Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Respecting Differences

May 10, 2017

Our world is embellished with different types of ideologies and beliefs. These ideologies and beliefs have guided different religious and political groups in their quest for truth and...

Ethnic and Political Cleavage

May 09, 2017

It is likely that the nation-state gap widens with the violation of human rights and escalated insurgency. People claim that their rights and freedoms are trampled upon not only as a...

Afghans – The Casualty of Fundamentalism

May 08, 2017

The nascent democracy in Afghanistan has been hampered by the Taliban’s guerrilla-style attacks. The protected war has never been mitigated despite sacrifices made by Afghan...

The Political Games

May 07, 2017

In Afghanistan, politics has turned into a notorious profession. People do not consider it honorable and do not have a positive opinion about the politicians and their activities...

Governance Issues Overlooked

May 06, 2017

In the shadow of the growing insecurity in Afghanistan, everything seems dark. There are many important issues in the country that have been overlooked because of the growing insecurity. One...

Insecurity – A Major Challenge for Afghanistan

May 04, 2017

Kabul once again experienced an insurgent attack on Wednesday, wherein a convoy of foreign troops was targeted by a suicide bomber. As a result of the attack, eight civilians were...

World Press Freedom Day

May 03, 2017

Every year, May 03 is celebrated as World Press Freedom Day, internationally. The purpose of the day is to highlight the importance of free press in democratic societies and to...

Freedom of Expression

May 02, 2017

Freedom of expression is one of the basic rights of human beings and it should be guaranteed by all the societies and laws of the world. Human beings have thoughts and also means to...

Increasing Concerns about Historical Sites

May 01, 2017

The concerns about the historical sites and monuments in Afghanistan have multiplied in recent years as insecurity has increased, and the government officials have not been able...

Humanitarian Aid Devoured by Corruption

April 30, 2017

Yet again, the statistics and data show that corruption is among the most dominant problems in Afghanistan. Though itself a problem, it also hampers development and creates many other...

The Curse of Destitution

April 27, 2017

Destitution is a major issue that is being faced by almost all the countries in the world. Though there have been efforts on national and international levels by different countries, no...

The Challenges of Integration in Afghanistan

April 26, 2017

After the defeat of Taliban, it was expected that Afghanistan would leave instability and disorder behind it and would start its journey towards a democratic system. It was also expected...

Curbing Criminalities

April 25, 2017

Currently, Afghanistan is suffering from myriads of problems and among them the rising rate of crimes is a dominant one. The persistent insecurity and instability have provided the...

A Triangle of Challenges Engulfs Government

April 24, 2017

Tragic incidents of murder make frequent headlines in Afghan newspapers. The Taliban fighters seek to intensify their attacks, especially in spring season. Afghan soldiers and civilians...

Afghan Security Forces Being Targeted

April 23, 2017

The Friday attack on Afghan National Army’s 209 Shaheen Corps Headquarters in Balkh province proved to be highly lethal. Initial statement by Ministry of Defense (MoD) after the attack...

On Mother Earth Day

April 22, 2017

Every year, April 22 is celebrated internationally as Mother Earth Day so as to emphasize the importance of the earth and its environment and highlight the challenges it is facing by...

Fighting Poverty and Class Disparities

April 20, 2017

Poor Afghan people face different sorts of miseries almost on daily basis. As the socio-economic conditions in the country have not improved, the people face different sorts of social and...

The Deteriorating Political Situation

April 19, 2017

The rifts within the ranks of National Unity Government (NUG) are now an open secret. However, the situation has taken a blind turn after President Ashraf Ghani fired Ahmad Zia Massoud...

Privileges Follow Responsibilities

April 18, 2017

It can be observed in our society that mostly people talk about their rights and complain that they are not given their due rights by the society or the system; however, they mostly ignore...

Investment Initiatives must be Appreciated

April 17, 2017

It is really imperative for Afghanistan that the international community and the regional countries, in particular, must play their roles in strengthening the economic system. One of the...

MOAB Triggers Mixed Reaction

April 16, 2017

The ‘Mother Of All Bombs’ used by the US military against the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as Daesh, in Nangarhar province was a blow to this...

Consensus Needed in War against Terrorism

April 15, 2017

United States (US) forces in Afghanistan dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb on a series of cave-fighters loyal to Islamic State-Khorasan or ISIS-K (Daesh) group in Achin district of...

Mounting Security Challenges

April 13, 2017

As international community is not sure of its role in Afghanistan and National Unity Government (NUG) stands without any comprehensive strategy to tackle the issue of insecurity...

‘Women for Change’

April 12, 2017

In the changing landscape of Afghanistan’s socio-political scenario, it is important to encourage and appreciate the role of women. Without women, the ongoing processes of change...

Our Role against the Evils in Society

April 11, 2017

No society is perfect and there are different sorts of evil that persist in every society. Nevertheless, this does not mean that there should not be efforts to fight against the social...

Discussing Health Facilities on World Health Day

April 10, 2017

Like every other year, World Health Day was celebrated on April 07 in many countries around the world this year as well. The basic objective of the day was to draw attention worldwide...

The Flagrant Violation of Humanitarian Law

April 09, 2017

The humanitarian law has been violated widely around the globe. Non-combatants are left at the mercy of terrorism and militancy in recent years and the emergence of the self-styled Islamic...

Cognizance about Society

April 08, 2017

It is important for a human being to be well aware of the society wherein he lives. He needs to have such a cognizance because it would be possible for him to understand his role...

Sport for Development

April 06, 2017

April 06 is celebrated as International Day of Sport for Development and Peace by United Nations (UN). UN believes that Sport, as a tool for education, development and peace, can...

Role of Littérateurs in our Society

April 05, 2017

It is an irrefutable fact that through most part of history the intellectuals and writers have not been given their due position and respect. It can be observed that during the monarchies...

Economic Constancy Ensures Political Order

April 04, 2017

Economy plays a vital role in development and progress of a country. Without sound economy it is a figment of imagination to think about order and stability in other fields of life...

Inertia in Cultural Development

April 03, 2017

A society tends to suffer from cultural inertia or cultural lag when there is a considerable gap between the material culture and non-material culture of the society. The cultural lag basically...

The Challenges of Afghan Refugees

April 02, 2017

The interminable war and violence in Afghanistan forced a large number of Afghan people to take refuge to foreign countries. Abandoning the country seemed the only panacea for the problem...

ACJC and Corruption in Afghanistan

April 01, 2017

The persistence of the issue of corruption or graft in Afghanistan is not a good sign. It is not only responsible for bringing bad name to the country but has also made the international...

China Stands Strong for Regional Trade

March 30, 2017

China as a regional power seems to be very active regarding business opportunities not only for its own self but for the region as a whole. One of the most important initiatives in this...