Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

What the People Want Is Climate Leadership

What the People Want Is Climate Leadership

December 27,2020 | Ambroise Fayolle

For many populists, the jury is still out on climate science, and global warming is a myth, a fabrication, or a hoax. But most citizens recognize that the scientific findings are sound ...

Why the Tree of Democracy Never Grows up in Afghanistan?

Why the Tree of Democracy Never Grows up in  Afghanistan?

December 26,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Although democracy is the most important factor in modernization and development of third world countries, it has not produced any positive outcome in Afghanistan. Now, two decades after ...

Who’s Afraid of MMT?

Who’s Afraid of MMT?

December 26,2020 | James K. Galbraith

As anyone who has ever been responsible for legislative oversight of central bankers knows, they do not like to have their authority challenged. Most of all, they will defend ...

The Education of Women: A National Redline in Peace Process

The Education of Women: A National Redline in Peace Process

December 24,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The Doha peace process has raised a lot of concerns about future of women in Afghanistan. The women of Afghanistan have repeatedly raised their concerns  and worries that the outcome ...

Five Cheers for 2021

Five Cheers for 2021

December 24,2020 | Mark Leonard

A lot of chickens came home to roost this year. The COVID-19 pandemic was not some random thunderbolt from out of the blue, but rather a man-made “natural” disaster, holding up a mirror ...

The Right Way to Regulate Digital Harms

The Right Way to Regulate Digital Harms

December 23,2020 | David Kaye and Jason Pielemeier

As the European Commission’s recent Digital Services Act demonstrates, lawmakers around the world are scrambling, with good reason, to address the extremism, disinformation, and manipulation ...

Biden Administration Faces Daunting Task of Rebuilding US Economic Diplomacy

Biden Administration Faces Daunting Task of Rebuilding US Economic Diplomacy

December 23,2020 | Marcus Noland

After four years of “America First,” the incoming Biden administration faces a formidable task in reviving US economic diplomacy to address national and global challenges...

The long term and short term strategy against air-pollution

The long term and short term strategy against  air-pollution

December 22,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days with stoppage of rain or snow fall, the air-pollution has also increased in Kabul city. According to a media report quoted a from an American aerologist source named Air Visual ...

Deteriorating Food Security in Afghanistan

Deteriorating Food Security in Afghanistan

December 22,2020 | Sajjad Aasim

Persistent insecurity and instability have influenced Afghanistan in various ways. Prominent among these influences is the continuous decline of standard of living for the people...

Why the Violences are Progressed with progress of Peace process?

Why the Violences are Progressed with progress of Peace process?

December 21,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Today, once again, Kabul has colored with blood of Afghan civilians. Unfortunately, this is about twenty years that neither the terrorist groups are not tired of killing civilians ...

Countdown to Climate Catastrophe

Countdown to Climate Catastrophe

December 21,2020 | Mohamed Nasheed and Loren Legarda

Jamaica, Rwanda, the Marshall Islands, and Mongolia are among the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, and account for just a small percentage of global emissions...

Afghanistan: On the Verge of Downfall of Media Freedom

Afghanistan: On the Verge of Downfall of  Media Freedom

December 20,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Given the recent methodic reports, it seems that Afghanistan is on the verge of downfall of media freedom due to various reasons such as journalist serial killings, gender ...

Concerns About Human Rights Violations in Afghanistan

Concerns About Human Rights Violations  in Afghanistan

December 20,2020 | Sajjad Aasim

In the Geneva Conference on Afghanistan last month, the eradication of corruption and the safeguarding of human rights were two essential guarantees which the international community ...

The free market crisis in Afghanistan

The free market crisis in Afghanistan

December 19,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

It seems that the acceptance of free market economic system has been one of the biggest mistakes in post-Bonn Afghanistan. Since its recognition until now, it has been putting pressure ...

The Brussels Effect Comes for Big Tech

The Brussels Effect Comes for Big Tech

December 19,2020 | Anu Bradford

The European Commission has just unveiled landmark regulations for the digital economy, setting yet another global standard. The Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital ...

Putin’s Constitutional Autocracy

Putin’s Constitutional Autocracy

December 16,2020 | Andrei Kolesnikov

Earlier this year, Russian lawmakers and voters approved amendments to the country’s constitution that would allow President Vladimir Putin to reset the term limits of his office ...

Bull or Bear in 2021?

Bull or Bear in 2021?

December 16,2020 | Jim O’Neill

In two of my previous commentaries on the peculiar world of equity markets in 2020, I offered a bullish outlook for how events would unfold as the year progressed ...

The Forgotten Dimensions of Security in Afghanistan

The Forgotten Dimensions of Security in Afghanistan

December 15,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Although Afghanistan is one the most insecure country in the world, the people even the officials are not, seemingly, familiar with the concept of security in this country...

