Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Measures to Curb the Use of Drugs

Measures to Curb the Use of Drugs

July 24, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

>Life is a miracle. One has to reach to this conclusion after going through its mysteries and excellence. Life is not how it is defined; rather, it is how it is lived. The living of life gives it a meaning. Human beings are not born with particular meanings for their lives, they have to discover them, search for them ...

The Issue of Infiltration

The Issue of Infiltration

July 24, 2012 | Masood Korosh

According to some local newspapers, around 12 policemen, including a commander defected and joined Taliban militants in western Farah Province. They also took away a police vehicle, a tank and ammunitions, according to police officials in the province. Reportedly, the team was led by sergeant ...

Mothers Are Always Great

Mothers Are Always Great

July 24, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

This is early in the morning and everyone is asleep but in the silence of the early morning, one person is silently busy in preparing for the day to come. She is boiling the milk, frying eggs or doing other preparations. Soon everyone will get up and they will demand each and everything ready immediately. Dad will ...

I am Waiting for My Turn

I am Waiting for My Turn

July 23, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

Quetta used to be the valley of love, particularly the Hazara dominated areas (Mahr-Abad and New Hazara Town). We used to live in peace and tranquility. We used to roam around the city with no fear. We used to go for picnics and participate in different occasions. I am really missing the days, when I used to ride to ...

Good Prices Rise as Ramadan Arrives

Good Prices Rise as  Ramadan Arrives

July 23, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

The factors like killings of innocent civilians, economic and political crisis, consistent drought, continuing violence, returning refugees, and the spike in global food prices and dozens of other social problems all the major forces in causing a serious threat to food security and stability in the region. Every year when the holy month of Ramadan ...

Spree Killings

Spree Killings

July 22, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

On Thursday, July 19, during a late night screening of a Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises", in a theater in Aurora, Colorado (A US state), a man entered the theater, threw smoke grenades and started shooting randomly, killing at least 12 people and injuring around 58 others. The incident is one of the worst ...

A Month of Blessings

A Month of Blessings

July 22, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Such inspirational and impressive scenes could have been only witnessed in the blessed and holy month of Ramadan. I had such a job that I used to get free very late and could hardly reach home for Iftaar (fast-breaking). Like so many others, I used to pedal my bicycle as quick as possible but when there remained a distance of 5-6 minutes to ...

The Prospective of Bilateral Relation between Kabul and Islamabad

The Prospective of Bilateral Relation between Kabul and Islamabad

July 22, 2012 | Masood Korosh

In a recent meeting in Kabul, President Hamid Karzai and Prime Minister Raja Parvez Ashraf of Pakistan agreed to work jointly in order to promote regional peace and stability. While, emphasizing on maintenance of friendly and cordial relation, they renewed their long-lasting claim of commitment to eliminate terrorism in ...

2014 Elections in Focus

2014 Elections in Focus

July 19, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

A consultative meeting was held between Independent Election Commission (IEC) and different political parties on Wednesday, July 18, in Kabul. The purpose of the meeting was to highlight some of the basic problems in election system and listen to suggestions regarding the improvements in the process and pave the way for the ...

Bridge between Brothers!

Bridge between Brothers!

July 19, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Cold war divided the world into two blocks; in which some of the countries joined one block while others the second. All the ties and positive cooperation between the two blocks were cut off and an unseen wall had mounted up between them. Across this wall, no one was able to see each other and this condition promoted fear of each other. Both the ...

Syria, Sinking in Bloodletting

Syria, Sinking in Bloodletting

July 19, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Seemingly, the army defectors and protestors who have held arms are increasingly changing to existential threat to government. The first senior political defector, Mr. Nawaf Fares has said that the days of President Assad's were numbered while expressing his concern about possible use of chemical weapons ...

Accountability in a Democratic Political System

Accountability in a Democratic  Political System

July 19, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

One of the basic problems with Afghanistan's present political system has been its unaccountability, which has given rise to so many other problems in the country – including the discouragement of the democratic values and the increase in rampant corruption. The present setup of Afghan government is a highly centralized ...

