Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

The Mainstreaming of Corruption

The Mainstreaming of Corruption

September 29,2019 | Sławomir Sierakowski

As we have seen in recent years, domination by a populist party can lead to the deep polarization of an electorate. But it also erodes the ethical fabric of political life. . .

Who Is Responsible for Rise of Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan?

Who Is Responsible for Rise of  Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan?

September 26,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The civilian causalities have been a serious challenge in conflict of Afghanistan which raised a lot criticism and hatred in national and international level. The latest case as claimed ...

A Woman-Focused Climate Agenda

A Woman-Focused Climate Agenda

September 26,2019 | Alison Holder and Sivananthi Thanenthiran

From teen activist Greta Thunberg’s much-publicized transatlantic journey on a zero-emissions boat to attend the United Nations General Assembly to the proliferation ...

Increasing Impartial Election Monitors is Good Measure to Its Transparency

Increasing Impartial Election Monitors  is Good Measure to Its Transparency

September 25,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

According Independent election commission (IEC), more than 100 thousand people will monitor from Election Day scheduled on 28 September, 2019. Given the controversy over ...

Presidential Election is a Golden Opportunity to Strengthen Democracy in Afghanistan

Presidential Election is a Golden Opportunity  to Strengthen Democracy in Afghanistan

September 24,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent weeks, the election campaigns have been decentralized from Kabul to remote provinces and main districts of Afghanistan.  The Presidential candidates have increased their ...

Reconciliation Must Drive Development

Reconciliation Must Drive Development

September 24,2019 | Rémy Rioux

In a profoundly volatile world riddled with fractures, the temptation to embrace a seemingly reassuring path of withdrawal or isolation may be strong. In fact, avoidance of potential ...

China Has No Intention of Militarizing South China Sea

China Has No Intention of  Militarizing South China Sea

September 23,2019 | Gen Li, Yuhao Wang & Ruijing Qin

In recent years, with the continuous development of China’s economy, the importance of marine resources has become increasingly prominent. The Chinese government attaches ...

Another War Looming in Yemen

Another War Looming in Yemen

September 23,2019 | Manish Rai

Last month port city of Aden which is currently the seat of exiled President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi government was captured by southern separatists demanding secession of South Yemen...

Challenges before Adopting New Curriculum by MoE

Challenges before Adopting  New Curriculum by MoE

September 22,2019 | Amin Danish

Adopting any types of curriculum will affect the level of learning and change students’ behaviors accordingly. Competency based education (CBE) is no exception and will certainly ...

How AI Can Promote Social Good

How AI Can Promote Social Good

September 22,2019 | By: Hala Hanna and Vilas Dhar

Artificial intelligence is now increasingly present in corporate and government decision-making. And although AI tools are still largely in the hands of institutions that focus on profit before ...

Taliban Persist Attacking on Civilians and National Infrastructures in Afghanistan

Taliban Persist Attacking on Civilians  and National Infrastructures in Afghanistan

September 20,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

It is nearly two decades that Taliban have been persistently killing civilians and non-civilians violating national and internal laws and values. They have also destroyed public infrastructure ...

Ukraine Gets Its Chance

Ukraine Gets Its Chance

September 20,2019 | Carl Bildt

Suddenly, opinion polls find that Ukrainians are more optimistic about their future than are citizens of most other countries around the world. That will come as a surprise ...

What Is Next in The Pipeline for The Afghan Peace Initiative

What Is Next in The Pipeline for  The Afghan Peace Initiative

September 19,2019 | Naser Koshan

The American led Taliban peace negotiations abruptly ended, when the U.S. president Donald Trump, pulled the plug on the talks after Taliban claimed responsibility for a deadly suicide ...

The Return of Fiscal Policy

The Return of Fiscal Policy

September 19,2019 | Jim O’Neill

As we enter the last quarter of 2019 (and of the decade), cyclical indicators point to a slowing world economy amid wide-ranging structural challenges. There are plenty ...

Trump’s New Troubles

Trump’s New Troubles

September 18,2019 | Elizabeth Drew

As the US Congress reconvenes this week after a six-week recess, the administration is mired in controversies, almost all of them set off by President Donald Trump. Trump’s behavior ...

Who Lost Argentina, Again?

Who Lost Argentina, Again?

September 18,2019 | Mohamed A. El-Erian

Investors and economic observers have begun to ask the same question that I posed in an article published 18 years ago: “Who lost Argentina?” In late 2001 ...

Pre-Taliban Political History of Afghanistan

Pre-Taliban Political History of Afghanistan

September 17,2019 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

Modern Afghanistan emerged during the nineteenth century as a buffer state squeezed between the Russian and British empire. From the beginning it was a pawn in the battles between ...

