Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

A Holistic Approach to Fight Violence against Women

A Holistic Approach to Fight Violence against Women

Febraury 18, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

The National and international Media rottenly report violence against women. The rights of women and children are under violation in Afghanistan and the status of women gone from bad to worst. In fact, women's rights were always practiced as a political tool by different belligerent ...

The Tokyo Conference and Afghanistan’s Development Challenges 

The Tokyo Conference  and Afghanistan’s Development Challenges 

Febraury 16, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

With the Bonn II Conference on Afghanistan over with limited dividends to show for it, Afghanistan is yet again gearing up for another international conference. In July of this year, governments, international organizations and other major donors will meet in Tokyo, Japan and will discuss and take on financial ...

The Political Syndrome

The Political Syndrome

Febraury 16, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

The approach of Afghan government towards a wide range of issues is vague and confusing. It seems that the administration as a whole does not have any particular, dependable, long-term and dilemma-unraveling policies. There are no clearly defined policies to which public employees, civil servants, administrator and politicians stick and ...

The Ignored Minority of Afghanistan

The Ignored Minority  of Afghanistan

Febraury 16, 2012 | Mohd. Ahsan

Afghanistan is a multilingual, multicultural and multiethnic country. Of the many ethnic groups living in Afghanistan, none forms an obsolete majority. It would be quite reasonable to say that Afghan population is a cluster formed by various minority groups. In this article, we are not talking about issues pertaining Pashtuns, Tajiks, ...

Ineffective Parliament

Ineffective Parliament

Febraury 14, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

Our parliament has become a weak and ineffective house of people's representatives. Besides the constitutional over-centralization of power to the President, those limited administrative and legislative powers that Wolesi Jirga has and which are supposed to be effective, have been weakened by ...

Challenges for Afghan Security Forces

Challenges for Afghan Security Forces

Febraury 14, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As there have been concerns about the capability of Afghan security forces to take on the responsibilities of security of entire nation, at the same time there are serious concerns about financing the forces as without enough financial support the security forces will not be able to overpower the foes. After the withdrawal of...

Corruption Eroding the Fundamentals of Afghanistan 

Corruption Eroding the Fundamentals of Afghanistan 

Febraury 14, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

The sorry tale of unbridled and pervasive corruption throughout Afghanistan's state agencies is now a renowned story leaving an overwhelming majority of Afghans and international observers and partners of Afghan government disillusioned. What was the nail in this coffin of confidence was the bizarre quip by President ...

“Iran is yet to Disclose Nuclear Achievements”

“Iran is yet to Disclose Nuclear Achievements”

Febraury 13, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

As the controversy over Iran's nuclear program is increasing, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has mentioned that Iran is yet to disclose its new nuclear achievements. Talking to thousand of Iranians, who had gathered to celebrate the anniversary of Islamic Revolution of 1979 in Tehran's "Freedom Square", he mentioned ...

The U.S. Shifts Attention to the Asia-Pacific Region

The U.S. Shifts Attention  to the Asia-Pacific Region

Febraury 13, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The U.S. is already out of Iraq. Afghanistan remains the only major theater of military operations that continues to keep it engaged. The War on Terror (WTO), which is now euphemistically re-named "Overseas Contingency Operations", has been significantly toned down by the Obama Administration. With the end of ...

Damned Either Way

Damned Either Way

Febraury 13, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

On Friday, Feb. 10, the Greek cabinet approved a draft bill designed to meet the conditions of EU and IMF for receiving the 130 billion euro bailout. Yet it is just a draft bill and to become a law it should pass through parliament. Now eyes are turned to MPs whether they vote in the favor or not. Noteworthy to say, in either ...

It is the Time to Get Serious!

It is the Time to Get Serious!

Febraury 12, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

With the war against terrorism reaching to its final phase, the controversies about the war are getting serious. In fact the war does not seem to be going towards a glorious victory; rather the facts and figures are pointing towards an uncertain conclusion to the war, which is not really encouraging. US authorities are having ...

Playing Hero of Void

Playing Hero of Void

Febraury 12, 2012 | Nasruddin Hemati

Lacking a clear and practical strategy in fight against terrorism, the government of President Karzai has usually trapped in contradictions. Insisting on building a peaceful and just Afghanistan is what practically contrasts with President Karzai's call for releasing dangerous Taliban members being detained in Afghan or US ...

