Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Expert Community - in the Service of Diplomacy

The Expert Community -  in the Service of Diplomacy

June 25, 2012 | Kazakhstan Embassy

In the wake of the first meeting of the Foreign Relations Council under the MFA, Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Yerzhan Kazykhanov gave an interview to the KP. - What started the Foreign Relations Council? - As you know, in April an expanded board meeting of the Foreign Ministry was held ...

The failure of Peace Plan in Syria

The failure of Peace Plan in Syria

June 25, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Violence has hit the height in Syria as the international community blames the regime for violence in the country, and Mr. Gen Mod, United Nations peace keeping force said they have come under fire indirectly from close distances. He also said that mission has failed and there is increasing civil war in the ...

The Next Episode of the Drama

The Next Episode of the Drama

June 24, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

What will be the next episode of the drama being filmed in Afghanistan for decades? This is the question that every Afghan is voraciously waiting for the answer. As 2014, the international security troops' withdrawal schedule gets closer and closer; the panic increases and no one knows what will be on the screen to ...

Rio+20: Kazakhstan Calls for ‘Green Bridge’ to Maintain Growth in Emerging Markets and Beat Economic Crisis

Rio+20: Kazakhstan Calls for ‘Green Bridge’ to Maintain Growth in Emerging Markets and Beat Economic Crisis

June 24, 2012 | Kazakhstan Embassy

Kazakhstan has called on nations, businesses and NGOs to give the global economy a green boost by uniting behind the nation's Green Bridge initiative at the Rio+20 Summit this week. The Green Bridge initiative is a practical mechanism to achieve an ...

The Attack on Spozhmai Hotel in Qarqa Lake

The Attack on Spozhmai Hotel in Qarqa Lake

June 24, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Thursday and Friday of the last weekend were horrifying days for Kabul residents whose family members wentout for picnic to Qargha Lake in order to throw away week days' fatigue andexhaustion from workload. Perhaps, the unleash of waves of breaking and briefingnews made many to freak out and call their family members and ...

The Cost of a Better Life

The Cost of a Better Life

June 23, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

A boat carrying about 200 asylum-seekers to Australia's Christmas Island was drowned on Thursday, June 20, 120 nautical miles away from the Island. The reports suggest that at least three dead bodies were found from the wreckage along with 110 survivors, while the rest of the people are still lost. There are fears ...

Blessings, Unlimited!

Blessings, Unlimited!

June 23, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

In the present scenario of our country, many things appear to be disappointing, making a person hopeless about the future of this country. There is corruption, warlords, terrorists, security problems, economic instability and many more. Against these grave and disappointing factors, there is present one factor standing ...

Lack of Accountability Poses threat to State’s Stability

Lack of Accountability Poses threat to State’s Stability

June 23, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

The absence of good and accountable governance is seemingly disappointing the nation. Despite billions of dollars being poured in the last ten years by U.S and its allies in reconstruction process and many other sectors, the government persistently failed to affectively spend the specific amount on the intended ...

The Indications of Growing Insecurity

The Indications of  Growing Insecurity

June 21, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The reports about the killings of the innocent people and the security forces, in Afghanistan, are making the headlines in the newspapers and news channels quite often nowadays, which show the fact that the situation is really getting very much concerning. From now onwards, if vigilant eyes are not kept on the ...

Favors of Sportsmen on Society

Favors of Sportsmen on Society

June 21, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

It was just like any other morning show that we watch on television channels. In such shows, usually a topic is chosen about which hosts discuss with each other, and after some time, a song is played to keep the interests of viewers alive and intact. In every program, one or more guests are also invited who are asked ...

Thefailure of Peace Plan in Syria

Thefailure of Peace  Plan in Syria

June 21, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Violence hashit the height in Syria as the international community blames the regime forviolence in the country, and Mr. Gen Mod, United Nations peace keeping forcesaid they have come under fire indirectly from close distances. He also saidthat mission has failed and there is increasing civil war in the country ...

