Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Public Sanitation, Lost and Forgotten

Public Sanitation, Lost  and Forgotten

June 02, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The two following facts strike us right in the heart and make us question if a state of constant misery and poverty is not gradually turning into a "new normal" for Afghanistan. Here are the two facts: first, Afghanistan suffers from too few toilets and proper sanitary facilities for human defecation and second, it suffers from too much corruption. Yes, you...

Arab Uprising is Doing Much Good to Palestine

Arab Uprising is Doing Much Good to Palestine

June 02, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

Definitely, it has been Israel that since long has not had the will to start a sincere conflict- ending diplomacy with Palestine. From the very time when Arab countries were forced to change their attitude toward Israel, after unsuccessful attempts to undermine its growing military power or, perhaps, eliminate it once and forever, Israel has...

Emotional Statement Can’t Relieve Afghans

Emotional Statement Can’t Relieve Afghans

June 01, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

The rift between President Hameed Karzai and his NATO ally appears widening as both have their own reasons and will to emphasize on righteousness of respective positions regarding civilian casualties. However, there is no friction when the issue appears in theoretical sphere as both President and Top US and NATO generals agree that the...

Plunder Goes on Across Afghanistan as Looters Grow Even Bolder

Plunder Goes on Across Afghanistan as Looters Grow Even Bolder

June 01, 2011 | Abdul Samad Haidari

Every country has its own historical treasures which are the main identity of a nation, thus, it becomes the sole responsibility of every country's residents to have respect for its safety. Since it is the matter of our country's treasures, we have to be well aware of it and must know who protect them and how they...

Unlocking the Potential in Afghan-Turkmen Relations

Unlocking the Potential in Afghan-Turkmen Relations

May 31, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The visit of President Hamid Karzai and the accompanying delegation to neighboring Turkmenistan and the resulting expansion in bilateral cooperation was long overdue. As a result of the visit, which was cut short after the Taliban's massive attack in Takhar, five bilateral documents were signed and the...

The Real Heroes in Talibanized Society

The Real Heroes in  Talibanized Society

May 31, 2011 | Farman Nawaz

The real hero is the one whose death is mourned for decades. For instance the entire Pakistan was in shock for three days when Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in Rawalpindi. But it is a fact that very few people were discussing the death of Osama Bin Laden on May 4, the third day of his death.
Osama Bin Laden ...

Taloqan Attack and Taliban’s March towards North

Taloqan Attack and Taliban’s March towards North

May 30, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The Taliban's "Spring Offensive" codenamed operation "Badr" has been off to a dramatic start in northern parts of the country on Saturday when in Taloqan city of Takhar province the supreme police commander of the northern Afghanistan, Mohammad Daud Daud, was killed along with the provincial police chief while the provincial governor...

Who is Scapegoat This Time?

Who is Scapegoat This Time?

May 30, 2011 | Farman Nawaz

For the last few decades international community is expressing its concerns about Pakistan's nuclear assets as well as the so-called strategic assets. During Musharaf's government, Pakistan was accused of selling nuclear technology to some Muslim countries. It was a hard time for Pakistan and the establishment could not oppose the report of...

Netanyahu’s Notion and Palestine-Israel Conflict

Netanyahu’s Notion and  Palestine-Israel Conflict

May 29, 2011 | Dilawar Sherzai

The confident and rather explicit declaration of Netanyahu that does not compromise any settlement between Israel and Palestine, reached on the demarcation of boundary lines before 1967, stirred the calm lake of US-Israel relations to a further extent, as the first stone was already thrown by Obama himself. The Israeli Prime Minister, while addressing...

International Consensus on Libya;

International Consensus on Libya;

May 29, 2011 | By Nasruddin Hemati

Military attack and diplomatic means are simultaneously put at stage to end Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi's longtime dictatorship. NATO's war against Qaddafi's government has produced no tangible results as his forces are obstinately resisting against public opposition and the NATO strikes. To dismantle resistance, fresh NATO air strikes on...

China’s Earthquake Reconstruction , Obtains Great Victory

China’s Earthquake Reconstruction , Obtains Great Victory

May 28, 2011 | Xu Feihong

Since Wenchuan earthquakeÿChina has been in very difficult conditions and meanwhile has been suffering unprecedented global financial crisis and its severe impact. The Chinese government determined to increase post-disaster reconstruction support and accelerate the pace of reconstruction, rehabilitation...

