Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Afghanistan: On the Verge of Population Crisis

Afghanistan: On the Verge of  Population Crisis

June 21,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Although the population crisis is one of the major rising problems in the world, this is a more serious issue in third world countries such as Afghanistan...

Love Thy Lord, Not An Individual

Love Thy Lord, Not An Individual

June 21,2021 | Abid Hussain Rather

Human life never runs smooth and it is always unpredictable, uncertain and changeable. With the passage of time our life changes because our surroundings as well as our life situations change...

Afghanistan Power Master Plan and SDG7 Perspective

Afghanistan Power Master Plan  and SDG7 Perspective

June 20,2021 | Mohsen Entezary

Afghanistan with high estimated percentage of working class and middle class, massive urbanization, exponential growth in residential energy demand and highly need of energy ..

A Half-Century of Endless Drug War

A Half-Century of Endless Drug War

June 20,2021 | Helen Clark

Fifty years ago this week, US President Richard Nixon declared that drug abuse was “public enemy number one” requiring a “tough on crime” approach ...

The Progress of Afghan Women under a Modern and Moderate Cultural System

The Progress of Afghan Women under a  Modern and Moderate Cultural System

June 19,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unlike previous historical periods, Afghan women have had sufficient achievements in the last two decades. With a modern and moderate cultural approach, Afghan woman has not ...

The Benefits of Bottom-Up Entrepreneurship

The Benefits of Bottom-Up Entrepreneurship

June 19,2021 | M. Niaz Asadullah and Mishkatur Rahman

As Bangladesh turns 50 this year, the country has much to celebrate. Its human-development progress has been exceptional compared to that of its South Asian neighbors...

Afghan Gov to Combat a Protracted / Entrenched Insurgency After the Planned Withdrawals of the US / NATO Forces

Afghan Gov to Combat a Protracted / Entrenched Insurgency After the Planned Withdrawals of the US / NATO Forces

June 16,2021 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Taliban insurgents have increased & continued their unabetted assaults on Afghan Government forces across the country since the US announcement to withdraw forces ...

Herd Immunity Is Closer Than You Think

Herd Immunity Is Closer Than You Think

June 16,2021 | Bill Emmott

When will the world have vaccinated 80% of all adults, the level presumed by scientists to produce herd immunity against COVID-19? Most people’s answer is 2023 or 2024 ...

Reactions to the continuation of Hazara massacre or genocide in Afghanistan

Reactions to the continuation of Hazara massacre or  genocide in Afghanistan

June 15,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In Simultaneity with the withdrawal of the US forces, mysterious waves of attacks have begun targeting Hazara people in Afghanistan. These mysterious attacks have been ...

The Return of the Finance Threat?

The Return of the Finance Threat?

June 15,2021 | Mohamed A. El-Erian

After the 2008 global financial crisis, governments and central banks in advanced economies vowed that they would never again let the banking system hold policy hostage ...

World Day Against Child Labour Marks Under Shadow of War and Virus in Afghanistan

World Day Against Child Labour Marks Under Shadow of War and Virus in Afghanistan

June 14,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

June 12 as World Day against Child Labor has marked in national and international level. At the national level, it is said that there are about 6 million child laborers while they ...

America Must Rediscover Human-Rights Realism

America Must Rediscover Human-Rights Realism

June 14,2021 | Robert D. Kaplan

It is neither an accident nor a coincidence that China is committing what many call genocide against Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang, and that Russia has jailed the dissident Alexei ...

The Successive Power Outage and Public Anger in Afghanistan

The Successive Power Outage and Public  Anger in Afghanistan

June 13,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The Successive Power Outage and Public Anger in Afghanistan
Unfortunately, the destruction of power pylons has become a chronic problem in Afghanistan....

The Virus Next Time

The Virus Next Time

June 13,2021 | Kevin Rudd

As more developed countries begin to feel as though they have made it to the other side of the COVID-19 crisis, two striking realities are coming into view. First, one can clearly ...

What Are the Reasons Behind the Tactical Retreats or Fall of districts in Afghanistan?

What Are the Reasons Behind the Tactical Retreats or Fall of districts in Afghanistan?

June 12,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent weeks and months, the war and violence have intensified throughout Afghanistan. From north to south and east to west including central parts of the country have ...

An Update on the Cuban Missile Crisis

An Update on the Cuban Missile Crisis

June 12,2021 | Nina L. Khrushcheva

As US President Joe Biden prepares to meet with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, the stakes might not seem all that high. With bilateral relations at a ...

Reform or Revolution in Global Health?

Reform or Revolution in Global Health?

June 09,2021 | Precious Matsoso, Paulo Buss, and Leigh Kamore Haynes

The World Health Organization’s governing body of health ministers has responded to a call from dozens of world leaders for a new international treaty for pandemic ...