Complicated Afghan Negotiations Renew Fears and Concerns

Complicated Afghan Negotiations Renew Fears and Concerns

Febraury 12, 2012 | Hadi Zaher

In his book Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001, journalist Steve Coll sets out the US analysis of the situation in Kabul in 1988 as ...

Away From Home!

Away From Home!

Febraury 11, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The political and security situation in Afghanistan has always forced so many Afghans to leave their land and move to other countries to find refuge. There are many Afghans living in the neighboring countries because of the civil wars and severe social and economic conditions in the last 20 years or so. Pakistan and Iran are ...

How Best to Ensure Defeat in Afghanistan

How Best to Ensure  Defeat in Afghanistan

Febraury 11, 2012 | Ahmad Shuja

U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta recently made comments suggesting that U.S. combat role would end in Afghanistan by mid-2013. This came as a shocker to many. The U.S. had insisted – in fact, cajoled other NATO members – to contribute troops and resources to the Afghanistan war. Other U.S. officials tried to do damage control ...

Greek Politicians and Sovereign Debt Crisis

Greek Politicians and Sovereign Debt Crisis

Febraury 11, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

The situation in Greece is really turning gruesome as civilians and politicians are sharply divided on austerity policy which is the only way ahead to secure a second 130 billion euro international bailout, and avoid default next month. Greek people are not really ready to go along with the government and bear the brunt of measures ...

The Economic Sewage Flows Out

The Economic Sewage  Flows Out

Febraury 09, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

The Europe is really going through a bad time and its crisis has turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more it searches for gleam light, the more it reaches to pitched-dark corners inside the economic tunnel. It is dipping hands to same dusty water again and again and expects miracle to save the currency Union. Instead of ...

Is Equality Attainable?

Is Equality Attainable?

Febraury 09, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

Human beings, living in today's world of ours, seem to be losing contentment and satisfaction. There are many incidents taking place in different parts of world that depict that human beings are not able to attain bliss and fulfillment that are really essential for them and that they should have achieved by now. There are ...

Post Bonn Analysis & the Role of CSOs Beyond 2014

Post Bonn Analysis & the Role of CSOs Beyond 2014

Febraury 09, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Bonn conference formed a "ten-year transition" plan for the international community from Afghanistan, and leave Afghanistan on its own from 2014onwards. We all perceived the realities on the ground that do not allow the international community to leave Afghanistan on its own. During the ...

Afghanistan is in Desperate Need of Political Reforms

Afghanistan is in Desperate Need of Political Reforms

Febraury 08, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan's political experience over the past one hundred years has been marked by intermittent periods of peace and conflict. What has been a constant feature of Afghan politics in both periods of relative stability and utter chaos has been the stark lack of genuine, representative governance with power ...

Inadequacy of Rudimentary Requirements

Inadequacy of Rudimentary Requirements

Febraury 08, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

uman beings are fortunate that they are blessed with variety of energy resources that have enabled them to live their lives on the planet Earth. It is because of these energy sources that human beings have performed miracles by inventing various ways of ensuring satisfaction and facilities for themselves. From the facilitation of ...

Resisting Against Inevitable Changes

Resisting Against Inevitable Changes

Febraury 08, 2012 | Nasruddin Hemati

The Arab Spring seems to have encountered challenges in Syria higher than expected. The nearly year-long domestic clashes between Syrian forces and the angry protestors have led to certain concessions and reform programs offered by President Bashar Al-Assad government. It has also provoked regional and international calls for democratic ...

Talks in Qatar and the Mirage of Peace

Talks in Qatar and the Mirage of Peace

Febraury 07, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The plan for a political office for Taliban in Qatar is proving difficult to materialize even as all the parties involved including the U.S. and Pakistan are throwing their weights behind the idea. Barely a month ago, Gen. Pasha, chief of Pakistan's principal intelligence agency, the ISI, had a week long visit to Qatar pursuing "back ...

UN Report Presents a Clear Picture of Coming Years in Afghanistan

UN Report Presents a Clear Picture of Coming Years in Afghanistan

Febraury 07, 2012 | Mohd. Ahsan

Bad news about record civilian casualties in Afghanistan in 2011 once again hit headlines of national and international media. Deaths of innocent, voiceless and defenseless Afghans have, indeed, been the most dreadful aspect of expensive US-led Afghan war. As the war enters its second decade, more ...