Internet, a Blessing of God for Taliban

Internet, a Blessing of God for Taliban

May 28, 2011 | Mohd. Ahsan

Taliban has changed with the change in the ways of communication. It has somehow tried to cope with the technological change taking place at the global level. Taliban that has maintained an account on twitter in Pashtu language since last year has recently started sending tweets in English. Extremist groups long have used the Internet to distribute...

On Its Last Legs;

On Its Last Legs;

May 28, 2011 | Nasruddin Hemati

To prove to totalitarian regimes that no autocratic systems will last long, on itself, is a victory for the millions of people who have been marching the streets for the past few months. The protests, however, have led to greatly successful outcomes, could promote the idea that no undemocratic force can resist against public determination...

Obama’s Britain Speech and Afghanistan

Obama’s Britain Speech  and Afghanistan

May 26, 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

The US President Barack Obama while addressing the joint session of British Parliament made another historic and inspiring speech of his times. It was not only his strong words and the power of speech talking about the special relationship between the US and UK which had moved the members of the World's mother of all parliaments in London, but...

Militant Networks in North Waziristan

Militant Networks  in North Waziristan

May 26, 2011 | Akbar Mayo

North Waziristan is the epicenter of militant activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Dozens of splinter groups of Taliban simultaneously rule 4707 km2 area of the agency. Pakistan army has permanent and stable control over less than 1% of total area of North Waziristan despite the fact six brigades of army are scattered across...

Saving Afghanistan from an Economic Crisis

Saving Afghanistan from  an Economic Crisis

May 25, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Recently the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) has warned that Afghanistan might face serious economic crisis in the midst of ongoing war and conflict and absence of genuine and lasting development of its economy. The situation is particularly worrying given the fact that the country has an entirely consumer economy with...

Return of American Troops

Return of American Troops

May 24, 2011 | By Dilawar Sherzai

Now that Osama has been killed, is American troops' presence in Afghanistan baseless? American people have already celebrated their victory in the War against Terrorism. They believe they have successfully avenged the destruction in their country by targeting the main character behind the incidence of 9/11. Further, they already seem...

Middle East Peace Initiative

Middle East Peace Initiative

May 25, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

One of the top priorities of President Obama's strategic agenda when he was elected in 2009 was "reaching-out" Arab world. His very first speech, which addressed Muslims directly in Egypt of Hosni Mubarak, the largest of Middle East countries, created hope and welcoming hum across the Arab world. His election as the first black president,...

Concerns Over Shortcomings of ANP

Concerns Over  Shortcomings of ANP

May 23, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP) are the two main pillars of Afghan security forces. In the lead up to the deadline of 2014 when the security responsibilities will be entirely handed over to these two forces, efforts have been intensifying to prepare the forces for the critical task of security provision.

The Ridiculous “Talks about Talks”

The Ridiculous “Talks about Talks”

May 23, 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

Taliban continue the terror. Their Al-Badar operation has just started and about 2000 civilians have been killed by them in last 4 months. Some foreigners think, and they are quite right, that Afghans are hypocrite. People are ready to die protesting on alleged deaths of civilians by foreign troops, but never condemn Taliban brutality. It's...

Prime Minister Singh’s Message

Prime Minister Singh’s Message

May 22, 2011 | Abbas Daiyar

The shift in Indian policy supporting reconciliation with Taliban announced by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has caused an unwelcoming mood in Kabul's anti-Taliban constituency. Some think it was unexpected. Analysts from the opposition bloc take it as u-turn in the Indian Afghan policy that a leader from New Delhi visiting Kabul not...

Cultural Dynamism vs Cultural Invasion

Cultural Dynamism  vs Cultural Invasion

May 22, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

On Tuesday, May 17, when some members of Upper House of Parliament complained about the inability of government and, particularly Ministry of culture and information, to protect the so-called Afghan culture against foreign cultural invasion because it (Ministry of culture and information) failed to stop TV channels broadcasting foreign dramas...

Gilani’s Visit to China

Gilani’s Visit to China

May 21, 2011 | Dilawar Sherzai

Gilani's visit to China comes at the time when Pakistan is under immense pressure from International World on the issue of Osama. American Senators are already questioning the economic and technologic support by US government to Pakistan for combating terrorism. Only in the fiscal year 2010 that has ended on October 1, Pakistan has recieved...

Targeting Taliban’s Financial Sources

Targeting Taliban’s Financial Sources

May 21, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The security situation in the country has seen a steep decline in recent months. Over the past few years, the Taliban and other insurgent groups have been able to re-organize themselves, extend their recruitment base to new areas and lay hands on more money and logistics. Various sources put the annual income of Taliban and other...

