Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Why Afghan preliminary election result is repeatedly postponed

 Why Afghan preliminary election result  is repeatedly postponed

November 10,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Remaining less than one week to the preliminary election result announcement, many Afghan people including Electoral Complaints Commission are concerned about the repeated ...

The cause and consequences of unemployment in Afghanistan

The cause and consequences of  unemployment in Afghanistan

November 07,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

It is said that unemployment is the second most destructive problem in Afghanistan after insecurity. Though there is no accurate report about unemployment rate in the country ...

Larger Causes Surrounding The TerrorismIn The Region

Larger Causes Surrounding The  TerrorismIn The Region

November 06,2019 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

The root cause of cross-border terrorism, continuing in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir lies in the partition of India in August 1947 as a result of which Pakistan ...

The Hardening of Soft Power

The Hardening of Soft Power

November 06,2019 | Zaki Laïdi

International-relations theorists generally distinguish between soft and hard power. Soft power refers to the exercise of political influence through flexible, non-binding ...

Taliban’s Complicated Attitude toward Peace Talks

Taliban’s Complicated Attitude  toward Peace Talks

November 05,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

the Taliban leadership did not adopt an outright policy towards peace talks. Omar’s successor Mullah Akhtar Mansour, dismissed talks about peace as ...

What is the economy of workforce?

What is the economy of workforce?

November 05,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In economic development theories, there is a model called core investment expansion pertain to economic development as the result of employing cheap labor in the expanding ...

Al-Baghdadi’s Death – Not a Death Knell for ISIL

Al-Baghdadi’s Death – Not a Death Knell for ISIL

November 04,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

US President has confirmed the death of the self-styled ISIL chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. His death is declared as the ISIL is operating as a decentralized outfit after losing ...

Changing status of Islamic women in South Asian region

 Changing status of Islamic women in  South Asian region

November 04,2019 | By: Rajkumar Singh

Women’s status, as put in the Sharia’h by Prophet Muhammad  is rested on a view of women as dependent on men, not their equals, but entitled to considerations ...

Cruising for Change: North Korea

Cruising for Change: North Korea

November 03,2019 | Teresa Studzinski, Arlene J. Schar, and Dr. David Leffler

"May you live in 'interesting' times" is an oft quoted expression to connote living in times of danger and uncertainty, and surely the citizens of Asia are living in such unprecedented times. . .

Moscow Will Dominate Middle East For Long

Moscow Will Dominate Middle East For Long

November 03,2019 | Manish Rai

On one hand United States military outposts and bases are being emptied or destroyed after Washington withdrew from the North East Syria and left its Kurdish allies and on ...

Challenges of Democratization in Afghanistan

Challenges of Democratization in Afghanistan

November 02,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Afghanistan has experienced many political systems including democracy, Kingdoms, Talibanism, autocracy and so on but none succeeded to change the destiny of Afghan people ...

Anti-Muslim policy of British Empire in South Asia

Anti-Muslim policy of British Empire  in South Asia

November 02,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

The British policy in India is responsible not only for Hindu-Muslim divide but also for the social, political and economic backwardness of the Muslims in India. . .

Women’s Inclusion Important in Peace Talks

Women’s Inclusion Important in Peace Talks

October 31,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

The issue of women’s rights and freedoms has been one of the main concerns in the peace talks. Afghan nation, notably women, urges the participation of women ...

The Politics of Frustration in Latin America

The Politics of Frustration in Latin America

October 31,2019 | Jeremy Adelman and Pablo Pryluka

All over Latin America, public patience is wearing thin, with violence in Chile and the return to power of Peronists in Argentina. For almost 40 years, leaders and voters have ...

Real Education Can Transform the Whole Society

Real Education Can Transform the Whole Society

October 30,2019 | Dr.Rajkumar Singh

In the larger context education can also be defined as a process and as a social institution. In the broadest sense the process of education occurs whenever any influence produces ...

The Role of Kremlin in Resumption of Afghan Peace Talks

The Role of Kremlin in Resumption of  Afghan Peace Talks

October 30,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The Afghan geopolitics and its political conflicts have attracted all the regional powers as each of them is trying to achieve his specific goals through showing harmonious ...

Afghan Women Made Strides with Great Suffering

Afghan Women Made Strides  with Great Suffering

October 29,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

A number of significant political positions are filled by women. Adela Raz is Afghanistan’s top diplomat abroad – the country’s first female permanent ...

