Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Paradoxes of Peace Talks in Afghanistan

Paradoxes of Peace Talks in Afghanistan

October 02, 2018 | Abass Azimi

The 1979 Russian invasion of Afghanistan inflicted political instability and crises on the country. People were internally displaced and large numbers fled the country...

Kabul: Decorated with Campaigner’s Posters

Kabul: Decorated with Campaigner’s Posters

October 01, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The upcoming parliamentary elections campaigns officials kicked off on last Friday night with many candidates decorated the whole city with billboards, pictures and posted videos ...

Fragility of Middle East Alliances Becomes ever More apparent

Fragility of Middle East Alliances  Becomes ever More apparent

October 01, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

Three recent developments lay bare the fragility of Middle Eastern alliances and a rebalancing of their priorities: the Russian-Turkish compromise on an assault on the ...

Cultural Excahnges between China and Afghanistan Boosting Friendly Relations

 Cultural Excahnges between China and  Afghanistan Boosting Friendly Relations

September 30, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

Afghan high-level officials, including the Second Vice President Sarwar Danesh, attended the 3rd Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo in Chinese Province of Gansu...

Defending Democracy’s Essence

Defending Democracy’s Essence

September 30, 2018 | Shirin Ebadi and Christophe Deloire

On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, affirming the view that “the will of ...

What’s the geographical importance of Afghanistan?

What’s the geographical importance of Afghanistan?

September 29, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Afghanistan is located at the center of a region that has great geo-economical potential but its geo- strategic and geo- political location has been a deterrent challenge ...

Afghan Security Institutions Must Respond to the Growing Need for Public Security

Afghan Security Institutions Must Respond  to the Growing Need for Public Security

September 27, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

As the country is grinding at war with international terrorists organizations since last one and half decade, Afghanistan government is yet to come up with a war strategy ...

Storm Warning for the Fossil-Fuel Industry

Storm Warning for the Fossil-Fuel Industry

September 27, 2018 | Daniel Litvin

This has been a year of extreme weather events, from the “Beast from the East” that froze much of the United Kingdom in March to Hurricane Florence on ...

Attack in Iran Raises Spectre of a Potentially far Larger Conflagration

Attack in Iran Raises Spectre of a  Potentially far Larger Conflagration

September 26, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

An attack on a military parade in the southern Iranian city of Ahwaz is likely to prompt Iranian retaliation against opposition groups at home and abroad. It also ...

The Promise and Pitfalls of AI

The Promise and Pitfalls of AI

September 26, 2018 | Jacques Bughin and Nicolas van Zeebroeck

Like any transformative trend, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) poses both major opportunities and significant challenges. But the gravest risks may not be the ones most ...

MAD About Sino-American Trade

MAD About Sino-American Trade

September 25, 2018 | Minxin Pei

Now that US President Donald Trump has imposed a 10% tariff on yet another $200 billion worth of Chinese imports, the US-China trade war has entered a costly new phase ...

UN: 5.5 Million People in Urgent Needs for Financial Aid in Afghanistan

UN: 5.5 Million People in Urgent Needs for  Financial Aid in Afghanistan

September 25, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Last Saturday, the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator has called international community for urgent financial assistance for nearly 5.5 million hungry people ...

Reforms In Government Educational Institutions Needed to Improve Quality Education

Reforms In Government Educational Institutions  Needed to Improve Quality Education

September 24, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Government funded schools take on the largest number of students from grade one to grade twelve across the country, and Ministry of Education...

Int’l Day of Peace: A distant dream in Afghanistan

Int’l Day of Peace: A distant dream in Afghanistan

September 24, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

With issuing the resolution No. 235/252, The United Nations General Assembly declared 21 of September as International Day for Peace. The main aim of this resolution was ...

Election Should Carry the True Spirit of Democracy

Election Should Carry the True Spirit of Democracy

September 23, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

With only few weeks left for the upcoming parliamentary and provincial elections, the mistrust resurfaced between state and nation leading to the closure of ...

Why the US Would Lose A Trade War with China

Why the US Would Lose A Trade War with China

September 23, 2018 | Anatole Kaletsky

The United States cannot win its tariff war with China, regardless of what President Donald Trump says or does in the coming months. Trump believes that he has the upper ...

A Trilateral Effort to Bring Peace in Afghanistan

A Trilateral Effort to Bring Peace in Afghanistan

September 22, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

On late August, a 12-member Chinese high-level delegation met the newly appointed Afghan National Security Adviser Hamdullah Mohib and Deputy Foreign Minister for ...