Tehran’s Warning about Oil Supply to the EU

Tehran’s Warning about Oil Supply to the EU

Febraury 07, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

ehran has warned the European countries that it would cut off oil supply unless they lift the oil-embargo imposed last month against the country. The sanction came after the US fresh round economic sanctions which directly targeted Central Bank, Bank of Tejarat and other financial institutions which are blamed on the account of ...

Taliban May not Come to Power, but Disorder May!

Taliban May not Come to Power, but Disorder May!

Febraury 06, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

A glimpse at the prospects of socio-political sce nario in Afghanistan gives rise to both concerns and ambiguities. There are many who worry about the security in the country and think that Taliban may return to get the control of the country after the international troops withdraw from the country. However, the current ...

Pakistani Foreign Minister’s Visit

Pakistani Foreign  Minister’s Visit

Febraury 06, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The recent visit of Pakistani Foreign Minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, to Kabul had two distinct qualities that cannot be disregarded. First, it served as a major outreach by the Pakistani government into major leaders of the erstwhile Northern Alliance as well as to the government of President Karzai. The Pakistani Foreign ...

The Clouds of Disparity over North London.

The Clouds of Disparity over North London.

Febraury 06, 2012 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

The clouds of disparity are still there as the issue of law and order management has become more complicated in the United Kingdom. After the August 2011 riots and the recent arrest of some extremist elements that had planned to bomb important financial places including stock exchange of London, further exacerbated the fear of insecurity ...

General Will and Democracy

General Will  and  Democracy

Febraury 02, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

The basic question about a democratic system is that whether it protects the liberty and rights of the people as whole or it protects the liberty of every individual. Does it let the individuals be sacrificed for the mass or mass for the individuals? Or, otherwise, it protects both the liberty of the individual and the mass at ...

Free the World! End the Dictatorship of Banking Oligarchy!

Free the World! End  the Dictatorship of  Banking Oligarchy!

Febraury 02, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

"Give me the control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws" is the famous saying by the all-time lord of money and finance, Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He, as the head of this famous dynasty of bankers, once controlled the city of London as the financial center of the whole world and his private ...

The Rights of Women must be Fought, not to be Ignored

The Rights of Women must be Fought, not to be Ignored

Febraury 02, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

The fact is, Afghanistan has never been kind to its women and children. Perhaps, whenever the war broke out in any part of the world, it affected the women and children the most, particularly the continuous war of more than three decades in Afghanistan which left only destruction, depression and vulnerabilities among women and ...

Afghan National Police and Perceptions

Afghan National Police  and Perceptions

Febraury 01, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

A recent report published by an Afghan research and media organization funded by the United Nations development Program (UNDP) has some interesting insights into how the people's perception of Afghan National Police (ANP) has changed over time. According to the results of a nationwide ...

More on Reconciliation

More on Reconciliation

Febraury 01, 2012 | Dilawar Sherzai

From the very inception of peace process with Taliban there have been doubts and concerns and they seem to be multiplying with each passing day. When there was announcement of Taliban office in Qatar, there was serious reaction from the Afghan presidential office. The concern was that the Afghan government was being kept ...

Living in the Age of Corruption

Living in the Age  of Corruption

Febraury 01, 2012 | Nazir Hussain Merzaie

Taliban is the root of each crime in Afghanistan, Taliban have gone, but their negative and bad effects are still available in our country and even in our government system. They are the root of misery and corruption in Afghanistan. They still have access to our governmental system from indirect ways and no one can prevent them because ...

Pak FM’s Visit to Kabul being seen as ‘Pivotal’

Pak FM’s Visit to Kabul being seen as ‘Pivotal’

January 31, 2012 | Mohd. Ahsan

Pakistani Foreign Minister, Hina Rabbani Khar is scheduled to arrive to Kabul tomorrow. She will be the first ever Pakistani female politician to visit Afghanistan. During her one day visit, she is expected to hold talks with Afghanistan's Foreign Minister, Zalmai Rasoul and President Hamid Karzai. The issues that will come under ...