Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Role of Teachers

The Role of Teachers

October 12, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Verbally, Afghans hold teachers in high respect and call them “spiritual fathers” who seek to promote a nation spiritually. The key role of teachers in a society is...

Collapse of Urban Values from the Top of Skyscrapers

Collapse of Urban Values from the Top of Skyscrapers

October 11, 2017 | Muhammad Amin Byani

Asia is a housewife in Kabul city. She says that the skyscrapers adjacent to her house put her in trouble adding that it is hard to reach out her daily chores and may abandon her home if the same...

Mounting Tension between Iraqi Government and KRG

Mounting Tension between Iraqi Government and KRG

October 11, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Kurdish flag on the coffin of the octogenarian former president of Iraq Jalal Talabani triggered a strong wave of protect in Iraqi media and social media. Talabani, the first non-Arab Iraqi...

The Need for Criminalizing Ethnocentrism in Offices

The Need for Criminalizing Ethnocentrism in Offices

October 10, 2017 | Syed Ali Mutahari

The ethnocentric movements of some individuals in government’s body, mainly in the field of employment, was followed by a wide reaction from the public. This was called against the constitution...

The Imminent Resurgence of Al-Qaeda

The Imminent Resurgence of Al-Qaeda

October 10, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Following the decline of the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), al-Qaeda is likely to extend its reach. Osama bin Laden’s son Hemza bin Laden threatens through...

The Unbreakable Deadlock of Peace Talks

The Unbreakable Deadlock of Peace Talks

October 09, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The sordid acts of terrorist fighters have triggered a sense of consternation in Afghanistan. The flagrant violation of Afghans’ fundamental rights on the grounds of their caste, color...

The Potential of a Creative City for Development

The Potential of a Creative City for Development

October 09, 2017 | Mohammad Amin Byani

In 2014, Bamyan joined UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) which invited 47 cities from 33 countries as part of the network in seven creative fields — crafts and folk art, design, film, gastronomy...

Violation of Children’s Humanitarian Rights

Violation of Children’s Humanitarian Rights

October 08, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Children bear the brunt of war and militancy in the region. The spate of war and violence in Syria, Yemen, and Myanmar left children at the mercy of great sufferings. Their rights and dignity are...

A Push for Peace that Puts Afghans First

A Push for Peace that Puts Afghans First

October 07, 2017 | Tadamichi Yamamoto

On my recent travels across Afghanistan, I’ve seen fresh evidence of a grinding and horrific war that continues to plague the lives of all Afghans. The war and the fears that drive it have...

The Erosion of Freedom in Human Societies

The Erosion of Freedom in Human Societies

October 07, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Freedom is a fundamental right of mankind. All individuals are born free and should be able to exercise their freedoms within the frame of law. However, curtailing one’s freedom is widespread...

The Susceptibility of Afghan Women to Persistent Violence

The Susceptibility of Afghan Women to Persistent Violence

October 03, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The sufferings of Afghan women continue unabated despite the establishment of a democratic administration following the fall of the Taliban’s regime. Their rights and freedoms are violated to...

The Context and Consequences of Referendum on Independence of Iraqi Kurdistan

The Context and Consequences of Referendum on Independence of Iraqi Kurdistan

October 03, 2017 | Mohammad Qasim Erfani

The referendum on independence of Iraqi Kurdistan conducted on September 25, 2017 is naturally a political incident with the aim of establishing a new state in the Middle East. Despite being disapproved...

The Need for Ending Distortion from Ashura’s Episode

The Need for Ending Distortion from Ashura’s Episode

October 02, 2017 | Jawad Sorosh

On the day of Ashura many Muslims partake in large peaceful gatherings where they recite poems in memory of Imam Husain (A.S) and his sacrifice whilst lamenting and beating their chest as a cultural...

China – A Model of Peace and Prosperity for Afghanistan

China – A Model of Peace and Prosperity for Afghanistan

September 28, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

All nations seek to live a free and peaceful life. A civil society, if not a utopia, where individuals are able to exercise their rights and liberty is the ambition of human societies...

Tourism Industry – An Invisible Export

Tourism Industry – An Invisible Export

September 28, 2017 | Ali Payam

Cultural heritage is significant for all human societies. It is widely believed that ancient monuments reflect the historical records of a society and, therefore, they are really...

Alienation in Multi-ethnic Communities

Alienation in Multi-ethnic Communities

September 27, 2017 | Qurban Ali Ansari

The public reacted negatively when a letter with ethnic tendency written by an official leaked to the media. Afghan Second Vice President Sarwar Danish said that ethnic approach and...

A Need for State’s Iron Will in Combating Corruption

A Need for State’s Iron Will in Combating Corruption

September 26, 2017 | Abdul Hamid Arifi

The destructive issue of administrative corruption in Afghanistan is a chronic problem that affected all systems in some ways and hampered the development. The rise in administrative...

