Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Mining Sector Victimized by Corruption

January 17, 2016

It is one of the most unfortunate facts in Afghanistan that the resources that can benefit the country to a great extent are not utilized the way they should be; instead...

Daesh (ISIL-Khorasan) Named as Terrorist Organization

January 16, 2016

The nature of terrorism and insurgency is now turning into a complex and complicated phenomenon in Afghanistan. The security situation is deteriorating again and the...

Insufficient Health Facilities

January 14, 2016

One of the major problems in Afghanistan is the lack of sufficient and proper health facilities. Because of decades of instability and wars, the country has not been...

Changing TUTAP Route

January 13, 2016

For a heterogenous society like Afghanistan it is really important that justice and fair-play should be safeguarded as much as possible. Different sections and...

Talks May Start with ‘Reconcilables’

January 12, 2016

To pave the way for a peace negotiation with Taliban, a coordination meeting was held among the representatives of Afghanistan, Pakistan, US and China in Islamabad...

Kabul Threatened by Pollution

January 11, 2016

The concerns regarding growing pollution in the capital Kabul are multiplying as no serious measures are in place to control it. The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH)...

Peace Talks with Taliban

January 10, 2016

As the date for the quadrilateral meeting between Afghanistan, China, US and Pakistan is nearing, the suspense seems to be rising as what will happen; as the previous...

Political Wheeling and Dealing

January 09, 2016

Reports unfold an escalation in insurgency triggered by warring factions, mainly the Taliban splinter group, across the country. The blood of scores of Afghan soldiers and...

Continuous Discrimination against Women

January 07, 2016

Violence and discrimination against women do not seem to be decreasing in Afghanistan and there are fears that the gains acquired in uplifting the position of women...

After SAFF Loss

January 06, 2016

There were high hopes that Afghanistan would win the South Asian Football Federation (SAFF) Championship final for the second time; but the Afghan team could not ...

Time to Face Terrorism Seriously

January 05, 2016

Terrorism seems to be turning into a complex issue for the world in general and Afghanistan in particular. The aftershocks of terrorism have shaken Afghan society to...

Peace Talks Should End the Violence

January 04, 2016

While the peace efforts are being revived, ending the violence in the country is one of the key demands of the Afghan government as part of a peace deal with the ...

Refugee Crisis Getting Serious

January 03, 2016

The world has entered 2016, with many issues, among which the refugee crisis is one of the most dominating one. According to statistics from United Nations High...

A Stride towards Democracy in New Year

January 02, 2016

>Since the very inception of the universe time has been experiencing a continuous flow, and within this flow there are moments that are passing; there are...

Parliamentary Elections Expected in 2016

December 31, 2015

One of the most important qualities of democracy is the process of election. In a democratic country, if elections continue democracy prospers. This claim can be strengthened...

110 Journalists Killed in 2015

December 30, 2015

Throughout the world, the journalists play a very important role. They keep the public informed and support them in becoming aware of their socio-political circumstances...

Peace – A Crucial Requirement

December 29, 2015

One of the most crucial requirements for a society to develop is peace and tranquility. Without sustainable peace, thinking of prosperity is nothing more than a...

The Challenging Electoral Reforms Process

December 28, 2015

MPs at the Lower House of Afghan parliament (Wolesi Jirga) rejected President Ashraf Ghani’s decree on amendment of the country’s electoral law. The MPs argued...

Reasons and Eradication of Crimes

December 27, 2015

There are myriads of societies living in our world. Each one has its own characteristics. However, it should be noted that no society is perfect. Every society has...

Modi’s Visit to Kabul

December 26, 2015

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Afghanistan on Friday, December 25, after his visit to Moscow. During his visit to Kabul, he inaugurated Afghanistan...

Economic Challenges Ahead

December 24, 2015

The role of economy is very much vital for a country. It, for a country, is as important as circulatory system within a human body. As without circulatory system blood ...

The Real Responsibilities of Politicians

December 22, 2015

Though the evolution of human society has enabled them to achieve some marvellous achievements, but they have not been able to achieve one of the most important...

Modern State, Govt. and the People

December 21, 2015

In today’s modern world of ours, human beings live within states that do not only differentiate them from one another politically but also strive, at least in...

Sacrifices of Afghan Forces and Peace Talks

December 20, 2015

In a statement, on Saturday December 19, 2015, after the inauguration of new building for Ministry of Interior, President Ashraf Ghani stated that the sacrifices...

The Crucial Military Partnership

December 19, 2015

US Defense Secretary, Ashton Carter, paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Friday and discussed Afghanistan’s security conditions with Afghan security officials...

14th Prime Ministers’ Meeting of SCO

December 17, 2015

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Abdullah attended the 14th prime ministers’ meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in China on Tuesday...

The Crimes of the Youth

December 16, 2015

No existing society in the world is perfect. There are different factors in every society that are responsible for creating injustices and crimes and pollute...

Fighting Dominant Social Evils

December 15, 2015

There have been many evils in human societies that have been disrupting the smooth development and improvement. Though there have been efforts to overcome them, they...

Governance Crisis

December 14, 2015

Afghanistan’s long march towards gradually restoring stability, peace, prosperity and all-round development seems to have halted in tracks. There appears to be...

The Uncertain Scenario

December 13, 2015

The approach of the people and intellectuals towards the socio-political scenario in Afghanistan seems divergent and there are not very certain attitudes in this...

Parents’ Influence on Children

December 12, 2015

It can be easily observed in our society that whenever a person does something wrong, his parents are blamed for it, his family background is held responsible and the...

Human Rights Day

December 10, 2015

December 10th is celebrated as Human Rights Day globally. The day was adopted in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human...

Can Heart of Asia Conference be a New Beginning?

December 09, 2015

There are expectations that the Fifth Heart of Asia Ministerial Conference (Istanbul Process) in Islamabad will pave the way for the peace process between...

The Militants’ Internal Divisions

December 08, 2015

The Taliban has published an audio message attributed to the group’s leader Mullah Akhtar Mansoor, denying reports of his death in a gunfight during a meeting in ...

Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire

December 07, 2015

In retrospect, the conflagration and massacre of the dark days of war by Taliban’s regime will never fade into oblivion. Afghan people recoil with fear and hatred...