Automating Segregation

Automating Segregation

October 29,2019 | Nicholas Agar

There are many legitimate complaints about work in the “gig economy.” But, in time, many of the gigs will be automated, eliminating a significant source ...

Why Islamic Feminism?

Why Islamic Feminism?

October 28,2019 | Dr. Meraj Ahmad Meraj

Feminism is a form of collective movements that aim to establish the equal political, economic and social rights as well as equal opportunities for women in every walk ...

The glorious hour of Brexit

The glorious hour of Brexit

October 28,2019 | Isidoros Karderinis

Three years ago, with the referendum of June 23, 2016, the British people decided with a percentage of almost 52% and with 71.8% participation the exit of Great ...

Involvement of Regional Stakeholders in Afghan Peace Process

Involvement of Regional Stakeholders  in Afghan Peace Process

October 27,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Taliban delegation met with Pakistani high-ranking officials – including the director-general of Pakistan’s prime intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence ...

Forms and status of education in West and East

Forms and status of education in West and East

October 27,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

Education is undoubtedly a process to lead and guide a man well and continuously on the pathway to development. It plays a vital role in human development and the progress ...

Developing Content and Forms of Democracy

Developing Content and Forms of Democracy

October 26,2019 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

Especially in  case of developing countries, the different forms of democracy prevailing in various nations seem to have failed to give desired results. Our failure ...

Women’s Role and Cultural Restrictions

Women’s Role and Cultural Restrictions

October 26,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

There cannot be true democracy unless women’s voices are heard. There cannot be true democracy unless women are given the opportunity to take responsibility for ...

Do Taliban Really Want Peace?

Do Taliban Really Want Peace?

October 24,2019 | Wali Muhammad Alizai

Taliban assured dissociation with international terrorist outfits during the nine rounds of peace talks, which were called off by the U.S. President Donald Trump after ...

The Cause and Consequences of Increasing Social Crimes in Afghanistan

The Cause and Consequences of Increasing  Social Crimes in Afghanistan

October 24,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari Translated by: Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Social offences have a long history in human life and are considered as an inevitable social phenomenon. The human history has recorded numerous crimes and catastrophes in ...

The Fighting Strategy Should Comprise both Terrorists and Terrorism

The Fighting Strategy Should Comprise both  Terrorists and Terrorism

October 23,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In last four decades, Afghanistan has been facing domestic and international terrorism which left millions of deaths, disabled, orphaned and widows in the country ...

Development of Western Women Human Rights in Globalisation

Development of Western Women Human Rights  in Globalisation

October 23,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

The present status of women in society is a challenge for human rights. Women form nearly half of the human capital  but in terms of gender equality and gender equity ...

What would bring the US and EU Officials’ Trip to Afghanistan?

What would bring the US and EU Officials’  Trip to Afghanistan?

October 22,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days, Kabul was hosting the US and EU top Officials followed with different analysis in Afghan political community. According to Afghan analysis, the chances ...

Time to Bite the Bullet in Syria

Time to Bite the Bullet in Syria

October 22,2019 | Carl Bildt

Recent events in Syria have naturally raised two questions: Who lost the country? And where might the international community go from here ...

Targeting Civilians Outrageous and War Crime

Targeting Civilians Outrageous and War Crime

October 21,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Civilian casualties continue unabated as the Taliban fighters and Islamic State group continue their hit-and-run strategy. Militant fighters seek to put pressure on the Kabul ...

Growing fundamentalism is a reaction to the Western views

Growing fundamentalism is  a reaction to the Western views

October 21,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

As a result of the renaissance in Europe, with the age of reason, the invention of gun powder, the geographical explorations, the industrial revolution and the colonial ...

The Never-Ending dead end for the Afghan Election commission

The Never-Ending dead end for the Afghan  Election commission

October 20,2019 | Naser Koshan

The importance of elections is equally alike in both established and emerging democracies. In today’s day and age, democracy and elections are synonymously used in political ...

Corporations that abuse human rights are a threat to SDGs and our planet

Corporations that abuse human rights are a  threat to SDGs and our planet

October 20,2019 | Bobby Ramakant

One of the major processes at the United Nations (UN) that gives hope for a better tomorrow where “no one is left behind” is the UN binding treaty on transnational ...

Pathology of the Afghan Presidential Election

Pathology of the Afghan Presidential Election

October 19,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Election pathology does not mean to ignore the positive points but it can be considered as a good step towards changing deficiencies to efficiencies in the future. Therefore, election ...