Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Final Thoughts on Secular Stagnation

Final Thoughts on Secular Stagnation

September 08, 2018 | Lawrence H. Summers

Joseph Stiglitz, Roger Farmer, and I are now and have long been in agreement on what are probably the most important points. The “New Keynesian” paradigm that sees ...

AFGHANISTAN: Way Forward (Part 2)

AFGHANISTAN: Way Forward (Part 2)

September 06, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Institutional & Political: - Afghanistan has the road map and preliminary infrastructure for bringing up a political and institutional system in place...

President Ghani Meets New US Commander at Presidential Palace

President Ghani Meets New US Commander at Presidential Palace

September 06, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani met with US General Austin Scott Miller just after he took over the command of US Forces-Afghanistan and of Operation Resolute Support from ...

AFGHANISTAN: Way Forward (Part 1)

AFGHANISTAN: Way Forward (Part 1)

September 05, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

As the withdrawal of international coalition forces led by United States of America in Afghanistan in 2014 is set firm, western, regional and local political and ...

Fate of over 4 million Bengalis in Assam uncertain!

Fate of over 4 million Bengalis in Assam uncertain!

September 05, 2018 | By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

Recently published citizen list in the Indian state of Assam has already pushed the fate of over four million Bangla-speaking residents into total uncertainty. This bid ...

The Climate Fight’s Next Turning Point

The Climate Fight’s Next Turning Point

September 04, 2018 | Patricia Espinosa and Anne Hidalgo

Next month, the Global Climate Action Summit – one of the largest international gatherings on climate change the world ...

The long shadow of the Gulf crisis: Qatar emerges as key player in Gaza crisis

The long shadow of the Gulf crisis:  Qatar emerges as key player in Gaza crisis

September 04, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

Dug in for the long haul in its increasingly bitter dispute with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, Qatar is emerging as a key player in efforts to prevent ...

Why Should China Deepen its Cooperation with Afghanistan?

Why Should China Deepen its Cooperation with Afghanistan?

September 03, 2018 | Wenxian Zha, Youhong Lin & Aijiao liu

On December 26th, 2017, Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Rabbani, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan...

The Populist War Against Intelligence

The Populist War Against Intelligence

September 03, 2018 | Kent Harrington

Despite his seemingly limitless capacity for vindictiveness, it would be a mistake to interpret US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the security ...

Three Visions on Future US Foreign Policy

Three Visions on Future US Foreign Policy

September 02, 2018 | Ahmad Zubair

The term foreign policy is defined as a set of political goals that illustrates the interaction of a country with the rest of the world. Attaining and protecting national interest, national security...

Afghan Government, Academia & Youths Should Rally Afghans – Across Ethnic & Linguistic Lines – Around Building a Shared Future

Afghan Government, Academia & Youths Should Rally Afghans – Across Ethnic & Linguistic Lines – Around Building a Shared Future

September 01, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Last forty-five years of war in Afghanistan have had numerous negative implications on the people of this country, affecting all strata of Afghan society ...

China: The Unique Example of Peace and Success

China: The Unique Example of Peace and Success

September 01, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

As China has had effective and non-aggressive policies in the region it can be called a good example of peace and success in today’s world. The Chinese government ...

The zero-sum game does not meet Pak- India Interest

The zero-sum game does not meet Pak- India Interest

August 30, 2018 | Dekai Huang, Jiao Nie & Yunsong

Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Imran Khan has shown the signs to improve India-Pakistan relations on various occasions. Firstly, he delivered an actively signal ...

Standing Up for the UN

Standing Up for the UN

August 30, 2018 | Dominique Moisi

It was the autumn of 2001, sometime between the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States and US President George W. Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan. ..

Global Peace Initiative of Kazakhstan

Global Peace Initiative of Kazakhstan

August 29, 2018 | By Hadi Ahmad Bargasht

Every year on August 29, the world celebrates the International day against nuclear tests, approved by the UN General Assembly resolution on December 2, 2009. A draft resolution ...

The Myth of Secular Stagnation

The Myth of Secular Stagnation

August 29, 2018 | Joseph E. Stiglitz

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, some economists argued that the United States, and perhaps the global economy, was suffering from “secular ...

Uncertainty & Entrenched Insurgency Questions Ability of Government to Carry Out Parliamentary Elections On Time

Uncertainty & Entrenched Insurgency Questions Ability of Government  to Carry Out Parliamentary Elections On Time

August 28, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

An air of uncertainty is prevailing across the country due to checkered peace process between Government and Taliban and for that matter, hasty offer by Government to ...

A Man for All Diplomatic Seasons

A Man for All Diplomatic Seasons

August 28, 2018 | Gordon Brown

Kofi Annan will be mourned on every continent. Under his leadership of the United Nations, internationally shared goals for development (the Millennium Development Goals) ...

