Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

To Counter Terrorism..

To Counter Terrorism..

August 20, 2013 | Asmatyari

Deteriorating security condition, escalating insurgency, militancy, Talibanization and worsening state of law and order are the immediate common issues; Afghanistan and Pakistan are passing ...

Ethnicities and Differences!

Ethnicities and Differences!

August 20, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

Until and unless a person comes out of the environment he lives in, he would never come to discover the beauties that are found in different environments in different parts of the world. There is ...

Preserving the Environment

Preserving the Environment

August 20, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

Man has had many far reaching effects on the environment over the years. Global warming, pollution and the damage to the ozone layer are a few of the major things that can be heard about in the news. Man has ...

Education and Contemplation!

Education and Contemplation!

August 18, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

Month of Ramadan came and passed and as usual, there were a lot many people who tried to cash this occasion to exhibit their so-called love for religious worshipping by saying and posting things ...

Tit for Tat Labeling

Tit for Tat Labeling

August 18, 2013 | Masood Korosh

The crackdown continues without promising sign that it will end up to restoration of peace and stability. The casualties have increased tremendously: more than three thousand injured and more than six ...

Israeli-Palestinian Talks Just A Mirage

Israeli-Palestinian Talks Just A Mirage

August 18, 2013 | Manish Rai

The new round of Middle East peace talks which started in Jerusalem on August 14, seems differ markedly from some of the intense face-to-face negotiations that Israeli and Palestinian ...

Problems to Investment in Afghanistan!

Problems to Investment  in Afghanistan!

August 17, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

Almost all of our politicians have either understood this or they have developed such a habit that whenever they go to any foreign land, they invite the industrialists and businessmen of the ...

Age and Wisdom!

Age and Wisdom!

August 15, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

Everything seems to be dark and disappointing. It is mainly because of the poor health when every organ starts malfunctioning and thus a feeling of weariness intimidates the feelings of a person. Feelings of ...

The Chaos in Egypt

The Chaos in Egypt

August 15, 2013 | Masood Korosh

The situation is turning gruesome as the patient Egypt’s government has come to an end. Previously, the ministry of interior announced that pro-Mursi protesters should end their sits ...

Progress Toward Security and Stability

Progress Toward Security and Stability

August 15, 2013 | Abbas Daiyar

The Center for Strategic and International Studies has a new Burke Chair report entitled “Failing Transition: The New 1230 Report on Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan”. The ...

Youth Policy Awaits Endorsement and Implementation

Youth Policy Awaits Endorsement and Implementation

August 14, 2013 | Asmatyari

As the United States approaches its 2014 deadline for military withdrawal from Afghanistan, one often overshadowed aspect of the conflict is the hard-won progress made by previously marginalized ...

Analyzing Music

Analyzing Music

August 14, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

Music is one of the most powerful of the arts partly because sounds more than any other sensory stimulus create in us involuntary reactions, pleasant or unpleasant. It may be difficult ...

Kashmir Issue Needs Regional Solution

Kashmir Issue Needs Regional Solution

August 14, 2013 | Farman Nawaz

“Mr. Ambassador you suggested that Pakistan and India must negotiate the Kashmir issue while China demonstrates the use of force against Taiwan”. It was the question raised ...

The Spirit of Service!

The Spirit of Service!

August 13, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

There is an interesting theory of economics. It is about contraction and expansion of economies. In an economy where everyone is trying to loot and save, general spending decreases ...

Shaky Situation of Peace and Tranquility

Shaky Situation of Peace and Tranquility

August 13, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

After more than a decade of war, extravagant expenditure of dollars and valuable sacrifices in the form of human lives, the situation of peace and tranquility is still shaky in...

The Message of Hekmatyar for Eid Festival

The Message of Hekmatyar for Eid Festival

August 12, 2013 | Masood Korosh

On the eve of Eid-e-Fitr, one of the most revered religious festival, the leader of Hezb-e-Islami Hikmatiyar sent a congratulating message for Afghan people. After wishing Eid and ...

Getting Rid of Back-Biting!

Getting Rid of Back-Biting!

August 12, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

There are some problems with the habits or behaviors that are clear for all and a person himself knows about it and repents when he returns to his senses. A person who is in habit of getting angry ...

