Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Brussels Meeting and Strategic Parnership

Brussels Meeting  and Strategic Parnership

June 09, 2013 | Masood Korosh

In Brussels meeting, once again NATO emphasized on its long-term commitment to Afghanistan. The US, Italy and Germany are to keep a small number of their forces in order to provide Afghan Security ...

Myanmar, Muslims and Ethnic Cleansing

Myanmar, Muslims  and Ethnic Cleansing

June 09, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

‘Ethnic Cleansing’ is a shameful phenomenon which is used to show a situation when a majority forces the minority to either leave the area or turn themselves like them. In some cases, when ...

Women – the Target of Discrimination

Women – the Target  of Discrimination

June 08, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Human history is replete with thousands of examples wherein there have been some sorts of discrimination against women. From the very first tribal society to today’s modern world, the ...

The Fake Reconciliation

The Fake Reconciliation

June 08, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

In some circumstances, when one wants to make others fool by telling lies, a comical situation emerges out of this rubbish. In such a situation, the person who is telling lies and trying to ...

Socio-Political Consciousness

Socio-Political Consciousness

June 06, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

It is important for a human being to be well aware of the society wherein he lives. He needs to have such consciousness because it would be possible for him to understand his ...

Following the Middle Path!

Following the Middle Path!

June 06, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

Some people like some of their activities so much that they become addicted to them and can hardly leave them. We witness some who become addicted to the sports and exercise and especially ...

Addiction; a Catastrophe

Addiction;  a Catastrophe

June 06, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

A very critical and hazardous obstacle along with the Afghan security and political development is the challenging matter that is for sure the drug planting and growing in an eye catching ...

The Mystery of Human Existence

The Mystery of Human Existence

June 05, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

From the very inception of civilized life, human beings have strived to understand the universe and different universal phenomena. They have succeeded in it to a great extent and now we can find piles ...

Happiness Dwells Within

Happiness Dwells Within

June 05, 2013 | Asmatyari

Since the dawn of time, we have all been trying to pursue happiness, which is still associated with the term of “perfection” or, to be more specific, happiness is ...

The Importance of Freedom of Speech in Afghanistan

The Importance of Freedom  of Speech in Afghanistan

June 05, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

In Afghanistan the new political system has achieved success to an extent in different fields in a decade. Among which freedom of speech, though facing some obstacles, has its highest effective and ...

Motivation Leads to Achievements

Motivation  Leads to Achievements

June 04, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Motivation is a characteristic in the psychology of living beings that arouses them to act towards a determined objective or a set of objectives. It is natural and is effected both by internal ...

Remembering Children’s Day!

Remembering Children’s Day!

June 04, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

A message given in an inspirational book really moved me and made me think a lot about the facts hidden in the message. It said that, ‘For the existence and welfare of a society, two kinds of ...

The Pain of Discrimination

The Pain of  Discrimination

June 04, 2013 | Masood Korosh

Putting a visit to virtual world and checking the social networks, what catch our eyes the most are hateful comments that are posted by responsible individuals. Meanwhile there are many who are commenting ...

How to Handle Generation Gap?

How to Handle  Generation Gap?

June 03, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

It is the nature of nature that it changes and evolves. From the very tiny things to the most gigantic ones, all go through a process of change. In some of the things these changes are quite speedy and ...



June 03, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

“Hope is the dream of a walking man” Some people dream in black and white, some dream in colors, some remember their dreams but some forget, some people believe that if you dream something means that ...

Would Tranquility be Achieved?

Would Tranquility be Achieved?

June 02, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

The weary war against terrorism that was launched after the incident of 9/11, brought with itself different sorts of influences and impacts on the lives of people in Afghanistan, South Asian region and ...

Spending Carefully

Spending Carefully

June 02, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

Other day I went to the basement of a house which was comprised of two small rooms and a big central hall. As you stepped down and entered the basement, you could not find way easily to go forward because both ...

Syria — the Afghanistan of 80’s

Syria — the  Afghanistan of 80’s

June 02, 2013 | Masood Korosh

It has been more than two weeks that al-Qasir city has changed into the center of brutal battle between rebels and Syrian army. Both sides are trying to take control of this area which is of high ...