Reactions over the Surprise Resignation of Top Security Officials

Reactions over the Surprise Resignation of Top Security Officials

August 27, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The top security officials had resigned from their positions but today (Sunday) their resignation has been rejected except the national security advisor that shortly ...

Crunch time in Pakistan

 Crunch time in Pakistan

August 27, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

It’s crunch time in Pakistan. Resolving Pakistan’s financial crisis is likely to require newly appointed prime minister Imran Khan to not only accept an...

Taliban Earns Political leverage at National & International Levels as Afghan Government Failed to Assert Itself

Taliban Earns Political leverage at National & International  Levels as Afghan Government Failed to Assert Itself

August 26, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

The matrix of Afghan Government failures to manage the most important national projects – that include upcoming parliamentary elections, peace process with Taliban, provision ...

Challenges Widen the Gap between State and Nation

Challenges Widen the Gap between State and Nation

August 26, 2018 | By Hujjatullah Zia

Despite the peace talks held between the US representatives and the Taliban in Qatar, Taliban insurgents have intensified their attacks against Kabul government, which indicates...

Introduction to Xi Jinping’s thought on Diplomacy And Its Impacts to Afghanistan (Last Part)

Introduction to Xi Jinping’s thought on  Diplomacy And Its Impacts to Afghanistan (Last Part)

August 25, 2018 | Liu Jinsong

Second, it reveals significant characters of major country. One of the key features of the Thought is the major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Our diplomacy is different ...

Afghanistan is at the claws of greedy wolves

Afghanistan is at the claws of greedy wolves

August 25, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Although the national and international bodies are closely watching the long continued violence, massacre, death, and destruction in Afghanistan but no real strategy is taken ...

Introduction to Xi Jinping’s thought on Diplomacy And Its Impacts to Afghanistan (Part 1)

Introduction to Xi Jinping’s thought on  Diplomacy And Its Impacts to Afghanistan (Part 1)

August 18, 2018 | Liu Jinsong

Not long ago, the medical team of Chinese Red Cross Foundation came to Kabul and took many Afghan children with Congenital Heart Disease to China for treatment. This project is ...

Can Turkey Rewrite the Crisis-Management Rules?

Can Turkey Rewrite the Crisis-Management Rules?

August 18, 2018 | Mohamed A. El-Erian

Whether by accident or design, Turkey is trying to rewrite the chapter on crisis management in the emerging-market playbook. Rather than opting for interest-rate hikes and ...

BRI – A Megaproject for Regional Peace and Cooperation

BRI – A Megaproject for Regional Peace and Cooperation

August 16, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

This year marks the 5th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which aims to enhance economic ties and cultural exchanges between China and 65 other countries ...

The West Must Face Reality in Turkey

The West Must Face Reality in Turkey

August 16, 2018 | Richard N. Haass

Now that Turkey is at loggerheads with its erstwhile ally, the United States, the country’s currency crisis has morphed into a political problem of the first order...

How does China View Its Neighboring Countries?

How does China View Its Neighboring Countries?

August 15, 2018 | Huazhong Tu, Andi Luo & Wenxian Zha

China altogether has 21 neighboring countries, including 14 continental neighbors and 7 maritime neighbors. It has the most neighboring countries in the world...

Afghanistan: Achievements and Challenges 2018

Afghanistan: Achievements and Challenges 2018

August 15, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Any assessment of where Afghanistan stands today needs to be put into its historical context. In doing so, it should be recalled that even before the advent of the present conflict ...

Taliban Attack On Ghazni City Debunks Ongoing Peace Process

Taliban Attack On Ghazni City  Debunks Ongoing Peace Process

August 14, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Thousands of Taliban fighters attacked Ghazni city on 10 August causing heavy casualties on civilians, including children, women and men and destroying most of Government ...

Yemen war challenges Saudi moral authority

Yemen war challenges Saudi moral authority

August 14, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

Saudi conduct of its ill-fated war in Yemen coupled with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s alignment with the Trump administration and Israel, and his often ...

What Can Afghan Government and Taliban Learn from Columbia’s Peace Deal with FARC?

What Can Afghan Government and Taliban  Learn from Columbia’s Peace Deal with FARC?

August 13, 2018 | Hamidullah Bamik

The experience of Colombia’s peace with FARC has always been the subject of Western experts working on the war in Afghanistan due to the characteristics of Afghanistan’s war akin to Columbia’s war.

Taliban Fighters Storm Ghazni Province

Taliban Fighters Storm Ghazni Province

August 13, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Last Friday night, Taliban fighters attacked from four side Ghazni city which is one of the most strategic location in Afghanistan. They intensely attacked, burnt, bombed and destroyed ...

Short-Term Ceasefires & Their Effects on Long-Term Peace

Short-Term Ceasefires & Their  Effects on Long-Term Peace

August 12, 2018 |

Expectations and optimism for long-lasting peace rose to unprecedented heights when Government of Afghanistan and Taliban insurgents reached agreement to observe ...