Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Flattening the COVID-19 Curve in Developing Countries

Flattening the COVID-19 Curve in Developing Countries

April 01,2020 | RICARDO HAUSMANN

LEE, MASSACHUSETTS – COVID-19 is ravaging advanced economies such as Italy, France, Spain, and the United States. Beyond the deaths and human suffering, markets are discounting a catastrophic ...

Leadership in a Time of Contagion

Leadership in a Time of Contagion

March 26,2020 | Mark Leonard

BERLIN – Google “Europe” and “crisis” and you will turn up 784 million results. So often do the two terms appear together that they might as well be a compound ...

The Challenges of Political Development in Afghanistan

The Challenges of Political Development in Afghanistan

March 26,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

When we talk about political development it refers to modernization of political structures, national unity, political culture, political participation, freedom of expression and so on...

United States is miss leaded in Afghanistan

United States is miss leaded in Afghanistan

March 25,2020 | Hadi Miraan

I was swimming in a luxury swimming pull in Vanishborg city of Sweden that suddenly my glances knotted with terrible pictures on the wall-hanged TV that was displaying the scenes ...

Coronavirus and economic War- Who is triumphant?

Coronavirus and economic War- Who is triumphant?

March 25,2020 | Hamayun Khan

With the number of coronavirus cases continuously ramping up across the globe, agitations over the prospect of the economic repercussion of the pandemic virus are increasing. The virus hailing ...

Pulling Together to Fight COVID-19, Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

Pulling Together to Fight COVID-19, Towards a Community of Shared Future for Mankind

March 24,2020 | Wang Yu

Positive results have been achieved in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak in China under the leadership of President Xi Jinping. Meanwhile,the global pandemic situation brooks ...

Accountability is the Foundation of Trust in Afghanistan

Accountability is the Foundation of Trust in Afghanistan

March 24,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

Any government in the world does some series of actions like agenda setting, policy formulation, implementation, budgeting and evaluation. In practice, some governments are very successful ...

The Significance of China’s Role in Afghan Peace Talks

The Significance of China’s Role in Afghan Peace Talks

March 24,2020 | Moh. Reza Huwaida

Among the regional and global states, China has played a prominent role in Afghan peace process. China is Afghanistan’s most powerful neighbor and a state with more than one billion ...

Turkey’s Role in Sustainable Peace in Afghanistan

Turkey’s Role in Sustainable Peace in Afghanistan

March 23,2020 | Moh. Reza Huwaida

Sustainable peace will not emerge in Afghanistan if the role of the states, which shared long cultural relations with the country or were engaged constructively in its issues, is disregarded. . .

The Inherent Dignity of Mankind Should be Respected

The Inherent Dignity of Mankind Should be Respected

March 23,2020 | Hujjatullah Zia

Men’s dignity and rights are transgressed widely across the globe. One’s blood is spilt for his particular color, race or beliefs and one falls the victim of rape ...

The Vulnerability of Poor People against Covid-19

The Vulnerability of Poor People against Covid-19

March 23,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Though corona-virus threatens every one and every country in the world but poor people and poor countries are more vulnerable than richer ones. Inevitably people are more susceptible ...

Deadlock of Peace and Policy Under the Shadow of COVID-19

Deadlock of Peace and Policy Under the Shadow of COVID-19

March 22,2020 | Moh. Reza Huwaida

Within the past years, the spring sea-son has ushered in with concerns for Afghan people as the Taliban declared their spring offensive against the Afghan government ...

Kabul Accommodate the Richest and the Poorest – Never Feel Secure

Kabul Accommodate the Richest and the Poorest – Never Feel Secure

March 22,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

Kabul, which inhabits residents with a wide range of socio-cultural background globally known as the capital city of Afghanistan. During the four decades of civil war, Kabul damaged entirely ...

Xinjiang Uyghurs Enjoy Good Medical And Health Conditions

Xinjiang Uyghurs Enjoy Good Medical And Health Conditions

March 22,2020 | Sheikh Hazza Bin Zayed

The Qur’an is the only fundamental classic of Islam. It is a collection of Allah’s revelation to Muhammad in his 23 years of missionary process. It is also the belief standard ...

Recent declines of democracy in Afghanistan

Recent declines of democracy in Afghanistan

March 19,2020 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

The latest presidential election held in Afghanistan in September  2020 witnessed only 26 percent turnout, the lowest since 2001. It is a dismal turnout and can hardly ...

A Silent Hero of the Coronavirus Crisis

A Silent Hero of the Coronavirus Crisis

March 19,2020 | Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg

NEW HAVEN – Not to diminish the superhuman efforts of nurses, doctors, and health-care workers worldwide ...

Enduring Freedom Doctrine: Anything Anti-US Interests is Terrorism

Enduring Freedom Doctrine: Anything Anti-US Interests is Terrorism

March 18,2020 | Muhammad Jahangir Kakar

The course of this conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear, justice and cruelty, have always been at war’ was what George W. Bush committed alongside other ...

What Factors Can Unite Afghans?

What Factors Can Unite Afghans?

