Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Constraints to an Educated Afghanistan Remain Solid

Constraints to an Educated Afghanistan Remain Solid

May 28, 2012 | Mohd. Ahsan

As a result of the Soviet war, and the civil war which occurred shortly afterwards, many schools were destroyed and the education process as a whole in Afghanistan was negatively affected. The destruction of the education infrastructure went to an extreme level when the Taliban conquered and ruled most of Afghanistan. Today ...

SCO: Afghan Important Cooperation Partner

SCO: Afghan Important Cooperation Partner

May 28, 2012 | Xu Feihong

The 12th Council Meeting of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will be held in Beijing from June 6 to 7. Leaders from SCO member states and observer countries, as well as guests of presidency and heads of relevant international organizations will attend the meeting upon invitation. H.E. ...

Between Hope and Fear;

Between Hope and Fear;

May 28, 2012 | Nasruddin Hemati

Controversy over Iran's nuclear program and the level of authorized inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) lives on following the so called hopeful talks between Iran and the world six powers. Iranian officials have kept resisting against IAEA's demand for inspection of certain distrusted nuclear ...

Approval of Afghan-US SPA

Approval of Afghan-US SPA

May 27, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

In accordance to the general expectations, Afghan-US strategic partnership agreement (SPA) was approved by the lower house of parliament – the Wolesi Jirga on Saturday, May 26, 2012. The agreement received an overwhelming majority as 195 members of the parliament out of 199 members present in the house showed their ...



May 27, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

A new year started and so many new boys poured into the school from different parts of the country, students from the same city or far flung cities and villages. One could have noticed students with different emotions and feelings. Some sad, some happy, some shy, some naughty while majority of them appeared to be trying ...

Haqqani Network: Realistic Assessment

Haqqani Network: Realistic Assessment

May 27, 2012 | Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan

In the process of combating the terrorism, Pakistan and United Sates have worked as partner for a decade now. Surely, none of individuals perpetrated the incident of 9/11, belonged to Pakistan. They all were Arabs and so was OBL or Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, arrested and handed over to US along with over 700 other wanted ...

Hollande Confirms Withdrawal

Hollande Confirms Withdrawal

May 26, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The newly elected French President, Francois Hollande, reached to Kabul on Friday, May 25, on a surprise visit. Francois Hollande, during his election campaign and after his election as a president, has remained committed to withdraw French troops from Afghanistan till the end of the ongoing ...



May 26, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

I really think it to be unjust to assign a duty to a person who doesn't have even the rudimentary knowledge of the task he has undertaken. Same applies to a person who is too much interested to talk about an issue that he is absolutely unaware of and whose knowledge about the issue stems from sources which are ...

Worries Grow High for Businesses in Afghanistan

Worries Grow High for Businesses in Afghanistan

May 26, 2012 | Muhammad Ahsan

The plan of NATO countries to pull out their forces from Afghanistan in 2014 has run waves of panic among business circles of this country. Businessmen who have dared to invest in Afghanistan - despite serious threats and challenges - are now worried about the future of their businesses amid deteriorating security ...

conomic Challenges After 2014

conomic Challenges  After 2014

May 24, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

In the post 2014 scenario, Afghanistan would be facing myriads of challenges in order to guarantee security and stability in the country as the international troops withdraw from the country. It does not only require determination and iron will but resources and assistance to make the country stand on ...

Afghanistan: The Misinterpreted Land of Gaffar

Afghanistan: The Misinterpreted Land of Gaffar

May 24, 2012 | Ravi Nitesh

Exclusive for the Daily Outlook Afghanistan Sitting at home and switching TV channels here in India , curious for international , national, regional issues, many times the only news about Afghanistan, we are bound to watch is about Taliban. The only scene, we used to see, is the desert and the jeep ...



May 24, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The day was like a normal day on the streets of Kabul. It was morning when everyone was in hurry; students to their institutes, employees to their offices and shopkeepers to their shops or workplaces. When I got into the taxi, a passenger was already present in it. I was really surprised to see the driver. He did not ...