Leaders – the Makers of Destiny!

Leaders – the Makers of Destiny!

June 01, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

The convolution of being and even of the best of beings and its thousand years of evolution has only made it marvel at the achievements it has acquired; however, it has not enabled it to make ...

The ‘Arbaki’ Problem

The ‘Arbaki’ Problem

June 01, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

At times we fear that a suicide bomber would come and blow himself in public and we would also be one of the victims, or we fear that there would start a gunfire between terrorists and ...

Forced and Child Marriages

Forced and Child  Marriages

June 01, 2013 | Masood Korosh

Early and forced marriages have accompanied Afghans since centuries and it seems like that this bad practice would continue to persist for longer periods of time in Afghanistan. It has been ...

Ecological Contamination

Ecological Contamination

May 30, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

With the growing population and congestion in the urban areas of the country, the problem of environmental pollution is getting more serious. The air surrounding us, from which everyone gets his/her ...

Member of a Civilized Society

Member of a Civilized Society

May 30, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

A man was walking on the road. At once, a man came out of a shop very fast and hit the man on the road and they both fell down. First man stood up and said to the next in a bitter ...

Self-Confidence – A Must to Have

Self-Confidence  – A Must to Have

May 30, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

Have you ever been embarrassed in an aggregation in a conference or in addressing to people? If yes, what you clue can lead to these embarrassing situations? I believe that lack of self-confidence ...

Transition – Is it Really Happening?

Transition – Is it Really Happening?

May 29, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

At the present scenario our country Afghanistan is going through a transition period. Transition period here does not mean the transition of the security responsibilities alone that are going on in the ...

Dexterous Public Administration

Dexterous Public Administration

May 29, 2013 | Asmatyari

Afghanistan has been ravaged by years of conflict. Afghan national institutions are severely factional and lack a cohesive national security culture. In other words, Afghan institutions are not ...

Jogging A Key Element In Being Healthy

Jogging A Key  Element In Being Healthy

May 29, 2013 | Zainab Ahmadi

People in the United States die from eating too much. A survey which was conducted by the health caring centers in America proved that people in the United States are much more vulnerable from ...

The Concept of Welfare State

The Concept of Welfare State

May 28, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

While living in a state, the people expect and expect rightly that they should be provided their basic requirements of life by the state and the government. In the modern concept of state, protecting ...

Treatment of Ghost

Treatment of Ghost

May 28, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool

It can be taken as a joke but at the same time, it shows a dark face of our society that how much we have suppressed rationality, open thinking and some other features that qualify us to be ...

Visit of President Karzai to Delhi

Visit of President Karzai to Delhi

May 28, 2013 | Masood Korosh

Late on Monday, May 20, President Karzai, leading a group of high delegates, left Kabul for Delhi for a three day visit. His visit came amidst recent new round of tensions with ...

How to Curb the Menace of Drug?

How to Curb  the Menace of Drug?

May 27, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

Life is a miracle. One has to reach to this conclusion after going through its mysteries and excellence. Life is not how it is defined; rather, it is how it is lived. The living of life gives it ...

The Hope Would Never Die

The Hope Would Never Die

May 27, 2013 | Mohammad Rasool Shah

I went to him to take his views about starting a new business. He was the man of the field and thus I was hoping that he would come up with some unique ideas in this regard. When we were seated ...

Women Must be Given Due Position

Women Must be Given Due Position

May 27, 2013 | Asmatyari

Universe sustains on the firm foundation of justice and parity. The creator certainly, has created all human beings on universal righteous principals of fairness, irrespective of the gender he/she ...

Fundamentalism – A Barrier to Change

Fundamentalism – A Barrier to Change

May 26, 2013 | Dilawar Sherzai

There are different ways of perceiving a religion, or it would be better to say that there are different degrees of perceiving a religion. There are people who strictly adhere to the ...

No Response to Protesting Students

No Response to Protesting Students

May 26, 2013 | Masood Korosh

It has been around one week that students of sociology faculty of Kabul University are on hunger strike. Their physical strength depleted tremendously and till Friday, May 24, twenty four of them ...