Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Tackling the Tenacious Insurgency

Tackling the Tenacious  Insurgency

July 28, 2015 | Ewaz Ali Bahrami

Since the coalition troops ended its combat operations in Afghanistan and the National Unity Government (NUG) was formed after the last year presidential elections, security conditions

The Right to Speak

The Right to Speak

July 27, 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

Our world has always experienced the type of people who have strived to put restrictions on others to express themselves freely. However, the facts is that there are as many opinions as ...

The Chronic Problem of Women

The Chronic Problem  of Women

July 26, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

According to reports, violence against women has increased by 8 percent in recent months in Bamyan province and the perpetrators go unscathed from prosecution. The victims have ...

Role of Ethics in Politics

Role of Ethics in Politics

July 26, 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

There have been different discussions regarding the role of ethics in politics. Some believe that is impossible to separate them and it would be even unwise to do so, while there are ...

The Prospect of the Afghan Electoral Reforms

The Prospect of the  Afghan Electoral Reforms

July 25, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The long-delayed formation of the electoral reforms commission has come as a major step forward for reforming Afghanistan’s electoral system and preparing the ground for the ...

Nelson Mandela; the Unforgettable Soul

Nelson Mandela; the  Unforgettable Soul

July 25, 2015 | Asmatyari

Following successful formation and finalization of unity government, the masses begin to eye resolution of multifaceted problems, waiting their fates for years. Previously, President ...

Too Late for Peace Talk

Too Late for Peace Talk

July 23, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

The Taliban envoy who had travelled to a Kabul house that fateful night, ostensibly to discuss peace, carried a more deadly message inside his turban, which murdered the head of ...

Women Suppressed and Unvoiced!

Women Suppressed and Unvoiced!

July 23, 2015 | Asmatyari

The frequent tale of bloodsheds, aggravation, injustices, vindictiveness, corruption and mercilessness witnessed, have made us believe, the society thrives for its very existence against ...

Ghost Schools and Clinics: Funds Vanishing into Thin Air

Ghost Schools and Clinics: Funds Vanishing into Thin Air

July 22, 2015 | Ewaz Ali Bahrami

After the fall of Taliban in 2001, the developments made in Afghanistan, are undoubtedly spectacular. But one man, who is a key stakeholder in the efforts, is not much happy with the ...

The Bitter Eid of Our Nation

The Bitter Eid of Our Nation

July 22, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

the heavy casualties inflicted upon our nation, especially in holy month of Ramadan, embittered the Eid. The victims left a bleeding wound in the hearts of their family members. On Eid ...

The Role of Former President in Afghanistan’s Current Politics

The Role of Former President in  Afghanistan’s Current Politics

July 21, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

The recent misunderstandings between former president Hamid Karzai and the National Unity Government (NUG) appeared as surprising for many who missed to notice Karzai’s political ...

A Rise in Civilian Casualties

A Rise in Civilian Casualties

July 21, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

Afghan civilians come under the militants’ heavy attacks in recent months. The current violence and bloodshed are reminiscent of the bloody days of war which led to great ...

Mullah Omar’s Dramatic Emergence; An Impetus to Talks

Mullah Omar’s Dramatic  Emergence; An Impetus to Talks

July 16, 2015 | Asmatyari

Undoubtedly the incumbent government in Kabul takes security a top most precedence. It’s not surprising to learn –the onset of regular talks between Afghan government and Taliban ...

Historic Deal on Iran’s Nuclear Program

Historic Deal on Iran’s Nuclear Program

July 16, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

After years of tortuous negotiations, Iran and world powers reached a ‘historic’ agreement on curbing Iran’s nuclear program and lifting the international ...

Iran’s Landmark Nuclear Deal Crystallized

Iran’s Landmark Nuclear Deal Crystallized

July 15, 2015 | Asmatyari

World has ever suffered because some politico-economic and religious discords turned into bloody conflicts –given deals and negotiations were set aside instead grounds were prepared for ...

The 20th Memorial Ceremony of Genocide in Bosnia

The 20th Memorial Ceremony of Genocide in Bosnia

July 15, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

Tens of thousands of people have poured into the town of Srebrenica in Bosnia to attend a ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of the genocide in the town on Saturday July ....

Investment in Afghanistan: Challenges and Opportunities

Investment in Afghanistan:  Challenges and Opportunities

July 14, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

Boosting foreign and domestic investment is considered as a key factor for developing the Afghan fragile economy. The National Unity Government (NUG) officials stress that ...

Serious Blows to the Islamic State

Serious Blows to the Islamic State

July 13, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

A number of senior members of the Islamic State group have been killed in Afghanistan in recent weeks, inflicting the most serious blows to the group which was spreading fast in many ...

