Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Is Everything Fair in War?

Is Everything Fair in War?

January 17, 2012 | Dilawar Sharzai

The wars always bring with themselves myriads of problems, evils and harms. It has the capability to destroy human civilization within no time. Decades of developments can turn to ruins once these giants turn wild and grasp the world in its deadly grips. There have been many wars in the human history and all of them have their ...

A Modern Class of Entrepreneurs - A Must for Afghanistan

A Modern Class of Entrepreneurs - A Must for Afghanistan

January 17, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The post-Taliban Afghanistan is a colorful gallery of achievements, failures, mistakes and blunders. From the international community to the government of Afghanistan every single entity within this large set-up has had its own share of mistakes and blunders as well as achievements. A grave mistake committed in Afghanistan, and for that ...

The Power of Social Networks

The Power of  Social Networks

January 17, 2012 | Naeem Yaghoobi

It would be surprising to know one-fifth of all the internet users, visit and use one or more of the online social networks. According to new research done, online social networks have about 1.2 billion users. Most of them are young people between the ages of 15 -25 years. Facebook and Twitter are the most popular social networks and ...

Talks of Federal System

Talks of Federal System

January 16, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

After Taliban's confirmation of opening an office in Qatar, the domestic Afghan debate on talks with the Taliban has intensified among the political circles of Kabul, media, civil society organizations and ordinary Afghans. It is optimistic to see the efforts of talks for a political settlement with the insurgents to end the ...

Violence Resurge in Iraq

Violence Resurge in Iraq

January 16, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

Iraq is regressing in the security and political spheres. On Saturday, Jan 14, Shiite worshipers were targeted by suicide bombers in the city of Basra. The attack killed more than 50 people and injured around hundred people on one of the holiest days in Shiite calendar. Though against the hopes, it smelt sectarian violence and ...

“We don’t Need Nuclear Power”

“We don’t Need Nuclear Power”

January 16, 2012 | Mohd. Ahsan

On Saturyday, January 14, 2012, around 2000 protestors marched in the streets of Yokohama, Japan, chanting slogans against the nuclear energy and its negative impacts on environment and life. The protestors were chanting, "We don't need nuclear power. Give back our hometown. Protect our children." Japan is one of the ...

Durand Line: The Future Time Bomb

Durand Line: The Future Time Bomb

January 15, 2012 | Mohammad Younas

On November 12, 1893, King Abdur Rahman Khan and Sir Henry Mortimer Durand (British Envoy) agreed on seven points known as Durand Line Agreement to demarcate the line between Afghanistan and British India approximately 2,640 kilometers long (presently much of Baluchistan, large parts of the Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa Province and the...

In Search of a Painted Childhood

In Search of a  Painted Childhood

January 15, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The BBC Persian service ran a small but profoundly moving story on how a number of children and adolescents in Mazar-e Sharif experience with painting and drawing in "Balkh Cultural café". This is something that very few children in Afghanistan of today ever hear of or actually get the ...

Ambiguity Surrounds the Palace

Ambiguity Surrounds the Palace

January 15, 2012 | Mohd. Ahsan

These days a very pathetic condition seems to be prevailing in presidential palace. The Karzai administration is trying to exhibit itself as 'important' in the process where the US is trying to enter a deal with Taliban. But the palace and the High Peace Council (HPC) – specially established to facilitate the peace ...

A Paranoid Government Stifles Constructive Dialogue

A Paranoid Government Stifles Constructive Dialogue

January 14, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The recent meeting in Berlin, Germany, organized by the Aspen Institute, which brought together a number of prominent Afghan leaders, has drawn harsh criticism from the government of Afghanistan. The meeting, named Afghanistan 2014: Opportunities and Challenges, in actuality, was a platform ...

About Talks with the Taliban

About Talks with the Taliban

January 14, 2012 | Abbas Daiyar

The Western media punditry after Taliban confirmation of opening a "political office" in Qatar paints the future of a political settlement for the end of conflict in Afghanistan very optimistically. After years of denial and doubts when the idea of negotiations with the Taliban were proposed seriously for the first ...

The Social Network

The Social Network

January 14, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

We are in living in the so-called information era. Information revolution and globalization are two main topics discussed thoroughly across the globe. The earth is shrinking too fast, changing into a small village. Resistance does not work. Countries, which try to build cyst around, finally understand that the most they t...

