Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Concerns over Modern Fashion and Moral Decline of Younger Generation

June 23,2021

Afghan girls seek to embellish their world according to their own ideals. Their eye-catching dresses, pungent perfume and ostentatious styles seem inevitable...

No to the Darkness

June 22,2021

It is widely believed concept that the nations that go through difficult times ultimately gain a sense of admiration for peace, tranquility and progress and the members ...

No Backtracking as Afghan Women Paid Sacrifices, Suffered Severely

June 21,2021

Despite the strides Afghan women made, traditional custom and sexual discrimination still hold sway in Afghanistan. The role of women is curtailed and their rights and ...

No Justification for War, Taliban’s Narrative Challenged

June 20,2021

Religious clerics have challenged the Taliban group ideologically. Initially, the Taliban ushered in militancy with the narrative of “jihad” to put an end to ...

Three Challenging Issues: Abuse of Power, Religion, Leverage

June 19,2021

Deadlock in peace talks continues as the Taliban group is still engaged in foul play. There is agreement over the complete troop withdrawal but not about the reduction ...

Obstacles to Democratization Leads to Public Chagrin

June 16,2021

Citizens are supposed to exercise their rights and freedoms without fear under democratic administrations. Their votes will elect president in a fair and transparent election. . .

Sectarian Violence Outrages Public Coscience

June 15,2021

With the emergence of the self-styled Islamic State of Khorasan (IS-K) in Afghanistan in 2014, unknown gunmen have ushered in fomenting sectarianism through murdering civilians ...

Nation-building Proved Abortive in Afghanistan

June 14,2021

In the post-Taliban administration, the United States started nation-building, seeking to establish a strong government, facilitate public participation in political ...

Fear of Sectarian Violence Looms Large

June 13,2021

Sectarian violence has increased in recent years in Afghanistan. The militants kill people on the grounds of their caste, color and creed, which is highly outrageous. ...

Violence against Women Roots in Cultural and Ideological Approaches

June 12,2021

Violence against women has been rife in Afghanistan. The fundamental rights of women and their dignity are violated in some ways. Women are still restricted. The patriarchal ...

Lukewarm Responses, Blame Game Challenge Peace Process

June 09,2021

There are concerns about the US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Regional actors fear the spillover, saying that a security vacuum will emerge. The Kabul administration ...

Taliban Widely Engaged in Civilian Casualties, Occupation of Residential Houses

June 08,2021

The Taliban are widely involved in civilian casualties and people’s life is highly cheap for them. They carry out indiscriminate attacks across the country and spill the blood of women and children without mercy....

Why the Position of Women Must Be Uplifted

June 06,2021

Women and their role in our society have been discussed and debated in different ways; mostly, they have been cursed. The attitude of their co-gender has been very much discriminating towards ...

Democratic Principles, People-to-People Exchanges Support Peace Process

June 05,2021

Political and cultural exchanges and economic give-and-take are likely to pave the ground for sustainable peace and stability. In the global village, the entire world is ...

How to Tackle Capital Flight from Afghanistan?

June 02,2021

Businessmen have a very important role to play in a capitalist economy. It is businessmen activities that generate most of a nation’s wealth, creates ...

Factors Behind Enigmatic fire Events

June 01,2021

During the current years, Afghanistan has seen frequent enigmatic fire events throughout the country causing millions of economic losses to the already weakened people of Afghanistan...

The Path to the Light

May 31,2021

Attacking educational centers is one of the key war strategies of the Taliban group. As this group is against development of Afghanistan, they continue to attack schools

Ethnocentric Mindset Leads to Violence

May 30,2021

Afghanistan has undergone conflict and civil unrest in the wake of ethnocentric mindset and racial and religious superiority throughout the history. Racial and religious segregation ...

The Challenges and Opportunities of Regional Economic Cooperation in Afghanistan

May 29,2021

Locating in heart of Asia, Afghanistan can create macroeconomic and political opportunities in the region and even global level.  As Afghanistan bordered by six countries including ...

Why Curbing Crimes Matter in the Society?

May 27,2021

Currently, Afghanistan is suffering from myriads of problems and among them the rising rate of crimes is a dominant one. The persistent insecurity and instability have ...

The Undemocratic Political parties: Hindering the Growth of Democracy in Afghanistan

May 26,2021

Although the concept of political party seems simple, there is no complete agreement among political scientists. Lexically, it refers to a group of people that hold common goal and ...

Why Taliban Seeks to Overrun Afghanistan

May 25,2021

As the Intra-Afghan Peace talks stalemate continue, the hoe for reaching to a peace deal with Taliban fades out. The increased violence by Taliban shows the group does not ...

How ANDSF Can Encounter the New Security Challenges Effectively

May 24,2021

As The US and NATO troops withdrawal has already begun, a vital component to prevent the Taliban not to overrun Afghanistan will be how Afghanistan’s security sector ...

The World Cultural Development Day and Cultural Challenges in Afghanistan

May 23,2021

21 May, is coincided with the World Cultural Development Day or the World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. This day was designated by UNESCO in 2001 ...

Taliban not Sincere in Peace Talks

May 22,2021

The Taliban leadership has never been sincere in the talks. Last year, the Taliban signed an agreement with the United States aimed at reducing violence and holding ...

How China Can Contribute to Afghanistan Peace Building

May 19,2021

Pakistan plays a critical role in Afghanistan. It has been behind creation of different military groups in the country and have control over them. Taliban is also ...

Role of Regional Stakeholders Highly Significant in Peace Process

May 18,2021

The Taliban leadership has signaled positively to resume the peace talks in Doha, Qatar’s capital, and participate in Istanbul conference. But violence is not reduced ....

How Media Can Put Positive Spin on Afghanistan

May 17,2021

For the past 40 years, Afghanistan has experienced unrest from the Soviet invasion to the various violent terrorist groups that control the country...

US Foreign Policy Traditions

May 16,2021

American scholar, Walter Russel Mead, in his famous book – Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World – considers the foreign policy ...

From the Diary of an Afghan Mother

May 12,2021

I get goose-bumps whenever I think about my little daughter whose blood was spilt on the grounds of her race. Nothing and no one can ever fill the deep vacuum she left in my life...

Why Our Society Needs to Carefully Set its Priorities

May 11,2021

Every society is recognized from the types of its problems and the nature of its values and habits of its people. The great societies of the world that achieved the zenith of development ...

The US New Chapter of Relationship with Afghanistan

May 10,2021

The United States and allies started its troop drawdown on first may 2021 according to the US and Taliban agreement. Many Afghan, US and politicians from other countries called ...

Baghlan as the Life Line of Afghanistan

May 9,2021

The fight has intensified in Baghlan between Afghan security forces and Taliban in Baghlan. Taliban have been desperately fighting to control Baghlan e Markazi strategic ...

Worries about the Future of Minority Groups in Afghanistan

May 08,2021

Although the Afghan minority groups are peaceful and harmless in Afghanistan, they are more vulnerable against danger of extremism and so feel concerned about the future...

No Support For Illegitimate War

May 06,2021

Conflict between the Taliban fighters and Afghan soldiers has been escalated as peace talks reached a stalemate. The Taliban seek to gain concessions through military ...