Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Electoral Reforms Crucial to Credible Future Setup

Electoral Reforms Crucial  to Credible Future Setup

July 02, 2015 | Asmatyari

The Electoral Reform is considered a crucial need of Afghans subsequent electoral distaste emerged after the former presidential election. Nonetheless, the different position owned ...

Construction and Maintenance of Roads in Afghanistan

Construction and Maintenance of Roads in Afghanistan

July 02, 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

There are various types of developments that are believed to be essential for the people of a country in the modern world. As a result of these developments the people are able to make their ...

The Challenges of Multiculturalism

The Challenges of Multiculturalism

July 01, 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

The world of ours is embellished with variety of thoughts, feelings, perceptions and ideologies. And the same variety, many believe, is the beauty of it. However, maintaining the same ...

The Lagging Efforts for Resolving Kabul Bank Case

The Lagging Efforts for  Resolving Kabul Bank Case

July 01, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

Resolving the Kabul Bank scandal was one of the major promises pledged by the National Unity Government (NUG) when it was formed last year. However, despite remarkable progresses in ...

Material Vs Non-material Culture

Material Vs Non-material Culture

June 30, 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

A society tends to suffer from cultural stagnation or cultural lag when there is a considerable gap between the material culture and non-material culture of the society. The ...

Underestimating Human Rights

Underestimating  Human Rights

June 30, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

There must be a sustained effort to listen to each other; to learn from each other; to respect one another; and to seek common ground…. We were born out of revolution against an ...

Hatred Begets Hatred

Hatred Begets Hatred

June 29, 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

It can be observed in our today’s world that there has been increase in the negative energy displayed by human beings in different forms. The worst of its types can be found in the ...

Afghanistan’s Formidable Challenges

Afghanistan’s Formidable Challenges

June 29, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

The militancy in Afghanistan is raging once again. The Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) are overwhelmed by the growing number of Taliban attacks across the country and in major ...

An Alliance for Countering the Taliban Offensive

An Alliance for Countering the Taliban Offensive

June 28, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

In response to the deteriorated security situation in the North, Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum, Afghanistan’s first Vice President, and Atta Mohammad Noor, governor of Balkh province ...

Pros and Cons of Poliovirus

Pros and Cons  of Poliovirus

June 28, 2015 | Dr. Faisal Ali

Outbreak of infantile paralysis in different ages of the history is a sheer curse leaving deep print of miseries along with evincing man’s vulnerability and haplessness to give ...

Diversity –A Call to End Differences

Diversity –A Call  to End Differences

June 27 2015 | Asmatyari

It is a wonderful saying; we inhabit a universe that is characterized by diversity. Behold a beautiful garden full of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Each flower has a different charm, a...

How Fresh Insurgent Attacks Impact the Peace Process?

How Fresh Insurgent Attacks  Impact the Peace Process?

June 27 2015 | Ewaz Ali Bahrami

In peace processes and negotiations for cease-fire all around the world, belligerent parties demonstrate signs of getting away from active clashes; however, this is not the case in ...

The Spirit of Ramadan!

The Spirit of Ramadan!

June 25 2015 | Asmatyari

Contrary to pursuit of common good –occasionally the resumption of self interest turns a fabulous portrayal, tarnishing the shared interest of human community. This trend ...

Peace Negotiation – A Futile Attempt

Peace Negotiation – A Futile Attempt

June 25 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

Pakistan would play a constructive role in promoting peace and security in Afghanistan that could best be achieved through a process of national reconciliation undertaken and led by ...

The Audacious Taliban Attack on the Parliament

The Audacious Taliban  Attack on the Parliament

June 24 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

>The Monday’s attack on Afghanistan’s Parliament was one of the most audacious attacks organized by the Taliban as part of the group’s ongoing spring offensive in the country. According ...

Education Suffers a State of Denial!

Education Suffers a State of Denial!

June 24 2015 | Asmatyari

Education is one of the necessities of the humans and, therefore, a prime responsibility and obligation of the states and governments to impose it without any regional or class ...

Ramadan – Month of Peace and Compassion

Ramadan – Month of Peace and Compassion

June 23 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

US President Barack Obama and other American leaders have felicitated Muslims on the beginning of Ramadan, pledging to work with them for promoting peace and stability. President ...

The Legal Status of the Parliament

The Legal Status of  the Parliament

June 22 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The Lower House of the parliament decided to convene its sessions beyond June 22, 2015, after President Ashraf Ghani extended the parliament’s term until new parliamentary elections ...

