Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 8th, 2024

Human Rights Should be Protected

Human Rights Should be Protected

September 17, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Human rights are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights “to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being,” and ...

The Evil Riches!

The Evil Riches!

September 16, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Any nation can have three stages or circles of time in its entire existence. First is the time of struggle when a nation is weak and is usually suppressed by stronger nations and all its ...

“Is There One True Religion?”

“Is There One True Religion?”

September 16, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

If you were born in Saudi Arabia, you’d hold the tenets of Islam sacred and aver that Christian belief was wrong; if you were born in Mississippi, you’d have exactly the opposite ...

The Real Security Threat!

The Real Security Threat!

September 15, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Just like other years, the summer of this year and the following months, we saw a considerable increase in the activities of Taliban and so is the insecurity in Kabul and all ...

Highlighting the Real Problems

Highlighting the Real Problems

September 15, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

There is a disease that has infected our existence and the smell of the infection has spread everywhere in the society. With each passing day the infection seems to be getting serious ...

Time to End the Stalemate

Time to End the Stalemate

September 14, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

The Afghans are earnestly waiting for an agreement between the presidential candidates, which would not only support in eliminating the prevailing uncertainty but will also assist in ...

Ideology and the Roles it plays

Ideology and the Roles it plays

September 14, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Literally, ideology means “a study of ideas,” originally “philosophy of the mind which derives knowledge from the senses”. It also means “a systematic set of ...

Hard Times Are Not Forever

Hard Times Are Not Forever

September 13, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah ...

Scenes of poverty, in whichever shape it maybe, always leave a permanent and rather moving imprint on a person’s mind. It is the reason why, in all the philosophies and thoughts, it ...

The Real Scholar

The Real Scholar

September 11, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

He was twice thrown out of the mosque. On his request, I am not mentioning his name but he is a person who leads the life of an ordinary person in Kabul. He used to regularly attend the ...

Unexamined Life is not worth Living

Unexamined Life is not worth Living

September 11, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Like a horsefly – which we all know is horribly irritating and has a sharp bite – Socrates likens himself to the bug as a means to show that without his presence and constant ...

The Government is More Responsible for Challenges

The Government is More Responsible for Challenges

September 10, 2014 | Hujjatullah

Although the bus was bursting with the passengers, it was moving at a snail’s pace to pick more people up – it is usual with public transportation in Kabul. Typically, the ...

The First Attempt

The First Attempt

September 10, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

He is a real icon of inspiration. Had he been born in any developed country, he could have been very successful and acquired wealth and fame. He would have been portrayed as an ...

“Doubt Those Who Find the Truth”

“Doubt Those Who Find the Truth”

September 08, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

French critic, essayist and novelist, Andre Gide, had once said, “Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it”. This saying seems a bit controversial ...

Common and Intelligent Approaches

Common and Intelligent Approaches

September 08, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

This is the story of days when he lived as a refugee in one of the cities of Iran. Government of Iran had issued an identity card for refugees and it was necessary to be renewed after ...

Protests in Pakistan Give a New Lesson for the Oppressed

Protests in Pakistan Give a  New Lesson for the Oppressed

September 07, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

The ongoing anti-government protests in Pakistan have crossed twenty days and all the difficulties have failed to demoralize the enthusiastic protestors. The capital city of Islamabad is ...

The End of a Premature Hope for Afghan Democracy

The End of a Premature Hope for Afghan Democracy

September 07, 2014 | Reza Sarwar Hussaini

If democracy means a government formed by open and fair participation of citizens, it clearly failed in Afghanistan. Many experts and Afghan officials may argue against ...

Commemorate the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression to Jointly Safeguard World Peace

Commemorate the Chinese People’s War  of Resistance against Japanese Aggression to Jointly Safeguard World Peace

September 06, 2014 |

Afghanistan and China are close and friendly neighbors. Both countries are not only linked by the same mountains and deep connections, but also bonded by common history and ...

Lessons from People around Us!

Lessons from People around Us!