Joining the Technological Frontiers

Joining the Technological Frontiers

September 17,2019 | Tej Kohli

Artificial intelligence (AI) and biotechnology are both on an exponential growth trajectory, with the potential to improve how we experience our lives and even to extend life itself ...

Welcome to Victories and Opportunities after Stoppage of Peace Process

Welcome to Victories and Opportunities  after Stoppage of Peace Process

September 16,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Following the intensification of Taliban attacks on Takhar, Kunduz, Baghlan, Farah and Kabul provinces ...

The Amazon and You

The Amazon and You

September 16,2019 | Richard N. Haass

Nearly everyone has seen the dramatic images of the Amazon ablaze. Tens of thousands of fires – intentionally started or caused by logging, farming, mining, and other human activities ...

Star of ‘Buddha Collapsed out of Shame’ is Forgotten

Star of ‘Buddha Collapsed  out of Shame’ is Forgotten

September 15,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Nikbakht Frahmand, who starred the film “Buddha Collapsed out of Shame” directed by Hana Makhmalbaf in 2007, is seeking to continue her role in terms of culture and art ...

Who Benefits from False Climate Solutions?

Who Benefits from False Climate Solutions?

September 15,2019 | Karin Nansen

In a recent special report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) argues that addressing climate change will require fundamental changes to the way we manage...

How to Address Social Issues

How to Address Social Issues

September 14,2019 | S. Asim

No problem can ever be solved unless it is identified properly. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do it. There are different problems within a social and political life and people ...

How Pooling Can Beat Stunting

How Pooling Can Beat Stunting

September 14,2019 | Philippe Douste-Blazy and Carl Manlan

In many developing countries, women come together on a regular basis to contribute their earnings to a common pot. Together, these micro-contributions can pay for school fees, kick-start a joint ...

Human Rights Violations Continue Unabated

Human Rights Violations Continue Unabated

September 12,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

The scourge of war and terrorism has caused indescribable sorrow and immense suffering for nations and violated the rights and liberties of many individuals around the globe...

Ursula von der Leyen’s To-Do List

Ursula von der Leyen’s To-Do List

September 12,2019 | Daniela Schwarzer

When Jean-Claude Juncker became European Commission President five years ago, he confronted formidable challenges. But the test faced by his successor, Ursula von der Leyen, is even more complex...

Why Washington Calls Off the Afghanistan’s Peace Process?

Why Washington Calls Off  the Afghanistan’s Peace Process?

September 11,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The US President Donald Trump said through a series of tweets that he was cancelling the peace talks with Taliban leaders after a car bombing in Kabul killed one U.S. service member ...

Deep Aftereffects of 9/11 And War Against Terrorism

Deep Aftereffects of 9/11 And  War Against Terrorism

September 11,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

The fateful event of 11 September 2001, also called the ‘Black Tuesday’ has entered the contemporary history of the world as a landmark date. It reminded the prophetic ...

Message of Muharram

Message of Muharram

September 08,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

>A large number of Shiite Muslims conduct mourning sessions in Muharram, a holy month of Shiite Muslims, in which the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Imam Hussein, along ...

Germany’s Divided Soul

Germany’s Divided Soul

September 08,2019 | Dalia Marin

This November, Germany will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. But the country is in a gloomy mood, and cheers will be few and far between – especially ...

Why People Are Worried About the Peace Deal with Taliban

Why People Are Worried About  the Peace Deal with Taliban

September 07,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After the ninth round of peace talks between US-Taliban has ended, the US Special Representative for Peace, Zalmay Khalilzad, came to Kabul to brief the Afghan president and political ...

Britain’s Brexit Breakdown

Britain’s Brexit Breakdown

September 07,2019 | Philippe Legrain

British democracy was once widely seen as a model for others to follow. But it has now sunk into its deepest crisis in living memory. At stake is not only whether the United ...

Protecting Afghan Constitution is a National Obligation

Protecting Afghan Constitution  is a National Obligation

September 04,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Loya Jirga, held in post-Taliban Afghanistan to approve constitution, has been a controversial . . .

Causes and Cures of Terrorism in Today’s Context

Causes and Cures of Terrorism in Today’s Context

September 04,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

In present context, globalisation has let loose the forces of uncivil society and accelerated the transnational flows of terrorism, human and drug trafficking, organised crime ...

Chinese Commitment Facilitates Afghan Woman’s Capacity-Building

Chinese Commitment Facilitates  Afghan Woman’s Capacity-Building

September 03,2019 | Mr. Wang Daxue

In September, 2015, in his speech at the Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Woman’s Empowerment held at UN Headquarters, Chinese President Xi Jinping initiated . ..