Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

What Threatens Press Freedom Today?

What Threatens Press Freedom Today?

May 05,2021 | Jan-Werner Mueller

BERLIN – Donald Trump’s presidency was bookended by the White House pushing “alternative facts” about the size of the crowd at Trump’s inauguration at the US ...

World Press Freedom Day and Its Growing Challenges in Afghanistan

World Press Freedom Day and Its Growing Challenges in Afghanistan

May 04,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In simultaneity to the exit of foreign troops from Afghanistan, the concerns and initials signs of civil war and downfall of democratic values are increasingly seen in Afghanistan...

Future-proofing Afghanistan

Future-proofing Afghanistan

May 04,2021 | Hossa Skandary-Macpherson

Regardless of our political beliefs and past history, all Afghans have one aim in common; lasting peace. Afghanistan has a population of around 39 million, but more than ...

There are Many Concerns Besides Women’s Rights

There are Many Concerns Besides Women’s Rights

May 03,2021 |

It appears that women’s rights and liberties are the main concerns for the United States and European Union. Women have been underrepresented during peace talks despite promises that they would have a place at the negotiating table. ....

Revival of Quad: Possibilities and Prospect

Revival of Quad: Possibilities and Prospect

May 03,2021 | Dr. Rajkumar Singh

In a changed global and regional milieu, once again, Japan came forward and invited all members of the Quad in August 2017 to hold a joint meeting of foreign ministers during ...

Tribalism Unlikely to Justify Irresponsible Exit

Tribalism Unlikely to Justify  Irresponsible Exit

May 02,2021 | Hujjatullah Zia

The United States is wrapping its military presence in Afghanistan, believing that tribal structure is deeply imbedded in the country, where cultivating American democracy ...

What Lesson Should We Learn From Haft Sawr?

What Lesson Should We Learn  From Haft Sawr?

May 02,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The bloody military coup of Haft Sawr which happened on April 27, 1978, is an important event in the history of Afghanistan. After toppling Dawood Khan Government ...

The Negative Implication of Covid-19 on Educational System of Afghanistan

The Negative Implication of Covid-19 on  Educational System of Afghanistan

May 01,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

This is the second successive year that the educational system of Afghanistan is negatively impacted by covid-19. Last year, when the school year arrived, the Corona ...

Biden’s First Hundred Days

Biden’s First Hundred Days

May 01,2021 | Richard N. Haass

Joe Biden has been president of the United States for one hundred days, less than 7% of the time he was elected to serve. Still, it is not too soon to draw some tentative conclusions about the nature of his presidency. ...

The Geopolitics of Climate Change

The Geopolitics of Climate Change

April 27,2021 | Frans Timmermans

The European Union is emerging as the world’s climate trailblazer. Just recently, lawmakers and European governments agreed on the European Climate Law ...

The Geopolitics of Climate Change

The Geopolitics of Climate Change

April 27,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unfortunately, every day, there is a terrorist event in Afghanistan. Even, every moment, there is fresh news about target killings and killing of children ...

Seems President Biden is in undue hurry over Afghanistan

Seems President Biden is in  undue hurry over Afghanistan

April 26,2021 | Bimal Prasad Mohapatra

Seems President Biden is in undue hurry on the issue of US force withdrawal from Afghanistan before getting a reliable mechanism in place to support ...

Russia’s Bear Economy

Russia’s Bear Economy

April 26,2021 | Anders Åslund

Just a few years ago, investment bankers were bullish on emerging markets, which they saw as undervalued and bound to rise. And yet, after experiencing a minor recovery ...

The International day of the book and its status in Afghanistan

The International day of the book  and its status in Afghanistan

April 25,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Today is coincided with International day of the book. This day is widely marked throughout the world to highlight the role and importance of book and to promote the culture ...

Darkness Over Kabul

Darkness Over Kabul

April 25,2021 | Joschka Fischer

The Afghan drama is nearing its end, at least as far as Western militaries are concerned. Exactly two decades after al-Qaeda’s attack on the World Trade Center ...

Women Call For Preservation of Their Rights and Freedoms

Women Call For Preservation of Their  Rights and Freedoms

April 24,2021 | Hujjatullah Zia

Afghan women have been particularly concerned about the outcome of peace talks and the return of the Taliban. The rights and freedoms of women have made the national and international ...

US-Afghanistan Relations Need to Be Reviewed

US-Afghanistan Relations Need  to Be Reviewed

April 24,2021 | By: Mohammad Hedayat Translated By: Mohib Naji

After nearly 20 years of presence in Afghanistan, the United States has now decided to withdraw all its troops from the country by September 2021. After the official ...