September 06, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Meeting and sitting with different people brings very interesting observations to us. In the same way, visiting different places also teach us so many different things that ...

“Life Begins on the Other Side of Despair”

“Life Begins on the  Other Side of Despair”

September 04,2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

Jean Paul Sartre had once quoted, “Life begins on the other side of despair”; what he meant from this saying is a long discussion that starts with the discussions on ...

Impacts of Education on Religious Understanding!

Impacts of Education on  Religious Understanding!

September 04,2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Month of Ramadan came and passed and as usual, there were a lot many people who tried to cash this occasion to exhibit their so-called love for religious worshipping by saying and posting ...

Why is the Life the Way it is?

Why is the Life the Way it is?

September 03, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

Living life is considered to be very simple by the people nowadays. They live most part of life with routines. They get up early in the morning, take their breakfast, go to their ...

Seeking Success?

Seeking Success?

September 03, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Are you sure that the meaning of your life is the meaning God intends for it? Does God impose a meaning on your life from the outside, through event, custom, routine, law, system, impact ...

Our Need for Flexibility

Our Need for Flexibility

September 02, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Our holy Prophet (PBUH) sent some of his companions to a place. They were caught by the soldiers of a King and were brought in front of the King. The king was angry to discover ...

Spirituality – The Inner Call

Spirituality – The Inner Call

September 02, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

“If we want to be spiritual, then, let us first of all live our lives. Let us not fear the responsibilities and the inevitable distractions of the work appointed for us by the will ...

23rd Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan

23rd Anniversary of  Independence of Uzbekistan

September 01, 2014 |

Uzbekistan is getting prepared to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of its independence. Much has been done in the country over the last year. There are hundreds of kilometers of ...

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

September 01, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Does your neighbors’ dog bark between the hours of 1 and 5 a.m., their teenager’s music rattles your windows on the weekends and their trash keeps ending up on your ...

The Relation of Words with the Meaning

The Relation of Words with the Meaning

August 31, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

There is a very close relation between the meaning and the word. Word, as a matter of fact, is the messenger that transfers the meaning from one mind or person to others. Sometimes, it is ...

Why Do I Live?

Why Do I Live?

August 31, 2014 | Hujjatullah

The quest to understand the meaning of life has haunted humanity since the dawn of existence. Modern history alone has given us a plethora of attempted answers. I think that for those ...

EU’s Hesitation over Countering Moscow

EU’s Hesitation over Countering Moscow

August 31, 2014 | Masood Korosh

Despite all rhetoric, the EU and US are acting in hesitation against Russia. During past years, Russia’s economic relation tightened as it changed into a profitable market for ...

Let’s Live a Dignified Life

Let’s Live a Dignified Life

August 30, 2014 | Hujjatullah Zia

Human dignity is inviolable and it must be respected and protected. The dignity of the human person is not only a fundamental right in itself, but constitutes the basis of ...

The Kabul Style

The Kabul Style

August 30, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

I was sitting in one of the restaurants and busy in eating my meal. At the same time, a light chat was also in progress with my companions. After some time, two men came and sat at the ...

The Golden Crescent and the Economics of Terrorism

The Golden Crescent and the Economics of Terrorism

August 30, 2014 | Nasurullah Brohi

It is a well known trend that without the external support and huge finances none of the terrorist organizations and their insurgent activates could ever survive. The terrorist ...

Big and Small Extremism

Big and Small Extremism

August 28, 2014 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Traveling by road from Kabul to Kandahar or vice-versa has always been a painful experience for me. I have been warned by my parents, relatives and friends many times not to travel on this ...

Writing the Truth

Writing the Truth

August 28, 2014 | Dilawar Sherzai

If I decide not to write what I am writing at this moment, will it make any difference? It may not make any difference and the same situation may persist whether I complete this writing ...

Afghan Media Faces High Degree of Restrain

Afghan Media Faces  High Degree of Restrain

August 28, 2014 | Asmatyari

Media performs very important functions in the society. In modern democratic nation‐state system, it is considered as the fourth pillar of the state whose functions are indispensable for ...