The Hidden Hand – Foreign Influence on Afghan Elections

The Hidden Hand – Foreign  Influence on Afghan Elections

June 20, 2012 | Michael Semple

Many years ago a Kandahari turban taught me how sensible and pragmatic Afghans can be when dealing with foreign influence. On one of my early visits to rural Kandahar as an aid worker in the latter days of the Jihad, I found myself camping in a village, along with dozens of fellow travelers, enjoying ...

Supremacists of Academy of Sciences

Supremacists of  Academy of Sciences

June 20, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

President Karzai has fired Chief of Afghanistan's Academy of Sciences and three of its other staffers after publication of the Ethnography Atlas that includes extremely offending and deregatory claims about a particular ethnic group, which has sparked reactions from political circles and ordinary people. The ...

Post 2014: The Beginning of a New Chapter

Post 2014: The Beginning  of a New Chapter

June 20, 2012 | Abbas Sultani

Afghanistan has been a battle ground of the superpowers since the Soviet invasion in 1979. The Soviet Union did not last more than ten years in Afghanistan and the last Soviet troops left this region in 1989. Soon after Soviet devastation, Mujahidin, the Islamic fighters, took over the country's administrations. The war ...

The Business of Displaced Souls

The Business of Displaced Souls

June 19, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As the issues of displacement of population, refugees and human smuggling and trafficking have already been dominating the Afghan society,the report on June 18, 2012, by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has raised further concerns for the country, whose people are highly dissatisfied of the ...

Opening Hands and Hearts!

Opening Hands  and Hearts!

June 19, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

We had enthusiastically prepared for the seminar because we were the first to introduce smart board in any school in the city. This smart board was purchased after passing through all the financial obstacles. Aim of it was to introduce our students to this interactive board so that they should not be surprised if they saw it somewhere in ...

Islamabad via Beijing

Islamabad  via Beijing

June 19, 2012 | Farman Nawaz

In our Pashtu culture the concept of mediator has always played a positive role in fabricating acceptable proposals for the opposing parties. Not only decades old enmities but business disputes are very easily resolved through arbitration. But the condition for successful arbitration is the trust of the opposing parties in the ...

Breezes of Appreciation

Breezes of Appreciation

June 18, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

When one goes to a graveyard, he sees a lot many graves; some of them in good condition while some in very poor condition. Of these graves, there are some on the side of which there are placed beautiful stones usually made of marble. On these gravestones, usually name and position or other similar information about the dead ...

Boko Haram and Sectarian Terrorism in Nigeria

Boko Haram and Sectarian  Terrorism in Nigeria

June 18, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

In 1997, while sectarian terrorism was at most intense point in Pakistan, my book on "73 sects in Islam" came out in the market. In that book, I have thoroughly discussed the history of all 73 Muslim sects in brief and the emergence of violent sectarianism in South Asia in detail. In 1998, 1999, 2000, 2005 ...

The Taliban’s Poetry: A Lesson You won’t Forget

The Taliban’s Poetry:  A Lesson You won’t Forget

June 18, 2012 | Mohammad Taqi

An old Persian adage goes: Mushk aan ast ki bebooyad, na aan keh attaar begooyed – a great perfume announces itself by its fragrance, it's not the one that perfumer says is good. Well, up until recently most did not realize that the Afghan Taliban are the contemporary torchbearers of the great secular ...

Commitments and Corruption

Commitments and Corruption

June 17, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

After the Chicago and Shangai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summits and now the 'Heart of Asia' conference, Afghan government has come up with the optimism that international and regional countries are there to support Afghanistan to a great extent. Though optimism in this regard i ...

Importance of Less Important!

Importance of Less Important!

June 17, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

One of the pioneers of social sciences, who gave interesting theories about the social interactions and processes, gave a very interesting theory about the needs of human beings called, 'Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs'. The hierarchy has been given a shape like that of a pyramid. Six different needs have been mentioned and they are arranged one ...

Naturopathy: The Ideal Remedy to Health

Naturopathy: The Ideal Remedy to Health

June 17, 2012 | Rajeev Sharma

These days, people from all over the world including India, who like naturopathy, are highly increasing. However the media has played a magnificent role in making it famous. Especially in Western countries, there is a big list of people who are well-known personalities in their own fields, who along with allopathic ...