Governments Must Stand Up for Health

Governments Must Stand Up for Health

September 22, 2018 | Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

It was just a century ago that the Spanish flu epidemic spread across the world and killed tens of millions of people. Long before the moon landing, the Internet ...

Education for Fragile States

Education for Fragile States

September 19, 2018 | Homi Kharas and Rebecca Winthrop

This week, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will release its annual Goalkeepers report card assessing progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals ...

Imran Khan Pledges to Grant Citizenship to Afghan Refugees

Imran Khan Pledges to Grant Citizenship to Afghan Refugees

September 19, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said in a surprise announcement that he would grand citizenship to Pakistan-born children of Afghan and Bengali refugees, many ...

Peace Talks Starts between Kabul and Islamabad new Administration

Peace Talks Starts between Kabul and Islamabad new Administration

September 18, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The new Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, traveled to Kabul and met with Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani, Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah, and Acting ...

A Better Bailout Was Possible

A Better Bailout Was Possible

September 18, 2018 | Rob Johnson and George Soros

The recent exchange between Joe Stiglitz and Larry Summers about “secular stagnation” and its relation to the tepid economic recovery after the 2008-2009 financial ...

The factors behind Afghani devaluation

The factors behind Afghani devaluation

September 17, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In few last year, Afghan currency has been steadily losing its value against foreign currency, especially against USD but recently it has suddenly fallen from 73 to around ...

China Struggles with Belt and Road Pushback

China Struggles with Belt and Road Pushback

September 17, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

China, in an implicit recognition that at least some of its Belt and Road-related projects risk trapping target countries in debt or fail to meet their needs, has conceded ...

China-ASEAN Expo – ‘A Win-win Platform for Strategic Cooperation’

China-ASEAN Expo – ‘A Win-win Platform for  Strategic Cooperation’

September 16, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

Themed “Jointly building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and the China-ASEAN community of innovation,” the 15th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) was held in ...

The Masses Are Mobilizing for Climate Leadership

The Masses Are Mobilizing for Climate Leadership

September 16, 2018 | Christiana Figueres and May Boeve

This year, extreme weather conditions have ravaged our planet, subjecting vulnerable communities around the world to the ever-increasing impacts of climate change ...

India Reshapes Surrounding Geopolitics

India Reshapes Surrounding Geopolitics

September 13, 2018 | Jiao Nie, Dekai Huang & Hongxi Chen

The US and India held their first “2+2” dialogue in New Delhi on September 6th, attended by their foreign and defense ministers. Both countries agreed ...

Africa’s Women Belong at the Top

Africa’s Women Belong at the Top

September 13, 2018 | Joyce Banda

When I was eight years old, a family friend told my father that he thought I was destined for leadership. My dad never let me forget that heady observation, and as a result ...

The civilization of China and Afghanistan: Equality, inclusiveness, Mutual Learning and Diversity

The civilization of China and Afghanistan:  Equality, inclusiveness, Mutual Learning and Diversity

September 12, 2018 | Mingzhe Ren, Shuyu Li & Daitong Liang

Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, once delivered a keynote speech at UNESCO headquarters, which on the subject of “Civilizations ...

An Economic Approach to Elections (Public choice)

An Economic Approach to Elections (Public choice)

September 12, 2018 | Mohammad Ibrahim Ehsani

In second part of our discussion we want to mention to another aspect of public choice, to “the market for votes”. There is more to interest-group ...

Enlightenment for China-Afghanistan Cooperation from China-Africa Cooperation

Enlightenment for China-Afghanistan Cooperation  from China-Africa Cooperation

September 11, 2018 | Liu Jinsong

The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation was successfully held during September 3rd to 4th. H.E. Chinese President Xi Jinping chaired the Summit. 40 presidents ...

AFGHANISTAN: Way Forward (Last Part)

AFGHANISTAN: Way Forward (Last Part)

September 11, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

In the beginning of post-Taliban Afghanistan, when Doctor Khalilzad was the Ambassador of United States in Afghanistan, the administration of George W. Bush devised a clever policy . . .

AFGHANISTAN: Way Forward (Part 3)

AFGHANISTAN: Way Forward (Part 3)

September 10, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

In order to achieve this end, a team of experienced political figures should come to the fore and commit themselves to salvage Afghanistan in particular and the ...

Will the New Scheme Improve the Security Condition in Kabul?

Will the New Scheme Improve the Security Condition in Kabul?

September 10, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After the successive attacks in west of Kabul, President Ashraf Ghani has ordered Kabul’s division into four security zones and the west of Kabul will be changed ...

Trump’s Assault on Refugees

Trump’s Assault on Refugees

September 08, 2018 | Gordon Brown

The decision by US President Donald Trump’s administration to stop funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has ...