Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

The Post-American Middle East

The Post-American Middle East

December 21,2019 | Richard N. Haass

It was August 5, 1990, just days after Saddam Hussein’s Iraq had invaded and conquered all of Kuwait, and US President George H.W. Bush could not have been clearer as he spoke from ...

Need and Realization of Human Rights and Values

Need and Realization of Human Rights and Values

December 19,2019 | Dr.Rajkumar Singh

The concept of human rights, in general, refers to all human beings having universal rights or status to which we are entitled simply by being human. They are inherent in nature ...

Europe’s Age of Humiliation

Europe’s Age of Humiliation

December 19,2019 | Sławomir Sierakowski

In 2004, the American economist Jeremy Rifkin wrote a bestselling book, The European Dream, in which he proclaimed that the twenty-first century would belong to Europe – and even would ...

Administrative Corruption is the Mother of All Problems in Afghanistan

Administrative Corruption is the Mother of All Problems in Afghanistan

December 18, 2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Nowadays, the administrative corruption has become a hot topic in Afghanistan which not only drew the attention of politicians and media but also public concern in the country ...

When Is Knowledge Power?

When Is Knowledge Power?

December 18, 2019 | Katrina Kosec and Leonard Wantchekon

WASHINGTON, DC – Nowadays, most of us have vast amounts of information at our fingertips. In theory, that information could help improve governance, infrastructure, and delivery ...

China’s Narrative of Xinjiang Issue

China’s Narrative of Xinjiang Issue

December 17,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Tensions between China and the United States have escalated after the House of Representative’s Uighur Human Rights Policy Act, 2019. International media and human ...

The Global Economy’s Luck May Run Out

The Global Economy’s Luck May Run Out

December 17,2019 | Mohamed A. El-Erian

This being December, my natural inclination is to review the past year’s economic and financial developments to help policymakers and investors anticipate what might be coming ...

Why the Afghan Peace Talks Led to Deadlock

Why the Afghan Peace Talks  Led to Deadlock

December 16,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

It was about seven or eight years ago that Afghan officials and international allies commenced encouraging Taliban to join peace talks but none of the efforts led to a formal...

Which Way for Europe on China?

Which Way for Europe on China?

December 16,2019 | By: Carl Bildt

Recognizing that the European Union is facing a number of vexing challenges on the world stage, Ursula von der Leyen, the new European Commission president, has promised to lead ...

Washington Post: Corruption Is the Main Factor of the US Failure in Afghanistan

Washington Post: Corruption Is the Main Factor of the US Failure in Afghanistan

December 15,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After the World War II, the European powers such as Britain, France and Germany lost their power, but two new powers that led the Communist system and the capitalist system emerged ...

Afghanistan Government Spending Corruption Epidemic

Afghanistan Government Spending  Corruption Epidemic

December 15,2019 | Aashiqullah Zazai

The Afghan government spends billions of dollars of foreign aid on services and development projects which has become a lucrative source of income for government officials ...

The International Day of Human Rights And its Challenges in Afghanistan

The International Day of Human Rights  And its Challenges in Afghanistan

December 14,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

This year the international day of human rights, which falls On December 10, coincided with irresponsible expressions of some so-called Afghan intellectuals living in western ...

Is Tech a New Frontier for Sustainability?

Is Tech a New Frontier for Sustainability?

December 14,2019 | Bertrand Badré and Philippe Heim

About “sustainability” usually center on a company’s environmental and social commitments, and for understandable reasons. But the financial ...

Regional Challenges of South Asia in Globalisation

Regional Challenges of South Asia  in Globalisation

December 12,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

Broadly, there are three major sets of challenges ahead for the NAM countries in globalisation in the sphere of foreign policy, namely, meeting strategic challenges, and secondly ...

A New Hope for US Climate Action

A New Hope for US Climate Action

December 12,2019 | Jules Kortenhorst

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) currently taking place in Madrid is supposed to prepare the ground for more ambitious national climate commitments ...

No One Shall Incite Ethnocentrism in Afghanistan

No One Shall Incite Ethnocentrism  in Afghanistan

December 11,2019 | Sakhi Rezaie

Ethnocentrism, racial discrimination, and lack of religious tolerance have led to insurmountable challenges in Afghanistan. A large number of individuals are discriminated on ...

The Evolution of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility

The Evolution of Chinese Corporate  Social Responsibility

December 11,2019 | Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada

Over the last decade, Chinese businesses have made significant strides in incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues into their decision-making...

International Anti-Corruption Day Marked in Afghanistan

International Anti-Corruption Day  Marked in Afghanistan

December 10,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Today is coincided with International Anti-Corruption Day which annually marked on December 9th. At the outset, it began with the adoption of the United Nations Convention ...