Mapping the Path to Carbon Neutrality

Mapping the Path to Carbon Neutrality

June 09,2021 | Hong Nam-ki

Unlike the United States, Europe, and other early industrializers whose carbon dioxide emissions have largely already peaked, most other countries were not concerned about climate ...

Afghan Youths and their deterrent factors in social and political Participation

Afghan Youths and their deterrent factors in social and political Participation

June 08,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Although Afghan youth form more than two-thirds of the country’s population as a powerful factor for change, they have been marginalized participating ...

The Inflation Red Herring

The Inflation Red Herring

June 08,2021 | Joseph E. Stiglitz

Slight increases in the rate of inflation in the United States and Europe have triggered financial-market anxieties. Has US President Joe Biden’s administration risked ...

Is Islamabad’s New Stance Promising Regional peace and Cooperation?

Is Islamabad’s New Stance Promising Regional peace  and Cooperation?

June 07,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, expressed promising views about its relations with Afghanistan, India, and regional cooperation. In regard to ...

Waste Less, Earn More

Waste Less, Earn More

June 07,2021 | Bertrand Piccard

Our world is extraordinarily inefficient. We waste enormous quantities of energy, water, raw materials, and food. We even waste our waste and the precious resources it ...

Waste Less, Earn More

Waste Less, Earn More

June 07,2021 | Bertrand Piccard

Our world is extraordinarily inefficient. We waste enormous quantities of energy, water, raw materials, and food. We even waste our waste and the precious resources it ...

The US and NATO Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Its Impacts at National and Regional Levels (part 2 of 2)

The US and NATO Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan and  Its Impacts at National and Regional Levels (part 2 of 2)

June 06,2021 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

With the resilience of the Taliban insurgence in mind, the US military commanders seem to have sketched precautionary measures by repositioning the US forces in the neighboring ...

Investing in Data Saves Lives

Investing in Data Saves Lives

June 06,2021 | Mark Lowcock and Raj Shah

When the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, Afghanistan had only 300 ventilators and two intensive-care units. Early epidemiological models predicted that the country ...

The US and NATO Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Its Impacts at National and Regional Levels (part 1 of 2)

The US and NATO Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan and Its Impacts at National and Regional Levels (part 1 of 2)

June 05,2021 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

President Biden’s announcement on 14 April 2021 to pull out all forces from Afghanistan beginning 1 May 2021 and that the process will complete by 11 September 2021 ...

The EU: Hazaras Carnage Must Be Stopped

The EU: Hazaras Carnage Must Be Stopped

June 05,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The never-ending Hazaras killings or Hazara genocide in Afghanistan have raised a lot of reactions and questions at national, regional, and international levels in recent weeks and ...

Criticizing the Pandemic

Criticizing the Pandemic

June 02,2021 | Richard Haass

It has now been a year and a half since we started living with – and too often dying from – COVID-19. Although the pandemic is by no means over, it is not too soon to take a step ...

Criticizing the Pandemic

Criticizing the Pandemic

June 02,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

It has now been a year and a half since we started living with – and too often dying from – COVID-19. Although the pandemic is by no means over, it is not too soon to take ...

Harsh Rhetoric, Controversial Issues Challenge Peace Process

Harsh Rhetoric, Controversial Issues  Challenge Peace Process

June 01,2021 | Hujjatullah Zia

After high-level exchanges between Kabul and Islamabad earlier this year, a sense of bonhomie emerged between the two sides and Pakistani officials reiterated their support ...

India and Peace in Afghanistan: Challenges in Perspectives

India and Peace in Afghanistan: Challenges in Perspectives

June 01,2021 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

India’s traditional friendship and understanding with Afghanistan derailed decades ago when Taliban was created in 1994 and two years later took power in Kabul ...

Peace Remains Elusive

Peace Remains Elusive

May 31,2021 | Hujjatullah Zia

The checkered past reveals the fact that Afghanistan has been the hotbed of different ideologies. War and peace root in political and social facts – the current instability proves ...

Tackling Asia’s Plastic Pollution

Tackling Asia’s Plastic Pollution

May 31,2021 | Jed Alegado, Clemens Kunze, and Kevin Li

Less than a century ago, most products in Asia were made mainly from natural materials, and were built to last or to biodegrade easily. People wrapped food in leaves or paper ...

The Afghan Media and Their Peace-Building Potential

The Afghan Media and Their  Peace-Building Potential

May 30,2021 | Mohd. Sakhi Rezaie

Media can play a vital role in Peace Building in Afghanistan. One of the key issues to be interrogated by media researchers in relation to conflicted societies is the extent ...

Europe’s Strategic Autonomy Trap

Europe’s Strategic Autonomy Trap

May 30,2021 | Clemens Fuest

When it comes to economic growth, Europe has been lagging behind the world’s other major economic powers – the United States and China – for some time. No surprise ...