The Next Frontier of Responsible Business

The Next Frontier of Responsible Business

December 15,2020 | Bertrand Badré and Camille Putois

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed how intertwined all of our major challenges are. Biodiversity loss and rising inequalities have contributed to a global public-health ...

Why the Security System Is Failed in Protection of Cities and Citizens?

Why the Security System Is Failed in Protection of Cities and Citizens?

December 14,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

This is the third time that Kabul and Kabulis are witnessing the rain of rockets in the heart of capital city while such attacks are not limited to this city. In recent years ...

Who Will Succeed Merkel?

Who Will Succeed Merkel?

December 14,2020 | Josef Joffe

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has ruled the 71-year-old Federal Republic for a total of 50 years. When she steps down next fall after 16 years in office, it is safe to assume that another Christian Democrat will ...

Could Afghanistan be a Fertilized Land for Growing Terrorism?

Could Afghanistan be a Fertilized Land for Growing Terrorism?

December 13,2020 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

After the fall of the Taliban, following the Bonn Agreement few elected governments came on power in Afghanistan, the country has grown and was on progress for a short time. Unfortunately ...

The waves of mysterious killings in Afghanistan

The waves of mysterious killings in Afghanistan

December 13,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days, Malaai Maiwand, a journalist and also social activist, and her driver was killed in Nangarhar province. It is said that Malaai Maiwand belonged to an intellectual family and so she had lost her activist mother few years ago. . .

The Challenges and Opportunities of Aviation Industry in Afghanistan

The Challenges and Opportunities  of Aviation Industry in Afghanistan

December 12,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days, there was news circulating amidst local media as though a number of private laboratories issue fake covid-19 certificate to passengers. This issue has not only imposed ...

The Plight of Children in Afghanistan

The Plight of Children in Afghanistan

December 12,2020 | Sajjad Aasim

Children are rightly regarded as the builders of a nation because they hold the key to the future. Secure, healthy and blissful children can open the door to a prosperous life. ...

Getting NATO Back on Track

Getting NATO Back on Track

December 09,2020 | Melvyn Krauss

US President-elect Joe Biden’s nomination of Lloyd Austin, a recently retired four-star general, as Secretary of Defense is a further welcome sign that America has ...

The Infrastructure Spending Challenge

The Infrastructure Spending Challenge

December 09,2020 | Kenneth Rogoff

Encouraging news about more effective anti-viral treatments and promising vaccines is fueling cautious optimism that rich countries, at least, could tame the COVID-19 pandemic by the end ...

Discrimination and Violence Against Women in Afghanistan

Discrimination and Violence Against  Women in Afghanistan

December 08,2020 | Sajjad Aasim

While enumerating comparative advancements and achievements of the so-called democratic system in Afghanistan in the last 19 years, we must never forget that the ones pertaining to women rights are meager...

The Role and Position of the people in republican system

The Role and Position of the people  in republican system

December 08,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The political systems are based on certain theoretical foundations. One of these theories which is called natural theory believing that establishment of political society is rooted ...

Are we getting closer to Peace in Afghanistan?

Are we getting closer to Peace in Afghanistan?

December 07,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days, two important events have happened in relation to Afghan peace process which considered as a new beginning for the peace process. As a first event, the government and ...

What Yellen Must Do

What Yellen Must Do

December 07,2020 | Joseph E. Stiglitz

US President-elect Joe Biden’s decision to appoint Janet Yellen as the next Secretary of the Treasury is good news for America and the world. The United States has survived ...

The Persistent Menace of Corruption in Afghanistan

The Persistent Menace of Corruption in Afghanistan

December 06,2020 | Sajjad Aasim

Geneva Conference on Afghanistan last week vowed to provide the country about $12 billion in aid for the next four years. Though the amount is not as much as promised in the Brussels Conference ...

The Position and Challenges of Independent Media in Afghanistan

The Position and Challenges of Independent Media in Afghanistan

December 06,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Yesterday, the transparency international announced the recipient of the 2020 International Anti-Corruption Award. Luckily, the name of an Afghan journalist, and newspaper ...

Intra-Afghan Talks Will Lead Nowhere Without an Integration Process

Intra-Afghan Talks Will Lead Nowhere Without an Integration Process

December 05,2020 | Sajjad Aasim

At last some encouraging news is being heard from Doha, Qatar regarding intra-Afghan peace talks that have been facing stalemate for weeks now. Both the Republican team and the Taliban ...

The Rise of AIDs/HIV under Shadow of Covid-19 in Afghanistan

The Rise of AIDs/HIV under Shadow of Covid-19 in Afghanistan

December 05,2020 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

December 01, the international AIDs/HIV Day Marked in Afghanistan. According to officials reports, the coronavirus pandemic has hampered treatment of the HIV/AIDS patients in Afghanistan ...