The Secret US War in Pakistan

The Secret US War in Pakistan

May 19, 2011 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

There are many stories available in leading Pakistani newspapers about the secret US operations run by the US Joint Special Operations Command in major cities, specifically, in Karachi, Peshawar and Lahore. The notorious private militia, Blackwater has been at the centre of killing field and targeted assassinations in both Afghanistan and...

Afghanistan, SCO and the Birth of New Region

Afghanistan, SCO and the Birth of New Region

May 19, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an important regional cooperation organization involving both Russia and China as the region's heavyweights. In recent weeks, there have been indications that both these countries want Afghanistan to join the SCO as an observer state. Afghanistan has already submitted its application and...

Staring at the Abyss – Australian Govt’s Asylum Seeker Back flip

Staring at the Abyss – Australian Govt’s Asylum Seeker Back flip

May 18, 2011 | Hadi Zaher

Like many armchair, news junkie and aspiring political analysts of my age and experience, I closely follow the news, views and interviews of concern via the Internet and Television. Asylum Seekers arriving by boat appear to be a highly debated topic here on Australian television channels and on online ...

Food Insecurity Remains a Major Problem

Food Insecurity Remains a  Major Problem

May 18, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The World Food Program (WFP) runs a sprawling network of distribution of food throughout Afghanistan. For our desperately food insecure country, where according to conservative estimates more than 7 million people are hungry and with no food, WFP has, for years, been extending all assistance in its disposal to get food and water to these teeming...

A Vision of Sustainable Development for Afghanistan

A Vision of Sustainable Development for Afghanistan

May 17, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

Afghanistan's National Development Strategy (ANDS), launched in 2008, is the main national document prepared by the government of Afghanistan that deals with improving the state of affairs in the country taking into consideration all its related aspects. It is the developmental master plan for the country that...

Oil, Fear and Democracy

Oil, Fear and Democracy

May 17, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

However, the Arab civil uprising attained an appreciating level of popularity, but it necessary could not win the sympathy of all, particularly, all those who are playing key role in the international spheres and can deal effect on its process, direction and success. What we now have across the world is a combination of sympathy,...

India’s Importance for Afghanistan

India’s Importance for Afghanistan

May 16, 2011 | Nasruddin Hemati

Amidst recent happenings in the region and in Afghanistan, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, in his second trip to Afghanistan, paid a two-day visit to Kabul last Thursday May 12, 2011. His visit followed Pakistani Prime Minister Sayed Yusuf Raza Gilanai's visit to Kabul on April 16, 2011. During his visit to Afghanistan, Mr. Sing held meeting...

Worldwide Reaction on Osama Death in Pakistan

Worldwide Reaction on Osama Death in Pakistan

May 16, 2011 | Musa Khan Jalalzai

The sudden death of Osama bin Laden has left devastating effects on Jihadi networks of Afghan Taliban, Pakistani Taliban and Punjabi Taliban in the UK, U.S, and the Arab world, but it doesn't mean Al-Qaeda and Taliban insurgents will end their terror operations. His death is much irksome for the extremist elements in both Pakistan and...

Afghanistan Standing at Historic Crossroads

Afghanistan Standing at Historic Crossroads

May 15, 2011 | Mehdi Rezaie

The pages of history have yet again turned and once again Afghanistan is standing at a critical historic crossroads. How the leaders and the political class, our intellectuals and the people in general respond to the myriad of crises that have engulfed the country matters a great deal in determining the future of Afghanistan for many...

Difficult Days for Afghan Refugees in Iran

Difficult Days for Afghan Refugees in Iran

May 14, 2011 | By Mehdi Rezaie

Iran and Pakistan have been at the receiving end of millions of Afghan refugees in recent decades. Pakistan has hosted unknown millions of them with a large section of them in constant movement between the two countries over the years as the border has always been porous and traffic of people and merchandise unregulated. Iran on the other hand...

Please, Leave Oil as Ransom for Silence

Please, Leave Oil as Ransom for Silence

May 14, 2011 | Jawad Rahmani

Perhaps there are less civil disobediences to attain such a level of popularity as that of current social uprising in the Arab world. The social storm started in Tunisia however, tremendously has been challenged, but seems quite hard to erode or be diminished by far-reaching crackdown measures as Mr. Gaddafi, Bashar Asad, Abdullah...