Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Deprived of Culture and Traditions

Deprived of Culture and Traditions

March 12, 2013 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

There was an international gathering of singers from different countries of the world. Singers who were famous in their countries and sang their traditional songs were invited in this ...

Women, the future of Afghanistan

Women, the future of Afghanistan

March 12, 2013 | Vygaudas Usackas

Every year on March 8 we observe international women’s day. It is wonderful to see that in over 100 years since women’s day was first observed in 1909, immense progress has ...

The Nuclear Dilemma

The Nuclear Dilemma

March 11, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

According to the news reports North Korea threatened the United States on Thursday with a pre-emptive nuclear strike and has scrapped the armistice with Washington that ended hostilities in the 1950-53 ...

Motherland Forgotten!

Motherland Forgotten!

March 11, 2013 | AsmatYari

It is a natural instinct that men love the place where he gets birth and where he is brought up. It is one of the noblest passions of human nature. The love of country is natural and essential for everyone. Man ...

Man is a Citizen by Nature

Man is a Citizen by Nature

March 10, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Ibn Khaldun, the great North African thinker and philosopher believed that the state has its foundation on one of the two great moral principles; the sense of Oneness or Group Mind, Asabiya and ...

Stings of the Past

Stings of the Past

March 10, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

A man was living in a flat which was owned by a rich and old lady. She used to live all alone and had no one in the world. Although she was alone and was mostly ill, she was always found to ...

The Right to Life is the Right to Live

The Right to Life is the Right to Live

March 10, 2013 | Abdul Samad Haidari

With decades of struggle and devotion, today it seems interesting to note that how certain social and political movements of women take on colorful dimensions in a country where ...

Functions of the State

Functions of the State

March 09, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

While living in a state, the people expect and expect rightly that they should be provided their basic requirements of life by the state and the government. In the modern concept of ...

Sustainable Solutions for Poppy Cultivation!

Sustainable Solutions for Poppy Cultivation!

March 09, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

In summer, when the weather becomes hot and silence prevails on the road, it becomes quite dangerous to travel from Kandahar to Helmand. As you come out of Kandahar, there start beautiful sights ...

If Educators to Educate

If Educators to Educate

March 09, 2013 | Asmatyari

The brain has two distinct parts; each one is responsible for specific tasks. The left side of the brain controls speech, logical, and thinking skills; the right side is the athletic, creative, and ...

Women – The Victims of Discrimination

Women – The Victims of Discrimination

March 07, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Tomorrow, i.e. March 08 is celebrated as a Women Day throughout the world so as to highlight the discriminatory behavior towards women and make the world change their attitude towards ...

Accountability Elementary to Prosperous Afghanistan

Accountability Elementary to Prosperous Afghanistan

March 07, 2013 | Asmatryari

Subsequent to Tokyo Conference a declaration was signed on July 8, 2012. The donors of the Conference agreed to provide a very large amount of civilian aid to Afghanistan ($16 billion over four years, ...

An Actual Change

An Actual Change

March 07, 2013 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

After a long war of three decades, flowers of hope blossomed all around and thus many people returned to their homeland with a hope of peace, prosperity and honor and dignity of living in one’s own ...

Population Census and Afghanistan

Population Census and Afghanistan

March 06, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Population census is the official enumeration of a country's total number of people. It includes not only numbering of the people but also certain attributes attached to ...

Perceptions of Electoral Process

Perceptions of Electoral Process

March 06, 2013 | Abbas Daiyar

The US Institute of Peace has published two important papers on Afghanistan in the past week. Afghan Perceptions of the Electoral Process is one of them that cover wide range of issues related to ...

The Stretchy Antagonism over Nuclear Program

The Stretchy Antagonism over Nuclear Program

March 06, 2013 | Masood Korosh

US vice President Joe Biden once again shed light on the position of his country regarding Tehran’s nuclear program. He made it clear that a nuclear-armed Iran was not acceptable at all ...

Concerns Regarding Access to Justice

Concerns Regarding Access to Justice

Tuesday March 05 | Dilawar Sherzai

There are serious concerns regarding human rights in Afghanistan and their proper protection. A law and order system based on true justice can really support Afghanistan to a large extent in this ...

Unwelcomed Company

Unwelcomed Company

Tuesday March 05 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

Suppose that you have been advised by your doctor to do exercise on daily basis for the sake of your health. You checked your tight schedule and with all the difficulties, spared an hour ...

