Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

What Khalilzad’s Peace Deal with Taliban Brought About to Afghanistan?

What Khalilzad’s Peace Deal with Taliban  Brought About to Afghanistan?

July 22,2020 | Abdul Qahar Bakhshi

After more than eighteen years of war in Afghanistan, the United States and the Taliban reached an agreement in what was both sides’ most intensive ...

Is a China-US “Rivalry Partnership” Possible?

Is a China-US “Rivalry Partnership” Possible?

July 22,2020 | Mohamed A. El-Erian

Not a day seems to pass without further evidence of the mounting economic tensions between China and the United States, the world’s two largest economies...

The Complexities and Challenges of the Afghan Peace Process

The Complexities and Challenges of  the Afghan Peace Process

July 21,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

With closing to probable commencement of Intra-Afghan Peace Talks, the level of violence has unprecedentedly increased in the country. The official report indicates that civilian ...

China-Iran Strategic Agreement: Regional Implications

China-Iran Strategic Agreement:  Regional Implications

July 21,2020 | Syed Tahir Rashdi

Over the past week, news of a long-term strategic pact between China and Iran has caused an uproar among the Iranian public and politicians alike, with both supporters and opponents ...

The French Revolution and Its Important Lessons for Today’s Political Life

The French Revolution and Its Important  Lessons for Today’s Political Life

July 20,2020 | By: Mohammad Zahir Akbari

the French Revolution was a great historical event which not only paved the ground for political development in France but also in Europe and in the world. Lasting from 1789 to ...

Concerns over Increases of Insecurity Incidents in Herat Province

Concerns over Increases of Insecurity  Incidents in Herat Province

July 20,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

The key western city of Afghanistan witnessed a series of insecurity incidents, including targeted killings, attacks on the police and armed robbing. Herat located in the western ...

Modern Afghanistan Needs to Modern Anthropology

Modern Afghanistan Needs to Modern Anthropology

July 19,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

One of the most important topics which vitally required to be promoted in Afghanistan is anthropology especially in school and university levels. The anthropology not ...

Modern Afghanistan Needs to Modern Anthropology

Modern Afghanistan Needs to Modern Anthropology

July 19,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

One of the most important topics which vitally required to be promoted in Afghanistan is anthropology especially in school and university levels. The anthropology not ...

Galwan Valley standoff and Dilemmas for New Delhi

Galwan Valley standoff and Dilemmas for New Delhi

July 19,2020 | Shahid Majeed Mir

The abrogation of Article on whatsoever grounds has put strains in the strings of foreign policy of India
Galwan, Depsang and DBO Road are but ...

Will the New Security Pact Improve the Social Disorders in Afghanistan?

Will the New Security Pact Improve the  Social Disorders in Afghanistan?

July 18,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The social insecurity problem has extremely made the citizens unsatisfied whereas no security institutions have been able to control it so far. Without doubt, nowhere in the world can tolerate ...

Keep Borders Open

Keep Borders Open

July 18,2020 | By: Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg

Until recently, we were regularly confronted with images of drowned migrants floating in the waters separating poorer countries from richer ones, from the Rio Grande to the Mediterranean...

After the Coup Attempt by FETÖ, Turkish-Afghan Brotherhood Proved to be Time-tested

After the Coup Attempt by FETÖ, Turkish-Afghan  Brotherhood Proved to be Time-tested

July 15,2020 | Oğuzhan Ertuğrul

It all started under the disguise of a charitable education effort. They presented themselves as a benign education movement, when they started the campaign of establishing schools ...

Promote Regional Cooperation in South Asia and Maintain Regional Peace and Prosperity

Promote Regional Cooperation in South Asia and Maintain  Regional Peace and Prosperity

July 15,2020 | Huang Dekai, Gan Luting & Luo Shenghong

Pakistan said on the 13th that it has decided to allow Afghanistan to export to India through the Waga border from July 15. This is not only to facilitate transit trade for ...

The Root of Afghanistan’s Crisis from Perspective of Political Psychology

The Root of Afghanistan’s Crisis from  Perspective of Political Psychology

July 14,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

One of the main reasons for the collapse of governments and failure of policies in Afghanistan has been the disproportionate political and cultural approach to the general psyche ...

Saving Generation COVID

Saving Generation COVID

July 14,2020 | Abiy Ahmed and Gordon Brown

The oft-repeated idea that COVID-19 is “the great equalizer” is a myth. There is no equality of suffering or equality of sacrifice during a pandemic ...

A V-Shaped Recovery Could Still Happen

A V-Shaped Recovery Could Still Happen

July 13,2020 | Jim O’Neill

Since March, I have been more open than other commentators to the possibility of a “V-shaped” recovery from the pandemic-induced downturn (though I have also consistently warned ...

Entrepreneurship and its Challenges in Afghanistan

Entrepreneurship and its Challenges  in Afghanistan

July 12,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Although there is no clear definition for entrepreneurship, it usually refers to the process of creating new values, new enterprise and bearing any of its risks, with ...

