Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

TUTAP Route Change

TUTAP Route Change

May 10, 2016 | Sher Ali Nader

In Kabul, public outcry over a recent decision by Afghan government is on the soar. Last week President Ashraf Ghani’s cabinet silently approved transmission...

A Transformational Project for Central and South Asia

A Transformational Project for Central and South Asia

May 10, 2016 | Annette Dixon

The opening ceremonies in Dushanbe, Tajikistan starting Wednesday for construction works on the CASA-1000 project mark an important milestone. The project could bring a trade...

Public Opinion can Help to Provide a Better Future

Public Opinion can Help to Provide  a Better Future

May 09, 2016 | Dilawar Sherzai

Public opinion is formed both by relatively permanent circumstances and by temporary influences. Among the former are the ideas that characterize the popular culture...

From the Front Lines of Climate Change

From the Front Lines of Climate Change

May 09, 2016 | Loren Legarda and Marcela Guerrero

On April 22, dignitaries representing no fewer than 175 parties signed the global climate change agreement concluded in Paris in December, setting a record for the adoption...

The Lagging Anti-corruption Campaign

The Lagging Anti-corruption Campaign

May 08, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

With the efforts to curtail and eliminate corruption in Afghanistan facing enormous challenges, the Afghan government has recommit to lead the campaign against corruption...

Violating the Rights of Working-class

Violating the Rights of Working-class

May 08, 2016 | Hujjatullah Zia

The fruits of workers’ struggles were gained by upper-class throughout the history. Workers have been sweating in big companies from dawn to dusk but gained low wage...

We, Asian Youth, Are The Future

We, Asian Youth, Are The Future

May 07, 2016 | SUN Xi

Professor Kishore Mahbuabni, Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore and a Top Global Thinker, wisely says, “Europe represents...

Why Corruption Matters

Why Corruption Matters

May 07, 2016 | William J. Burns and Michael Mullen

Pope Francis has called corruption “the gangrene of a people.” US Secretary of State John Kerry has labeled it a “radicalizer,” because it “destroys faith in legitimate authority.”...

Tendency towards Violating Moral Standard

Tendency towards Violating Moral Standard

May 05, 2016 | Hujjatullah Zia

Social norms and cultural values will have to be practiced upon in a society and intendancy towards the deep-seated values and beliefs and breaking societal norms are considered...

War and Peace and Water

War and Peace and Water

May 05, 2016 | Laura Tuck

India is currently facing its worst water crisis in years, with an estimated 330 million people – one-quarter of its population – affected by severe drought. Ethiopia is also...

The Deteriorating Environment for Free Press

The Deteriorating Environment for Free Press

May 04, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

With the Taliban and other militant groups increasingly targeting media members in Afghanistan, the environment for operation of media outlets has become more dangerous...

Reinventing Europe

Reinventing Europe

May 04, 2016 | Joschka Fischer

Since 2009, when the financial crisis that started in America in 2008 shook the eurozone to its core, crisis management has become Europe’s new normal. Indeed, crisis has...

Social Status

Social Status

May 03, 2016 | Dilawar Sherzai

Certain people are ranked high in a society because they belong to royal family, respectable caste or occupation. All the people and groups of people are not equally respected...

The Stalemate of Peace Talks – A Threat to Democracy

The Stalemate of Peace Talks – A Threat to Democracy

May 03, 2016 | Hujjatullah Zia

The political conflict between Afghanistan and the Taliban elements stems from ideological differences. The Taliban’s militant group has been radicalized and fed...

Kabul-Moscow Growing Security Cooperation

Kabul-Moscow Growing Security Cooperation

May 02, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

With intensification of war and violence in Afghanistan, Russia and its southern neighbors bordering Afghanistan are increasingly concerned with the deterioration of the...

Malaria’s Deadly Comeback

Malaria’s Deadly Comeback

May 02, 2016 | Thierry Diagana

The dramatic drop in malaria deaths since the beginning of the century is one of the great public-health success stories of recent years. Thanks to concerted investments in...

Political Leadership

Political Leadership

May 01, 2016 | Dilawar Sherzai

Leadership is a necessary social phenomenon. In a society different people live together, with different habits, attitudes, ideas and interests and yet have to be...

Living in a Democratic Country?

Living in a Democratic Country?

May 01, 2016 | Hujjatullah Zia

I live under a democratic government when my rights and dignity are honored, when my nation’s blood is not spilt on the grounds of their caste, creed and color and when...