‘Heart of Asia’ Conference

‘Heart of Asia’ Conference

June 16, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The 2nd 'Heart of Asia' Conference was held in Kabul on Thursday, June 14, 2012, with the commitments that regional cooperation will be further enhanced and efforts will be made to pursue the joint interests collectively. It was emphasized that the region will play a role in supporting Afghanistan after the international troops withdraw ...

Educating the Soul!

Educating the Soul!

June 16, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Sheikh Saadi is known to be a man of great wisdom and knowledge and his both the qualities are considered to be ever-lasting. Hundreds of years ago, he wrote books and he expressed his wisdom which is still appreciated. This great scholar of his time and let's say of all the times, chose a unique way to gain ...

The Tahrir and Turmoil

The Tahrir and Turmoil

June 16, 2012 | Masood Korosh

These days' reports from Egypt come with surprises. Few days ago, the Supreme Court bought the life offormer President, Mr. Hosni Mobarak and his family members, which fuelled angerand pulled demonstrators back to Tahrir square. They were demanding for deathsentence which finally was not realized. More awkward was thedecision ...

Accepting as it is!

Accepting as it is!

June 14, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

There are some events or happenings in the world which can't be easily understood. A person or king who was cruel in the whole of his life and inflicted a lot many troubles and difficulties to the people and later on when the same dynasty or power was transferred to his son, he came up with the same powers and it appears as there had ...

Olympic Games,Digital Warfare and Cyber Defense Strategies

Olympic Games,Digital Warfare and Cyber Defense Strategies

June 14, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

Terrorism, violence, criminal culture, cyber terrorism, phone-hacking and digital warfare, allshare the same basic elements. The issue of cyber terrorism or information war has become the centre of considerable attention in the United Kingdom that faces a combination of threats including cyber attacks, instability ...

Deaths, Which Could be Avoided!

Deaths, Which  Could be Avoided!

June 13, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Afghanistan is one of the countries that have been facing the destructions of wars and conflicts for some decades now. With the horrors of wars, there are many other issues as well that have been annoying the Afghan people to a large extent. They have their roots in the destruction of the socio-political and ...



June 13, 2012 |

The bus is moving forward, leaving behind the distances and destinations. Outside the window, houses, bushes, trees and at times people pass by, leaving behind their memories. Inside, there is the resounding and echoing sound of engine of the bus. Now it has turned to be as something rhyming and people ...

Ethnic Groups and Conflict

Ethnic Groups and Conflict

June 13, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Afghan ethnic combination has often stoked socio-political antagonismas well as severe arguments within the civil society. Using theissue, particular circles and Afghan rulers during history have triedto strengthen the pillars of their power. Recently, the issue onceagain appeared in bold lines in domestic and ...

Civilian Casualty, The Response of Govt.

Civilian Casualty,  The Response of Govt.

June 12, 2012 | Kazim A. Gulzari

President Hamid Karzai cut short his China trip due to latest civilian casualties in airstrike by NATO-led troops in the central province of Logar.On Wednesday, June 06, 2012, 22 civilians were killed and 50 other injured in twin suicide attacks in Kandahar, while 18 people died in the ISAF strike ...

How Long Will Afghanistan Remain a Burden?

How Long Will Afghanistan  Remain a Burden?

June 12, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The NATO summit was held in Chicago from May 20 -21 this year. At his meeting with US President Barack Obama during the event, President Hamid Karzai said, "Afghanistan does not want to become a burden on the shoulder of our friends." That is true. Afghanistan does not want to be a burden but the truth is that Afghanistan, at current, is a burden for the international community ...

Stabilizing Afghanistan for the Long-Term – a View from Kazakhstan

Stabilizing Afghanistan for the Long-Term – a View from Kazakhstan

June 12, 2012 | Yerzhan Kazykhanov

As the 2014 deadline approaches for the withdrawal of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the international community is increasingly focused on the challenges of creating self-sustaining mechanisms for building long-term security in Afghanistan ...

Withdrawal Urgency

Withdrawal Urgency

June 11, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

There has been a kind of exaggerated optimism by the international and Afghan authorities regarding the post-withdrawal Afghanistan and the security arrangements the country will be left with. Afghan security forces are thought to be capable enough to guarantee peace and stability in the region against the growing ...