Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Threats against Journalists Loom Large

May 05,2021

As World Press Freedom Day has been commemorated in Afghanistan, media has been left at the mercy of threat and self-censorship and journalists lose their lives and receive ...

Taliban Divide and Rule Policy

May 04,2021

Recently, Afghan Taliban sent individual letters to Afghan leaders to negotiate with them individually. Apparently they may claim that they want to settle their issues ...

International Day of Labor and Unemployment Factors in Afghanistan

May 03,2021

Yesterday, the first of May, coincided with International Labor Day. The origin of this day turns back to the labor union movement in the United States in the 19th Century. ...

Religious Fundamentalism the Origin of Violence for Taliban

May 02,2021

Taliban have continuously been killing the innocent people indiscriminately in Afghanistan. They even have continued their attacks on the people during the Holy month ...

Concerns over Foul Game and Gloomy Picture of Talks

May 01,2021

The withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan notwithstanding the Taliban’s escalated insurgency, leading to large-scale civilian casualties, has triggered public ...

Why Pakistan Supports a Peace Deal Based on Doha Agreement

April 27,2021

The US and Taliban Peace Agreement was a Bad Deal. Trump’s administration compromised too much too please ...

Poverty and Unemployment Loom Large

April 26,2021

In the current ‘global village’, economic and commercial exchanges are necessary and unavoidable. Economic development does not take place behind closed doors...

Taliban Mind Set is the Main Barrier to Peace

April 25,2021

Reaching peace with insurgent groups demonstrates to be a very difficult task; it seems that previous peace negotiations have failed because of the Taliban´s lack of interest ...

Why Afghans Are United in Disunity?

April 24,2021

Although we have witnessed widespread changes since 2001 in Afghanistan, we have failed to strengthen national unity. Neither the government nor other national actors such ...

Why No One Supports Emirate System in Afghanistan?

April 21,2021

Nowadays Afghan people are successively reaffirming their negative position about the emirate system in Afghanistan. Although the current Afghan government has not a strong ...

Leading Afghanistan: The Right and Responsibility Of the Afghans

April 19,2021

With the announcement of President Joe Biden, the drawdown of all 2,500 U.S. troops in that country will begin May 1 and concludes by Sept. 11, the 20th anniversary of the war...

Concerns over Foreign Troop Withdrawal amidst Ongoing Violence

April 18,2021

Today’s hot media topic is the US Troops Withdrawal from Afghanistan. It is said that US President Joe Biden has finally decided to leave Afghanistan on September 11, 2021...

The Implications of US Troops Withdrawal from Afghanistan

April 17,2021

Today’s hot media topic is the US Troops Withdrawal from Afghanistan. It is said that US President Joe Biden has finally decided to leave Afghanistan on September 11, 2021...

Democratic Gains Should be non-Negotiable

April 14,2021

The Taliban fighters continue their escalated insurgency amidst the ongoing peace process. The Doha talks were stalled as the Taliban leaders walked away from the table ...

Optimism for Istanbul Conference

April 12,2021

The peace agreement signed between the United States and the Taliban leadership last year in Doha, Qatar’s capital, after 10 rounds of negotiations included four general ...

Political Discontinuation Leads to Civil War

April 11,2021

The Main characteristics of Political system from the beginning in Afghanistan had been suppressing people, discrimination based on ethnic, religion, region and language...

Laborers are Prone to Discrimination and Injustice

April 10,2021

The fundamental rights of laborer in Afghanistan, as stipulated in the international instruments, are not observed by employers and private companies...

Role of Afghan Political Parties in the Peace Talks

April 07,2021

Role of political parties in peace building and state building is increasing among national and international ...

Formidable Political Challenges Continue

April 06,2021

The ongoing challenges in Afghanistan bespeak of political syndrome. The mounting militancy, corruption and narcotic are highly toxic to social, political and economic issues and foment ...

Peace Should Not Be Imposed

April 05,2021

If regional and global stakeholders put all their weight behind the Afghan peace process, hope for peace is likely to emerge in public air. Afghans have still concerns and fear ...

Why Taliban Purposefully Target Journalists

April 04,2021

The Afghan Taliban are deliberately targeting, intimidating and killing journalists, particularly women. The question we shall answer here is why they do so?...

Govt’s Peace Plan: A Road Map For Sustainable Peace

April 03,2021

Afghanistan government as the legitimate representative of the people is responsible to take all the necessary measures to ensure their constitutional rights. Afghan Peace ...

Why Youth Shall Be Engaged in Anti-Corruption

March 31,2021

According to Transparency International’s 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) Afghanistan was ranked 165 out of 180 countries. Based on this report, Afghanistan ...

Heart of Asia-Summit: A Good Opportunity for Afghanistan

March 30,2021

The Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process (HoA-IP) was founded on November 2nd, 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. It Asia provides a platform for sincere and results-oriented regional cooperation ...

The Contour of Peace Talks

March 29,2021

The active role of the United Nations and regional stakeholders, including Russia and Pakistan, in the Afghan peace process will carry increasing significance. Formation of regional...

Political Agreement Ensures a Viable Peace

March 28,2021

Putting an end to more than four decades of conflict in Afghanistan is one of the top Agendas of the US. When the US and Taliban reached a peace deal, Afghans and international community ...

Afghanistan Water Management: Challenges and Opportunities

March 27,2021

Afghanistan is an agriculture country. It is not self‐sufficient for its water needs nor is it removed from the effects of its neighbors' water needs. Afghanistan is a land‐locked country ...

Dogmatism – Serious Threat to Peaceful Coexistence

March 25,2021

Human rights violation as a result of violent acts of terror and lack of religious tolerance has continued unabated throughout the decades, mainly the last couple of decades ...

Collective Demands: Reduction in Violence, Responsible End

March 24,2021

In his recent visit to Kabul, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reiterated the need for reduction in violence with Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani. He said that ...

Compromising Women’s Rights in Peace TalksWill be a Pyrrhic Victory

March 23,2021

The Taliban’s parochial mindset towards democratic values is disconcerting for Afghan women. The Afghan and Taliban negotiators are most likely to wrangle over the fundamental ...

Afghans not Hopeful about Outcome of Moscow Conference

March 20,2021

Moscow has hosted the Afghan peace conference to push the stalled intra-Afghan dialogue forward. China, Russia, Pakistan and the United States said they would not support the emirate ...

The World is on Support of Peace and Democraatic Government in Afghanistan

March 17,2021

The country is in an important period of its history today. The government and all political elites must realize the need for peace - press their hands for making a new prospered ...

Suffering Continues around the World

March 16,2021

The war and violence resulted in flagrant violation of human rights around the globe and a large number of people, including women and children, suffer in one way or another...

Civilian Casualties Surge with Elusive Peace

March 15,2021

The “war on terror” has been highly costly for the United States and Afghan nation. Countless number of soldiers and civilians were killed, but peace still ...

Advertising Gimmicks Impact Culture

March 14,2021

The negative impact of media on the mind and attitude of our youths is beyond doubt. The ostentatious style and flamboyant clothing of our younger generation, particularly the females ...