Why Not Learn from India?

Why Not Learn from India?

April 30, 2016 | Hujjatullah Zia

People exercise their rights and freedom under true democracy in India. There are no barriers for practicing one’s culture and beliefs. One does not fear having...

Ban the Bomb Tests

Ban the Bomb Tests

April 30, 2016 | Des Browne, Daryl G. Kimball, and Kairat Umarov

The Nuclear Security Summit process, which concluded earlier this month in Washington, DC, shows what can be achieved when political leaders come together to concentrate on a global

Political Harmony must to Taliban

Political Harmony must to Taliban

April 28, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The current season of war against the Taliban is a major test of survival and sustainability for the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). The Taliban are waging its fiercest...

Afghan Government Needs Introspection

Afghan Government Needs Introspection

April 28, 2016 | Manish Rai

With the recent attacks in Kabul the Taliban demonstrated that it’s has become too easy for them to strike the capital at will. The Taliban wants to show ordinary Afghans...

Ghani’s Parliament Address

Ghani’s Parliament Address

April 26, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

President Ashraf Ghani’s much-publicized speech in the joint session of the parliament on Monday was convincing enough for many who expected announcement of a change in policy...

The Right Time for Climate Action

The Right Time for Climate Action

April 26, 2016 | Simon Upton

During most of the roughly three decades since climate change became a global concern, governments optimistically assumed that a green transition would happen naturally over time...

Ending the Prevalent Culture of Impunity

Ending the Prevalent Culture of Impunity

April 25, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

In a letter to President Ashraf Ghani, the New York-based rights advocacy group Human Rights Watch has urged the Afghan government to take measures to end the dominant culture...

The Fourth Jihadist Wave

The Fourth Jihadist Wave

April 24, 2016 | Carl Bildt

Muscular language has become increasingly prevalent in the debate about how to counter the threat of jihadist terrorism. Television talk-show hosts speculate about when control...

Kabul Attack and the Future of Afghan Conflict

Kabul Attack and the Future of Afghan Conflict

April 24, 2016 | Muhammad Mehdi Rezaie

On Tuesday April 19, 2016 upwards of armed men stormed into security establishment that protects government VIPs in Kabul After a suicide attack killing 70 people and...

Refocusing on Improving Women’s Status

Refocusing on Improving Women’s Status

April 23, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

Improving the status of women in Afghanistan has been one of the key objectives of the international community after the US-led international coalition toppled the Taliban regime...

The Migration Superpowers

The Migration Superpowers

April 23, 2016 | Mark Leonard

We have entered the age of migration. If all the people who live outside the country of their birth united to form their own – a republic of the rootless – it would be the...

Taliban’s Lukewarm Response to Peace Talk

Taliban’s Lukewarm Response to Peace Talk

April 21, 2016 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Tuesday’s deadly attack, a week after the insurgents launched their annual spring offensive, left hundreds dead and wounded behind for which the Taliban claimed...

The Impacts of Kabul Bombing

The Impacts of Kabul Bombing

April 21, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The Taliban’s Tuesday’s attack in Kabul shocked the whole nation and renewed questions over the prospects of security and stability in Afghanistan. The bombing was...

Kabul Bombing: Taliban Indifferent to Civilian Lives

Kabul Bombing: Taliban Indifferent to Civilian Lives

April 20, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The deadly bombing that rocked Kabul city on Tuesday epitomized Taliban’s spring offensive, codenamed for this year as Omari operation: soft targets such government...

Terrorism Remains a Serious Issue

Terrorism Remains a Serious Issue

April 20, 2016 | Hujjatullah Zia

The despicable attack on the VIP protection unit in Kabul on Tuesday April 19, 2016, which led to the death of 28 and 327 injured, has shocked Kabul. It was a terrible...

The Persistent Rise of Civilian Casualties

The Persistent Rise of Civilian Casualties

April 19, 2016 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

According to a report released by UN mission in Afghanistan, civilian casualties in Afghanistan have increased two percent in the first three months of this year compared...

Air Pollution – A Critical Issue in Afghanistan

Air Pollution – A Critical Issue in Afghanistan

April 19, 2016 | Hujjatullah Zia

Walking on Kabul streets puts one’s health at great risk. Thick columns of smoke emitting from brick kilns and factories, bumper-to-bumper vehicles producing harmful...