Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The Reaction of Afghan people to the Blinken’s Letter

The Reaction of Afghan people to the  Blinken’s Letter

March 13,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Recently, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, has sent a letter to Afghan politicians, specifically to the president of Afghanistan and to the Chairman of high peace ...

Rural Women Can Drive Green Recoveries

Rural Women Can Drive Green Recoveries

March 13,2021 | Parimita Mohanty and Annette Wallgren

By now, most countries in Asia and the Pacific have proposed some sort of post-pandemic recovery package...

Potemkin Putin

Potemkin Putin

March 10,2021 | Anders Åslund

Since Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000, Russia has experienced several waves of popular unrest. In 2005, senior citizens protested against a pension reform, and in 2011-2012 ...

A Greentech Bubble?

A Greentech Bubble?

March 10,2021 | William H. Janeway

Following the tenfold growth of Tesla’s stock between March 2020 and January 2021, the company’s founder, Elon Musk, has emerged as the avatar of green innovation...

International Women’s Day Celebrates with Fears and Concerns in Afghanistan

International Women’s Day Celebrates with Fears and Concerns in Afghanistan

March 09,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Today, it is coincided with 8th March, the international women’s solidarity day. This day is predominantly celebrated throughout the world with highlighting women’s achievement and raising awareness about gender equality and women ...

The Vaccination Opportunity for Global Health

The Vaccination Opportunity for Global Health

March 09,2021 | Erik Berglöf

Evolutionary pressures accompanying the spread of the coronavirus have driven the COVID-19 pandemic into a phase in which new variants are starting to pop up everywhere...

Can Religious Diplomacy Open a Window to Global Peace and Coexistence?

Can Religious Diplomacy Open a Window to  Global Peace and Coexistence?

March 08,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The recent historic visit of Pope Francis to Iraq  with Motto of “We All Brothers” has widely welcome by Muslim and Christian community in international level...

The Second Jacksonian Age

The Second Jacksonian Age

March 08,2021 | Gordon S. Wood

Many people have compared Donald Trump’s presidency to that of Andrew Jackson in the first half of the nineteenth century. Trump himself hung a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office. ...

Saving Journalism from Big Tech

Saving Journalism from Big Tech

March 07,2021 | Taylor Owen

It is easy to forget that for a long time – long before Google and Facebook went head-to-head with the Australian government last month – there wasn’t a proven business model ...

Build Back Equal

Build Back Equal

March 07,2021 | María Fernanda Espinosa

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and exacerbated a wide range of inequalities. If leaders are serious about “building back better,” policies to overcome the systemic ...

The Political Message of Target Killings in Afghanistan

The Political Message of Target  Killings in Afghanistan

March 06,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

On the eve of the warm and spring season, the terrorist fighters once again refreshed their commitment to war and bloodshed and no to peace with killing three women media workers ...

China addresses disparities in COVID-19 vaccine distribution

China addresses disparities in COVID-19  vaccine distribution

March 06,2021 | Xinhua writers Liu Tian, Mao Pengfei, Hao Yalin

United we stand, divided we fall” -- the choice that was put in front of the international community time and again now popped up once more in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic ...

Will US Troops Exit Afghanistan as Terror Prospects Increase?

Will US Troops Exit Afghanistan as Terror Prospects Increase?

March 03,2021 | Tasalla M.

The threat of renewed Islamist terror looms large over Afghanistan as the May 1 deadline for withdrawal of US troops nears and President Joe Biden is being advised to review the pull-out ...

Greening the “Special Relationship”

Greening the “Special Relationship”

March 03,2021 | Rachel Kyte

COP26, the United Nations climate summit being held this November in Glasgow, is already looming large in US and UK policymaking circles. For UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson ...

The Role of Regional Powers on Peace and War in Afghanistan

The Role of Regional Powers on Peace and  War in Afghanistan

March 02,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unfortunately, a large part of violence is directly or indirectly fueled by regional intelligence networks in Afghanistan. They are very successful in fooling and using a number of Afghans ...

Are Inflation Fears Justified?

Are Inflation Fears Justified?

March 02,2021 | Kenneth Rogoff

Massive fiscal and monetary stimulus programs in the United States and other advanced economies are fueling a raging debate about whether higher inflation could be just around the corner ...

Centennial of Turkish-Afghan Diplomatic Relations!

Centennial of Turkish-Afghan Diplomatic Relations!

March 01,2021 | Oğuzhan ERTUĞRUL

Today marks the centennial anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Afghanistan. Ankara Government was officially recognized today by Afghanistan ...

Kabul City: On the Brink of Water Shortage Crisis

Kabul City: On the Brink of Water Shortage Crisis

March 01,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

The alarms and concerns over the water shortage crisis are repeatedly expressed or raised in Afghanistan, especially in Kabul city.  Last week, the office of the first ...

