Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The probably Differences among Political Actors in intra-Afghan Talks

The probably Differences among  Political Actors in intra-Afghan Talks

September 03,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

The ninth round of talks between the Taliban and US representatives have been wrapped up in Doha, Qatar’s capital, but the Taliban militants have intensified their ...

Traditional Culture Has a Huge Bearing on Women’s Rights

Traditional Culture Has a Huge  Bearing on Women’s Rights

September 02,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

The evolution of women’s rights have passed many ups and downs. Social and political issues have had direct impacts on the rights and freedoms of Afghan women...

Today’s Terrorism Is More Fatal with Modern Techniques

Today’s Terrorism Is More Fatal  with Modern Techniques

September 02,2019 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

Earlier terrorism was not a widespread phenomenon as it is today in contemporary political system of the world. In the 1960s national security was perceived as the ability ...

International Forces: At The Crossroads of Complete or Incomplete Withdrawal from Afghanistan

International Forces: At The Crossroads of Complete  or Incomplete Withdrawal from Afghanistan

September 01,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In the eve of signing peace agreement between US and Taliban, there are great uncertainties whether the U.S. and its allies leave Afghanistan in clutches of terrorist’s networks ...

Two Systems, One World

Two Systems, One World

September 01,2019 | Joschka Fischer

With the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall approaching, the issue of freedom has returned to the fore in Moscow and Hong Kong, albeit under very different ...

Will the Iran Conflict Break the West?

Will the Iran Conflict Break the West?

August 31,2019 | Mark Leonard

Before the G7 summit in Biarritz, France, this month, it was a toss-up whether the greater disruption would come from US President Donald Trump or British Prime Minister Boris ...

Gross Violation of Human Rights in Myanmar

Gross Violation of Human Rights in Myanmar

August 31,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

Religious tensions are still felt in Myanmar between the majority Buddhists and the minority Muslims, as minor disputes turned into violent clashes few years back...

Is Terrorism a Mind Game That We Face the World Around?

Is Terrorism a Mind Game That  We Face the World Around?

August 29,2019 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

The famous English poet John Milton once wrote ‘The mind is its own place, it can make heaven of hell and hell of heaven’. The term ‘Terrorism’ has recently ...

Will the US-Taliban Agreement End War in Afghanistan?

Will the US-Taliban Agreement End  War in Afghanistan?

August 29,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In spite of ongoing peace negotiations between the United States and the Taliban, the bloody conflict in Afghanistan continues with increasingly heavy toll on . . .

We Need to Roll Up our Sleeves for South Asia’s Children. And We Need to do it Now.

We Need to Roll Up our Sleeves for South Asia’s Children. And We Need to do it Now.

August 28,2019 | Jean Gough

These situations never cease to impress and move me: a girl who has never had the chance to go to school before, deep in concentration, learning how to bend and twist ...

The Presidential Candidates are not Miserly in Giving Fantasy Promises

The Presidential Candidates are not  Miserly in Giving Fantasy Promises

August 28,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days, as the election campaign became more competitive, the fantasy promises have also increased by the presidential candidates. Few days ago one of the presidential ...

A Vacuum for Spirit of Brotherhood

A Vacuum for Spirit of Brotherhood

August 27,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

“It is true, political problems are not solved by love and mercy. But the world of politics is not the only world, and unless political decisions rest on a foundation . . .

Hong Kong Must Not Be Reduced to a Place of Riot and Colour Revolution

Hong Kong Must Not Be Reduced  to a Place of Riot and Colour Revolution

August 27,2019 | Wang Daxue

Backed by external forces, some people with ulterior motives in Hong Kong have recently instigated a series of serious violent incidents, trampling on the bottom line of any civilized ...

Social Change; A Duty Calling All of Us

Social Change; A Duty Calling All of Us

August 26,2019 | S. Mary

Achievements in life are difficult to attain. In order to make achievements in life, it is necessary for an individual to have the urge and the iron will...

Social Policy Starts at Home

Social Policy Starts at Home

August 26,2019 | Shahra Razavi

Political economy has come a long way. Many figures and institutions that have long embraced neoliberalism increasingly recognize the failures of markets and acknowledge ...

Is Peace with the Taliban Possible?

Is Peace with the Taliban Possible?

August 25,2019 | Amin Saikal

Despite ongoing peace negotiations between the United States and the Taliban, the bloody conflict in Afghanistan continues to take a heavy toll on the country’s people...

Managing the Next Gold Rush

Managing the Next Gold Rush

August 25,2019 | Sharon E. Burke

The International Seabed Authority (ISA) sits perched above the concrete boardwalk of Jamaica’s Kingston Harbor, across the bay from the spot where “Calico ...

