Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Why Democracy is not Successful in Third World Countries

Why Democracy is not Successful in  Third World Countries

November 30,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Undoubtedly democracy is the most important factor in stabilization and development of third world countries, but it has not produced a good result in Afghanistan. . .

Climate Adaptation Now

Climate Adaptation Now

November 30,2019 | Emma Navarro

AS world leaders gather in Madrid for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25), they must address more than future targets for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions...

Relevant nuclear safety measures of South Asia

Relevant nuclear safety  measures of South Asia

November 28,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

Nuclear proliferation in the sub-continent, has  led  to South Asia’s  Cold  War,  ideationally rooted in collective memory and  materially underpinned by the dynamics ...

Democracy Ensures Equal Opportunities

Democracy Ensures Equal Opportunities

November 28,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The word Democracy traces back to the Greek words demos, meaning “people,” and kratia, meaning “power or government”. According to a very ...

Chinese Contribution to Afghanistan Obvious to All

Chinese Contribution to  Afghanistan Obvious to All

November 27,2019 | Ambassador Wang Yu

It is my great honour to serve as Chinese ambassador to Afghanistan. Since taking office, I have spent most of my time meeting friends from all walks of life. I have deeply felt ...

Alliances Under Stress: South Korea, Japan and the United States

Alliances Under Stress: South Korea,  Japan and the United States

November 27,2019 | Marcus Noland

Rising diplomatic tensions between South Korea and Japan are putting American security interests at risk. Yet the United States government appears detached, unable to facilitate ...

Health Concerns over Rise of Air-Pollution in Winter Season

Health Concerns over Rise of Air-Pollution in  Winter Season

November 26,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In the eve of winter seasons, Kabul residents are concerned about air-pollution emitted as a result of heating household in the winter season. In past years, coal fuel pollution ...

The EU Must Recognize Palestine

The EU Must Recognize Palestine

November 26,2019 | Daoud Kuttab

The United States may have just obliterated any remaining hope for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s declaration ...

Why Afghanistan Shall Learn from Economic Development of China’s Xinjiang

Why Afghanistan Shall Learn from Economic  Development of China’s Xinjiang

November 25,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

No place tells the story of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) better in practice than China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, bordering eight countries including ...

Uniting through South Asian Games

Uniting through South Asian Games

November 25,2019 | Dwaipayan Regmi

Sports does not have a language. They don’t have any words. Or, there is nothing communicable within sports - but it unites people. It doesn’t matter whether you are Islam ...

Relevance of Secular Traditions in South Asian Context

Relevance of Secular Traditions in  South Asian Context

November 24,2019 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

In the post-independence era, with secularism laid down in the constitution, which the Muslim community’s elected representatives unanimously ...

Islamic State in Afghanistan: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Islamic State in Afghanistan: Between  a Rock and a Hard Place

November 24,2019 | Samiullah Doorandesh

It was undoubtedly a major strategic blunder of ISIS to opt Afghanistan as their base for recruitment and recuperation. They were never welcomed here. The US forces ...

Will the Prisoners Swap Push the Peace Process Forward?

Will the Prisoners Swap Push the  Peace Process Forward?

November 23,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Three years ago, two professors of American University of Afghanistan were abducted from Kabul, capital city. Since then, many efforts have been made to release the professors ...

Putin Means Money

Putin Means Money

November 23,2019 | Nina L. Khrushcheva

In her 2014 book Putin’s Kleptocracy, the late Karen Dawisha argued that the key to understanding Vladimir Putin’s Russia is money. While Putin was selling stories ...

Motivations for South Asian Nuclearisation

Motivations for South Asian Nuclearisation

November 21,2019 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

In the South Asian context, non-proliferation is not merely nuclear question. The larger forces and interests at work both within the  region and  outside have to be understood ...

The Coming Nuclear Crises

The Coming Nuclear Crises

November 21,2019 | Richard N. Haass

Until just a few years ago, it looked as if the problem posed by nuclear weapons had been successfully managed, if not solved. American and Russian nuclear stockpiles had been ...

Building a Euro-Japanese Alliance of Hope

Building a Euro-Japanese Alliance of Hope

November 20,2019 | Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Geography aside, Japan and the European Union have never been so close. With Europe’s long-standing transatlantic ties under strain, and China presenting a challenge ...

Harsh Rhetoric and Misjudgment Self-Destructive

Harsh Rhetoric and Misjudgment  Self-Destructive

November 20,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

With the increase in harsh rhetoric and discord over the result of presidential election, mistrust between Afghan officials will grow further. Both officials and political ...