The Unhighlighted Dimensions of Children’s Problems in Afghanistan

The Unhighlighted Dimensions of Children’s  Problems in Afghanistan

February 28,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days and weeks several methodic reports were released about children challenges in Afghanistan. The reports usually concentrate on effects of problems ...

Building Back Together

Building Back Together

February 28,2021 | Joschka Fischer

Human beings are creatures of habit. We tend to envisage a future much the same as the past, so we cling to familiar tools, approaches, and perspectives, even as the world changes...

Why the Free Market Of Afghanistan Needs Anti-monopoly Law?

Why the Free Market Of Afghanistan Needs  Anti-monopoly Law?

February 27,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unfortunately, the pleasure of the free-market on already poor and unemployed people has remained an endless problem in Afghanistan. Instead of enhancing economic growth ...

How India Could Win Its COVID Vaccination Race

How India Could Win Its COVID Vaccination Race

February 27,2021 | Sema Sgaier

As the world enters the second year of the coronavirus pandemic, vaccination has moved front and center in policymakers’ responses...

No One Is Safe Until Everyone Is Safe

No One Is Safe Until Everyone Is Safe

February 24,2021 | Mohamed A. El-Erian

Recognizing that “no one is safe until everyone is safe,” the G7 recently announced additional steps to facilitate globally more “affordable and ...

The Russia Strategy Europe Needs

The Russia Strategy Europe Needs

February 24,2021 | Mark Leonard

Decades after the Cold War, Russia remains the perfect enemy, with an unmatched ability to agitate Europe’s political class. But the intensity of European debates and emotions ...

Are Security Officials and Others Alive in Afghanistan?

Are Security Officials and Others Alive  in Afghanistan?

February 23,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unfortunately, Afghanistan has become the slaughterhouse of human and humanity. No day is begun and ended without bloodshed and carnage of humans and humanity in Afghanistan. ...

Restoring Nature to Economics

Restoring Nature to Economics

February 23,2021 | Diane Coyle

This land is your land,” sang the American folk singer Woody Guthrie, listing the redwood forests, wheat fields, and golden valleys of the United States. Guthrie was making ...

The Relationship between Political Development and Economic Development

The Relationship between Political Development and  Economic Development

February 22,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Since the division of countries into developed and undeveloped, useful scientific studies have been carried out by economists and political scientists to explain the factors...

Germany’s Empty Pipeline Logic

Germany’s Empty Pipeline Logic

February 22,2021 | Josef Joffe

Nord Stream 2, the almost-finished pipeline running directly from Russia to Germany, is not really about securing cheap natural gas. It is about personal gain and these two countries’ national ...

Afghanistan: On the Verge of Drought Risk Again

Afghanistan: On the Verge of Drought Risk Again

February 21,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

At the height of poverty and insecurity, the alarm of drought was sounded in Afghanistan. Yesterday, the president of the country advised the second vice president, Amrullah Saleh ...

The Taliban Misguided in their Decision to Leave the Table of Negotiation

The Taliban Misguided in their Decision to Leave the Table of Negotiation

February 21,2021 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

The hope coming after years of attempts at negotiating peace with the Taliban, in which multiple international actors participated, finally failed to give a favorable result...

Ending the Forever War in Afghanistan

Ending the Forever War in Afghanistan

February 20,2021 | Carl Bildt

Speaking in Kabul on the 32nd anniversary of the Soviet Union’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, the country’s president, Ashraf Ghani, made an important ...

The Voice of Teachers is Voice of Justice and Development

The Voice of Teachers is Voice of Justice and  Development

February 20,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days and weeks, Afghanistan has witnessed teacher’s protests throughout the country including Kabul, Herat, Ghor, Faryab, Kapisa and other places. In simultaneity with ...

Interim Setup: Collapse of the System and Retuning to the Past

Interim Setup: Collapse of the System  and Retuning to the Past

February 17,2021 | Sakhi Rezaie

the plan for an interim government is an issue that has been raised by some Afghan politicians time and again; They believe an interim government is the only setup to break the deadlock ...

Polish Democracy in the Crosshairs

Polish Democracy in the Crosshairs

February 17,2021 | By: Adam Michnik

There has been nothing like it before in Poland. On February 10, newspapers and magazines suspended publication, news websites went dark, and dozens of radio and television stations ...

What Lessons Should We Learn From 26th of Dalw?

What Lessons Should We Learn  From 26th of Dalw?

February 16,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Yesterday, it was coincided with 26th of Dalaw and 32th anniversary of Soviet Union troop’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. The defeat of Soviet Union troops is considered as one ...