Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Ensuring the Future of Afghan Women

Ensuring the Future of Afghan Women

October 28, 2013 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

Ahead of two major transition processes – the 2014 NATO withdrawal and the forthcoming presidential elections – in the country, there are increasing concerns on the future of ...

Terrorist and Blasphemous Acts of Taliban

Terrorist and Blasphemous Acts of Taliban

October 28, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Afghan Ulema Council and High Peace Council bristled with anger and have condemned strongly the terrorist act which led to the death of Arsala Jamal, governor of Logar province, on Eid ...

Pakistan’s Changing Relations with Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Changing Relations with Afghanistan

October 27, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Recently, the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif met US President Barack Obama and discussed certain issues related to both Pakistan and Afghanistan. One of the notable statements by the ...

Laws for Common and the Privileged!

Laws for Common  and the Privileged!

October 27, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

It is said that, being bad is not bad but feeling proud on it is really shameful. Almost the same case exists in Kabul with the rich and powerful who not only do their wrong acts openly but ...

Socialization – A Significant Process of Life

Socialization –   A Significant Process of Life

October 27, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

When I was passing a village road, I overheard an old man talking to his fellows about the effect of foreign films. He frowned and indicated that his granddaughter wants the same models of clothing ...

No Freedom?

No Freedom?

October 26, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Rousseau, in his Social Contract, says that “man is born free yet everywhere he is in chains,” and I think he was a bit lenient as I believe even when a man is born he is in ...

Peace Talks and Sincerity

Peace Talks and Sincerity

October 26, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

In one of the famous short stories, a student and his teacher are travelling to a place. They have a donkey, a bowl for food and a cup for drinking tea. In the same way, they have very less money to buy ...

Challenges of Afghan Migrants

Challenges of Afghan Migrants

October 26, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

The three decades of war which led to insecurity, poverty and sectarian violence, was the factor which forced many Afghan people to take refuge in foreign countries. To survive the jeopardy of ...

In the Run-up to Presidential Elections

In the Run-up to  Presidential Elections

October 24, 2013 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

As expected, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) trimmed the list of presidential candidates. With the announcement of the preliminary lists of both presidential and provincial ...

Removing the Dust

Removing the Dust

October 24, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

A person was very tired of guests. His house was very close to a bus terminal so whenever anyone of his acquaintances arrived from other city or wanted to go to another city from this city, he would come to his ...

West-Iran Unraveling Relation

West-Iran Unraveling Relation

October 24, 2013 | Jawad Kankash

Unlike previous meetings when generally diplomats were coming out of meeting room with frown and puckered brows, this time Iranian and western diplomats came out with smile on their faces ...

Afghanistan-Tajikistan Relations Renewed

Afghanistan-Tajikistan Relations Renewed

October 23, 2013 | Asmatyari

Afghanistan and Tajikistan are tied in centuries old historic, cultural, and neighborly relations. The term Afghanistan-Tajikistan refers to the relations between the Islamic Republic of ...

Involvement in Crime

Involvement in Crime

October 23, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

Every society experiences crime and corruption; however, the magnitude of this phenomenon depends on cultural factors, on the economy and above all, on the law and order situation in ...

Habits of Prophets and Pharaohs

Habits of Prophets and Pharaohs

October 23, 2013 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

A turbulent earthquake shook the part of the country and demolished many cities and thousands of small villages. The magnitude of earthquake was so high that thousands of people ...

The Vetting Process of the Candidates

The Vetting Process of the Candidates

October 22, 2013 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The latest developments in the election process are indicative of both challenges ahead of the forthcoming elections and opportunities for leading a fair and transparent ...

Eid Makes No Sense in Afghanistan

Eid Makes No Sense in Afghanistan

October 22, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

Behind the cheerful facades, our people live with sadness and tragedy in their hearts. To our unmitigated chagrin, our compatriots fell victim of a terrorist act on the red-letter-day of Eid. The ...

The Real Difficulty

The Real Difficulty

October 22, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

In a book, a spiritual guide is in habit of meeting different kinds of people and freeing them from their difficulties and worries of life. According to him, wherever he goes, he finds ...

Action and Reaction

Action and Reaction

October 21, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

A group of tribal elders came to visit the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to inquire about the teachings of the religion that he had introduced and which had raised a great uproar in the Arab ...