Internet, a Blessing of God for Taliban

Internet, a Blessing of God for Taliban

Tuesday March 05 | Mohd. Ahsan

Taliban have changed with the change in the ways of communication. It has somehow tried to cope with the technological change taking place at the global level. Taliban that have ...

Widening Gap between Rich and Poor

Widening Gap between Rich and Poor

March 04, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

The social and political changes in Afghanistan, in the post-Taliban scenario, have been able to cast diverse effects on Afghan society. Among different changes the stratification of ...

Perceptions of Engaged, Influential Afghans

Perceptions of Engaged, Influential Afghans

March 04, 2013 | Abbas Daiyar

Omar Samad, former Afghan Ambassador to France and Canada has a survey analysis paper for the US Institute of Peace. Titled Perceptions of Politically Engaged, Influential Afghans on the ...

Enlightenment Brings Magnificence!

Enlightenment Brings Magnificence!

March 04, 2013 | Asmatyari

The Taliban regime demonstrated atrocities, world eye witnessed; women were regarded third class citizens, the foreigners were considered infidels, and Jihad was legalized ...

Economic Inequality and Liberty

Economic Inequality and Liberty

March 03, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

The societies and states that have been formed in today’s world, though have evolved with the passage of time, still possess dominant shortcomings. These shortcomings if not met on time, the ...

A Quest for the Truth

A Quest for the Truth

March 03, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

This story has been mentioned in all the authentic books of Ahadith. Once, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was returning from somewhere with one of our Holy Mothers (May Allah be pleased with them). In the ...

Our Success in Curbing Narcotics

Our Success in Curbing Narcotics

March 03, 2013 | Abbas Daiyar

According to the recent calculations and estimates Afghanistan produces about 90% of world poppy cultivation. Officials have been saying, the massive income from heroin finances Taliban ...

Al-Farabi on Society and Happiness

Al-Farabi on Society and Happiness

March 02, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Farabi, known in the West as Alpharabius, was a Muslim polymath and one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of Persia and the Islamic world in his time (late 9th and early 10th century). He was also a cosmologist, logician, ...

Filling the Gaps

Filling the Gaps

March 02, 2013 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

A man was walking on the road that suddenly a car came like a violent and angry camel and hit and threw him away. The car driver slowed down for a while and the next moment, he found it safe to ...

Fundamentals of Good Governance

Fundamentals of Good Governance

March 02, 2013 | Asmatyari

Since the dawn of civilization man has been striving hard to manage his affairs systematically. The desire to become systematic to the point and precise has led human being to develop variety of ...

Educational Developments in Afghanistan

Educational Developments in Afghanistan

February 28, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

History has been the witness to the fact that the people who have pursued education with complete devotion and dedication have been able to make remarkable development and progress. It ...

Afghanistan’s “Resource Curse” Problem

Afghanistan’s “Resource Curse” Problem

February 28, 2013 | Mehdi Rezaie

It is Bamiyan in the central highlands of Afghanistan and the beautiful panorama of serene views all around is spectacular. If you climb a few hundred meters to the top of the hill that has the ...

Women Rights Should not be Compromised

Women Rights Should not be Compromised

February 28, 2013 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Perhaps women could never enjoy the freedom of owning human rights in Afghanistan under the rule of Taliban unless they were overthrown from their cruel position. With daily news clippings and videos ...

Wars – Are They Necessary?

Wars – Are They Necessary?

February 27, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Wars have always played a dominant role in human societies, if not positive all the times. There are many people in the world who consider that wars are necessary, though wars bring a lot of miseries with them. They even go to the extreme by calling them as a ...

An Unending War

An Unending War

February 27, 2013 | Muhammad Rasool Shah

Until a man is in authority and commanding his desires, he appears to be very strong. It is then he is able to experience those qualities which are only bestowed to him and which win him ...

Tolerance Begets Pluralism

Tolerance Begets Pluralism

February 27, 2013 | Asmatyari

Tolerance means accepting and valuing differences between people, appreciating that these differences enrich them. Tolerance acknowledges the vastness of reality and cherishes the many human ...

Destiny of the Displaced Souls

Destiny of the Displaced Souls

February 26, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

The plight of Afghan refugees continues in some way or the other. Every now and then there are news reports that reveal the misfortunes and discriminations they face in certain ways away from their homes. According to news reports on Sunday, February ...