Macron Alone

Macron Alone

December 10,2019 | Sławomir Sierakowski

You can be talented, handsome, rhetorically skilled, and politically brave, and yet suffer for it. In the long run, prudence and restraint are crucial ingredients of successful ...

Ambassador’s Op-Ed: Every Afghan Citizen Should be a Whistle-blower

Ambassador’s Op-Ed: Every Afghan Citizen Should be a Whistle-blower

December 09,2019 | By: Ambassador of Anti-Corruption Group

International Anti-Corruption Day is observed every year on December 9th. This began with the adoption of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in 2003, which Afghanistan ...

Beirut and Santiago in the Streets: Why Multinationals Should Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes

Beirut and Santiago in the Streets:  Why Multinationals Should Pay  Their Fair Share of Taxes

December 09,2019 | Magdalena Sepúlveda

Will 2020 be as explosive as the year that is coming to an end? This is the anxiety that embraces governments around the world, still destabilized by massive and unexpected popular ...

Rights of Persons With Disabilities in Afghanistan

Rights of Persons  With Disabilities in Afghanistan

December 08,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Since 1992, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) has been annually marked on 3 December around the world. The theme that has been chosen for 2019 IDPD ...

Theories of Capability and Security as Bases of Nuclear Going

Theories of Capability and Security as  Bases of Nuclear Going

December 08,2019 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

In contemporary world the mad nuclear arms race is high on the political agenda of most neo-cons, super-patriots, religious fanatics and arms dealers. Throughout the nuclear ...

Public Reactions Against Martyrdom of Tetsu Nakamura in Afghanistan

Public Reactions Against Martyrdom of  Tetsu Nakamura in Afghanistan

December 07,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Who was Tetsu Nakamura? Originally, he was from Japan and he was born in Japan’s Fukuoka Prefecture in 1946.  He left his home in Japan in the 1980s to treat leprosy ...

Can We Imagine a Rape Free Society?

Can We Imagine a Rape Free Society?

December 07,2019 | Dr. Meraj Ahmad Meraj

Today, the world is witnessing a horrific scenario of crime, violence, rape and killing which destroys the very pillars of social order which sustain peace, tolerance ...

Concerns over Women Unsafe Work Environment in Afghanistan

Concerns over Women Unsafe Work  Environment in Afghanistan

December 05,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Based on repeated reports or rumors which circulated in social media networks in recent months, there is a growing concerns about women unsafe work environment in Afghanistan...

Can Iran Outlast Trump?

Can Iran Outlast Trump?

December 05,2019 | Djavad Salehi-Isfahani

Since President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear agreement in May 2018 and re-imposed sanctions, Iran’s economic output has dropped ...

National and Global Consensus Essential to Peace Talks

National and Global Consensus  Essential to Peace Talks

December 04,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Afghans have been fluctuating between hope and fear since negotiations were started between the Taliban and US representatives. On the surface, it seemed that regional ...

Changing Perspectives of Nuclear Concept

Changing Perspectives of Nuclear Concept

December 04,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

In the absence of global nuclear disarmament, India’s strategic interests required effective, credible nuclear deterrence and adequate retaliatory capability. In the situations ...

The cause and consequences of women addiction in Afghanistan

The cause and consequences of women  addiction in Afghanistan

December 03,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Nowadays, drug addiction is one of the most important problems which challenge many of the world countries, especially Afghanistan. In recent years, this ominous phenomenon ...

The Makings of a “Geopolitical” European Commission

The Makings of a “Geopolitical”  European Commission

December 03,2019 | Mark Leonard

Ursula von der Leyen will finally take office as president of the European Commission. She has promised ...

Women and Children as the main victims of War in Afghanistan

Women and Children as the main victims  of War in Afghanistan

December 02,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After many years of insecurity and economic instability combined with rise of addition, Afghanistan is considered to be among the most dangerous geography for children and women!

The Power of Green Public Finance

The Power of Green Public Finance

December 02,2019 | Werner Hoyer

Policymakers and pundits have been wringing their hands over the crises afflicting the European Union, arguing that it is falling behind in confronting major threats to its long ...

The Role and Importance of Human Rights Laws

The Role and Importance of  Human Rights Laws

December 01,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Human rights are as important as it may override any enacted laws and regulation in national and international level. Human rights are commonly considered as inalienable and fundamental ...

Why We Strike Again

Why We Strike Again

December 01,2019 | Greta Thunberg

For more than a year, children and young people from around the world have been striking for the climate. We launched a movement that defied all expectations, with millions ...