Factual Dose of Solution to the Intensified Insecurity Situation in Afghanistan

Factual Dose of Solution to the Intensified  Insecurity Situation in Afghanistan

August 24,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Undoubtedly, the terrorist activities have intensified in different parts of the country, especially in Kabul where three deadly incidents happened within a month including attacks ...

Will Democracy Die Last?

Will Democracy Die Last?

August 24,2019 | Dominique Moisi

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, prominent international relations experts such as the late French political philosopher Pierre Hassner argued that the world was witnessing ...

Honor Killing – A Practice against Law

Honor Killing – A Practice against Law

August 22,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

“Honor killing”, which has been deeply embedded in Afghanistan’s traditional culture, and violence against women is a common practice in Afghanistan, mainly in tribal belts . . .

In the Blink of an Eye …

In the Blink of an Eye …

August 22,2019 | Arlene J. Schar and Dr. David Leffler

Another deadly attack, this time in Eastern Afghanistan. The target: a wedding party. The toll: 63 dead and almost 200 injured. Ironically, the invitations to the Kabul wedding ...

Weak Rule of Law as the Main Cause of High Crime Rate

Weak Rule of Law as the Main Cause  of High Crime Rate

August 21,2019 | M. Aria

Currently, Afghanistan is suffering from myriads of problems and among them the rising rate of crimes is a dominant one. The persistent insecurity and instability . . .

A Geoengineering Trojan Horse

A Geoengineering Trojan Horse

August 21,2019 | Silvia Ribeiro

Although the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent, the progress toward reducing greenhouse-gas emissions remains as disappointing as ever . . .

Waves of Criticisms and Reactions to Attacks on Wedding Hall in Kabul

Waves of Criticisms and Reactions  to Attacks on Wedding Hall in Kabul

August 20,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

This is the second dreadful attack within a month which targets west of Kabul civilians; the first attack targeted the security forces but more than 100 civilians and . . .

Pessimism and Optimism over The US-Taliban Peace Agreement

Pessimism and Optimism over  The US-Taliban Peace Agreement

August 18,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The eighth round of US-Taliban peace talks just ended on August 12 in Qatar but it caused a lot of Pessimism and optimism across Afghanistan. It has caused optimism ...

Afghanistan’s Independence and Its Importance at International Level

Afghanistan’s Independence and  Its Importance at International Level

August 18,2019 | Bezhan Azam

Almost one century ago, Afghanistan gained its independence from British Empire. People at home and abroad reacted to this great historic event. Inside Afghanistan, fellow citizens . . .

Why The Political Parties Are Marginalized in Afghanistan

Why The Political Parties  Are Marginalized in Afghanistan

August 17,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unfortunately, the Afghan political parties, especially the traditional parties could not play a constructive role in past two decades in the country. Instead of getting ...

Contemporary Anti -Terror Laws and Structures of America (Part 2)

Contemporary Anti -Terror Laws  and Structures of America (Part 2)

August 17,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

In addition, the event of 9/11 has enhanced the importance of Social Network Analysis (SNA). . .

Contemporary Anti -Terror Laws and Structures of America

Contemporary Anti -Terror Laws  and Structures of America

August 15,2019 | Rajkumar Singh

In combating terrorism the United States of America has a different counter terrorist structure than other close allies, such as Australia, Canada, France, and the United Kingdom ...

Trade Disruption Is a Symptom of a Deeper Malaise

Trade Disruption Is a Symptom of a Deeper Malaise

August 15,2019 | Mohamed A. El-Erian

It’s only a matter of time until the escalating tensions between China and the United States prompt many more economists to warn of an impending global economic ...

The India–Pakistan Historic Tensions and Its Spillover on Afghanistan

The India–Pakistan Historic Tensions  and Its Spillover on Afghanistan

August 14,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

India and Pakistan have had historic odds and hostility which resulted in several wars, conflicts, and military standoffs against each and other. The roots of the continued ...

The Puzzle of Economic Progress

The Puzzle of Economic Progress

August 14,2019 | Diane Coyle

Do we know how economies develop? Obviously not, it seems, or otherwise every country would be doing better than it currently is in these low-growth times. In fact, cases ...

Targeting Civilians – A Lukewarm Response to Peace

Targeting Civilians – A Lukewarm  Response to Peace

August 08,2019 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Taliban leadership continues its talks with the US representatives and its war against Afghan state and nation. It has adopted an equivocal policy which triggers ...

Killing a Silent Killer of Women

Killing a Silent Killer of Women

August 08,2019 | Muttaquina Hossain

In public health, discussions relating to women typically focus on maternal mortality, malnutrition, and more recently, sexual and reproductive health. But one facet ...

Women: From Silent Majority to Active Majority

Women: From Silent Majority to Active Majority

August 07,2019 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Almost ten year ago, the former president of Afghanistan, Hamid karzai, said “the silent majority has become active majority.” He said this because ...