Need to Overcome the Phobia of a New National Dialogue

Need to Overcome the Phobia  of a New National Dialogue

January 12, 2012 | Sher Alam Saqib

In the era of new waves of democratization, Afghanistan cannot return to a form of political system and government other than democracy. After the fall of Taliban regime in late 2001, the country opted for democratic system and process to manage the ...

Promoting a Favorable Business Environment

Promoting a Favorable  Business Environment

January 12, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan ranks as a country with one of the worst domestic environments for doing business according to reports published by a number of international organizations including the World Bank. The "business environment" in Afghanistan, although having improved significantly over the past one decade, remains unsuitable ...

Sahar Gul’s Story - A Clear Image of Women’s Life in Afghanistan

Sahar Gul’s Story - A Clear Image  of Women’s Life in Afghanistan

January 12, 2012 | Basir Ahang

On December 27, 2011, 15 year old Sahar Gul was discovered imprisoned in her in-law's musty, dark cellar by the Baghlan Province Police. Seven months earlier, while living in Badakhshan Province, Sahar had been forced into marriage. The police report stated the young girl had been imprisoned, tortured and violently beaten by the husband ...

What about Foreign Military Presence, Mr. President?

What about Foreign Military Presence, Mr. President?

January 11, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

Water in the ditch of Kabul of and Washington relationship is getting colder and colder and keeping swimming there is increasingly turning a bad idea. Its linkage has been caught of fresh water and, thus, it gets dustier. Recently, I have written extensively about Kabul and Washington relation and particularly ...

Taliban Policies are Tricky!

Taliban Policies  are Tricky!

January 11, 2012 | Mohd. Ahsan

Before the present image and meaning of Taliban, the word Talib (plural or Taliban) was perceived positively. Talib is a student of religious schools called Madrassa who after studying for certain years will become a Mullah. In the past there was much respect for Mullahs. However, their involvement in politics and activities other than ...

The Ticking Time Bomb in the Middle East

The Ticking Time Bomb in the Middle East

January 11, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

It has been more than three decades since the Islamic revolution in Iran toppled the Pahlavi Dynasty and its last monarch, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. The era that followed has seen the Islamic Republic in Iran at an uneasy relationship with the West. The recent controversies over the Strait of Hormuz and Iran's threats to block the Strait ...

Mullah Omar is Only a Spiritual Leader, Not Taliban’s CEO!

Mullah Omar is Only a Spiritual Leader, Not Taliban’s CEO!

January 10, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The news of peace parleys and the incremental flow of progress that comes out of Qatar and Germany have kept the media here in Afghanistan on the hook. The Dari and Pashtu language media here are abuzz with much excitement and activity with the flow of "commentators" and "political affairs experts" a non-stop feature ...

A Better Choice to Make

A Better Choice to Make

January 10, 2012 | Dilawar Sharzai

With the international economic deceleration getting serious and a tiredness of decade of war, US does not seem to be in position to support a very lucrative budget for military purposes and has to bring about important changes in its strategies – especially the military ones. President Obama in this regard seems to be favoring ...

What to Expect from Peace Talks with the Taliban

What to Expect from Peace Talks with the Taliban

January 10, 2012 | Ahmad Shuja

The idea of putting a negotiated end to the Afghan conflict is finally gaining some traction. The Taliban recently reversed a long-held position and agreed to open an office in Qatar from which they could negotiate. That same day, Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin (HiG) – the other insurgent group – sent a delegation to Kabul to talk ...

Afghan Government to Support Migrants in Greece

Afghan Government to Support Migrants in Greece

January 09, 2012 | Dilawar Sharzai

In order to support the Afghan migrants, mostly the illegal ones, there are reports that Afghan government is going to open an embassy in Greece, most probably till the end of the March. There are thousand of people who have left Afghanistan and have moved to other countries for the sake of better...

The Potentials for Change or Backfire in Arab World

The Potentials for Change or Backfire in Arab World

January 09, 2012 | By Ali Reza Sarwar

Regime change and political restructuring in Arab countries is the most current and critical development that has amused everyone, especially political strategists and scholars throughout the world. In less than a year, the home-grown and street demonstrations led by people, particularly ...