Unveiling Some Bitter Facts

Unveiling Some Bitter Facts

July 13, 2015 | Dilawar Sherzai

Though the evolution of human society has enabled them to achieve some marvellous achievements, they have not been able to achieve one of the most important aspects – they have not been ...

Financing for Development in Asia and the Pacific

Financing for Development  in Asia and the Pacific

July 12, 2015 | Dr. Shamshad Akhtar

The world eagerly awaits the outcome of the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Development this month which will be a real test of the international community’s commitment to ...

Ramadan – Conveying the Message of Humanity

Ramadan – Conveying  the Message of Humanity

July 12, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

In the holy month of Ramadan, besides satiating spiritual thirst and exercising ethical codes, people will have to decrease social strata and bridge the gap between rich and poor....

Escalated Terrorism and Peace Parley – The Endless Paradox

Escalated Terrorism and Peace Parley – The Endless Paradox

July 11, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

Dozens of Afghan Local Police (ALP) were killed in cold blood on Thursday July 02 when heavily-armed insurgents stormed several police checkpoints in Jalrez District of central Maidan ...

Envisioning Welfare State

Envisioning Welfare State

July 11, 2015 | Asmatyari

The decades of ongoing conflict ended up with democracy –thought out to follow consolidated remedies to some hard born wounds of the socio-economically disgruntled masses. Bunch of ...

Kick-Starting Formal Peace Talks

Kick-Starting  Formal Peace Talks

July 09, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

In a major development for the peace efforts in Afghanistan, Afghan government delegation met Taliban representatives in Murree, a tourist resort near Islamabad. The talks are the first ...

Peace Talks Kicked-Off in Islamabad

Peace Talks Kicked-Off  in Islamabad

July 09, 2015 | Asmatyari

The talks between Taliban and Afghan government kicked-off earlier in the capital city Islamabad of Pakistan. The representative from both the conflicting groups have agreed to ...

Tackling Unemployment in Afghanistan

Tackling Unemployment  in Afghanistan

July 08, 2015 | Ewaz Ali Bahrami

Everyday just before dawn, dozens of unskilled Afghan laborers gather in main and crowded squares all around Kabul, desperately waiting to get a temporary job which would earn him ...

Injustice of the Justice!

Injustice of the Justice!

July 08, 2015 | Asmatyari

The appointment of female as senior judge in the apex court based on competence and aversion of ruling relative to Farkhuda’s murderers giving them save passage are the twin ...

Jalrez Incident Discloses Uttered Negligence

Jalrez Incident Discloses  Uttered Negligence

July 07, 2015 | Asmatyari

Security condition in Afghanistan is continuously on decline. Superficially, a strong nexus is found between security institutions that are ready to thwart plot anywhere round the ...

Afghan Women – The Vulnerable Part of Society

Afghan Women – The  Vulnerable Part of Society

July 07, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

The international community said the fall of the Taliban in 2001 would bring in a new era of rights. Afghanistan’s women and girls would be returned to schools and workplaces and ...

Jalriz Incident: Failures, Ambiguities and Distrusts

Jalriz Incident: Failures,  Ambiguities and Distrusts

July 06, 2015 | Abdul Ahad Bahrami

In the wake of the deadly Taliban battle between Taliban fighters and Afghan security forces in Jalriz district of Maidan Wardak province, there have been growing public and political ...

Man – The ‘Principle of End’

Man – The ‘Principle of End’

July 06, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

Men’s dignity and rights are transgressed widely across the globe. One’s blood is spilt for his particular color, race or beliefs and one falls the victim of rape for her sex or ...

War Waged for Political Dominance!

War Waged for  Political Dominance!

July 05, 2015 | Asmatyari

The piece of land we inhabit is characterized by bombings, ruthless killings, kidnapping, corruption, bad governance, administrative flaws and mass abduction. The brutality seems to ...

Security Crisis

Security Crisis

July 05, 2015 | Hujjatullah Zia

There will be security challenges in the upcoming six months, but the capability of security forces is very high. Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) will destroy the terrorists and ...

Transitory Policies Serving Terrorism, Should be Revised

Transitory Policies Serving  Terrorism, Should be Revised

July 04, 2015 | Asmatyari

At present, terrorism has turned into a global issue –every ethnic and religious group renders prey to terrorists’ attacks. Multilaterally, it seems as if the war waged against ...

The Afghan Refugee Crisis

The Afghan Refugee Crisis

July 04, 2015 | Ewaz Ali Bahrami

During a recent visit to Islamabad, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres urged Pakistan to review its Afghan refugee repatriation deadline of December ...