Individual does Matter

Individual does Matter

June 22 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

As the Utilitarian school of thought in Europe became popular, the concept of individualism started rising. It basically initiated with Adam Smith’s The Wealth of ...

Are Afghanistan’s Educational Achievements Inflated?

Are Afghanistan’s Educational Achievements Inflated?

June 21 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The United States Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) say the achievements made in Afghanistan’s education sector may be inflated, and that...

Who Would Suffer With Presence of Daesh?

Who Would Suffer With  Presence of Daesh?

June 21 2015 | Asmatyari

Violence has been a determinant factor deciding the fate of people of war stricken lands, is a thought provoking doldrums. The society characterized with undefined rule of mob turns the ...

Peace Talks Should be Held on Government’s Term

Peace Talks Should be   Held on Government’s Term

June 20, 2015 | Asmatyari

The newly installed government in Kabul affirms security the top most precedence. Nonetheless, the peace dream of Afghans ca not materialize, given multiple factors hindered the way to this

The Taliban’s Warning to the Islamic State

The Taliban’s Warning  to the Islamic State

June 20, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The Taliban leadership has sent a letter to the Islamic State’s leader in Iraq/Syria, warning not to attempt to open a new jihadi front in Afghanistan. In the letter, it is ...

Civilians Suffer in Iraq and Syria

Civilians Suffer in Iraq and Syria

June 17, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

The endless conflagration in Iraq and Syria leads to great turbulence and civilians continue to bear the brunt of this conflict. The humanitarian law is widely violated and the ...

Growing Pollution, Hazardous to Environment!

Growing Pollution, Hazardous to Environment!

June 17, 2015 | Asmatyari

With the turn of millennium the issue of the environment has suddenly evolved into a widespread issue which is greatly discussed throughout the world. No longer are humans living in a ...

Bamyan – SAARC Cultural Capital

Bamyan – SAARC Cultural Capital

June 16, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

A grand ceremony was held on Friday June 05, 2015 in Bamyan province to celebrate the Cultural Capital of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). Last year on June ...

Our Spoiled Standards

Our Spoiled Standards

June 16, 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

a society is known by the standards it maintains in different walks of life. Better societies tend to have higher standards for almost every aspect of life; however, it is ...

The Looming Constitutional Stalemate

The Looming Constitutional Stalemate

June 15, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

With the legal term of Afghanistan’s parliament ending in a week, there is a constitutional conflict and political vacuum looming in the country. There is now increased focus from ...

Getting Rid of Calamity of Problems!!

Getting Rid of Calamity of Problems!!

June 15, 2015 | Asmatyari

The decades of prevalent conflict and war in Afghanistan shambled everything, ranging from infrastructural to socio-political downfall; reasonless bloodshed followed by enormouS...

The Demands of Better Living

The Demands of  Better Living

June 14, 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

a society that suffers from the difficulties of obliviousness and deprivation cannot have the dreams of affluence and progress and it does not have the right, either. Although we keep on ...

Talents not Supported by Afghan Education System

Talents not Supported by  Afghan Education System

June 14, 2015 | Bismillah Alizada and Mahmood Mohammadi

shortly after September 11, 2001, the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan collapsed under the heavy attacks of American B52s, and the NATO-led International Security ...

The House of Representatives’ Legal Tenure

The House of Representatives’ Legal Tenure

June 13, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

with the Wolesi Jirga’s tenure almost over, there are efforts underway to have the mandate of the Lower House of the parliament extended. According to reports, the leaders of the ...

Growing Violence Turned Usual Phenomenon

Growing Violence Turned Usual Phenomenon

June 11, 2015 | Asmatyari

Seeing at the magnitude of aggression wreaked by violence-mongers, we find barbarism an overriding element of our society. The strength the anti-state elements have acquired marks the...

Muslim Minorities in Burma

Muslim Minorities in Burma

June 11, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

Religious tensions are high in Myanmar between the majority Buddhists and the minority Muslims, as minor disputes have turned into violent clashes. Recently, some pictures were posted on the ...

Democracy Enshrines Equality of Opportunity!

Democracy Enshrines Equality of Opportunity!

June 10, 2015 | Asmatyari

the ultimate goal of democracy is to preserve and promote the dignity and fundamental rights of the individual, to achieve social justice, foster the economic and social development of ...