Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Closing the COVID Trust Deficit

Closing the COVID Trust Deficit

February 16,2021 | Pascaline Dupas

The arrival of COVID-19 vaccines is giving the world hope of ending the pandemic, but many countries remain consumed by the virus’s spread. So, as we wait for widespread availability ...

Why Taliban Became the Hero of Battlefield in Afghanistan?

Why Taliban Became the Hero of  Battlefield in Afghanistan?

February 15,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unlike other war torn-countries such as Iraq and Syria, the insurgent fighters or as  Dostum says a few motorcyclist, became the hero of battlefield in Afghanistan...

Toward a Peaceful Order in the Horn of Africa

Toward a Peaceful Order in the Horn of Africa

February 15,2021 | Abiy Ahmed

Operations undertaken by the Ethiopian federal government have freed the Tigrayan people from decades of misrule by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)...

Afghanistan-India Relations: A Unique Example for Regional Countries

Afghanistan-India Relations:  A Unique Example for Regional Countries

February 13,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

At the height of the escalating war and violence, yesterday the people of Afghanistan were in the witness of a good event; it was the construction of Shatoot Dam in the thirsty ...

Europe’s ESG Opportunity

Europe’s ESG Opportunity

February 13,2021 | Olivia Grégoire and Bertrand Badré

Finance is evolving in a more sustainable direction, and just in time. Pension funds, insurance companies, and sovereign wealth funds have made multiple commitments on climate ...

Politicization of Ethnicity: The Main Cause of Afghanistan Conflicts

Politicization of Ethnicity: The Main Cause of  Afghanistan Conflicts

February 10,2021 | Mohammad Sakhi Rezaie

The modem meaning of ethnicity represents “familiar groups of people sharing a culture, an origin, or a language. Ethnicity can be a framework of identification in order to ...

Is Russia’s Future Belarus’s Present?

Is Russia’s Future Belarus’s Present?

February 10,2021 | Sławomir Sierakowski

The biggest wave of protests in years has swept Russia, raising hopes that popular pressure will persist and intensify, gradually eroding an autocratic regime, as is happening in neighboring Belarus. But we should be wary of allowing the two ...

The Requirements of Peace in Context of Afghanistan

The Requirements of Peace in Context of  Afghanistan

February 09,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Peace is one of the vital and natural desires of human beings so that life without a safe environment is hard and miserable. Every human effort is made to create ...

Whither US Foreign Policy?

Whither US Foreign Policy?

February 09,2021 | Richard Haass

Joe Biden has been president of the United States for just a few weeks, but the central elements of his approach to the world are already clear: rebuilding at home, working ...

What is the relationship between Islam and democracy?

What is the relationship between Islam and  democracy?

February 08,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Given the today’s political sophistries, the relationship between Islam and politics need to be enlightened in the context of Afghanistan not confining to the university ...

Overcoming the Climate Challenge to Human Development

Overcoming the Climate Challenge to Human  Development

February 08,2021 | Kanni Wignaraja

In his autobiography, Singapore’s founding father, Lee Kuan Yew, told the story of how leadership and grit transformed a tiny nation on a sandbar into an open ...

What are the Reasons? The Government is willing to Make Peace; but the Taliban is Saying Sorry!

What are the Reasons? The Government is willing to Make Peace; but the Taliban is Saying Sorry!

February 07,2021 | Dawlat Bakhtiari

Efforts and initiatives have taken in order to initiate peace process, end the world worst terrorism war and engage the Taliban with the government of Afghanistan...

Why the Interim Government is not welcomed by Afghan People?

Why the Interim Government is not welcomed by  Afghan People?

February 07,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent weeks and months there were hot debates over interim government and withdrawal or non-withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan. The Taliban insists on the interim government and withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan ...

Who will Rescue Afghanistan?

Who will Rescue Afghanistan?

February 06,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

As the people of Afghanistan have experienced the behavior of current politicians, rule of Taliban regime and cooperation of international partners, they are confused ...

The Perils of an Uneven Global Recovery

The Perils of an Uneven Global Recovery

February 06,2021 | kenneth Rogoff

Economic recovery, like COVID-19 vaccines, will not be evenly distributed around the world over the coming two years. Despite enormous policy support provided ...

The Political Aspects of APTTA

The Political Aspects of APTTA

February 03,2021 | Dr. Hussain Yasa

The APTTA renewal between Pakistan and Afghanistan has always increased concern in the light of developing political scenario. This article evaluates the forthcoming challenges and hurdles ...

Qatar Came Out With Flying Colours

Qatar Came Out With Flying Colours

February 03,2021 | Manish Rai

When the Saudi crown prince, together with the UAE ruler, Mohammed bin Zayed, moved against Qatar in late 2017, the charge sheet against the tiny Gulf state was long...

