Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024



June 11, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

A man was walking on the road. At once, a man came out of a shop very fast and hit the man on the road and they both fell down. First man stood up and said to the next in a bitter voice, 'Why don't you look before you come out on road, you should remember that you are not running in your father's garden'. These words ...

International Terrorism, Lone Wolves,andEuropean Muslims

International Terrorism, Lone Wolves,andEuropean Muslims

June 11, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

'Terrorists', according to historian Frank Furedi, become any foreign people you don't like. On May 02, 2011, after the death of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, al-Qaeda warned in its message: "The soldiers of Islam, whether in groups or individually, will not relent, despair, surrender, or weaken and will continue ...

It is Retrogression, not Transition

It is Retrogression,  not Transition

June 10, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Afghanistan at the moment is going through what is being called as a 'transition period'. The basic concept of the term is to suggest that Afghanistan is going through a time after which there would be visible changes in Afghan society as far as the socio-political scenario is concerned. The international community ...

Hostilities Spill Over

Hostilities Spill Over

June 10, 2012 | Nasruddin Hemmati

The longtime hostility between the United States of America and the Islamic Republic of Iran is spilling over to some third party relations. Since the very first days following the Islamic Revolution in Iran, they have been battling over certain domestic, regional and global issues. The trend of conflicts has indicated ...

For Teachers, Humbly Again!

For Teachers, Humbly Again!

June 10, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

In one of our folk tales, a shepherd is mentioned who had developed such an understanding with his sheep and guardian dogs that he hardly needed to do anything to control them. An invisible understanding had been developed between the parties that both understood the expectations of each other. Sheep had automatically ...

After Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit

After Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit

June 09, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) ended on Thursday, June 8, with commitments that there will be efforts on the regional scale to fight terrorism and to enhance cooperation among the member states and other countries of the region in economic and security fields. A total of 10 agreements ...

Embracing The Youth!

Embracing The Youth!

June 09, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

A man got very angry of a cat in his house. He took a stick in his hand and ran after the cat. Cat went into a room and tried to hide itself somewhere. Man quickly closed and locked the door and started looking for the cat. Holding the stick high in air, he was very much angry and wanted to teach the cat a very good lesson. The ...

Lack of National Equality Risks the Gains

Lack of National Equality Risks the Gains

June 09, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Allah is the absolute and the sole master of mankind and the universe, and we believe in it. As he has given each human dignity and honor, and breathed into him of his own spirit with best principles and guidance, it persuades that men are essentially the same. In fact, the only differences between them are such ...

Government’s Frustration against the Political Opposition

Government’s Frustration against the Political Opposition

June 07, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As Afghanistan is proceeding through the transition, it is taking along with itself many un-resolved issues, and there is no clear indication that they would be solved when the transition is complete. If the ambiguity regarding these issues remains as it is, the country may be caught in the quagmire of insecurity ...

President Karzai at SCO

President Karzai at SCO

June 07, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

President Karzai is meeting world leaders in Beijing today on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's 12th summit. He would meet Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Pakistani counterparts. Afghanistan has been attending SCO summits as guest nation and it is expected that we will be granted ...

The Effects of Media on Afghan Society

The Effects of Media on Afghan Society

June 07, 2012 | Masood Korosh

No doubt press and media are intertwined withsocio-political and economic conditions at any given society. Media developsand grows within the society, and is responsible to reflect people's voice torulers. It is a medium through which people and government should interact witheach other. Certainly, the modern media as ...

Stealing Contentment!

Stealing Contentment!

June 06, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Now all the guests had almost come and lunch was going to be served. Room was big and number of guests was anyhow not less than 40. There were different kinds of people among the guests; politicians, government servants, businessmen, shopkeepers, students, and teachers and many others. There were rich and influential ...

No Hope of Improvement in US-Pak Relations

No Hope of Improvement  in US-Pak Relations

June 06, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

US and Pakistan do not seem to be getting any better in their relations. Their relations are now in a position from where it is too difficult for them to come back on track. Since the NATO attack on the Pakistan military check post till the recent reports of NATO's pact with the Central Asian countries to re-route ...

Terrorism,Violence and the Future of European Societies

Terrorism,Violence and the Future of European Societies

June 06, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

Many studies in the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Netherland have focused on the causes of radicalization and extremism, but have neither proposed a long-term solution nor adopted multicultural countering measures. On the issue of alienation, marginalization, fragmentation, and religious ferments, many scholars ...

Prospects of Regional Meeting

Prospects of Regional Meeting

June 05, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

President Hamid Karzai is going to attend the meeting of the Shangai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Beijing on 6-7 of June. It is expected that Afghan President would have an opportunity to strengthen the regional ties as it is expected that alongside the meeting of SCO, he would be able to meet the leaders of ...

Sustaining The Hopes!

Sustaining The Hopes!

June 05, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

In a village, there was a big tree. That tree was so old that even the oldest of villagers were not able to tell about its age. The elders of the village told that they heard from their grand-grandfathers about this tree. It was in the centre of the village and thus the point of all the social gatherings of the village; children ...

Kuchi Conflict Needs Permanent Resolution

Kuchi Conflict Needs Permanent Resolution

June 05, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

With the arrival of pasturing season, once again the Kuchi-conflict in Behsud and Daimirdad districts of Maidan Wardak Province has erupted. Last week on Saturday, a clash was reported between armed Kuchis and local villagers in Sheikh Qila Arab area of Behsud, where hundreds of residents have escaped to neighboring villages ...

