Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Multiple Diplomatic Spats Raise Questions about Saudi Concept of Sovereignty

Multiple Diplomatic Spats Raise Questions  about Saudi Concept of Sovereignty

August 12, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

The failure of Western allies to rally around Canada in its dispute with Saudi Arabia risks luring the kingdom into a false belief that economic sanctions will shield ...

Saudi Arabia and Iran woo incoming Pakistani prime minister

Saudi Arabia and Iran woo incoming Pakistani prime minister

August 11, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

An offer by a Saudi-backed bank to lend financially strapped Pakistan US$4 billion is likely intended to bolster Saudi influence when former international cricket player ...

Are Trump’s Policies Hurting Long-Term US Growth?

Are Trump’s Policies Hurting Long-Term US Growth?

August 11, 2018 | Kenneth Rogoff

President Donald Trump regularly thumps his chest and claims credit for each new uptick of the fast-growing US economy. But when it comes to economic performance, US presidents ...

Role of Political Parties in a Democratic System

Role of Political Parties in a Democratic System

August 09, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

A political party is an association formed by a group of people who share the same ideas about a country’s governance.  Every citizen holds a constitutional right to organize with ...

Afghan Government Should Regulate Religious Teaching Institutions and Places of Worship to Avoid Exploitation (Last Part)

Afghan Government Should Regulate Religious Teaching  Institutions and Places of Worship to Avoid Exploitation (Last Part)

August 09, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Religious affair is a sensitive area which policy makers and politicians in third world countries avoid to handle.
But it is the one major area that should ...

Afghan Government Should Regulate Religious Teaching Institutions and Places of Worship to Avoid Exploitation

Afghan Government Should Regulate Religious Teaching  Institutions and Places of Worship to Avoid Exploitation

August 08, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Afghanistan is among the countries whose populations have the lowest literacy rate in the world – in case of Afghanistan – based on news outlets - it currently stands at around ...

Deadly Attacks Targets Paktia Worshipers

Deadly Attacks Targets Paktia Worshipers

August 08, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

A deadly suicide bombing was carried out on a Shia mosque in Gardiz City, the provincial capital of eastern Paktia province on Friday afternoon, killing at least 39 people ...

Entering Parliamentin Afghanistan; A Big Dream for Gaining Unlimited Power

Entering Parliamentin Afghanistan;  A Big Dream for Gaining Unlimited Power

August 07, 2018 | Hamidullah Bamik

With the advent of the issue of guaranteeing individual freedoms in the society, the limitation of the absolute power of the rulers and the division of power between people and the government ...

The Integration Imperative

The Integration Imperative

August 07, 2018 | Elina Ribakova

In many countries, integrating refugees and migrants has become a key policy priority. Fearing higher fiscal costs and public resistance to immigration, some countries are ...

The Fruit of China’s Economic Development

The Fruit of China’s Economic Development

August 06, 2018 | Hujjatullah Zia

The year 2018 marks the 40 anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up which prompted China to alleviate poverty and stand as the world second largest economy...

Lack of Oversight on Performance at Government Institutions Exacerbates the Sorry State of Governance & Public Services (Last Part)

Lack of Oversight on Performance at  Government Institutions Exacerbates the  Sorry State of Governance & Public Services  (Last Part)

August 06, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Ministry of agriculture, ministry of women affairs, ministry of narcotics ministry of mines and minerals and Kabul Municipality are all Zombie bodies and need extensive oversight ...

PLA is an Army that Safeguards Peace

PLA  is an Army that Safeguards Peace

August 05, 2018 | Liu Jinsong

August 1st is the Anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. I hosted a special reception in the Embassy for this memorable day...

Health Economics

Health Economics

August 05, 2018 |

Nowadays, we can number a lot various fields for economics. For example political economy, energy economy, agriculture economy, and so on…one of so important branches of them ...

Lack of Oversight on Performance at Government Institutions Exacerbates the Sorry State of Governance & Public Services (Part 1)

Lack of Oversight on Performance at  Government Institutions Exacerbates the  Sorry State of Governance & Public Services  (Part 1)

August 04, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

In the advent of establishment of new political order in Afghanistan after toppling of Taliban regime by the US and allied military in December 2001, Government institutions ...

Putting FDI on the G20 Agenda

Putting FDI on the G20 Agenda

August 04, 2018 | Karl P. Sauvant and Axel Berger

While much of the world’s attention is focused on the economic damage being wrought by US President Donald Trump’s trade wars, global trade’s twin – foreign direct...

Baba – The Leader of Leaders

Baba – The Leader of Leaders

August 02, 2018 | Prithwi Tilak Banerjee

There are many Leadership traits which differentiates great leaders from legends and between legends and immortals. But it is not about which traits are followed. It’s all ...

Reclaiming European Sovereignty

Reclaiming European Sovereignty

August 02, 2018 | Joschka Fischer

After US President Donald Trump’s recent European tour – which culminated in his infamous press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin – there can no longer ...

