Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Talking of the Scents!

Talking of the Scents!

July 09, 2012 | By Mohammad Rasool Shah

A friend of Aristotle went to him and told him that he has something to tell about one of his friends. Aristotle stopped him and asked him to answer some of his questions after which he would listen to him. The friend agreed. Aristotle's first question was that, "Are you absolutely sure that the piece of information ...

Cost of selective justice and criticism

Cost of selective justice  and criticism

July 09, 2012 | By Farman Nawaz

Selective justice and criticism is the trend which is now felt and discussed all over Pakistan and serious circles of the society have now taken notice of it. A TV anchor, analyst and very staunch supporter of Chief Justice of Pakistan, Dr. Shahid Masood who did not get tired to sing the songs of justice of CJ, could not answer the question ...

Tokyo Conference and Afghanistan’s Uphill Task

Tokyo Conference and Afghanistan’s Uphill Task

July 08, 2012 | By Mehdi Rezaie

The much-anticipated Tokyo Conference for Afghanistan has opened in the Japanese capital. High on the agenda are the deliberations over the fate of the international assistance to Afghanistan over the critical period beyond 2014. The 2015-2025 decade is what has kept busy the foreign pundits and the Afghan authorities alike. Afghan Finance ...

Tokyo Conference, a Destiny for Afghanistan

Tokyo Conference, a Destiny for Afghanistan

July 08, 2012 | By Mohammad Shafiq Hamdam

Afghanistan and Japan have a historical relation and for many Afghans, Japan is a model of success in the globe. There are a lot of good welling and good feeling about Japanese in Afghanistan. They are very well known in Afghanistan for their hospitality and their tradition. These exceptional good feelings of the Afghan people about Japanese ...

The failure of Peace Plan in Syria

The failure of Peace Plan in Syria

July 08, 2012 | By Masood Korosh

Months-long civil uprising and its growing perversion into a full-fledge armed opposition to Bashar al-Assad regime has set Syria at the center of global focus. Just putting a glimpse to domestic and global newspapers, reports about the Syrian civil uprising, growing violence and the analyses of future of the country have remained a central ...

Tokyo Conference

Tokyo Conference

July 07, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

An international conference on Afghanistan will be held in Tokyo, Japan, on Sunday, July 08, 2012. The prime motive of the conference is to ensure the international support for Afghanistan in the post-withdrawal scenario – to make sure that the country is properly assisted in terms of funding both for its security and the development ...

Is Mohammad Mursi the True Heir of Civil Uprising?

Is Mohammad Mursi the True Heir of Civil Uprising?

July 07, 2012 | MasoodKorosh

It has been a matter of just days that, perhaps, Egyptians breathe in relief as after long bone-crunching motion of political processes, Mohammad Mursi, the candidate of Muslim brotherhood announced as ultimate winner of recent presidential election. He was not a well-known member of Muslim Brotherhood before the start of ...

The Killing of British Soldiers, US, NATO and the Future of Afghanistan

The Killing of British Soldiers, US, NATO and the Future of Afghanistan

July 05, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

The illegal killing of three British soldiers in Helmand Province by their rogue Afghan partners on July 01, 2012 once again raised the question of distrust between NATO and Afghan National Army (ANA). The trust has also been undermined by the illegal killing of innocent Afghans by NATO ...

Faizi: We are Very Proud of the Sacrifices of Our Security Forces

Faizi: We are Very Proud of the Sacrifices of Our Security Forces

July 05, 2012 | Deutsche Presse-Agentur

We continue to be in direct and indirect contact with some key figures within the Taliban. This clearly indicates their willingness to talk with the Afghan government. As you may know, a senior Taliban figure has recently said in an interview with Japanese Media, that they are willing to talk to the Afghan government. It ...

Good Governance and Afghanistan

Good Governance and Afghanistan

July 04, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Afghanistan is going through a transition period which involves the transfer of security responsibilities from international troops to Afghan authorities. At the same time it is being considered that transition of security arrangements alone would not solve the issues in Afghanistan; rather the overall scenario has ...