NATO Summit Concluded

NATO Summit Concluded

May 23, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

At the end of the NATO summit in Chicago, NATO members have emphasized that they would stick to their plans of the troops withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014. However, they promised that they would be there even after withdrawal to ensure that Afghanistan does not fail to face the challenges of security. They approved the US ...

Taliban’s Return a Threat to Women’s Social Growth

Taliban’s Return a Threat to Women’s Social Growth

May 23, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

n spite of remarkable achievements in the last couple of years in the lives of women, the vision of Taliban's return still circulates among women. As the U.S and NATO are on the loop to depart their forces from Afghanistan by December 2014, most women and international rights advocates are growing increasingly ...



May 23, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Like the physical requirements of food, water and other things, our souls also require their food. This includes affection, love, respect and sharing the company of each other. Presence or absence of these things greatly affects our feelings and thus the behaviors in life. Now it is not a secret that children ...

A lot of Work to do!

A lot of Work to do!

May 22, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As the NATO summit is proceeding in Chicago, differ ent meetings and gatherings are taking place alongside the summit. One of the same kinds of meetings was between the Afghan President Hamid Karzai and US President Barack Obama on Sunday, May 20, 2012. Both the Presidents had an hour-long meeting to discuss the issues relevant to Afghanistan ...

The Failed Formulas!

The Failed Formulas!

May 22, 2012 | Ahmad Noor “Baheige”

On the occasion of the inauguration of the second year of Afghan National Assembly, Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan referring to suggestions for a federal system in the country said, quot;Afghanistan is not a country where new systems and structures should be tested every so often." In fact, in the ...

The Dilemma of Austerity Measures

The Dilemma of  Austerity Measures

May 22, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Camp David meeting among G8 leaders came to an end without visible achievements over issues they discussed. However, President Barack Obama after the end of meeting voiced out that leaders of eight strong countries agreed on how to deal with current global economic mayhem, particularly, the Euro economies, all ...

NATO Summit, not All-Inclusive

NATO Summit, not All-Inclusive

May 21, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As the NATO summit is underway in Chicago, key decisions are expected to be made regarding security transition, reconciliation process and the future of Afghanistan and the role of NATO members after the complete withdrawal of international troops in 2014. Though the summit is claimed to be very much comprehensive, it has the ...

Beyond Security

Beyond Security

May 21, 2012 | Nasruddin Hemati

Another milestone in talks and commitments on Afghanistan is kicked off in Chicago. Afghanistan stands at the top of the agenda when heads of state and government from the 28-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) meet in Chicago Sunday and Monday. Following the decade-long war in Afghanistan, countdown ...

Afghanistan Heads towards Darkness

Afghanistan Heads towards Darkness

May 21, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

We have traveled through more than three decades under the dark cloud of war with its worst ever consequences, yet the region is severely believed to be a safe haven for the Taliban and its allies. Since the beginning of this year, Afghan's official personalities have been under constant attacks, yet the government reportedly ...

In Search of Refuge!

In Search of Refuge!

May 20, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The political and security situation in Afghanistan has always forced many Afghans to leave their land and move to other countries to seek refuge. There are many Afghans living in the neighboring countries because of the civil wars and severe social and economic conditions in the last few decades. Pakistan and ...

Time to Focus on “Afghan Good Enough”

Time to Focus on “Afghan Good Enough”

May 20, 2012 | Anthony H. Cordesman

Every day seems to widen the gap between the goals the United States is seeking to achieve in Afghanistan and its ability to achieve them. Even apparent progress, like the Strategic Framework Agreement between the United States and Afghanistan, seems more a warning on the inability to define specific goals, milestones, and ...

Another Strategic Agreement Signed!

Another Strategic  Agreement Signed!

May 19, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As the transition period is going on in Afghanistan and the withdrawal of international forces is going to be completed in 2014, there are concerns about the capability of Afghan authorities to shoulder the responsibilities of carrying on the security and governance of the country appropriately. This fact is ...