Economical Growth Cycle of Afghanistan Since 2001

Economical Growth Cycle  of Afghanistan Since 2001

July 19, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

Afghanistan has been the focal point of many countries' strategic plans since 2001. International community has pumped around $60 billion for the reconstruction and stabilization of peace and prosperity in the country, but unfortunately they have not been able to triumph over the security issues which have resulted in ...

Dealing with the Hard Business

Dealing with the  Hard Business

July 19, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

In the modern days, parents have started treating their children like race horses. They want that their children should be showing brilliant performance in all the different fields of life. In the classroom, they should secure the top position or get the highest grades, in sports ground, they should be the best ...

Political Parties and Their Significance

Political Parties and Their Significance

July 17, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Recently many questions have been raised about the draw backs or shortcomings within Afghan political system. One of the major issues in Afghanistan’s political crisis is the absence of one institution that has been a key for democratic systems in different countries of the world; and that is political parties. The ...

For the Whole of Humanity

For the Whole of Humanity

July 17, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

When tribes from different corners of Arab gathered in Makkah, he would visit the camps of tribes incessantly and invited them towards good deeds and to quit the way of disbelief and cruelty. They did not listen to him, and made fun of his words but he never got angry or disappointed or said anything to them, he just continued ...

A Letter to All

A Letter to All

July 16, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

You might fall into the dark valleys of disappointment if you assumed that everything in the world would be perfect. Once fallen into this dark valley, the hope and possibility of seeing any light to lead us out might be lost and thus we might be among those unlucky ones who remained in the middle of their journey, in the ...

Lal Bibi… More than just ALP at Stake

Lal Bibi… More than just ALP at Stake

July 16, 2012 | Rehman Azhar

Lal Bibi is 18 years old and the youngest daughter in a Kuchi family, who are semi-nomadic herders. She and her family live in a tent outside the city of Kunduz and raise sheep for their livelihood. Unfortunate events brought her to limelight recently. Lal Bibi says that she was abducted and raped because her cousin offended ...

Winning in Afghanistan

Winning in Afghanistan

July 16, 2012 | Lauryn Oates

It's often said that the war in Afghanistan is more a war of perceptions than anything. This is sometimes in reference to the Taliban's capacity to use propaganda strategically in comparison to NATO, and sometimes to the dire need for the Afghan Government to win greater legitimacy by doing a better job of rooting out the ...

Amassing of Terror

Amassing of Terror

July 15, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

It is really threatening to see the amassing of terrorism with each passing day in Afghanistan. It is the time in Afghanistan when the scenario should be going through improvements and efforts should be made to stabilize the situation. The coming few years are really very important and will decide the future ...

Finally Women Should Pay the Price

Finally Women Should Pay the Price

July 15, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Few days ago, when I was checking files in my hard disk, suddenly, I opened a video clip which a friend gave a year ago but I still had not watch that. It was a clip of Herati young women who was burned by acid by her husband's family. While tears flowing down her eyes, she was telling her heart wrenching story and revealing ...

We are Absolutely Indebted!

We are Absolutely Indebted!

July 15, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The library in my city was in a basement and when I first went there, I was in class 6; a strange smell came to me. Later on, this smell became the reference to all my beautiful memories attached with the joyous times related with the books. In cold winter days, when I started stepping down the stairs and entered the ...

A Child’s Matter!

A Child’s Matter!

July 14, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

This true story has been taken from a book of one of the famous writers of the world. He narrates that once he went to Italy where he was invited for a dinner by one of the most famous actors of his time. When he went there, he was very much impressed by his grand villa and other unique arrangements of the house. He was ...

Hazara Community Under House Arrest in Pakistan

Hazara Community Under  House Arrest in Pakistan

July 14, 2012 | Muhammad Younas

It's been now nearly 12 years, Hazaras are being killed by Lashkar-e-Jangvi, a militant religious group, in Quetta City, Pakistan and more than 700 Hazaras have so far been killed around 2000 injured. Not a single terrorist involved in the killing of Hazaras has yet been brought to justice. Those who were captured ...