The US is at Risk of Losing a Trade War with China

The US is at Risk of Losing a Trade War with China

August 01, 2018 | Joseph E. Stiglitz

What was at first a trade skirmish – with US President Donald Trump imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum – appears to be quickly morphing into a full-scale trade war with China...

Where are the Nurses in the HIV Response?

Where are the Nurses in the HIV Response?

August 01, 2018 | Ian Hodgson

Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic, nurses have been at the forefront of the response to this once fatal infection. The nurse is involved at every stage of the trajectory ...

US and Taliban Initial Talks Starts in Qatar

US and Taliban Initial Talks Starts in Qatar

July 31, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

It is confirmed that Taliban’s political representatives and United States officials have held direct talks in Qatar with no third party. The Taliban political representative ...

Afghan Peace Should Not Fall Victim to Conflicting Priorities of Nations Involved in the Process

Afghan Peace Should Not Fall Victim to Conflicting  Priorities of Nations Involved in the Process

July 31, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Since the US direct involvement in Afghanistan in the aftermath of events unfolded after 9/11in 2001, priorities and nature of involvement of US and other countries – mainly ...

Unlocking Private-Sector Funds for Sustainable Development

Unlocking Private-Sector  Funds for Sustainable Development

July 30, 2018 | Mahmoud Mohieldin and Svetlana Klimenko

For the last three years, dozens of countries have gathered each July to present their national plans to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals...

The Economic Benefits of Family Planning

The Economic Benefits of Family Planning

July 30, 2018 | Natalia Kanem

The decision to start a family is one of the most important choices a person can make. It is also a fundamental human right; only individual adults should have ...

Lack of Global Leadership Spurs Instability in the Middle East

Lack of Global Leadership Spurs  Instability in the Middle East

July 29, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

With multiple Middle Eastern disputes threatening to spill out of control, United Arab Emirates minister of state for foreign affairs Anwar Gargash acknowledged what many ...

Dostum welcomed with Deadlyattacks

Dostum welcomed with Deadlyattacks

July 29, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After a few weeks of relatively calm, once again Daesh Takfiri terrorist group attacked Kabul targeting the Afghan Vice President, Abdul Rashid Dostum welcome-convoy...

Electoral Complaint Commission Needs multipronged strategy to ensure transparent, credible elections

Electoral Complaint Commission Needs multipronged  strategy to ensure transparent, credible elections

July 28, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Now election for the Parliament and District councils is on its verge. It is a matter of few months and the election will be the reality. There are around 9 million ...

Saudi oil shipment halt: A potential watershed in the Yemen war

Saudi oil shipment halt: A potential  watershed in the Yemen war

July 28, 2018 | James M. Dorsey

A spike in oil prices as a result of a temporary halt in shipments through the strategic Bab el Mandeb strait may be short-lived, but the impact on Yemen’s three-year-old forgotten ...

Why is the Afghan Government Afraid of the US Direct Talks with the Taliban Group?

Why is the Afghan Government Afraid of the  US Direct Talks with the Taliban Group?

July 26, 2018 | Hamidullah Bamik

Since the beginning of the Afghan peace process, the Taliban group have always refused to negotiate directly with the Afghan government but have called for direct talks ...

Europe for Itself

Europe for Itself

July 26, 2018 | Mark Leonard

Donald Trump is the first US president to think that the US-led world order is undermining US interests. Though the current order obviously benefits the United States ...

Media: ups and downs in Afghanistan

Media: ups and downs in Afghanistan

July 25, 2018 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Journalism, as it is one of the top ten high-risk jobs in the world, is a tougher andriskier task in Afghanistan. Afghan journalists work in the worst security conditions ...

Ending AIDS, the Dutch way

Ending AIDS, the Dutch way

July 25, 2018 | Shobha Shukla

We are all very familiar with the phrase ‘going Dutch’ (meaning each person of a group pays one’s own expenses in an outing), but are we also aware of dealing ...

Divergences and Convergences of Two Policing Cultures: Afghan Police and Taliban Police

Divergences and Convergences of Two Policing  Cultures: Afghan Police and Taliban Police

July 24, 2018 | Upendra Baghel

With the expressed interest of United States of America (USA referred as US)to participate in direct talks with Taliban, which is a remarkable shift in US policy, there is new hope ...

From Brexit to Breferendum

From Brexit to Breferendum

July 24, 2018 | Anatole Kaletsky

If something is impossible, it does not happen. If a country votes to make two plus two equal five, this “democratic decision” will eventually be overridden by the...

US Direct Involvement in Talks with Afghan Taliban & Its Repercussions on Achieving Peace

US Direct Involvement in Talks with Afghan  Taliban & Its Repercussions on Achieving Peace

July 23, 2018 | Mohammed Gul Sahibbzada

Though the United States of American has been involved in peace process since the process of making peace with Taliban began in the twilights of 2000s, most of these ...

Trump May Kill the Global Recovery

Trump May Kill the Global Recovery

July 23, 2018 | Nouriel Roubini

How does the current global economic outlook compare to that of a year ago? In 2017, the world economy was undergoing a synchronized expansion, with growth accelerating ...