Regional Actors Carry Heavy Significance in Peace Process

Regional Actors Carry Heavy Significance in  Peace Process

April 21,2021 | Hujjatullah Zia

Pakistan has been considered one of the regional heavyweights in the Afghan peace process as the US and Kabul administrations stressed its role and urged for active and constructive ...

Valuing Resilience After the Pandemic

Valuing Resilience After the Pandemic

April 21,2021 | Carl Folke

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught the world one thing, it is the high price we pay – in lost lives ...

Role of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Shaping a Strong Civil Society (part 2)

Role of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Shaping a Strong Civil Society (part 2)

April 20,2021 | Eldor TULYAKOV

At the initiative of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, effective mechanisms of this institution were introduced into the law “On Public Control” , adopted in 2018...

The Expectations of Afghans from Regional Countries in New Political Chapter of Afghanistan

The Expectations of Afghans from Regional Countries in New Political Chapter of Afghanistan

April 20,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

On the eve of new political chapter, the people of Afghanistan expect the regional country to play a constructive role in peace process of Afghanistan...

Role of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Shaping a Strong Civil Society (part 1)

Role of President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in Shaping a Strong Civil Society (part 1)

April 19,2021 | Eldor TULYAKOV

Shavkat Mirziyoyev became the head of state in Uzbekistan, during a new stage of development, he began to pay special attention to the development of a strong civil society...

Still After Two Decades Afghan Forces Struggling

Still After Two Decades Afghan Forces Struggling

April 19,2021 | Manish Rai

US President Joe Biden has announced plans to pull out all United States troops from Afghanistan by September 11, ending the longest war in American history...

Central Asia’s Afghan Route to Prosperity

Central Asia’s Afghan Route to Prosperity

April 18,2021 | Djoomart Otorbaev

For the first time in centuries, there is an opportunity to connect Central and South Asia via modern transport and energy corridors through Afghanistan. Once completed ...

What should we learn from the Presence and Withdrawal of Foreigners?

What should we learn from the Presence and Withdrawal of Foreigners?

April 18,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Despite repeated absence and presence of foreigners in the country, we have not been able to learn necessary lesson to stand on our own feet. When people look at the report-cart ...

Intra Afghan Peace Talks in Istanbul: Hopes and Fears

Intra Afghan Peace Talks in Istanbul: Hopes and Fears

April 17,2021 | Maryam Hashemi

The history of conflict in Afghanistan is an old one. Many Afghans have been born during the conflict of last four decades and many of them have died during the conflict. ...

The G7 Must Act to Vaccinate the World

The G7 Must Act to Vaccinate the World

April 17,2021 | Gordon Brown, Winnie Byanyima, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Graça Machel, Ken Ofori-Atta, Mary Rob

“Nobody is safe until everyone is safe” is the defining mantra of the COVID-19 era. ...

The Bonn and Doha Mistakes Must Not be Repeated in Istanbul

The Bonn and Doha Mistakes Must Not be Repeated in Istanbul

April 14,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After the fall of the Taliban in December 2001, the United Nations hosted Afghan and world leaders in Bonn, Germany, to make an agreement about a new political system in Afghanistan...

The Key to Beating COVID-19

The Key to Beating COVID-19

April 14,2021 | Karina Gould

It has been a year since the coronavirus pandemic started dominating headlines and our lives. For so many here in Canada and around the world, it has been a period of unprecedented ...

It Never Rains But It Pours

It Never Rains But It Pours

April 12,2021 | Hujjatullah Zia

The unabated violence is raging once again in the country despite the peace process. The Afghan security forces are overwhelmed by the growing number of Taliban attacks ...

A New Deal for Informal Workers

A New Deal for Informal Workers

April 12,2021 | Marty Chen

In the early 1930s, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the New Deal in an attempt to combat the effects of the Great Depression. The program had three main ...

Price-hike on the Eve of Holy Ramadan Month

Price-hike on the Eve of Holy  Ramadan Month

April 11,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unfortunately, the chaos of free-market always pressurizes people during the Eid days, New Year’s days, the month of Ramadan, winter season, and other events...

How to Stop the Poverty Pandemic

How to Stop the Poverty Pandemic

April 11,2021 | Lindsay Coates

Globally, extreme poverty is increasing for the first time in 20 years. Although some poor countries are now receiving COVID-19 vaccines, the pandemic is set to ...

What kind of public administrative system is suited for Afghanistan?

What kind of public administrative system is suited for Afghanistan?

April 10,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

On the eve of the Istanbul Peace Conference, one of the hot topics in Afghan political community is kind and nature of public administrative system in Afghanistan...

Why Would Anyone Want to be President?

Why Would Anyone Want to be President?

April 10,2021 | Elizabeth Drew

More often than anyone might think, ample grounds exist for wondering why anyone would want to be president of the United States. Yes, there’s the glory of being ...