Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

The Mad Philosopher

The Mad Philosopher

February 20,2020 | Muhammad Jahangir Kakar

Ghani Khan, also called the Mad Philosopher, was a mystic poet who attacked the strong symbols of status quo and left a legacy for distant prospective referencing. These attacks came at such crossroads in time when the seeds of religious extremism ...

Foreign and Domestic Investment Would Ensure Sustainable Poverty Reduction

Foreign and Domestic Investment Would  Ensure Sustainable Poverty Reduction

February 20,2020 | Hujjatullah Zia

Poverty and economic challenges are highly serious problem in Afghanistan notwithstanding the country’s rich mineral resources. Poverty and unemployment linger in the country ...

Please Rest Assured, China will Take Good Care of Your Children: A Letter to Parents of Afghan Students in China

Please Rest Assured,  China will Take Good Care of Your Children: A Letter to Parents of Afghan Students in China

February 19,2020 | Wang Yu is the Ambassador

Dear parents of all Afghan students in China,
I hope this letter finds you well.
This is Chinese Ambassador Wang Yu ...

The US-Taliban Agreement: A Good Step towards Peace in Afghanistan

The US-Taliban Agreement: A Good  Step towards Peace in Afghanistan

February 19,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

It is said that the peace agreement between Taliban and US has been finalized and both sides are supposed to sign a mutual agreement after a seven-day reduction of violence. Though ...

The Cause and Consequences of Soviet Union Aggression on Afghanistan

The Cause and Consequences of Soviet Union Aggression on Afghanistan

February 18,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The aggression of Soviet Union regime is one of the darkest days in history of the country and has left the bitterest memory in this land. This tyrannical aggression began on Jadi ...

Landing a Blow Against Climate Change

Landing a Blow Against Climate Change

February 18,2020 | Ibrahim Thiaw

In the face of climate change, providing reliable supplies of renewable energy to all who need it has become one of the biggest development challenges of our time...

The Vulnerability of Cultural Norms

The Vulnerability of Cultural Norms

February 17,2020 | Hujjatullah Zia

A number of Afghans show inclination to secular culture after the post-Taliban administration, which led to democratic discourse. Many show less sensitivity towards irreligious ...

Nation Building in Post War Countries

Nation Building in Post War Countries

February 17,2020 | Dawlat Bakhiari

With Bonn Conference in December 2001, a new page was opened in the history of Afghanistan. The Bonn agreement attracted the attention of the world. The international community engaged ...

The Decline of Women’s Dignity

The Decline of Women’s Dignity

February 16,2020 | Hujjatullah Zia

Nothing and no one else in this world deserves to see even the nails of the feet of a girl. Nakedness is a disease of our time. I am old and my words might sound funny. But me, your naked ...

The Case for Global Health Diplomacy

The Case for Global Health Diplomacy

February 16,2020 | Junaid Nabi

One of the hallmarks of an effective foreign policy is that it runs in the background, neither loud nor especially visible. Governments must urgently adopt such an approach to stem ...

Sociological Background of Regionalism in South Asia

Sociological Background of  Regionalism in South Asia

February 13,2020 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

The Indian subcontinent or South Asia incompasses today eight very diverse sovereign states of very different sizes: India, Pakistan Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives ...

Forgiveness – A Need for Society

Forgiveness – A Need for Society

February 13,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

Forgiveness is vital to healing the broken hearts and wounds and to restore good relations among people. It is an effective factor in developing excellence in human beings, physical ...

Feeling Nostalgically for Ancient Silk Road

Feeling Nostalgically for Ancient Silk Road

February 12,2020 | Hujjatullah Zia

I was filled with an outpouring of nostalgia for the ancient Silk Road as charming ladies from the Uyghur and Kazakh ethnic groups performed at the Xinjiang Great Theater last year...

The Kabul Irritating Traffics: A Never-Ended Problem

The Kabul Irritating Traffics: A  Never-Ended Problem

February 12,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Though traffic congestion is one of the most common problems in third world countries, it is more irritating in Kabul rapidly growing city of Afghanistan. Because of various reasons ...

Peace in Afghanistan Context

Peace in Afghanistan Context

February 11,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

war and violence caused bottomless tragedy and huge negative impacts on society and individuals throughout the history in a way that finding an approach for reintegration, economic ...

Climate Change: A major Global Threat

Climate Change: A major Global Threat

February 11,2020 | Isidoros Karderinis

The climate change, that is, the change of the global climate and in particular the changes in meteorological conditions that extend on a large time scale, is a major global existential ...

Electricity Disorder: A Never-Ending Problem in Afghanistan

Electricity Disorder: A Never-Ending  Problem in Afghanistan

February 10,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Despite numerous potential resources for electric energy production in Afghanistan, it still suffers from electricity shortage. The current electric power which is imported from neighboring ...