Post 2014 Economic Growth Challenges

Post 2014 Economic  Growth Challenges

May 19, 2012 | Abbas Ali Sultani

It has been ten years that Afghanistan has been benefiting from the foreign aids. The international aid spent by international community during the last ten years has contributed to some progress in Afghanistan's economical and social infrastructures. But in comparison to the amount of money spent for ...

A Weaker Perspective for North Korea

A Weaker Perspective for North Korea

May 19, 2012 | Masood Korosh

Still the guns are not unloaded and the necks are looking puffed in the Korean Peninsula. Both Pyongyang and Seoul officials have not come short to tolerate the, so-called, aggressive behavior of the others. The region has become the hot-bed of political controversies and psychological war, and after the failure of North Koreas ...

Pact with Germany a New Chapter in Ties: Karzai

Pact with Germany a  New Chapter in Ties: Karzai

May 19, 2012 |

KABUL - President Hamid Karzai said the signing of the long-term strategic agreement with Germany opens a new chapter in the friendly relations with the European nation, the president's office said on Thursday.
Karzai and German Chancellor Angela Merkel signed the cooperation ...

Can this New Beginning Result into a Happy Ending?

Can this New Beginning Result into a Happy Ending?

May 17, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

After a period of bad patch in their relations, US and Pakistan are once again trying to have a new beginning. Though they have it most of the times, they are unable to convert it into a happy ending. In the recent commitment of the new beginning both the countries have given the indications that NATO supply route through ...

Anniversary of the Establishment of Armed Forces

Anniversary of the Establishment of Armed Forces

May 17, 2012 | Kazakhstan Embassy Kabul

The people of independent Kazakhstan are to celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces on May 17, 2012. After the collapse of Soviet Union country's leadership faced with the necessity to establish National Armed Forces. The role and the place of the state in the ...

The Possibility of Re-election in Greece

The Possibility of Re-election in Greece

May 17, 2012 | Masood Korosh

The status of Greece in the Euro-zone is going from worse to damaging. Pro and anti-austerity measures are almost equally divided in recent parliamentary election. Previously, Greek leaders accepted the condition of EU and IMF to receive the bailout money and go with severe economic austerity measures, but the current ...

The New Experiment with Feminism in Afghanistan

The New Experiment with Feminism in Afghanistan

May 17, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

In the post-Taliban Afghanistan, "women rights" is the buzzword. Improving the conditions and social standing of women in today's Afghanistan has found devout champions in both the Afghan government and outside in the fledgling Afghan civil society. Numerous institutions have been set up tasked ...

Fretfulness Regarding Security

Fretfulness Regarding Security

May 16, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan has not only faced opposition and threat from Taliban but every now and then they have faced assaults from their Afghan counterparts or juniors. There have been certain incidents when Afghan soldiers have turned violent against foreign troops and have either killed ...

Governance Crisis Must be Improved

Governance Crisis  Must be Improved

May 16, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie 

Afghanistan's long march towards gradually restoring stability, peace, prosperity and all-round development seems to have halted in tracks. There appears to be continuous degeneration and a steep decline in almost all the aspects and areas in which Afghanistan saw drastic improvement ...

Political Transition and Calls for Electoral Reforms

Political Transition and Calls for Electoral Reforms

May 15, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

As we get closer to the withdrawal deadline of US and NATO troops in 2014, security transition and political and economic stability tops among domestic concerns. Despite the US-Afghan Strategic Partnership Agreement, NATO has an exit schedule but lacks a concrete post-withdrawal strategy. Transitory plans are based on assumptions ...

Socio-economic Mobility and Growing Frustration

Socio-economic Mobility and Growing Frustration

May 15, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Capitalism has always been in controversy because it has been a class-based system. The presence of three major economic classes in the system has always kept the discussions among the economists and politicians very hot - few considering it the failure of system while others suggesting it to be the beauty of ...