Education is the most Powerful Weapon to Change Afghanistan

Education is the most Powerful Weapon  to Change Afghanistan

November 19,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent centuries many Mercantilist and Marxist scholars thought economy is the foundation of everything, but in modern era it is widely believed that education and human ...

Time for European Defense Autonomy

Time for European Defense Autonomy

November 19,2019 | Noëlle Lenoir

In a recent interview with The Economist, French President Emmanuel Macron presented his geopolitical vision ...

Contexts of Gandhi’s Leadership in Modern Era

Contexts of Gandhi’s Leadership in Modern Era

November 18,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

The issue of leadership in India is closely related to the socio-economic phenomena, mythology and religion. Although India was never a theocracy, its religious and social ...

Why End the Global Media Crisis?

Why End the Global Media Crisis?

November 18,2019 | Mark M. Nelson

Almost everywhere one looks nowadays, the news media are in crisis. And unfortunately, although a robust free press is fundamental to a well-functioning democracy, the world’s democratic ...

The Fundamental Challenges of Higher Educational System in Afghanistan

The Fundamental Challenges of Higher  Educational System in Afghanistan

November 17,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Fresh round of escalation between Israelis and Palestinian Islamic Jihad has just completed as hundreds of rockets is being fired towards Israeli cities and Israeli defence ...

Islamic Jihad a headache for Hamas

Islamic Jihad a headache for Hamas

November 17,2019 | Manish Rai

Fresh round of escalation between Israelis and Palestinian Islamic Jihad has just completed as hundreds of rockets is being fired towards Israeli cities and Israeli defence

Causes and Consequences of Weak Political Parties

Causes and Consequences of Weak  Political Parties

November 16,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Before everything we need to have a clear understanding about function, operation and nature of political party; Scientifically, there are several definitions for political ...

Global Trade’s Bright (Green) Future

Global Trade’s Bright (Green) Future

November 16,2019 | Pascal Lamy

Most discussions of trade nowadays inevitably feature the words “war,” “tariff,” or “Trump.” But look beyond the headlines and you will ...

Dangers of Religious Identity in South Asia

Dangers of Religious Identity in South Asia

November 14,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

Religion, many feel, needs to be used instrumentally to bind  together and to overcome one’s caste and language divides and to create a sense of pride in the past. . .

Psychology of Terrorism

  Psychology of Terrorism

November 14,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent decades, political events have been happening in the ways that Afghan people have seen and experienced its direct impact in their daily lives. This experience and awareness ...

The Role of Afghan Political Culture in New Democracy of the Country

The Role of Afghan Political Culture in New  Democracy of the Country

November 13,2019 | Written by: Moh Saalim Naji |Translated by: Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In most eastern societies, democracy or democratic political system is considered as foreign (Western) phenomenon because these countries, especially the Islamic world, have been ...

Goats Against Climate Change

Goats Against Climate Change

November 13,2019 | Sabine Homann-Kee Tui

Earlier this year, Cyclone Idai swept across Mozambique. Its powerful winds and heavy rains led to massive floods, hundreds of deaths, and the large-scale destruction ...

Kabul and Islamabad Need to Fundamentally Tackle their Long Tensions

Kabul and Islamabad Need to Fundamentally  Tackle their Long Tensions

November 12,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Afghanistan and Pakistan as two neighboring countries share deep historical and cultural links and each has declared itself an Islamic republic and both have become members ...

Economic and Religious Status of Baloch Bordering Afghanistan

Economic and Religious Status of  Baloch Bordering Afghanistan

November 12,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

The economy of Balochistan is largely based upon the production of natural gas, coal and minerals. Agriculture and livestock also dominate the Bloch economy. Horticultural ...

Challenges of Afghan Political Parties

Challenges of Afghan Political Parties

November 11,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Political party is defined as a group of people having similar ideas about a country’s policies and commonly seeking to gain political power. The relation between democracy ...

Memoirs of the Kabuliwaala: A Testimony to Indo-Afghan relations

Memoirs of the Kabuliwaala: A Testimony  to Indo-Afghan relations

November 11,2019 | Pitamber Kaushik

My family members fondly recall the charming, genial, irradiant persona of the Kabulliwallah, hearty, humorous simpletons who narrated dramatic anecdotes and elaborate ...

Relevance of true Islam today for humanity

Relevance of true Islam today for humanity

November 10,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

The word ‘Islam’, which is derived from ‘aslama’, means surrender to the Will of God. The word has other meanings  too – to be at perfect peace ...