The Historical Barrier of Development in Afghanistan

The Historical Barrier of Development in Afghanistan

February 02,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

When we look at the ancient history of Afghanistan, it was one of pioneer countries in the world in terms of social and economic development.  Nearly 1200 year ago, Afghanistan (in that time known as Khurasan) was not only the center of political ...

Why the Afghanistan’s War has no Winner?

Why the Afghanistan’s War has no Winner?

February 01,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

One of the questions which were frequently raised amongst Afghan people is why the war has no winner in this country? Why the peace efforts after many years of struggles ...

The International Position of Afghanistan in terms of Administrative Corruption

The International Position of Afghanistan in terms of Administrative Corruption

January 31,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

A lthough corruption is a phenomenon that exists everywhere in the world, its type, forms, factors and extent vary from country to country. Given the social, cultural and ...

Prevent the Next Food Crisis Now

Prevent the Next Food Crisis Now

January 31,2021 | Mark Lowcock

The toxic cocktail of climate change, conflict, and COVID-19 is making itself felt most intensely in the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries. As a result, a record ...

The Historic Mission of Intellectual Community in Afghanistan

The Historic Mission of Intellectual Community in Afghanistan

January 30,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Historically, the intellectual community played very constructive role in development of culture, economy and social integrity in national and global level. If we look at the history ...

Joe Biden’s Surprises

Joe Biden’s Surprises

January 30,2021 | Elizabeth Drew

Joe Biden knows enough about the US presidency to understand that the first few weeks are the easiest and most pleasant. There inevitably will be setbacks and crises, particularly ...

Biden Administration and Afghan Peace Process

Biden Administration and Afghan Peace Process

January 27,2021 | Sajjad Aasim

As expected, Joe Biden, immediately after taking oath as the 46th president of the United States, sat to reverse many of the Trump administration ...

The Promise and Peril of the Bio-Revolution

The Promise and Peril of the Bio-Revolution

January 27,2021 | Matthias Evers and Michael Chui

Last November, the world cheered the news that three gene-based COVID-19 vaccines – one developed by German biotech company BioNTech in collaboration with Pfizer, another by US-based ...

A Tumultuous Second Round of Intra-Afghan Peace Talks

A Tumultuous Second Round of Intra-Afghan Peace Talks

January 26,2021 | Abdul Qahar Bakhshi

As scheduled, the second round of Doha talks on Afghan peace resumed on January 05, 2021. Afghanistan negotiators who had returned to Kabul for a recess went back to Doha, some still ...

Why We Support Democratic System in Afghanistan?

Why We Support Democratic System in Afghanistan?

January 26,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

After centuries of social and political live, human societies have had experimented various types of political system such as kingdom system, aristocratic system, communist ...

Why the Doha Peace Agreement Needs to Review?

Why the Doha Peace Agreement Needs to  Review?

January 25,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

In recent days, there have been hot debates in Afghan political community over the review of the Qatar peace deal signed between the Tromp administration and Taliban...

How to Tackle Vulnerable Countries’ Triple Crisis

How to Tackle Vulnerable Countries’ Triple Crisis

January 25,2021 | Manish Bapna and Muhammad Musa

The year 2020 changed everything. The world now faces interconnected health, economic, and climate crises that have no historical parallel. These converging threats ...

Why the Republic System Is Refused by Extremist Groups?

Why the Republic System Is Refused by  Extremist Groups?

January 24,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

One of the persisting concerns and questions of Afghan people is that why the Taliban refuse the republic system? Will the reactionary groups succeed to hold back the country?...

Can America Be Trusted Again?

 Can America Be Trusted Again?

January 24,2021 | Carl Bildt

A sigh of relief swept across Europe when it became clear that Joe Biden would replace Donald Trump in the White House. New leadership in the United States would mean that after four ...

Why Afghanistan Persist to be the Worst Place for Children?

Why Afghanistan Persist to be the Worst Place for Children?

January 23,2021 | Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Unluckily, it seems that Afghanistan is not going to lose the position of the worst place for children to be born in the world. After relative improvement in past years, once again ...

Europe Must Become a Global Climate Power

Europe Must Become a Global Climate Power

January 23,2021 | Josep Borrell

the world is eagerly watching the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and looking forward to a return to normalcy after a year of lockdowns. But there will never be a vaccine for the ...

Who Profits from the Assault on American Democracy?

Who Profits from the Assault on American  Democracy?

January 20,2021 | Nina L. Khrushcheva

Since January 6, when a mob of Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the US Capitol, dozens of rioters have been charged with crimes. Trump, who incited the insurrection, has now been ...

Merkel Minus Angela

Merkel Minus Angela

January 20,2021 | Josef Joffe

The election of a European party leader – one of roughly 200 in the European Union – is normally not big news...