS - Emmanuel Macron will host other major European leaders this month for talks on migration, the economy and defense -- part of a broader diplomatic offensive by the French president...

Tillerson Says U.S., Russia Can Settle Problems, Ease Tension

Tillerson Says U.S., Russia  Can Settle Problems, Ease Tension

August 08, 2017

MANILA - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday he believes Washington and Russia can find a way to ease tensions, saying it wouldn’t be useful to cut ties over...

Britain Denies Agreeing to Pay Multi-Billion EU Exit Bill

Britain Denies Agreeing  to Pay Multi-Billion EU Exit Bill

August 08, 2017

LONDON — The British government denied Monday that it has agreed on the amount of its European Union exit bill, after a report emerged that it plans offer the bloc 36 billion pounds...