March 18,2020 |

Unfortunately, the current political situation of the country is like a timeworn piece of cloth as catch from one side it will be torn from the other side.  Though lack of unity ...

The Right Use of Power Result Prosperity for a Nation

The Right Use of Power Result  Prosperity for a Nation

March 17,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

In the Afghanistan context, you may have you noticed that people who have a lot of compassion and social intelligence ...

Holistic Thinking for Global Threats

Holistic Thinking for Global Threats

March 17,2020 | Amy Luers

In addition to costing human lives, this year’s unprecedentedly severe wildfire season in Australia has destroyed an estimated 2,500 homes, killed hundreds of millions of animals ...

The Incomplete Triangle of Peace in Afghanistan

The Incomplete  Triangle of Peace in Afghanistan

March 16,2020 | Moh. Reza Huwaida

The issue of Afghan peace has been trilateral with the involvement of three parties including the United States, the Afghan government, and the Taliban. The US appears to have reached ...

What Should We Do Against Covid-19?

What Should We Do Against Covid-19?

March 16,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In spite of many concerns about political instability in Afghanistan, Afghans have now become concerned over the outbreak of coronavirus in the country. The first coronavirus ...

America’s Nonchalance in Afghanistan, Taliban is not Trustable!

America’s Nonchalance in Afghanistan,  Taliban is not Trustable!

March 16,2020 | Hadi Miraan

The peace deal that has been signed between the Taliban’s political delegation based in Doha and the United States envoy for peace in Afghanistan Zalmai Khalilzad, considers ...

Demolition of Buddhas – Reminiscing Taliban’s Acts vis-à-vis Culture and History

Demolition of Buddhas – Reminiscing  Taliban’s Acts vis-à-vis Culture and History

March 15,2020 | Moh. Reza Huwaida

Although political and security issues have been reiterated in the US-Taliban peace agreement, signed in the Qatari capital of Doha, politics and security are not the only factors for ...

Post Shaking of Doha-Agreement

Post Shaking of Doha-Agreement

March 15,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

On 19 February 2020, the negotiation of Taliban and US was finalized and produced “The Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan.” Via an official ceremony ...

Social Crimes: A Never-Ended Problem in Kabul City

Social Crimes: A Never-Ended  Problem in Kabul City

March 15,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Though Kabul is the center of social and economic decision making and expected to be one of the secure provinces in the country, almost every day or every week, there are reports about ...

Taliban Prisoner Releases amidst Upsurge in Political Upheaval

Taliban Prisoner Releases amidst  Upsurge in Political Upheaval

March 14,2020 | Moh. Reza Huwaida

Despite the fact that President Ashraf Ghani reiterated his disapproval of releasing 5,000 Taliban prisoners, stated in the US-Taliban peace agreement signed in Qatar ...

What does Taliban Want: Peace or Power?

What does Taliban Want: Peace or Power?

March 14,2020 | Hujjatullah Zia

The intra-Afghan peace negotiation was expected to start on March 10, 2020 following the implementation of the US -Taliban agreement and phased American withdrawal but the Taliban ...

Impact Factors of 1998 Nuclear Tests in South Asia

Impact Factors of 1998 Nuclear  Tests in South Asia

March 14,2020 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

The nationalist government which took over in New Delhi in March 1998 under Vajpayee’s premiership conducted in May five nuclear tests and declared India to be a nuclear weapon ...

Will the Republic be Saved or Tension Repeats in Kabul? (Part 4)

Will the Republic be Saved or  Tension Repeats in Kabul? (Part 4)

March 12,2020 | Mohammad Shafaq Khawati

It is evident that national consensus is necessary for reaching any national objectives. All troubled societies with weak ...

Sources of Disunity in - Afghanistan

Sources of Disunity in - Afghanistan

March 12,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

Working together as a team at home, at work and in playing makes life much more fulfilling, enjoyable and harmonious.  Unity and team working is very valuable lesson that human ...

Who Should Lead the Fight for Global Justice?

Who Should Lead the Fight for Global Justice?

March 12,2020 | Emtithal Mahmoud

At a recent private dinner at the World Economic Forum held to discuss climate change, the primatologist Jane Goodall opened the proceedings with a rendition of the universal greeting ...

Will the Republic be Saved or Tension Repeats in Kabul? (Part 3)

Will the Republic be Saved or  Tension Repeats in Kabul? (Part 3)

March 11,2020 | Mohammad Shafaq Khawati

Although one cannot underestimate the concerns mentioned in part 2 of this commentary, there are ways to stand against the storm of Emirate System and ISI. The Taliban’s biggest ...

Now or Never for Saving Our Natural World

Now or Never for Saving Our  Natural World

March 11,2020 | Enric Sala

The world is at a crossroads. The future of life on our planet – and thus our own – is in jeopardy. Humanity has overreached in its pursuit of affluence. Research shows that we have ...

Pakistan Doesn’t Want to Ease Peace Process in Afghanistan

  Pakistan Doesn’t Want to Ease Peace  Process in Afghanistan

March 11,2020 | Hadi Miraan

Afghanistan and Pakistan are close neighbors which their relations have always been undulated, since Pakistan came in existence as an independent country. Durand Line ...