Machination against Education

Machination against Education

June 04, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

There seems to be no end to the attacks on the schools and education in Afghanistan. Unfortunately as a response to such a heinous objective, there are no tangible measures carried out by the Afghan authorities to deal with the situation appropriately. Through a giant machination, endeavors are underway to dishearten ...

Who would Listen to them!

Who would Listen to them!

June 04, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

At last, one was able to feel the heat of June in Kabul as the last winter was too long and too harsh, full of cold and snow and rain, and then till end of May, there were continuous light showers that made the air soothingly cold. After taking my classes, I came to Zerzamini and stood under a tree at the entrance of Abdul Rehman Mosque, waiting for ...

Democracy Fighters

Democracy Fighters

June 04, 2012 | Nasruddin Hemati

The people's revolutions across the Arab world opened rays of hope for a better world. Following a year and half, the world watches events in the revolutionary countries with serious concerns on the overall process and the direction to which the revolutionaries have headed. The fear of extremist post-revolution regimes ...

Corruption has Penetrated Deep in Afghan Society

Corruption has Penetrated Deep in Afghan Society

June 03, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Afghan society has been influenced by corruption so much that it would be really a Herculean task to extract it out. Unfortunately, the most important factors of society that should be dealt with, with complete sincerity and devotion, are also influenced by this menace. And no one is ready to realize it. From the most responsible authorities in the government ...

Attention Again, Dear Students!

Attention Again, Dear Students!

June 03, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

There is a very interesting quotation about children that, "Children are very good but then they grow up very fast". This saying is all-time favorite of teachers who experience the school students. In Class 6, usually there were students who were in the age limit of 10-13 years. Though they were small but were ...

Combating Opium Cultivation and Drug Trafficking

Combating Opium Cultivation and Drug Trafficking

June 03, 2012 | Masood Korosh

One day while talking with a friend about the dilemma of drugs andopium cultivation in the country and how they have dealt blow to Afghanpeople more than any other nation in the world, he put an obsessing issue. Hehas grown up in the neighboring country, Iran, where due todiscriminative propaganda of state-run media, Afghans are blamed ...

President Karzai’s Reaffirmations

President Karzai’s Reaffirmations

June 02, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As the date for the complete withdrawal of the international troops is getting nearer, worries regarding different spheres of life are also getting more serious. One of the greatest factors that would decide the future of Afghanistan's political setup is the 2014 election. Afghanistan, in order to move towards ...

Attention, Dear Students!

Attention, Dear Students!

June 02, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Each class had two sports periods in a week and these were the periods that were eagerly awaited and wonderfully cherished by the students. Contrary to all other subjects when teacher waited for the students, these were the periods for which students looked for the Physical Instructor to come early to the ...

The Rights of Women are in Jeopardy

The Rights of Women  are in Jeopardy

June 02, 2012 |

Men have violated every rule of law, overwhelmed and divested the status of women, depressed them to full extent. They prohibited the women from participating in society building and left them into a very isolated and dismal corner. Men have the authority to give life and death to their women relatives, particularly their wives, but a man in ...

Growing Distrust

Growing Distrust

May 31, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The concerns of Afghanistan's opposition parties and civil society members are increasing about the transition process, reconciliation with Taliban, future of the political system and the issue of peace and tranquility. One of the basic problems with these processes is that they are not being made very much transparent ...



May 31, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Very recently, I have been hearing a lot about the differences between the people and of course the conflicts resulting out of these differences. These differences or conflicts are between a son and father, between the members of a family, between brothers, between the boss and the subordinates and in a broader ...

Afghans Continue to Suffer From Poverty

Afghans Continue to  Suffer From Poverty

May 31, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Hunger has always been the root cause of global unrest. There has been always a link between hunger and global security. Fighting to end hunger among the nations worldwide is the first most important step in ensuring the global security and even achieving peace among the nations. Perhaps, there could be no permanent global ...

An Undying Threat

An Undying Threat

May 30, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

One of the major problems that have been influencing Afghan society to a great extent is the menace of the drugs. Afghanistan, unfortunately, has been victimized by its production and trafficking in such a way that it would be really a difficult task to drag the country out. It has now taken the form of an organized crime ...



May 30, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

There lived a farmer. He had his small piece of land on which he cultivated and fed his family. Farmer and his family lived in a big room as his conditions did not permit him to build another room. Although the room was not enough for the nine members of the family, however, they lived happily in it as they had at least ...

Iran - A Netherworld for Afghan Refugees

Iran - A Netherworld  for Afghan Refugees

May 30, 2012 | Masood Korosh

It was the second month of the winter season in Afghanistan, when I went to the house of my cousin, who was staying in a rented room with her nine years old daughter. When I asked whether she received any phone calls from her husband in Iran, unlike the rest of days, her face flashed with delight and happiness, she turned to ...

Girls’ Education – Is it so Abominable?

Girls’ Education – Is  it so Abominable?

May 29, 2012 | Sajjad Urya

The radical and conservative elements in Afghan society have always been against modern education. They have always taken acute steps to stop its growth in this society. And when the matter is related to the education of the girls or women, the situation becomes more intolerable for them. They do ...

Attacks on Schools

Attacks on Schools

May 29, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

In a mysterious series of incidents, hundreds of schoolchildren have been poisoned during the last couple of weeks in several provinces across the country. Many are hospitalized. A mass fear has spread among students, and dozens of schools are closed down. The Government officials have ...

The Ladder of Languages!

The Ladder of Languages!

May 29, 2012 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Many years back a friend of mine visited some of the countries of Europe. At that time, present grand and powerful European Union had not come into existence but talks were underway to form such a union that could assure the general growth and prosperity of the region. However, some 5-6 countries had entered an agreement and ...