The Revolution of Karbala – Virtue Versus Vice

The Revolution of Karbala – Virtue Versus Vice

September 26, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Holy Month of Muharram is celebrated annually among Muslims to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S) and his companions whose blood was spilt in the scorching desert...

Marriage and Cultural Traditions

Marriage and Cultural Traditions

September 24, 2017 | Fatima Faizi

Getting married is a milestone in one’s life. Marriage, from social perspective, is a sustainable and purposeful bond between two persons (male and female). Getting married...

Awake Conscience and Restless Hearts

Awake Conscience and Restless Hearts

September 23, 2017 | Mohsini Ghafoori

There are several kinds of tendencies, including positive and negative, in human’s nature if one views from anthropological perspective. “Sympathy” is also a sort of...

The Need for Keeping Public Order and Performing Religious Rituals in Afghanistan

The Need for Keeping Public Order and Performing Religious Rituals in Afghanistan

September 21, 2017 | Abdul Hamid Arifi

Freedom of religion is one of the fundamental rights of mankind in human societies and the legal demands of citizens. Protecting this right symbolizes the intellectual maturity of a society...

Catharsis through Martial Art in Afghanistan

Catharsis through Martial Art in Afghanistan

September 21, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The strong tendency towards martial art in Afghanistan will lead to widespread violence. Martial art has been changed into a constructive pastime for a number of Afghan youths unaware...

The Unbreakable Deadlock of ‘War on Terror’

The Unbreakable Deadlock of ‘War on Terror’

September 20, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Following the harsh stance of the US President Donald Trump on Pakistan and calling that “Pakistan often gives safe haven to agents of chaos, violence and terror” a cold war...

A Glance over Taliban-ISIS Relationship in Afghanistan

A Glance over Taliban-ISIS Relationship in Afghanistan

September 20, 2017 | Ghulam Ahya Hussaini

The self-styled Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) emerged in Iraq and extended its reach in Syria. Losing ground recently, this group seeks safe havens in other parts of Islamic...

Aung San Suu Kyi – The Nobel Laureate of Genocide

Aung San Suu Kyi – The Nobel Laureate of Genocide

September 19, 2017 | Darab Ali Aliyar

In 1991, Aung San Suu Kyi was known as the Nobel laureate in Norway but received the Nobel Prize after 21 years in Oslo since she was under house arrest. Being released from the house arrest...

Flawed Mechanisms in Political Interactions

Flawed Mechanisms in Political Interactions

September 18, 2017 | Jafar Mohammadi

People’s obedience to the government is on the condition that it should protect physical and mental peace of the society and pave the ground for development through efficient use...

Only Nobles Deserve the Nobel Prize

Only Nobles Deserve the Nobel Prize

September 17, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

The “ethnic cleansing” and flagrant violation of the fundamental rights of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar on the one hand, and the silence of a Noble Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi...

Fundamentalism in Ashura and the Responsibilities of Preachers

Fundamentalism in Ashura and the Responsibilities of Preachers

September 17, 2017 | Mohammad Ishaq Arifi

Religious fundamentalism has changed from encountering religious faith and mentality with jurisprudence into social and objective facts. Regardless of the fact that which religious...

Will We Witness International Census about Fighting Terrorism?

Will We Witness International Census about Fighting Terrorism?

September 16, 2017 | Ghulam Sakhi Ehsani

The swift evolution in regional and international policy of influential powers in recent months reflects their genuine intention and serious determination vis-à-vis terrorist...

Afghanistan’s Peace Weavers

Afghanistan’s Peace Weavers

September 14, 2017 | Tadamichi Yamamoto

Paradoxically, despite a horrific and seemingly endless war raging around them, there are brave citizens building peace across Afghanistan every day. The United Nations is doing...

Afghan Women’s Addiction to Narcotic Drug

Afghan Women’s Addiction to Narcotic Drug

September 14, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Scores of Afghan women are addicted to narcotic drugs. To alleviate their pain and anguish, about 900,000 women and children seek solace in drugs, regardless of their ill effects...

Widespread Violation of Women’s Rights

Widespread Violation of Women’s Rights

September 13, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Following the fall of the Taliban’s regime, the rights of women changed into a hotly debated discourse in Afghanistan. Women heaved a sigh of relief and geared up for playing their...

Afghans Have a Dream

Afghans Have a Dream

September 11, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Similar to all nations, Afghans also nurture an ambition for having a peaceful and democratic state. Their dream is to exercise their rights in a civil society void of war and violence...

The Solutions to Religious Violence and Fundamentalism

The Solutions to Religious Violence and Fundamentalism

September 11, 2017 | Mohammad Eshaq Arifi

Violence, hatred and killing or, that is to say, radicalism and religious violence are one of the horrific issues of the contemporary world. Regardless of the fact that radicalism...

National Congress of the Communist Party of China

National Congress of the Communist Party of China

September 10, 2017 | Hujjatullah Zia

Socialism with Chinese characteristics, with the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the helm, has played a highly instrumental role in social, cultural, economic and political arenas...