Egypt on The Verge of New Extremism

Egypt on The Verge of New Extremism

August 12, 2013 | Manish Rai

The Egyptian Revolution ended the 30-year rule of Hosni Mubarak and began a political transition towards democracy. During the public protests in Tahrir square every section of the ...

The Taliban in Doha – Peace or Ruse?

The Taliban in Doha – Peace or Ruse?

August 11, 2013 | Farzana Marie

On Tuesday, June 18th, 2013, four major news-items collided in the headlines on Afghanistan. The first was the official security handover by the International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF) of remaining 95 districts in Southern and Eastern regions to the ...

Talks with the Taliban

Talks with the Taliban

August 11, 2013 | Abbas Daiyar

The Taliban Supreme leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, has released his Eid message. Though nothing new, the statement shows no significant change in the attitude of the Taliban toward talks ...

Wasted Effort!

Wasted Effort!

August 11, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

While the month of Ramadan was moving to its final ten days, a report in a newspaper was both interesting and shocking. According to this report, in some Arab countries of Middle East, Ramadan ...

Whom does President Hasani Rohani Represent?

Whom does President Hasani Rohani Represent?

August 07, 2013 | Masood Korosh

After serving his full eight years incumbency, the rhetorical President of Islamic republic of Iran shook hand in farewell. He was replaced a well-known soberly moderate religious scholar Hassan Rohani ...

Is Our Education System Suitable to Eliminate Unemployment…?

Is Our Education System Suitable to Eliminate Unemployment…?

August 07, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

A modern education system emphasizes free thought, creativity, the freedom to choose what to study based on a person’s talent and ability. It also involves the use of Information Technology and the skill to ...

Muslim Societies and Need for Reflection

Muslim Societies and Need for Reflection

August 06, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

It is said that, ‘When a society will face decline, people would be busy in discussing its problems but no one would be ready to do something practically’. This saying applies especially to ...

Women are Human!

Women are Human!

August 06, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Human history is replete with thousands of examples wherein there have been some sorts of discrimination against women. From the very first tribal society to today’s modern world, the ...

The Importance of Strategic Contract for US

The Importance of Strategic Contract for US

August 06, 2013 | Masood Korosh

During past few weeks, the United States officials have commenced emphasizing on signing the strategic cooperation which determines the future biliteral relation. The latest statements ...

Human Nature and Philosophy

Human Nature and Philosophy

August 05, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

Human beings are physical objects, sophisticated machines all of whose functions and activities can be described and explained in purely mechanistic terms. Even thought it, therefore, must be ...

Afghans should not Believe in Propagandas

Afghans should not Believe in Propagandas

August 04, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Afghan people are passing through a crucial juncture of their socio-political history. During this period they have to be very much thoughtful and sensible and must fulfill the responsibility of ...

Talking of A Comfortable Life!

Talking of A Comfortable Life!

August 04, 2013 | Asmatyari

We were sitting in the large guest room. It was afternoon and the day was hot but big windows of the room opened from both the sides to the garden and pleasant breeze entered the room from one side and left ...

The Importance of Strategic Contract for US

The Importance of Strategic Contract for US

August 04, 2013 | Masood Korosh

During past few weeks, the United States officials have commenced emphasizing on signing the strategic cooperation which determines the future bilateral security relation between Afghanistan and United ...

Cleanliness; Inside and Outside!

Cleanliness; Inside and Outside!

August 03, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

It may be very rare in Europe, America and other developed countries, comparatively less in our country but there are present very effective and strong magicians in India and some of its ...

The Real Terrorist

The Real Terrorist

August 03, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

It is very unfortunate to note that human history is filled with violent incidents. The violence has been able to overshadow the docile aspect of human nature every now and then both through major ...

War and Loss of History

War and Loss of History

August 01, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

In the present blood-bathed conflict of Syria, along with the loss of worthy human lives, the loss and damage of historic and holy sites would also be remembered for the years to come. After the war ...

Failed Peace Scenarios in Syria

Failed Peace Scenarios in Syria

August 01, 2013 | Masood Korosh

In the previous part of this article I explained how the supporters of President Assad support him to keep him in power in order to reach their own political and economic interests in the ...

Problems in Life?

Problems in Life?

August 01, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

One of the common complaints we hear from the people surrounding us are problems they are facing. Every day and everywhere there is a problem. Many times we find it hard to stay happy. When one problem ...