Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Can Stability be Attained in Afghanistan?

August 17, 2017

The weary war against terrorism that was launched after the incident of 9/11, brought with itself different sorts of influences and impacts on the lives of people in Afghanistan...

Uncontrolled Poppy Cultivation

August 16, 2017

Khat, a civil society organization, disclosed on Sunday, August 13, 2017 that poppy has been cultivated on more than 20,000 acres of land in northern Balkh province. The organization...

The Role of the State

August 15, 2017

In the present times, mostly among the developed nations, there is a greater emphasis on the positive role of the state, because it is now clearly realized that the influence of the...

The Curse of Unemployment

August 13, 2017

Afghanistan is facing different sorts of problems simultaneously; among these problems, unemployment is a dominant one, and it is also causing many other problems as well...

Disparities Among Classes Have Widened

August 10, 2017

The so-called development in Afghan society since the downfall of Taliban has not been even. There are different problems that suggest that development has not taken place in the...

The Way to Democracy

August 09, 2017

Democracy is considered to be the best form of government, but it is also the most difficult to attain. History shows that though democratic system of government was formed in many...

True Religion Promulgates Peace

August 08, 2017

Modern human society is a complex outcome of thousand years of evolution. Complex cultures, economic systems, religions, philosophies and sciences have been inter-woven...

US-Russia Tie and its effect on Afghanistan’s Evolution

August 07, 2017

To show backlash against the recent sanction posed by the US, Kremlin issued a decree for the expulsion of about 800 staff members of the US diplomatic centers in Russia. Although, at...

Women in the Process of Change

August 06, 2017

Human societies change and with them so many aspects, processes, institutions and strata change that are in those societies. These changes are inevitable and are bound to occur...

Political Twists and Turns in Afghanistan

August 05, 2017

The escalated insurgency in Afghanistan has triggered a sense of worry at national and international level. With their rights at stake, a large number of Afghan people are deeply...

Political Leaders Must Serve the People

August 03, 2017

Though the evolution of human society has enabled them to achieve some marvellous achievements, they have not been able to achieve one of the most important aspect – they have not been able...

Security, Economic and Political Challenges

August 02, 2017

The security of a nation is a vital element to ensure its viability and survival as well as it is essential for securing an environment which will facilitate the process...

World Day against Trafficking in Persons

August 01, 2017

July 30 was celebrated as World Day against Trafficking in Persons or Human Trafficking in many countries around the world. The day was adopted by United Nations General Assembly in...

IHL Violation – A Matter of Great Concern

July 31, 2017

The International Humanitarian Law (IHL) which supports the rights of non-combatants and the injured during armed conflicts is a controversial issue and hardly observed by warring sides...

The Process of Political Learning

July 27, 2017

Political socialization is both a formal and informal process of social and educative learning, by which political attitudes, skill, priorities and beliefs are intentionally and...

The Shallow Standards of our Social Life

July 26, 2017

A society is recognized by its values and standards. Better societies have better standards in every facet of life; nonetheless, it is arguable what better standards really...

Kabul Bleeds Again

July 25, 2017

A blast near Dahbori, in PD-3, Kabul, took the lives of 36 civilians and injured more than 40 others. The blast took place around 6:45 am, and it reportedly targeted a bus...

ISIL – The Product of Social-Political Structure

July 24, 2017

The establishment of the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group was not a sudden and spontaneous issue apart from social, cultural and political backgrounds...

Mining Sector Faces Major Challenges

July 23, 2017

Though a ray of hope for economic stability in Afghanistan, mining sector faces major challenges and issues. These issues, if remain unsolved, can threaten the viability of the whole...

Threatening Social Evils

July 22, 2017

There have been many evils in human societies that have been disrupting the smooth development and improvement. Though there have been efforts to overcome them, they have kept on existing...

Accountability is the Key to Good Governance

July 20, 2017

One of the key requirements of good governance is accountability. Not only governmental institutions but also the private sector and civil society organizations must be accountable to...

Number of Drug Addicts on the Rise

July 19, 2017

It is really tragic to note that neither the production of poppy, nor the curse of drug addiction have been controlled in Afghanistan. Therefore, serious concerns are prevalent...

State Should Guarantee Welfare of the People

July 18, 2017

State, in the modern sense, is a welfare or social agency and it must make efforts so as to ensure the rights of the individuals who live in it. Its primary objectives should not be...

The Role of Youth in Afghanistan

July 17, 2017

For the last few decades Afghanistan has been going through a very difficult time. The country has been largely influenced by insecurity, and the incapacity of the leaders to guide...

Mosul – The Death Knell for ISIL?

July 16, 2017

Pushed out from many of its stronghold from Syria and from Mosul city of Iraq, the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is losing territorial bases in the in the...

Unemployment Must be Reduced

July 15, 2017

The menace of unemployment is influencing almost every province of Afghanistan. Though Afghanistan has a very young population, which means that it has great potentials that can support the...

We Must Mend Our Ways

July 13, 2017

Our country is going through most fragile and crucial phase of its history. The incidents that have taken place and the ones that are taking place clearly indicate that we are going through...

Managing Natural Disasters

July 12, 2017

It is not only terrorism that has influenced the people of Afghanistan; there are many other issues as well that have largely disturbed the people, and will keep on doing so unless...

On World Population Day

July 11, 2017

11th July is celebrated as World Population Day around the world to enhance awareness regarding issues that related to population and their relations to the environment and development. It was...

Time to End the Blame Game

July 09, 2017

There is an ancient Chinese story: “A man lost an axe. Suspecting one of his neighbors of stealing it, he began to observe the latter’s behavior. Everything the neighbor did...

Attaining Democracy

July 08, 2017

Democracy is considered to be the best form of government, but it is also the most difficult to attain. History shows that though democratic system of government was formed in many...

Facing the Social Evils

July 06, 2017

Almost all the society in the world are influenced by social problems in one way or the other. However, there are certain societies that have been able to control most of the...

Weaker Justice System Promotes Crimes

July 05, 2017

Currently, Afghanistan is suffering from myriads of problems and among them the rising rate of crimes is a dominant one. The persistent insecurity and instability have provided the...

Education Can Pave the Way for Social Integration

July 04, 2017

There is no ambiguity about the essential role of education for development in a society, especially in a society that has a serious consideration about knowledge and learning. Educational...

A Surge in Terrorist Attacks Breeds Mistrust

July 03, 2017

Terrorist networks have intensified their attacks around the globe inflicting heavy casualties on combatants and non-combatants alike. The recent surge in global terror attacks began...