A Pause to Coming Presidential Election

A Pause to Coming Presidential Election

October 21, 2013 | Masood Korosh

With approach of Presidential election, the political skirmishes are also on rise. Politicians and election runners who were trying their best to be cautious about their behaviors and statements in ...

Adam’s Wishes in African Al-Sahara

Adam’s Wishes in African Al-Sahara

October 20, 2013 | Hujjatullah

The screening of a documentary about Bilma Desert, an African Al-Sahara, and life of the residents there affected me very much. It was all the picture of the past. There was also ...

The Necessity of Bilateral Security Agreement

The Necessity of Bilateral Security Agreement

October 20, 2013 | Masood Korosh

Last week, US foreign Secretary of the State, John Kerry paid a sudden visit to Kabul to meet President Karzai and discuss over the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) which has remained buoyant on the untamed stream of bilateral relation. After a period of vapidity, President Karzai reenergized the negotiation process by authorizing Dr. Spanta, the National Security Advisor, Zalmai Rasoul, Foreign Minister, and Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, an academician and a well-known Afghan diplomat to advance it with Washington diplomats on August this year. Back then, there were signs that Mr. President Karzai had reached to agreement at the backstage, but soon vanished as President Karzai once again told that his government had no hurry to sign the agreement instead would prefer next government does.

The unexpected visit of John Kerry once again reflected how the US officials are trying to persuade Afghan officials to sign the agreement before the third presidential election. While President Karzai consistently has expressed that he has no hurry for the contract, putting it as an option for the next government. After discussion, both attended a press conference in Kabul saying that they agreed on variety of issues. Despite that both said that they had not yet decided about the destiny of American security forces after the completion of military withdrawal. While President Karzai emphasizes on the national sovereignty but Washington will not compromise on legal immunity for its forces as observed in the case of Iraq. When officials of both countries failed to strike deal, the US pulled out all its forces except few thousand kept for protection of its embassy. Presently, the country is burning in the fire of sectarian violence in spite of having far better administration and far stronger security establishments.

No doubt, the situation of Afghanistan is worrisomely fledgling. The US military presence can indeed work as strong support for keeping the country on the track. Therefore, on the bases of below reasons, we can argue that it is of high importance.

First of all, we have two political flash floods ahead: the foreign military withdrawal and Presidential election both have the potentials to fuel new round of uncertainty and instability. In the first place, some influential tribal leaders do not care much about peaceful transition. During past decades they have clearly displayed that they will always be ready to tear the country into pieces if their demands are not made. Perhaps, the only thing that keep them committed to democratic values is their interests. They will switch the side if reach to a conclusion that opposite is true. Similarly, foreign military withdrawal has fuelled concerns in the country. Just looking to amount of cash pulled out and unwillingness of investors to invest as well as number of people, who have the chance, trying to seek asylum in the rest of countries are linked to deep down worry about deterioration of security situation.

Secondly, after fixation of the schedule for withdrawal, insurgents started grinning in hope that the government will be left alone that increases their chances to overrule it. Taliban leaders frequently exploited the withdrawal to encourage their battalions, showing a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel, and vice versa warned those who support the government. The latest of such propaganda rampage was made by Hikmatiyar, the leader of Hezb-e-Islami (Islamic Party) in his Eid festival message, saying that foreign countries were exhausted of war in Afghanistan. His message addressed all those who support the government and foreign countries to get ready for paying the price.

Thirdly, complete withdrawal will pave the way for resumption of civil war. The sectarian violence in Iraq can be a very instructive lesson. Despite such huge wealth extracted from oil economy and rapid development of political parties some of which are cross cultural and sect, presently, the country is burning in inflames of sectarian violence. The number of civilians killed in sectarian violence are far more than civilians’ casualties here. Since the start of year up to early August, more than four thousand people are killed. Far deadlier scenario is foreseeable in the country in lack of foreign military presence. Iraqi security forces have acted as national force and never took side but the Afghan ones may not act similarly. The communal affiliation has remained strong and may rapidly turn problematic if the pillars of system starts shaking.