CSO Survey: Key Indicators to Monitor Progress towards the MDGs

CSO Survey: Key Indicators  to Monitor Progress towards the MDGs

July 04, 2012 | Abdul Rahman Ghafoori

On June 27, 2012 the Central Statistics Organization (CSO), the Afghan Government's national statistics agency, released the results of the Afghanistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, or the AMICS, which our organization has spent the last three years working on, in ...

Being Old and Feeling Old

Being Old and Feeling Old

July 04, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The quality of being jolly or jollityin one's personality has been compared to a glass full of water. When a person is born, this glass is full of water of jollity or naughtiness. But this glass has a small crack in its bottom from which this sweet water keeps dripping and with the passage of time, amount of liquid in ...

Growing Taliban and Security Transition

Growing Taliban and  Security Transition

July 03, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

It is thought that war against terrorism in Afghanistan has now reached to its final phase and would soon be concluded with the end of the transition period; this is, at least, what is thought by US, NATO and Afghan presidential office. Though it is easy to conclude that the war against terrorism that was initiated by ...

On Family and Family Life

On Family and Family Life

July 03, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Big or combined families have always been regarded as most successful keeping in view the comfort and assistance that they provide to all the members. When there is a problem with any member of the group, all the members combine together to comfort the victimized person and ease his sufferings. Similarly, the joy of the happy ...

Germany, Afghanistan Bilateral Relations

Germany, Afghanistan  Bilateral Relations

July 03, 2012 | Masood Korosh

The reciprocal relation between Germany and Afghanistan has a long history dated back to early 20th century. However, both countries since then have undergone series of social, economic and political changes, but the bilateral relation, with an exception during Taliban regime, has kept moving over the lines of friendship ...

Afghan Forces to Lead Combat Operations

Afghan Forces to Lead  Combat Operations

July 02, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As the security transition is underway in Afghanistan, more responsibilities are being transferred to Afghan security forces, which may give the indication that Afghan authorities are now shouldering their responsibilities themselves, but, in fact, has in itself the great risk of the deterioration of security situation ...

Taliban Propaganda and Social-Networking Tools

Taliban Propaganda and  Social-Networking Tools

July 02, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

Taliban's Voice of Jihad website has released a video that features interviews and trainings of the nine suicide bombers who attacked the US Embassy and NATO Headquarters in Kabul on September 13 last year. Severn Afghans were killed and 19 wounded. Afghan security forces had gunned down all the attackers after a 19-hours siege and

Book Reading

Book Reading

July 02, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Whenever I read a story book, I feel the same joy that I had felt when I read such stories in my childhood. Childhood or early teen ages are the precious periods of one's life as he or she doesn't think about those things that fill the life of a mature person with worries and concerns. I remember, I used to buy small story ...

An achievement to Share

An achievement to Share

July 01, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Among the news of the terrorism and the deteriorating situation in the country, a news item was highlighted in the local news, that, though not very extra-ordinary, depicted that Afghan society would have been in a different position, had it strived for modern education. Afghanistan, like any other country, has many talented ...

Giant Investment Meeting IN Delhi

Giant Investment  Meeting IN Delhi

July 01, 2012 | Masood Korosh

On June 28, Delhi hosted investment meeting on Afghanistan where more than 30 countries and 130 Indian companies and 70 international companies took part. The meeting is labeled the largest of its kind which focused generally on assessing the situation for investment in the country. It was organized by Confederation of ...

The Three Problems

The Three Problems

July 01, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

With the exception of the few, almost all the Muslim countries have a long history of being grappled with numerous problems. Poor economic condition of Muslim countries is evident for all. The overall economy of all the Muslim countries doesn't make the proportion of some of the giant economies like USA, Japan or China and ...

Delhi Investment Summit

Delhi Investment Summit

June 30, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

After the strategic agreement with Afghanistan, India has taken another step to strengthen the relations with Afghanistan. This step is the Delhi Investment Summit on Afghanistan. The Summit was held on Thursday, June 28, with the intention, as the name suggests, to create investment opportunities in Afghanistan after ...

Good Ways of Goodness

Good Ways of Goodness

June 30, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Many years back, I was in a big market where there were a lot many shops and the shopkeepers and customers always occupied the big open space present in the center of it. A man came who looked very tired and ill. He told the people that he was a stranger and a traveler going to a very far city but then he had finished his ...