Afghan Women Going Through a Bleeding Point of Time

Afghan Women Going Through a Bleeding Point of Time

July 14, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

The so-called gains that Afghan women have gained in the presence of U.S and its allied forces in Afghanistan in the last ten years as the Afghan government calls it in public and national and international conferences are in the fear of being lost. The government with ultimate surety has been trying to prove to the Afghan people and ...

Unchecked Population Growth

Unchecked Population Growth

July 12, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Every state consists of a population (total number of people living together in a politically defined territory), territory, government and sovereignty. Population is the basic part of a state. States are formed for the welfare and wellbeing of their people; without population no state or society can exist. There are ...

Ethics: Major Concern in Corruption Rate

Ethics: Major Concern  in Corruption Rate

July 12, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

Ethics is the set of principles of right conducts or theory and system of moral values that are developed by an organization to control the smooth flow of operations within the organization. For example, the code of ethics and principles of a government are the constitutions developed by government with the cooperation of ...

Of Roses and Thorns

Of Roses and Thorns

July 12, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

It was a view from one of the charity camps that were built to collect aid for the victims of earthquake. The camp was rapidly expanding as more and more people were coming with money, edibles, blankets and other necessities of life for their displaced and calamity-hit brothers and sisters. Huge piles of these ...

More on Corruption

More on Corruption

July 11, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

It is believed that corruption is one of the severest injustices done to a society. Corruption is an injustice in the sense that when justice demands that a person should be given what he\she deserves, corruption does the exact opposite. It is corruption that makes systems and institutions suffer and even ...

Barking Dogs and Thundering Clouds!

Barking Dogs and Thundering Clouds!

July 11, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

A man stopped a taxi and told him about the place he intended to go. Taxi driver asked him to sit in the taxi. As in our country, there is no concept of taxi meter or any other well-defined rates by the government so the man asked about the charges. Taxi driver told him to take him there for 300 Afghanis. It came a bit ...

New Round of Competition between Brotherhood and Military

New Round of Competition between Brotherhood and Military

July 11, 2012 | Masood Korosh

The Egyptians' new President, Mr. Mohammad Morsi, in an expected move, called on Muslim-brotherhood-led parliament to reopen and resume its work on Monday, July 9. He made the remarks while the current political situation still remains terribly tumultuous. Last month, the constitutional court revoked the result ...

After Tokyo Conference

After Tokyo Conference

July 10, 2012 | By Dilawar Sherzai

The promises and commitments that were made in Tokyo Conference by the international community seem to be more than expectations of the Afghan government. However, the conditions set for the continuation of the support are out of the capacity or attention of the Afghan government, as well. The Afghan society and even the government suffer from ...

Afghan Children Live in Grave Suffering

Afghan Children Live  in Grave Suffering

July 10, 2012 | By Mohammad Ahsan

Today, the administration in Afghanistan is in the hands of those Afghans who have been fighting each other for years. Only a fresh generation that grows up in peace and harmony and is more educated can move Afghanistan out of the grave instability and backwardness it is facing. It feels like the high government authorities ...

It Is a Matter of Feelings

It Is a Matter of Feelings

July 10, 2012 | By Muhammad Rasool Shah

Today's article would start and end with some scenes from the streets of Kabul and I would leave it to you to draw the conclusion out of these. Weather was hot and it was almost 5 in the evening. Four friends came out of their office and were about to get into their car when an ice-cream seller came. He was an old man and the long day's hard work ...

Taliban’s Viciousness on the Rise

Taliban’s Viciousness on the Rise

July 09, 2012 | By Dilawar Sherzai

Though it has been more than a decade since the downfall of Taliban and there are exaggerations about the defeat of Taliban and about the better guardianship of human rights in Afghanistan, the situation, in fact, seems to be getting worse in both the fronts. Taliban are not defeated and there are fears that they may return to power and have ...