Fourthly, our neighbors have never given up interfering. They seek their interests in destabilization of the country because of their antagonism with western countries or bringing a proxy government as they did in the past. They covertly and overtly opposed the foreign military presence rather suggesting alternatives such as their deeper involvement. Thus, the withdrawal will certainly give them another opportunity to change the country once again into the battlefield of their antagonistic interest.

Thus, all the above dangers suggest that we should strike a deal for keeping the country on the track. The continuance of foreign security forces can circumcise the above dangers. Their mere presence sends a strong message to neighboring countries that they should forget all about the past when they were developing on our labor and raw materials. Disruptive forces will not get the chance to destabilize the country for their own person interest. Taliban and other like-minded groups will notice that overruling the government will remain as far-fetched so it is better to join the new process and follow their goals through medium. ANSF will further develop as national by the course of time as they will get the chance to evade the influence of tribal leaders or influential figures. They will receive the due training and support to fight insurgency and protect Afghan people.


The Essence of Sacrifice

The Essence of Sacrifice

October 19, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

According to our religion, good deeds, be it in any form, work as a shield against the difficulties, calamities and problems of life and stand as a wall in front of them and protect us and our family ...

Eid – Red-letter Day

Eid – Red-letter Day

October 19, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

The streets are bursting with vehicles and the markets are bursting with stylish girls dressed in glittering raiment shopping for Eid Day. The honking of the horns, the hollering of the ...

Parents’ Neglect Causes Social Evils

Parents’ Neglect Causes Social Evils

October 13, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

It can be easily observed in our society that whenever a person does something wrong, his parents are blamed for it, his family background is held responsible and the nourishment and teachings of ...

Will Afghanistan and the US Overcome the Impasse?

Will Afghanistan and the US Overcome the Impasse?

October 13, 2013 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

Afghan and US officials are engaged in negotiations which are described as last-minute attempt by the US to conclude a security deal with Afghanistan before Barack Obama’s October deadline ...

Might is Right

Might is Right

October 13, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

The history of Afghanistan is fraught with war, violence and atrocity. Meanwhile, our country has experienced bitterly several regimes along with several policies. The tremendously significant ...

Action Speaks Louder than Words

Action Speaks  Louder than Words

October 12, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

The apology of General Abdul Rashid Dostum, leader of the National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan, from the Afghan people who suffered from the violence and civil war in the country, reminded people ...

Concentrate Strength by Common Dream Win the Future by Sincere Cooperation

Concentrate Strength  by Common Dream Win the  Future by Sincere Cooperation

October 12, 2013 | Deng Xijun

2013 is an extraordinary year. The new Chinese Government took office in this March and pursued its new governing policy with the Chinese characteristics. The Afghan National Security Force will be ...

America’s Better Role in World Politics!

America’s Better Role in World Politics!

October 10, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

In the wake of the – very tentative – Syrian weapons deal between Russia and the United States, a rash of essays and editorials have run wondering what this means for US influence, both in the Middle ...

The Inscrutability of Human Being

The Inscrutability of Human Being

October 10, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Since the very beginning of civilized life, human beings have endeavored to comprehend the universe and various universal phenomena existing in it. They have been successful in it to a ...

Female and Feminism

Female and Feminism

October 10, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

It is beyond doubt that violence against women is still a controversial topic across the country that mostly media go into feeding frenzy over such stories. Sexual harassment, domestic ...

Let’s Make our Society

Let’s Make our Society

October 09, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

Auguste Comte, a French mastermind, believes in social organism regarding the society. In other words, he believes that society also passes through three periods like human beings which are ...

Existence in a Diverse Society

Existence in a Diverse Society

October 09, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

So as to survive successfully in a diverse society it is necessary to extend reverence and tolerance with others. Forgetting these factors would make it very difficult to promote the social ...

Freedom of the Individual is a Myth

Freedom of the Individual is a Myth

October 08, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Rousseau believed that “man is born free but everywhere he is in chains,” and that to a great extent is true. It would be appropriate even to say that man is not born free. As a child is ...

Last Decade’s Achievements

Last Decade’s Achievements

October 08, 2013 | Hujjatullah Zia

I was amazed when I overheard two school children passersby saying that Afghanistan and Japan got their independence at the same day and now the development of Japan is not comparable with Afghanistan. Then ...