Counter-Narcotics Struggle

Counter-Narcotics  Struggle

January 09, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

One of the principle challenges is opium cultivation and drug- trafficking. More than any other country, Afghan people suffer largely as drug addicts have crossed a million and many more are added on regular basis. Years of counter-narcotic struggle has not given the intended results. One of the measures that Afghan government...

The Ecstatic Moves

The Ecstatic Moves

January 08, 2012 | Nasruddin Hemati

According to a statement issued by president office, Afghan government had asked its US counterparts to hand over control of Bagram prison to the Afghan forces. The demand has come amid all-out efforts to start talks with the Taliban representatives who are said to have stationed in their political office in Qatar. Bagram prison holds ...

Prioritizing High-Quality Primary and Secondary Education

Prioritizing High-Quality Primary and Secondary Education

January 08, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

The new educational year in Afghanistan will start with the advent of the new solar calendar year. According to statistics provided by the Ministry of Education of the Government of Afghanistan, there are about three million school-age students remain out of schools. This ministry recently announced that within ...

US Leads the Peace Process This Time

US Leads the Peace Process This Time

January 07, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

The peace process with the Taliban militants is getting complicated in a strange way. Afghan government more than ever is irritated about its marginal role in the process which is largely led by US, Germany and Qatar this time. Indeed, opening a diplomatic door with Taliban was not the idea of foreign allies from the start. Instead, during past years, they stood strongly ...

The Dormant Hydro-Power Industry

The Dormant  Hydro-Power Industry

January 07, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan is well-endowed with abundant surface water resources. For an electricity-starved country with a growing economy, these surface waters are a unique resource. Afghanistan is, thus, well-placed in a unique position to harness these resources and generate energy not only for its growing domestic consumption but also for its immediate neighbors ...

On Recent Developments in Talks with Taliban

On Recent Developments in Talks with Taliban

January 07, 2012 | Sher Alam Saqib

Afghanistan appears to have been catapulted into another complex and difficult situation. Ten years of constant but ineffective fighting against terrorists and cruel insurgents are being replaced with a negotiation process of uncertain outcome and end state. Taliban and other insurgent groups were viewed as destructive ...

Hereafter, It is up to Iraqis and their Rulers

Hereafter, It is up to Iraqis and their Rulers

January 05, 2012 | Jawad Rahmani

Last month, when the last unit of American combatant troops was leaving from the country, it was clear that behind those joyful and cheerful faces deep down something was forcedly hidden: worry. Though Iraqis deemed American military presence as national humiliation, but the future, reeking with sectarianism and proxy ...

The Mass Destruction of Nuclear Weapon

The Mass Destruction  of Nuclear Weapon

January 05, 2012 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Nuclear weapon is booming and settling the fate of great protracted conflicts like World War II, and increases the fear among nations around the world. It perhaps, spoils the peace process, instead enriches the conflicts as the fear of natural destruction that relatively brings the world to further hatred and economical ...

The Looming State of War

The Looming State of War

January 04, 2012 | NasruddinHemati

An adventurous, tense and contentious year has just passed and an expectedly more precarious one has begun. The year 2011 brought about considerable gains for human community as well catastrophic occurrences and unpleasant events. The world was shaken by brave, pro-democracy uprisings in many Arab countries. The global ...

China’s Financial Challenge

China’s Financial Challenge

January 04, 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

China's economic growth and the pace of it have been impressive over the past two decades. It has lent China considerable political and economic clout on the global stage while lifting more than two hundred million people out of poverty over a matter of two decades. China's economic diplomacy ...

Judicial Solution Leads to Political Chaos

Judicial Solution Leads to Political Chaos

January 04, 2012 | Farman Nawaz

Although confession is not a tradition in Pakistan but since restoration of judiciary few very prominent and impartial leaders of the lawyers' movement have openly criticized the same judiciary which got freedom because of their sincere efforts. Some journalists and politicians were raising questions about the independence of judiciary ...

Our Drifting Democracy

Our Drifting Democracy

January, 03 2012 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan's experience with democracy has seen many twists and turnovers in the past one decade much like the history of this nation through ages and centuries. It has been a relatively new experience for an Afghanistan that stands, virtually, as a historical gallery of various political experimentations over the 19th, 20th and ...