How Women Can Power the Green Transition

How Women Can Power the  Green Transition

July 12,2020 | By: Irene Giner-Reichl

The world needs to shift from the current fossil-fuel-based energy system to carbon neutrality. Most obviously, this will require countries to roll out renewable energy ....

The Role of United Nation in Peace and Security In Afghanistan

The Role of United Nation in Peace and  Security In Afghanistan

July 11,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unfortunately, no eastern or western powers and organizations have yet succeeded to act upon their commitment and humanitarian responsibilities ending the imposed war ...

Trump’s Pulling out US From WHO is Sad for Global Health and Bad for USA.

Trump’s Pulling out US From WHO is Sad for Global Health and Bad for USA.

July 11,2020 | Syed Tahir Rashdi

The U.S. has sent a letter officially notifying the United Nations that it is leaving the World Health Organization, starting the formal process of withdrawal that ...

Hopes and Worries over Intra-Afghan Peace Talks

Hopes and Worries over Intra-Afghan  Peace Talks

July 08,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

These days Kabul is hosting a series of conferences and negotiations to pave the ground for Intra-Afghan peace talks. According to media reports, today the representatives ...

Relation Between US Interests and Expansion of Taliban

Relation Between US Interests and  Expansion of Taliban

July 08,2020 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

By 1989, mounting casualties, dissatisfaction among the troops and international pressure led to the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Further the power vacuum ...

International Funds Ineffectiveness Towards Peace building in Afghanistan

International Funds Ineffectiveness  Towards Peace building in Afghanistan

July 07,2020 | Asadullah Fahimi

As we discussed previously, Afghanistan falls in ill-state condition and there is a preventive method for ending conflict and violence toward achieving a relative peace...

The Consequences of Haibatullah’s Possible Death on Peace Process

The Consequences of Haibatullah’s  Possible Death on Peace Process

July 07,2020 | Hujjatullah Zia

If the Taliban leader Mullah Haibatullah could have died as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, as unconfirmed reports claim, the Afghan peace process would have been affected adversely...

Will Universities Learn from Lockdowns?

Will Universities Learn from Lockdowns?

July 07,2020 | Kenneth Rogoff

Will COVID-19 finally trigger a long-overdue technological disruption of higher education? Throughout the world, sudden mid-semester lockdowns aimed at combating ...

Al-Qaeda and Osama bin laden

Al-Qaeda and Osama bin laden

July 06,2020 | Raja Furqan Ahmed

After the Soviet occupation in Afghanistan, Muslim from all over the world were encouraged by the United State and its allies to come Pakistan and join the Afghan ...

The Triple Crisis Shaking the World

The Triple Crisis Shaking the World

July 06,2020 | Joschka Fischer

The COVID-19 pandemic is entering its second phase as countries gradually reopen their economies and loosen or even revoke strict social-distancing measures...

Afghans’ Concerns about Hasty Troop Pullout

Afghans’ Concerns about Hasty  Troop Pullout

July 05,2020 | Hujjatullah Zia

Many Afghans who see themselves most closely allied with American values – and most dependent on US support – fear they have the most to lose from the peace deal...

Building Forward with Digital Agriculture

Building Forward with  Digital Agriculture

July 05,2020 | Michael Kremer and Gilbert F. Houngbo

The COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping societies around the world, in part by accelerating the digital revolution that was already underway at the beginning of the year...

Fear of Civil War Looms Large with a Hasty Troop Pullout

Fear of Civil War Looms Large with  a Hasty Troop Pullout

July 04,2020 | Hujjatullah Zia

Afghans view the Taliban outfit with mistrust as its fighters intensified their attacks despite signing peace agreement with the United States. The Taliban are said to share ...

Priorities for the COVID-19 Economy

Priorities for the COVID-19 Economy

July 04,2020 | Joseph E. Stiglitz

Although it seems like ancient history, it hasn’t been that long since economies around the world began to close down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Early in the crisis ...

Stress Management Strategy During Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond

Stress Management Strategy During  Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond

June 01,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Stress is a series of psychological pressures caused by various factors such as covid-19 global crisis. In global level, millions of people around the world are suffering from psychological stress but with the onset of covid-19 pandemic ...

Globalizing the Fight Against the Pandemic

Globalizing the Fight Against the Pandemic

June 01,2020 | Carlos Alvarado Quesada and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

The COVID-19 pandemic began less than six months ago, but we have already learned a great deal about the disease. Scientists around the world are looking at new and ...

SAARC Development Fund celebrates a decade of project funding for regional integration and economic cooperation

SAARC Development Fund celebrates a decade of project funding for regional integration and economic cooperation

April 30,2020 |

Thimphu Bhutan, 27 April 2020 – 28 April 2020 marks 10 years of SAARC Development Fund’s establishment as the umbrella financial institution for SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) projects and programmes.

How much Each Afghan’s Behavior Protect National Unity in Afghanistan?

How much Each Afghan’s Behavior Protect National Unity in Afghanistan?

April 01,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

In today’s world, each ones behavior is imperative and counted. A stable family is who has good sense of humor, respect their differences, share their strengths, enjoy their values ...