US Democracy in Peril

US Democracy in Peril

February 10,2020 | Elizabeth Drew

The fateful collision over whether US President Donald Trump should be removed from office revealed the alarming fragility of the Constitution that Americans have relied ...

The Violence Reduction Plan from Words to Practice

The Violence Reduction Plan  from Words to Practice

February 09,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent months, one of the major political topics which have been widely debated in Afghan political community is violence reduction plan. The Afghan peace thirsty people ...

Realizing the Potential of AI Localism

Realizing the Potential of AI Localism

February 09,2020 | Stefaan G. Verhulst and Mona Sloane

Every new technology rides a wave from hype to dismay. But even by the usual standards, artificial intelligence has had a turbulent run. Is AI a society-renewing hero or ...

Why Socio-political Consciousness Matters

Why Socio-political Consciousness Matters

February 08,2020 | Dilawar Asim

It is imperative for a human being to be well cognizant of the society in which he exists. He needs to have such cognizance since it would be likely for him to realize his character ...

Post-1998 Nuclear Dangers of South Asia

Post-1998 Nuclear Dangers of South Asia

February 08,2020 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

Following the 1998 tests the question of nuclear proliferation had reopened. The test were unambiguously military including one claimed to be of a sophisticated thermo- nuclear device...

China and Afghanistan Working Together to Win the Battle Against the Virus

China and Afghanistan Working Together  to Win the Battle Against the Virus

February 06,2020 | Wang Yu is Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan

Recently, a sudden outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia emerged in China. All Chinese people have made great sacrifices and efforts to this end and are still fighting against ...

The ups and downs of democracy in Afghanistan

The ups and downs of democracy  in Afghanistan

February 06,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Although the modernization process has begun since the kingdom of Habibullah Khan and Amanullah Khan in Afghanistan, the experience of democracy is attributed to two distinct ...

Coronavirus: A Tiny Creature that challenged the world

Coronavirus: A Tiny Creature that  challenged the world

February 05,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The Coronavirus, designated 2019-nCoV, is the newest and deadliest pest of the time that challenged the world equipped with modern technologies. In fact, it has not only challenged ...

Why We Need Wetlands

Why We Need Wetlands

February 05,2020 | Martha Rojas Urrego

It’s called the Extinction Wing. Located in a dark corner of the Paris Museum of Natural History, it houses a haunting collection of species that have long vanished from the natural world. With biodiversity declining faster than at any time ...

The Pathology of Afghan Peace process

The Pathology of Afghan Peace process

February 04,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

As reports quotes from the US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad, no notable progress achieved in the talks with Taliban. This comes after a long ...

Fantasy Fiscal Policy

Fantasy Fiscal Policy

February 04,2020 | Kenneth Rogoff

Will the next recession be worse than you think? With the major central banks having little space for further interest-rate cuts, might the next cyclical downturn become a crash? ...

How To Form A Learning Habit

How To Form A Learning Habit

February 03,2020 | Dilawar Sherzai

Human beings come to this world with an innate desire for learning. Since the very early days of his childhood till he is an old man the process of learning continues. As the knowledge ...

What Kind of Great Power Can Europe Become?

What Kind of Great Power Can  Europe Become?

February 03,2020 | Joschka Fischer

World War II, and the period of decolonization that followed it, brought to an end the centuries-long global domination of Europe’s great powers. After 1945, neither of the global ...

Why Understanding Other Perspectives Matters

Why Understanding Other  Perspectives Matters

February 02,2020 | M. Hashemi

I have a different opinion and you have a different one. I am a part of a distinct group and you are with another group. However, it is not a matter that should be considered something ...

Profile of Nuclear Power and Politics in South Asia

Profile of Nuclear Power and  Politics in South Asia

February 02,2020 | Rajkumar Singh

There are three chief  fissile materials that are used   in  nuclear reactions: Uranium-233 (233-U),  Uranium-235 (235-U)  and  Plutonium-239 (239-PU). In addition ...

Rule of Law Promotion as a Basic Requirement

 Rule of Law Promotion as a  Basic Requirement

February 01,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

With passing every year the children causalities and children issues are increasing due to senseless war in Afghanistan. According to a recent report released by Amnesty International ...

Has Davos Man Changed?

Has Davos Man Changed?

February 01,2020 | Joseph E. Stiglitz

This year marked the 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum’s flagship meeting of the world’s business and political elites in Davos, Switzerland. Much has changed since my first Davos in 1995. Back then, there was euphoria over ...

Joining GPFC a Big Step towards Freedom of Expression

Joining GPFC a Big Step towards  Freedom of Expression

January 30,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

When we discuss about freedom, various types of freedom come in our mind including freedom of religion, freedom of thoughts, freedom of belief, freedom of speech, freedom of the press. . .