Taliban or Anti-Taliban

Taliban or Anti-Taliban

June 30, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

Taliban are confronting civilians in Andar district of Ghazni Province. Tens of armed civilians have emerged in Andar district of Ghazni province to face Taliban in order to reopen the closed schools, clinics and social activities. It has been reported that there are tens of self-motivated armed fighters who have surfaced to ...

HPC Meeting with Hizb-e-Islami and Taliban

HPC Meeting with  Hizb-e-Islami and Taliban

June 28, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

With the date of completion of the withdrawal process reaching nearer, the concerns for the Afghan socio-political circumstances in post-2014 scenario are also gaining strength. The greatest of the concerns is that Afghanistan may enter the scenario with the basic issues unresolved. The reconciliation process that was ...

A True and Pleasing Picture!

A True and Pleasing Picture!

June 28, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

We often hear about a deserted house present mostly in villages or small towns. There are stories associated about these houses. People report to have seen a man wandering in the house, wearing white clothes. Others have seen a lady whose eyes were red or blood was dripping down her lips and many more similar to these. Numbers ...

Women: The Vulnerable Segment of Afghan Society

Women: The Vulnerable  Segment of Afghan Society

June 28, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

Afghanistan, a society where poverty excels and illiteracy rules,is a country which is full of tragedy and misfortunes. Considering the current horrifying situation of Afghan women in this modern era, it would be surprising that the women in Afghanistan have played a great role throughout the history of this ...

Another Effort for the Supply Routes

Another Effort for the Supply Routes

June 27, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The efforts are once again on the way to make the relations between NATO and Pakistan work. General John Allen, top US commander in Afghanistan is expected to visit Islamabad on Wednesday, June 26, to negotiate over the resumption of NATO supply routes. There have been attempts by both the countries to make the negotiations ...

Oil Extraction from Amu Darya Basin

Oil Extraction from Amu Darya Basin

June 27, 2012 | MasoodKorosh

According to reports, finally, the much debated oil extraction from the Amu Darya Basin started. However, the level of production is not clear but previously Ministry of Mines and industry had told that in the first phase 5,000 barrel per day would be extracted and would increase multifold and reach to 45,000 barrel ...

Beyond the Limits!

Beyond the Limits!

June 27, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

When I was in the final year of my university, studying on daily basis had become an absolute challenge, and more or less, same was the condition of majority of my friends and classmates. Whenever I intended to sit and study, I felt really bored or tired and thus closed the books. This routine continued until the exam ...

Turkish-Syrian Skirmishes

Turkish-Syrian Skirmishes

June 26, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The skirmishes between Turkey and Syria seem to be increasing. After the shooting down of Turkish F4- Phantom, military jet, near the Turkish-Syrian border, on Friday, June 22, it would take a while before both the countries can get on better tracks. Turkey has summoned a meeting of NATO members on Tuesday, June 23. Though the ...

Cross-border Infiltration and Border Control

Cross-border Infiltration and Border Control

June 26, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

The Ministry of Defense has worked out a security plan to enhance border monitoring and control. The plan was discussed at this week's meeting of the National Security Council chaired by President Karzai. After ten years, finally there is some attention to this issue. However, the plan is not a national ...

Fire and Purification!

Fire and Purification!

June 26, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Bill Gates, the owner of famous Microsoft, and recently praised for the welfare efforts of his foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to fight diseases in third world countries, is very well known all over the world for his organizational success, wealth and hard work. Late Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, got ...

Karzai’s Manipulations Underway

Karzai’s Manipulations Underway

June 25, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

There were lots of rumors and expectations of new announcements on reforms by President Karzai before his annual speech to the special joint session of parliament and judiciary. Interestingly, the rumors were hyped by leaks from Palace insiders. From plans of radical reforms a ...

Afghanistan’s Environmental Challenges

Afghanistan’s Environmental Challenges

June 25, 2012 | Muhammad Ahsan

In just one generation, the Afghan people have seen many of their basic resources, such as water for irrigation, trees for food and fuel, lost. There are other urgent environmental problems. In the cities, burning of wastes, toxic air polluting, contamination of the water supplies from uncontrolled dumping of waste products (which creates the high risk of viral and bacterial diseases) are ...